This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1006 Soul Slashing Technique

The handsome man glanced at Xiao Zhi, and said: "If it is a god, relying on this Tianxuan Sha Furnace, even innate spiritual treasures can be easily smelted. If you are a monk at Peak Ying, you can only smelt spirit treasures at most."

As soon as the handsome man said this, both Xiao Zhi and Venerable Kui breathed a sigh of relief, and they were no longer as desperate as before.

This time it is Taixuzi who controls the Tianxuan Furnace. Although Taixuzi is strong, he is not a god. He is just a monk at the peak of Nascent Soul. desperate situation.

The expressions on the faces of Xiao Zhi and others were all seen by the handsome man's face.

The handsome man said with a face: "It seems that the person who manipulated Du Tianxuan Sha Furnace this time should be only a monk at the peak of Nascent Soul. If that is the case, you still have a glimmer of hope."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help but feel happy.

What kind of person is Zhen Lan? His true self is a real god! A powerful deity who is much stronger than Zhenjun Dachang and Emperor Xuanming!

Although Zhenlan Cannian is just a clone of the demon god Zhenlan, his strength is not worth mentioning, but his knowledge is still there.

He said that if there is a chance, then there is a chance!

Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice: "Zhen Lan, what should we do to escape from here?"

The handsome man said: "It's very simple, break the inner wall of this alchemy furnace, and you can escape."

Xiao Zhi heard this, and said in a deep voice: "If this inner wall can be forcibly breached, I won't be trapped here, and I can only turn to you for help."

He just used the strongest attack method he can achieve now. Not only could he not break through the inner wall of the alchemy furnace, but he also consumed a huge amount of it. Until now, the true energy he consumed has not been replenished.

The handsome man said with a face: "You can't break through the inner wall, that's because you are not strong enough. If you can successfully kill the soul, it will be a piece of cake to break through the inner wall of the alchemy furnace."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help his eyelids twitched when he heard this, and said, "You mean, let me kill the soul, right here?"

The handsome man said with a face: "Yes, you have already met all the conditions for killing the soul. Once the killing of the soul is successful, your power of the soul will have a qualitative improvement. At that time, break through the inner wall of this layer of pill furnace. Escaping from birth is a piece of cake for you."

Venerable Kui, Shi Chong and others did not speak, they were all looking at Xiao Zhi.

Secretly, they kept asking the demon Li Kuo about the situation of Zhenlan Cannian.

They had never seen Zhen Lan Cannian before.

This was the first time they had seen Xiao Zhi talking to Zhen Lan Cannian, and they were full of curiosity about the face called Zhen Lan floating in front of them.

Faced with Venerable Kui's secret questioning, Li Kuo, the demon, answered part of the answer, and he felt that the other part was confidential or he didn't want to answer, so he responded with silence.

But even so, Venerable Kui and the others knew a lot of useful information.

The human face floating in front of his eyes is a lingering thought of the Demon God Zhenlan!

Although it is just a remnant thought of a god and demon, it is also well-informed and powerful!

From a little-known little monk, Xiaozhi suddenly rose like the sun, and grew up to be as powerful as he is now. It should have an inseparable relationship with this divine and demonic remnant!

In a sense, Xiao Zhi has acquired a powerful inheritance of gods and demons.

Xiao Zhi didn't know what Shi Chong and the others were thinking.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi stared at the handsome man's face in front of him, frowned and said, "Isn't it too risky to kill the soul here?"

Zhen Lan Cannian's proposal to kill the soul this time was too abrupt for him, and he felt a little caught off guard.

For Soul Slashing, he is totally unprepared now.

The handsome man's face said: "Slaying souls here is indeed a bit risky, but it's not too risky. Your success rate of killing souls here is actually not low."

After a pause, the handsome man said: "The best place to slay the soul is in a closed space that isolates the inside and the outside. In space, it’s just a little bit worse.”

Hearing what Zhenlan Cannian said, Xiao Zhi still seemed very hesitant: "This place is not safe."

