This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1041 The Demon Hall

The place has been found, and what Xiao Zhi needs to do next is to investigate the place carefully.

This world is full of ominous atmosphere, and there may be some deadly traps hidden in it.

Xiao Zhi is a relatively cautious person. Just to be cautious, Xiao Zhi borrowed the ability of Dawei Tianwang Dharma Xiang, condensed an illusory red arm, and propped up a black umbrella above his head.

In this way, under the double blessing of [God's Hidden Art] and the black umbrella, under the gods, no one should be able to spy on him.

After holding up the black umbrella, Xiao Zhi in the bird form spread his wings, and his figure soared into the sky, flying into the air more than a thousand feet above the ground in an instant.

At this height, he can already see a long distance outside.

This is a rather large eternal field, only slightly smaller than the eternal field where the God Demon Zhenlan sealed and buried the Creation Fruit, with a radius of nearly ten thousand miles.

As far as the eye can see, it is a gray-black land, and the raised peaks in the distance are pure black, like sharp black swords, straight into the sky!

Looking at the pitch-black mountain peaks like sharp swords, Xiao Zhi suddenly remembered the portrait of the Kunshan Demon Lord he had visualized.

The background picture of that visualization painting is a black mountain!

‘Does this mean that as long as you find the black mountain in the background of the visualization painting, you will also find the specific location of the Kunshan Demon King’s inheritance? ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

This possibility should also exist.

Instead, you can look for it by the way, if it's wrong, it's nothing, it's just wasting some time.

In fact, there is not much time to waste, after all, this eternal field is only so big.

An area of ​​nearly ten thousand miles is considered extremely vast to ordinary people, but to Xiao Zhi, a demigod, this size is actually nothing.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xiao Zhi raised his altitude again, flapped his wings lightly, and flew into the sky. Then, in the state of being invisible, he held a small black umbrella and flew to the place ahead without any haste. Those pitch-black peaks are like sharp swords.

While flying forward, Xiao Zhi was still exercising the supernatural power of [Vajra Dazzling Eyes], looking down at the ground.

There are not only black vegetation growing on the earth, but also rivers meandering on it.

The water in this river is also black, and there are some fish and shrimps swimming in it.

These fish and shrimp are also black, with spikes on their bodies, which look a little scary.

On the black land, there are also some animals. These animals are often large in size, with sharp teeth and look extremely aggressive.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Xiao Zhi, who is flying high in the sky, has seen countless fights between animals.

Even saw a group of animals fighting in groups.

It was a group of black-haired mice, each of which was as big as a rabbit. Tens of thousands of black-haired mice were divided into two parties, biting and fighting frantically on the black plain, causing a large area of ​​the ground to be stained red with blood. Black red black red.

Some huge predators with hideous appearances were so frightened that they only dared to watch from a distance, not daring to approach them.

Above the battlefield, there is a large group of vulture-like black vicious birds hovering. These black vicious birds are not afraid of the black rats gathered below. From time to time, some vicious birds will swoop down and kill the dead black rats or even the living black rats. Grab the sky and feast on it.

But there were also some fierce birds that missed. When they flew down, before they caught the black rat, they were bitten by the black rat, one after another, and soon, they were bitten and dragged to the ground. .

The result of falling to the ground is self-evident. The vicious bird was quickly attacked by countless black rats and bitten to pieces.

It was the first time for Xiao Zhi to see this kind of scene. While flying, he watched this scene with great interest.

This is a somewhat weird world. The animals here are obviously much more tyrannical than their counterparts outside. Not to mention carnivores, even herbivores are aggressive and like to fight each other.

The animals here gave Xiao Zhi the feeling that... they were demonized!

Yes, it is being demonized!

However, he felt relieved when he thought that this place was where the Kunshan Devil Lord's inheritance was located.

The Kunshan Demon Lord is a powerful demon god. It is actually a normal phenomenon that the environment is demonized near its inheritance place.

After flying hundreds of miles forward like this, Xiao Zhi's pupils suddenly shrank, and his figure hovered in midair.

