This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1040 Kunshan Magic Field

'It's in such a good condition, it shouldn't be expired...' Xiao Zhi looked at the creation fruit in his hand, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

He stared at the creation fruit, and soon, a line of golden text appeared in front of his eyes:

'Creation fruit, a divine object, can prolong life by 300 years by eating it. Those who survive the catastrophe can eat it, which can increase the success rate of the catastrophe below the gods by 100%, and increase the success rate of the catastrophe of the gods by 33%! '

After seeing this line of text, Xiao Zhi finally let go of his hanging heart.

The medicinal effect of this creation fruit is still there, and it has not expired!

What's more, the success rate of crossing the tribulation that it can increase is not 30%, but 33%!

For Xiao Zhi, this is definitely a big surprise!

In this way, after obtaining this creation fruit, the success rate of his surviving the spiritual catastrophe was several percentage points higher than expected!

The success rate he estimated before was 67.5%, less than 70%.

Now, the success rate of this tribulation has increased to 72%!

If he waited until the end of the national war, and then went to cross the tribulation, then his success rate of crossing the tribulation could be increased to 87%!

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath, suppressed the joy in his heart, and the expression on his face regained his calm.

He instinctively wanted to put the creation fruit in his hand into the storage ring, but failed. This made him startled for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

Zhenlan Cannian once told him that this fruit of creation cannot be taken out of the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave, so it is not surprising that it cannot be stored in the storage ring.

I just don't know if this creation fruit can be taken out of this eternal field.

It should be possible...

After all, according to what Zhenlan Cannian said, this creation fruit didn't belong here, it fell from the floating continent above the sky, and was obtained by the god and demon Zhenlan, because it couldn't be taken out, this It was sealed and buried here...

It is actually very simple to know whether this creation fruit can be taken out of this eternal field, just try it.

Soon, Xiao Zhi's body jumped out from the ground, and then flew into the sky, floating in the air hundreds of feet above the ground in the blink of an eye.

As soon as he was in the air, Xiao Zhi's figure turned into a bubble and disappeared into the air.

Soon, Xiao Zhi left the eternal field with the creation fruit, and entered the adjacent water field.

Xiao Zhi proved with practical actions that this fruit of creation can be taken out of the eternal field.

In the water field, all you can see is water. The depth of the water here has reached more than 10,000 feet, and there is no land above the water surface. In this deep water, there are some terrible water demons and water monsters.

There are transparent jellyfish the size of a hill, and giant sharks bigger than an aircraft carrier. Here, there are all kinds of strange water monsters, and even some water monsters whose bodies can completely dissolve in water, coming and going without a shadow Without a trace, only when they attack, can they barely see their outlines in the water.

However, no matter what kind of water monster it is, it is not a threat to Xiao Zhi.

What he has comprehended is the law of water movement, and he who has comprehended the law of water movement to the Dacheng level can be regarded as an expert in playing with water.

Here, the power of his water movement law will be greatly enhanced.

In this water field, he is almost invincible.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi is transforming into a kun fish, swimming slowly in the deep water. At this moment, he has an impulse in his heart, that is to go to cross the tribulation now. Once the tribulation is successful, he will be a god, so , he will be able to experience the joy of being a god.

The 72% success rate of crossing the tribulation is actually not too low.

It's just that this impulse was quickly suppressed by him.

In his bones, he is actually a cautious person who doesn't like taking risks.

The Army of All Lives hoped that he would go through the tribulation after the national war was over. For this, Xiao Zhi still agreed with it deep in his heart.

Because it is safer to do so.

After all, for the world he lives in, he can be regarded as the absolute pillar, and there must be no accidents. If any accident happens to him, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi completely suppressed the impulse in his heart.

Wuxiu has reached the level of Yuanying, and his control over himself has reached a level that ordinary people can't match.

Xiao Zhi re-formed into a human form, and then squirmed the muscles in the chest cavity to form a gastric pouch-like tissue in the chest cavity and connect it with the esophagus.

After doing this, Xiao opened his mouth, stuffed the creation fruit he was holding into his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp!

With a grunt, the creation fruit passed through the esophagus and slipped into this new stomach-like tissue, and a large amount of true energy rushed here, suppressing this unsafe creation fruit again. Living.

Xiao Zhi actually used his own body as a container to contain and suppress the creation fruit.

He felt it was safer to do so.

After doing all this, Xiao Zhi let out a sigh of relief, and said in his heart: "I have found the Creation Fruit, and what I need to do next is to find the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord!"

As for how to find the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord, Xiao Zhi had some ideas in his heart.

Before he entered the Heavenly Grotto Absolute Territory, he had learned a lot of information about the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord from the Army of All Beings.

At that time, the All Living Army told him all the information it had learned about the Kunshan Demon Lord without reservation.

Although the information is still incomplete, at least it gave Xiao Zhi some clues, so that his eyes would not be dimmed.

According to the information given to him by the All Living Army, players can feel a guide in the dark by visualizing a picture in the absolute realm of the cave, and as long as they follow this guide, they will walk all the way. Go straight, and you will find the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Monarch!

Xiao Zhi had seen this picture before. It was a portrait of a person, and it was suspected to be the portrait of the Kunshan Demon Lord.

This is a handsome young man with a cold expression, pale and bloodless, wearing a robe embroidered with strange patterns and a tall black hat on his head, standing in front of a black mountain .

At first glance, I don't think there is anything wrong with this painting, but I feel that the style of the painting is a bit eerie and weird, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable looking at it.

But when the player observes this painting carefully and imprints this painting deeply into his mind, whenever he visualizes this painting in his mind, a strong sense of fear will emerge in his heart!

For this sense of fear, those with a strong will can still resist, and will not lose their composure.