The handsome man said with a face: "If the person who controls this pill furnace is a god, just one thought can teach you to turn into fly ash in an instant, and you don't need to struggle, but this time the person who controls this pill furnace is only a god." You are just a monk at the peak of Nascent Soul, if he wants to kill you through this alchemy furnace, it will not be easy, as long as the few Nascent Soul monks around you join hands with Yao Zun, they will be able to protect you completely."

Xiao Zhi frowned, and was about to say more, when he suddenly felt something strange.

He could feel that the temperature inside the confined space he was in was rising significantly.

In the blink of an eye, the temperature here has risen several degrees!

And this temperature rise is continuous!

At the beginning, everyone didn't feel anything.

But as the surrounding temperature became higher and higher, everyone felt a little unbearable.

"Does Tai Xuzi want to trap us here, and then use high temperature to refine us alive?" Venerable Kui said in a cold voice.

While speaking, he opened up his own death field, and immediately, the dead air filled his face, causing the surrounding temperature to drop a lot.

The temperature in the pill furnace continued to rise, and even though Venerable Kui opened his own death domain, gradually, his death domain began to become hotter.

"Tai Xuzi probably wants to use this high temperature to burn us alive!" Shi Chong said in a deep voice.

He used the law of earth to condense layers of thick stone walls outside Venerable Kui's death domain to insulate from the high temperature.

"I'm coming too!" A muffled voice said.

Yang Xu also launched his own death field to cool down.

The demon Li Kuo remained silent. He used the law of ice and snow to bless the power of ice and snow on the layers of earth walls condensed by Shi Chong.

In this high-temperature environment, his ice and snow law is the best one among many laws.

After Li Kuo used the law of ice and snow, the high temperature was dissipated immediately, and everyone's place became cool and cool.

"Tai Xuzi wants to kill us with high temperature, it's just a dream!" Li Kuo said coldly.

Next, no matter how the outside temperature rose, the temperature of the airship Xiao Zhi and the others were in was maintained at a temperature that even ordinary people would find comfortable.

However, at the beginning, Li Kuo and the others seemed quite relaxed, but gradually, the expressions on their faces became serious.

Because as the surrounding temperature becomes higher and higher, they want to maintain a low temperature and not be killed by the high temperature around them, the real energy and demon power they need to consume has become more and more too much.

"Minimize the scope as much as possible, so as to reduce the consumption of true energy!" Venerable Kui said in a cold voice.

The flying boat was put away by the demon Li Kuo, and the group of people tried to reduce the activity space as much as possible, reducing the activity space to less than a third of what it was before. But even so, the energy consumption of their bodies due to the high temperature around them was still astonishing.

The temperature around them continued to rise.

The surrounding blue walls gradually turned into a bright red color, and the tiny rune-like small characters on it had all lit up, fully presenting the internal structure of Du Tianxuan Sha Furnace in Xiao Zhi's eyes. before.

Xiao Zhi threw a precious soldier out from the gap in the frost-covered stone wall.

With a bang, Bao Bing hit the inner wall of the huge alchemy furnace, blue flames burst out from it, and then it was burned red and distorted.

Before it completely fell to the bottom, this precious soldier had already turned into molten iron.

‘Isn’t the temperature here now tens of thousands of degrees Celsius? ’ Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn’t help but be speechless.

In such a terrifying high-temperature environment, even a Nascent Soul cultivator could not resist with his physical body alone. He could only rely on his body-protecting true essence and domain to support himself.

In this way, if the Nascent Soul cultivator wants to remain immortal, he must constantly consume the true energy in his body to resist the high temperature.

Once the true energy in the Nascent Soul cultivator's body is exhausted, even a monk as strong as the Nascent Soul cultivator will be burned to death in such an extremely high temperature environment.

"Does Tai Xuzi want to consume me to death in this way..." Xiao Zhixin said.

'I am trapped in the alchemy furnace, with no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. If I want to survive, I can only continue to consume real energy to cool down. In this closed environment, there is no supply. Yuanli, the spirit stone on my body, will be exhausted sooner or later. Once the spirit stone and true energy are exhausted, it will be the time of my death. '

'On the other hand, Tai Xuzi, although he may need to consume a lot of real energy to maintain the terrifying high temperature in the alchemy furnace, but he is in the outside world, but he can obtain a steady stream of spiritual stone supplies. '

'If he spends so much effort, he, Tai Xuzi, will be invincible! '

'This Tai Xuzi is really good at calculating! '

Xiao Zhi turned his mind and thought of all these in an instant.