Just now, he saw through the magical power of [Vajra Dazzling], not far in front of him, there are three transparent figures flying forward silently!

On the bodies of these three transparent figures, there was also a faint red light.

Be a player!

It's three Nascent Soul players who have performed invisibility!

Among them, one player has the cultivation realm of the late Nascent Soul, and the other two players are mid-Yuanying monks.

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised to meet other players here.

But soon, he figured it out. This is the absolute realm of the Heavenly Cave. Many players from the outside world are exploring here. It is impossible for such a large eternal field not to be discovered.

It is normal for outside players to want to go in and explore after seeing the abnormality in this eternal field.

‘It would be better if someone was there to scout the way for me. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

In the next instant, a somewhat sinister big head and a somewhat illusory arm emerged from Xiao Zhi's body almost at the same time!

The protruding arm stretched out its fingers and pointed to Xiao Zhi's eyes, and the protruding big head said in a vast voice: "Make his eyesight double!"

As soon as the words of the big head came out, there was an almost regular mysterious force descending from the sky, which acted on Xiao Zhi's eyes.

From Xiao Zhi's eyes, a golden light burst out suddenly, as if it was real!

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's eyesight was significantly enhanced!

When Xiao Zhi looked forward, he could only see three transparent figures.

Now, the figures of the three Nascent Soul players are no longer transparent. Their figures are completely presented in Xiao Zhi's vision, and there is nothing to hide!

'It's much more comfortable that way. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

To maintain the current state, the consumption of true energy is not too much. As long as he pays attention to supplementing the true energy with spirit stones, Xiao Zhi can still achieve the "balance of income and expenditure" of the true energy in his body.

Xiao Zhi was very cautious, and the three pathfinders in front were also very cautious.

They are all in an invisible state, deliberately restraining their aura, and their flying speed is not particularly fast.

The three Nascent Soul players flew side by side, appearing silent.

Maybe it wasn't silent, but they were communicating with each other through sound transmission.

Sound transmission communication is the most commonly used means of communication between monks, and it is extremely concealed. Even if the realm is a large level higher, it is difficult to eavesdrop on this kind of sound transmission communication between monks.

Unless Xiao Zhi is a god, otherwise, it would be very difficult to overhear the sound transmission communication between Yuanying.

As he continued to penetrate into this eternal field like a demon realm, Xiao Zhi found that the number of beasts below was decreasing, and the number of monsters was increasing little by little.

Even the vegetation has undergone more serious mutations.

A hundred li ahead of Xiao Zhi, there was a tall tree tens of feet high, its branches and leaves turned into blazing black flames, looking from a distance, it looked like a blazing black torch.

At this time, a monster like a black pterosaur spread out a pair of huge wings and flew through the sky. At the closest time, it was only less than a hundred feet away from the three invisible Nascent Soul players.

However, this pterosaur-like monster flew right past the three Nascent Soul players, and had no knowledge of the existence of these three players.

It's just a monster at the level of a demon king, and even the three Nascent Soul players couldn't find it, let alone Xiao Zhi.

In this way, the three Nascent Soul players moved forward all the way, skimming the plains, rivers and mountain peaks, and kept going deeper into the eternal field.

The deeper you go, the more monsters there are and their strength becomes stronger. Later, Xiao Zhi even faintly saw a terrifying figure in a bubbling black lake.

The aura that that figure inadvertently emanates has at least reached the level of a demon venerable!

After flying thousands of miles forward, a different mountain appeared.

Around this mountain peak, there was a black mist like a dark sky, and only a section of the mountain peak was exposed like the tip of a sword.

Xiao Zhi noticed the abnormality of this mountain, and the three Nascent Soul players flying in front of him naturally also saw it.

The figures of the three Nascent Soul players stagnated for a moment in the air. After that, the three Nascent Soul players adjusted their flight direction and flew towards the mountain filled with black mist.

Xiao Zhi remained in a hidden state, holding a black umbrella, and followed the three players silently.

