This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1039: Create Fruits!

Some of these outside players are from the Qianhe Empire, and the others are from a country called the Dragon Empire.

Xiao Zhi is very unfamiliar with these two empires.

These two empires should not be in the vicinity of Dachang Kingdom.

Among the player kingdoms around Dachang Kingdom, he only knows the Xingyao Empire.

What Xiao Zhi cares about is that the players of these two player kingdoms coexist peacefully in this eternal field.

Not a peaceful coexistence in words, but a real peaceful coexistence.

Because at that time, the players from the two empires merged together. If it was only a matter of appearance, it was impossible for the players from the two teams to merge together at that time.

The player country and the player country are united.

This means that in the world outside the air wall, there is not only hostility and war between the player's country and the player's country, but it is also possible to unite with each other and hold together for warmth.

Another point is that when these outside players shouted at him in that eternal field, they regarded themselves as masters.

The original words are: "Please come out and see the seniors. When the seniors come here for the first time, I will do my best as the landlord and treat the seniors well!"

This means that these outside players are not just exploring the Eternal Field, they should be resident in that Eternal Field, and have even regarded that Eternal Field as their territory!

To call themselves masters is to swear their ownership of that eternal field!

So, why do those outside players choose to stay in that eternal field?

There must be something in that eternal field that can attract them.

So, what is this thing?

Xiao Zhi, who turned into a golden bird, was thinking silently in his heart while flying.

This encounter with those outside players in the Absolute Heavenly Cave, although the time was very short, allowed Xiao Zhi to gain some important information, and he really wanted to report this information to the Army of All Beings. , it was difficult for him to find a relatively safe place where he could go offline.

Communication magic weapons such as the identity jade badge and the sound transmission jade charm on his body, all of which will become invalid once he enters the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave.

The primordial dragon avatar he condensed had been unable to establish contact with it since entering the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave, and could only vaguely sense its existence.

As for the snow lotus petal as a keepsake, this thing may pass through the barrier of the Absolute Territory and contact Zhenlan Cannian from the outside world, but Zhenlan Cannian refused to answer his summons in order to avoid the pursuit of God and Demon Liang Sheng. There is no way.

In a sense, the current Xiao Zhi has been completely isolated from the outside world.

‘Forget it, don’t think so much, go to the Eternal Field first, and get the Creation Fruit, this is the most important thing. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

He suppressed all kinds of distracting thoughts in his heart and continued to fly on his way.

There is still a considerable distance from the Eternal Field where the Creation Fruit is located. Fortunately, the direction is clear, and what Xiao Zhi needs to do is to get closer to it.

As the distance gets closer, he will be able to enter that eternal field sooner or later!

"I hope that there are no outside players in the Eternal Field where the Creation Fruit is located..." Xiao Zhixin said.

Before he became a god, he didn't want to deal with those outside players for the time being.

Time is passing by every minute and every second.

Next, Xiao Zhi passed through small worlds one after another, including common small worlds such as fire fields, sand fields, water fields, and wind and thunder fields, as well as special small worlds such as magic forbidden fields and mental distortion fields.

On the way to the eternal field where the Fruit of Creation is located, there are some other eternal fields.

At the beginning, Xiao Zhi tried his best to fly up to a height of 100,000 feet. Not only did he write down the approximate location of the eternal field where the fruit of creation was located, but he also recorded the positions, shapes and sizes of the eternal fields that he might encounter along the way. down.

These are the coordinates of Xiao Zhi's journey.

Xiao Zhi needs to rely on these coordinates to determine and correct his travel route time and time again, lest after passing through small worlds, the direction error becomes larger and larger, and he loses track of his original path unknowingly. The trajectory of the journey, lost in each small world.

In this way, one day has passed, two days have passed, three days have passed...

Xiao Zhi no longer remembers how many small worlds he has traveled through, and even the eternal field, he has already experienced more than twenty.

He discovered that, including the Eternal Field, small worlds with forbidden magic properties belong to very few. In the past three days, he has passed through countless small worlds, and he has only seen two small worlds with forbidden magic properties. small world.