But some players with weaker willpower can't resist this fear, ranging from yelling, to mental breakdown on the spot, or even incontinence!

Of course, most of the players didn't reach the level of incontinence. They usually just turned pale with fright and yelled a few times.

At that time, after Xiao Zhi wrote down this picture, he also tried to visualize it a few times. It may be because his cultivation level is high and the strength of his spirit is far beyond ordinary people. He didn't have much feeling, just vague I feel a little bit of fear...

Xiao Zhi returned to the previous eternal field.

In the Eternal Field, Xiao Zhi's figure soared into the sky, and within a short time he had already soared into the sky tens of thousands of feet high.

In the bitter wind, Xiao Zhi just stood in the air and closed his eyes.

He began to visualize the portrait of the Kunshan Demon Lord in his mind.

As a result, after he closed his eyes and contemplated for a while, he didn't feel any fear in his heart, and nothing unusual happened.

This made Xiao Zhi frowned slightly.

'It should be that my spirit is too powerful now, and I can no longer perceive fear from this visualization...' Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

If so...

Xiao Zhi made Li Kuo responsible for protecting his body, while he began to try to suppress his own soul.

This is not difficult for him.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi restrained his transcendent soul to the level of Nascent Soul.

At this time, when he visualized the portrait of the Kunshan Demon Lord, a sense of fear was born in his heart.

Not enough, this little sense of fear is not enough.

Xiao Zhi continued to suppress and restrain his own soul, and suppressed his own soul to the Golden Core level in one breath, and then suppressed it to the Foundation Establishment level!

By this time, the fear in his heart was already very obvious.

In a daze, Xiao Zhi felt a terrifying figure floating in the darkness to his left, staring at him.

This terrifying figure is none other than the Kunshan Demon Lord!

At this moment, the fear expression on Xiao Zhi's face disappeared, and he suddenly opened his eyes!

Location found!

Now that the location has been found, the next thing should be easy to handle.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

In an instant, his eyes burst into dazzling golden light, and he looked towards his left side. He was carefully observing the eternal fields that existed on his left side.

In the Heavenly Cave Absolute Territory, there are countless small worlds. These small worlds are born and extinguished, and they are not very stable. Only the eternal field is consistent.

Xiao Zhi felt that the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Monarch would exist in a certain eternal field nine out of ten, and it was unlikely that it existed in the small world.

Next, Xiao Zhi continued to travel through small worlds one by one, and kept approaching that direction.

Every time he passed through a few small worlds, Xiao Zhi would suppress his spirit and visualize the portrait of the Kunshan Demon Lord to correct his direction of travel.

When he first entered the Heavenly Cave Absolute Territory, traveling through small worlds one by one, he still felt novelty at first, but gradually, the novelty faded away, leaving only dullness and boredom.

In order to alleviate the dullness and boredom on the road, Xiao Zhi will think about some problems during the journey.

At this moment, he was thinking about some things about the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord.

As far as he knows, the world coalition government of the Xuanming World secretly sent more than ten thousand innate warriors into the Absolute Heavenly Cave to find the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord. These innate warriors died in the process of searching for the Kunshan Demon Lord's inheritance. Ninety-nine percent of the time, there were still more than a hundred people who successfully found the demon palace of the Kunshan Demon Lord.

This survival rate may seem low, but it is actually very high.

He can fully imagine how vulnerable the innate warriors are in this heavenly cave. At that time, the world coalition government of Xuanming World sent out a total of more than 10,000 innate warriors, and there were more than a hundred of them alive. Finding the Demon Palace of Kunshan Demon Lord, in his opinion, is simply incredible!

One must know that the world Xiao Zhi lives in has sent hundreds of thousands of innate warriors, as well as quite a few foundation builders and even Golden Core players, to find the Kunshan Demon Lord's inheritance, but all the people he sent out died. , but didn't even see the shadow of the demon palace.

This gap is too big.

It can be seen from this that there are some problems in the method of finding and locating the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord acquired by the All Living Army.

Perhaps the information is incomplete and the method is incomplete.

It is also possible that this is false information deliberately leaked by Xuanming World, just to let them come in and die, so as to consume their vitality...

Even if they find the place pointed by the portrait of the Kunshan Demon Lord with great difficulty, that place may not necessarily be the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord, there may be nothing, and there may even be some kind of deadly trap!

He can imagine this point, and those smart people in the army of sentient beings should also be able to imagine it.

But there is no way, the only way they know to find the inheritance of the Kunshan Demon Lord is this one, they have to use it if they use it, and they have to use it if they don’t...

While Xiao Zhi was thinking about these things in his heart, he flapped his wings and continued to fly forward.

Although the road ahead may be dangerous and there may be some kind of deadly trap, Xiao Zhiyi is bold and has no fear of it.

He is quasi-god!

Even in Absolute Territory, there are very few things that can threaten him.

If he was in the water field, with the Dacheng-level [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang] and the ubiquitous water element in the water field, he would even have the confidence to fight the real gods!

As time passed by, Xiao Zhi led the demon Li Kuo through small worlds and eternal fields. Finally, after several days, he came to a drowsy world .

This is an eternal field, but it is somewhat different from other eternal fields.

The sky here is shrouded in thick leaden clouds, making this side of the world seem extremely drowsy.

There are vegetation on the ground, but the branches and leaves of these vegetation are a strange black.

The flowers that bloom from the plants are blood red, as if they are bleeding, and the fruits hanging on some big trees are a kind of purple black, which looks a bit oozing.

The temperature here is also relatively low, below zero, and there will be cold wind blowing from time to time, making people feel cold all over.

As far as the eye can see, there is an ominous atmosphere everywhere!

When Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, set foot in this world, there was a faint smile on his face.

It's finally here, it's not easy...

Thank you book friend 20200301080444309 for the reward.

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