At this time, he is still using the ability of "Speaking the Dharma Follow" of the Dawei Tianwang Dharma to strengthen his eyesight.

But even though his eyesight was three times as normal, he still couldn't see through the black mist.

"This black mist is weird." A voice sounded in Xiao Zhi's heart, saying, "The Kunshan Demon Lord's inheritance may be hidden in this black mist."

This is the voice of the demon Li Kuo.

Xiao Zhi nodded, and replied via sound transmission through his thoughts: "I think so too."

He was still more than a thousand feet away, and followed the three Nascent Soul players without haste.

The three Nascent Soul players were unaware of this, and their figures stopped hundreds of meters away from the black mist.

One of the Nascent Soul players erupted with obvious fluctuations of true energy.

In an instant, a dim black sword appeared out of thin air.

As soon as the black sword emerged, it turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the black mist ahead.

In the next second, the face of the Nascent Soul player who performed the Flying Sword Technique changed.

The flying sword he used to explore the way has not returned for a long time, apparently lost contact with him.

Several flying swords appeared out of thin air again, flying towards the black mist ahead.

Soon, the Nascent Soul player who controlled the flying sword became even more ugly. Obviously, his flying sword lost contact again.

This Nascent Soul player didn't believe in evil, and dozens of flying swords appeared in front of his eyes.

Only this time, before he could make a move, his companion stretched out his hand and pushed him, and then flew forward a few feet away.

The one who stopped him was the strongest among the three players, a Nascent Soul Late Spiritual Cultivator.

In Xiao Zhi's field of vision, there was a sudden burst of strong fluctuations in true energy and spirit in this late-stage Nascent Soul spiritual practitioner!

At a distance of tens of feet away from him, a huge blue silhouette emerged, and then quickly became clear from illusion.

This is a huge, blue monster like a toad.

As soon as the blue monster was condensed into shape, it flew towards the mountain filled with black mist, and then opened its big mouth and sucked it forward!

The black mist that filled the black mountains was immediately attracted, and was sucked into the monster's mouth like a tornado.

And as the black mist was sucked away, the appearance of this black mountain was vaguely presented in front of Xiao Zhi.

He vaguely saw that there seemed to be a deeper shadow at the foot of this black mountain.

‘This shadow, could it be the Demon Palace? ’ A thought came to Xiao Zhi’s mind.

This huge toad-like Youlan monster smoked too much smoke. It must have reached its limit. Its stomach swelled to an unbelievable degree. The original Youlan body also began to turn black and dark, and even showed signs of decay. .

At this time, the last Nascent Soul player also made a move, and strong fluctuations of true energy and soul also erupted from his body!

Another giant toad-like blue monster emerged out of thin air!

This newly born huge blue monster also started to inhale, sucking the black mist that filled the Black Mountain into its mouth like a tornado.

The Nascent Soul player who controlled the flying sword also condensed a huge toad-like blue monster at this time, and also started to inhale.

In this way, with the joint efforts of these three huge blue monsters, the black mist permeating the black mountains was pulled away visibly with the naked eye.

Finally, the mass at the foot of the Montenegro, which was originally only a faintly visible dark shadow, presented its true appearance in front of Xiao Zhi.

This is a dark and strange building, about a hundred feet high, looking from a distance, it looks like a huge skull with its mouth wide open!

And around this huge skull, there are countless bones piled up!

There are human skeletons and animal-shaped skeletons, and most of these skeletons are like white jade.

This is jade bone! It is a jade bone that can only be possessed by Taoist monks and great monsters!

There are still corpses whose bodies are not decayed, and there is a faint golden light emitting from the corpses. This is a golden body, a golden body that only golden core monks and demon kings can have!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly.

Although he had killed quite a few people and demons along the way, it was the first time he had seen so many corpses piled up together.

This gave him quite a shock.

The corpses piled up here are so densely packed that it is impossible to count them, there are at least tens of thousands of them!

After seeing this scene, the three Nascent Soul players showed surprise expressions on their faces!

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