Eternal fields with traces of player activities are also rare.

In the past three days, among the twenty or so eternal fields that he passed through, there were only three eternal fields with players, including the previous one.

In fact, it's not just players, Xiao Zhi has also seen aboriginal monks in the world of sentient beings in these eternal fields and in those small worlds.

Some aboriginal monks in the world of sentient beings are also exploring the heavenly cave.

However, whether it is a player or an aboriginal monk in the world of sentient beings, their strength is far inferior to that of Xiao Zhi.

Most of their strength is in the Nascent Soul Realm, and very few are in the Nascent Soul Peak Realm. There are even some Jindan monks who are cautiously taking risks in this heavenly cave.

In an eternal field, Xiao Zhi's figure soared into the sky again, flew up to a height of tens of thousands of feet, and looked down at the earth below.

As far as the eye can see, it is a gray and foggy land, only the eternal field is not covered by the gray fog, it looks like isolated islands in the gray fog ocean.

Xiao Zhi is re-determining the orientation and re-estimating the distance.

Because he already knew the location of the target, Xiao Zhi didn't need to fly to an altitude of 100,000 feet as he did at the beginning. For him now, flying to an altitude of 50,000 to 60,000 feet is enough. up.

And at the height of five or sixty thousand feet, Xiao Zhi can easily resist the strong wind here, and can also achieve perfect invisibility, without revealing any visions, and without being discovered by others.

After hovering in the sky for a few seconds, Xiao Zhi stared far ahead, and suddenly felt a strong urge in his heart, that is, don't descend any further, and go experience those small worlds, that's all. Fly directly from high altitude, just fly directly.

However, as soon as this idea popped up, he forcibly suppressed it.

Because according to Zhen Lan Cannian's narration, the sky above the gray fog seems to be empty, but it is actually extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous! Don't say that he is just a mere quasi-god, even a real god would not dare to do this easily, because if he does so, there is a risk of falling if he is not careful!

‘I’d better go on my way from below honestly. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.


Xiao Zhi folded his wings and fell down like a meteorite at an incredible speed.

When he was less than ten feet away from the ground, he spread his wings, his descent speed decreased sharply, and he hovered suddenly several feet away from the ground, stirring up a large cloud of dust...

Heaven pays off, after seven days of entering the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave, Xiao Zhi finally stepped into the eternal field where the fruit of creation was buried in the seal!

This is a large eternal field with a radius exceeding ten thousand miles.

The gravity here is about twice that of the world of sentient beings. In fact, almost all the small worlds and eternal fields in this heavenly cave have gravity at this level.

Among the various small worlds, the biggest difference is the density of the air.

The air density of this eternal field is very suitable, not too dense, not too thin, so that people who are in it feel very comfortable.

As far as the eye can see, there is a plain, and then there is a raised mountain range.

Whether it is a plain or a mountain range, it is covered with vegetation. The vegetation is not too dense, but it is not too thin. Some animals can be vaguely seen walking through these vegetation.

Above the sky, there are patches of white clouds floating, and among the white clouds, there are birds flying.

A scene of peace and quiet.

Everything in front of me looks like a paradise, how can it look like an absolute domain?

Xiao Zhi is very cautious, even though everything he sees in front of him seems quiet and peaceful, and he can't see the slightest danger, he still maintains a hidden state.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, spread his wings and rushed to the sky like an arrow. In just one breath, he had already flown to the sky thousands of feet above the ground!

Xiao Zhi did not stop at this thousand-foot altitude, but continued to fly upwards with flapping wings.

It wasn't until he spread his wings and flew into the sky that he spread his wings and hovered in the sky.

At this height, he can already have a glimpse of the entire Eternal Field.

His eyes soon fell on a mountain thousands of miles away.

Countless years have passed, and this mountain is still there, almost no different from what Zhenlan Cannian described at the time, which made Xiao Zhi a little surprised and... joyful!

Yes, rejoice!

The topography of this mountain and its vicinity has not changed much compared to before, which means that in the area where the mountain is located, no large-scale battles have taken place, and no major attacks have occurred. In this way, the probability of the Creation Fruit being buried in the ground under the seal of Zhen Lan's remnant will naturally be greatly reduced.