When he was thinking about this in his heart, a spirit stone suddenly appeared in front of Yang Xu, and he held it in his hand and absorbed it.

Then, Shi Chong also took out the spirit stone and began to absorb it. Then, Venerable Kui also took out a spirit stone and held it in his hand.

Under the extremely terrifying high temperature in the alchemy furnace, the energy in their bodies was consumed very quickly.

At this time, Xiao Zhi also took out a piece of jerky ink jerky meat from the storage ring, performed the [whale swallowing skill], and swallowed it in big mouthfuls. He was replenishing the monster power of Li Kuo.

While devouring the jerky ink jerky, Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to the face of the handsome man in front of him: "Zhen Lan, besides beheading the soul, is there any other way to break the situation?"

He still doesn't want to kill the soul here, it's too hasty.

Moreover, he doesn't like the environment here either.

The handsome man glanced at Xiao Zhi, and said, "I can act as your messenger to inform the people outside of your current situation, so that they can come and rescue you."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help being silent when he heard the words.

Let someone from outside come to rescue him? How to save? Who can save him?

Nascent Soul players like Zhao Yan, Lu Zhong, and Youke are relatively weak, and they are not Taixuzi's opponents at all.

Venerable Li Yuan, Ji Yuanrong, and Venerable Wu Lie are probably no match for Tai Xuzi.

If they go together, they will be able to compete against Tai Xuzi.

But Tai Xuzi planned to kill him this time, how could he come here alone?

Beside him, there must be other Nascent Soul cultivators from the Taixu lineage.

As the most comprehensive force in Dachang, there are many Nascent Souls in the Taixu lineage. If the number of Nascent Soul monks is to be compared, it is impossible for the Yuxu lineage of Shenmen he belongs to to be the opponent of the Taixu lineage. Completely exploded.

So... there is no way.

Xiao Zhi took out another large piece of dried ink jerky and stuffed it into his mouth to chew. While chewing the dried meat, he said via voice transmission: "Zhen Lan, is there any other way besides this?"

The handsome man's face replied: "No more, whether to break through the wall and rush out after killing the soul, or ask for help outside, and then wait for someone to rescue, you choose one."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile when he heard this.

He seems to have a choice, but in fact he has no choice at all. It is simply not feasible to ask outsiders to rescue him. His only way out now may be to kill his soul.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi took a deep breath, swallowed the jerky ink jerky in his mouth, and said, "Zhen Lan, please teach me how to kill the soul!"

Venerable Kui and the others all looked at Xiao Zhi at this moment, but remained silent.

The handsome man made a nod and said, "It's already decided? Alright, I'll teach you the soul slashing technique. Please let go of your mental defenses and don't try to resist."

As he said that, the handsome man's face drifted towards Xiao Zhi in a flash, almost face to face with Xiao Zhi's, and his eyes met!

Xiao Zhi only felt a mental shock, rushing straight to his mind.

This spiritual shock is not very strong, even a little weak. Xiao Zhi, relying on his powerful spirit, can smash this spiritual shock into nothingness in an instant with just a thought.

But out of trust in Zhen Lan Cannian, Xiao Zhi did not do this, but let go of his mental defenses, allowing Zhen Lan Cannian's mental shock to rush into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness!

In the next moment, Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank slightly, and he perceived a paragraph of tens of thousands of characters in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness.

In addition to words, he also perceived hundreds of patterns.

'Is this the soul slashing technique...' Xiao Zhixin asked.

He began to concentrate and carefully read the text and picture information in his mind.

The soul slaying technique that Zhenlan Cannian passed on to him is not very complicated, and its complexity is not even as good as some low-level supernatural powers, but it will take a while for Xiao Zhi to understand it thoroughly.

Xiao Zhi closed his eyes and comprehended the Soul Slashing Technique.

This time studying the Soul Slashing Technique, his consciousness was not kicked out of the world of sentient beings by the sentient beings system, but still existed in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Xiao Zhi vaguely heard a muffled voice saying: "I'm almost out of spirit stones."

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