Xiao Zhi immediately spread his wings and flew towards the mountain.

While flying forward, Xiao Zhi's eyes were shining with golden light, scanning the ground below carefully.

In this huge eternal field, it is impossible that there are no monsters in it. Some of these monsters are dormant in the deep waters of the mountains and forests, while others occupy the mountains as kings and dominate one side. However, no matter whether it is a powerful monster or a weak one, They can't escape Xiao Zhi's eyes, and under Xiao Zhi's [King Kong Dazzling] supernatural power, there is nothing to hide.

During this period, Xiao Zhi even found a terrifying black flood dragon at the level of a monster in a deep pool in the depths of a canyon!

The black dragon is indeed terrifying, but in front of Xiao Zhi, a quasi-god, it is not worth mentioning.

Soon, Xiao Zhi's figure appeared above the mountain.

With a flash of golden light, Xiao Zhi transformed into a human form again, landed on the mountain, and then flashed several times, and his figure appeared somewhere at the foot of the mountain.

'The location should be here! ’ Xiao Zhi looked at the rocks under his feet and thought.

"That creation fruit should have been sealed in the ground thousands of meters below my feet..."

Under Xiao Zhi's feet, a majestic genital force turned into a drill bit and began to drill down. Wherever the genital force drill bit passed, no matter the rocks or the soil, they turned into dust one after another.

And Xiao Zhi stood with his hands behind his back, like taking an elevator, his body descended at a constant speed.

Everything went smoothly, and at a distance of about 1,100 feet from the ground, Xiao Zhi saw the seal that the god and demon Zhenlan had set up back then through his [Vajra Dazzling Eyes] supernatural power.

This seal looks like a big hockey ball, about the size of a house, exuding an astonishingly cold air, freezing the surrounding soil layer as hard as iron stone, even Xiao Zhi felt the cold when he got close to it !

Even after countless years have passed, the seal is still very well preserved, and there is still a layer of faint blue ice mist on it.

Xiao Zhi looked at the big hockey puck in front of him, and couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

‘Great, the seal is still there, but I don’t know if the contents inside are well preserved. '

With an uneasy heart, Xiao Zhi raised one of his arms, and at his fingertips, a ball of black water gushed out, instantly turning into a coin-sized snowflake-like pattern.

"Brother Li." Xiao Zhi called softly.

Li Kuo's figure immediately emerged from Xiao Zhi's side, using his ice and snow law to send a cloud of cold air over.

Suddenly, the water turned into ice, and a snowflake the size of a coin was born!

This little snowflake is the key that Zhenlan Cannian told him to break the seal!

With a thought in Xiao Zhi's mind, the snowflake floated towards the big hockey puck in front of him.

The moment the snowflake came into contact with the big ice ball, the big ice ball trembled slightly, and then it cracked in two with a click, and a large amount of blue ice mist gushed out from it.

When the blue ice fog dissipated, what appeared in front of Xiao Zhi was a hockey puck that had shrunk a lot in size.

This is called a double seal.

Xiao Zhi used his own power of water movement, combined with Li Kuo's law of ice and snow, to condense a new snowflake.

The pattern of this snowflake is completely different from the previous snowflake.

As soon as the new snowflakes condensed, they floated towards the ice puck in front of them.

There was another clicking sound, and the ice puck split in two. This time, there was no new ice puck inside, and what appeared in front of Xiao Zhi was a light blue ball of light.

As soon as the ice ball cracked, the light blue light ball shot out of it like lightning, trying to escape from here at an extremely fast speed.

Xiao Zhi has already seen this kind of spiritual fruit with the ability to act and a little self-awareness.

The ginseng fruit he obtained before belongs to this type.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand like lightning, and captured the light blue ball of light in his hand, and then a large amount of true energy gushed out from his body, suppressing the light blue light ball to death, making it Can't move.

After the light blue ball of light was completely suppressed, the light on it quickly dimmed, and what appeared in Xiao Zhi's eyes was a walnut-sized ball, crystal clear and round like jade.

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