This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1176 Heaven Realm

"Original world?" Xiao Zhi frowned and murmured.

He has been in the world of sentient beings for so long, and this is the first time he has heard of the word "original world".

"Yes, the Sumeru Realm of all living beings was once an original world." Quicksand King said.

"What is the original world?" Xiao Zhi asked.

Quicksand King said: "The original world is the highest plane of this big world, that is, the highest world."

big world...

This is another word that Xiao Zhi has never heard of.

Then I heard King Quicksand continue: "The big world is a collection of thousands of plane worlds. If one by one planes and worlds are compared to stars, then the big world is equivalent to the world in our real universe. Galaxies, galaxies are collections of countless stars, do you understand this?"

"Understood." Xiao Zhi nodded.

The big realm is equivalent to a galaxy, while the planes and worlds are equivalent to the stars in the galaxy.

If the real world he was in was compared to the sun and stars, then this big realm might be equivalent to the Milky Way.

This is still easy to understand.

The King of Quicksand continued: "The big world we are in is controlled by the system of sentient beings, and the Sumeru world of all living beings belongs to the other big world, which is the original world in the other big world. It's just that this big world has been destroyed, and only the Sumeru world of all beings remains, captured by the system of all beings, and after a series of transformations by the system of all beings, it has become what we see now. All living beings in Sumeru Realm."

The Quicksand King spoke eloquently, and Xiao Zhi listened carefully. Although he looked calm, his heart was turbulent and it was difficult to calm down.

This feeling is like a child who has lived in the village since he was a child and suddenly entered a bustling metropolis. He is both shocked and at a loss.

After all, Xiao Zhi is not a child, he is a god, and the thinking speed of a god is extremely fast. Soon, he digested the knowledge that was completely unfamiliar to him, and then he asked a very important question: "Quicksand King, you said that the Sumeru Realm of all beings is the original world of the other Great Realm, so which world is the original world of our Great Realm?"

Quicksand King stared at Xiao Zhi and said, "You should be able to guess it."

Can I guess?

Xiao Zhi thought for a moment, then tentatively asked: "The world of sentient beings?"

"No." Quicksand King shook his head and said, "You can guess again."

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said, "Could it be the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave?"

A look of surprise appeared on the face of the Quicksand King, and he said: "You guessed it right this time, to be precise, it should be the large piece of floating continent above the heavenly cave. The Floating Continent is the original world of our Great Realm, and it is called by the sentient beings system... the Heaven Realm!"

It turned out to be it!

Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank, and an uncontrollable look of surprise appeared on his face.

He naturally knew about this floating continent.

Because, he has been to the Absolute Heavenly Cave, and he is the god who has survived the divine catastrophe in the Absolute Heavenly Cave.

Among the eternal fields in the Absolute Heavenly Cave, he has looked up more than once at the huge floating continent suspended above the sky.

This floating continent presents an irregular elliptical shape, and it looks dilapidated as a whole. It has a big hole near the center, and there are many small black spots scattered on the left edge. These small black spots are actually Floating islands one after another.

This floating continent is extremely dangerous. Even the god and demon Zhenlan in his peak period, as a high-level demon god, has to be careful when exploring it.

It is said that on this floating continent, there is this endless palace complex called Tiangong.

It is said that before the endless years, the floating continent shattered, and some of the matter of the floating continent scattered and fell to the ground. Those places where the matter of the floating continent existed formed the eternal fields below.

Xiao Zhi felt at the time that this floating continent floating above the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave was extremely mysterious and definitely not an ordinary continent.

It now appears that his feeling was correct.

This floating continent is actually the original world of the great world where he is, and it is called the heaven!

Quicksand King stared at Xiao Zhi and said, "Have you seen the heavens?"

Xiao Zhi nodded and said: "I have ventured to the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave, and I was lucky enough to see this floating continent during my adventure. It is so conspicuous, you can see it when you look up, and it's hard not to notice it."

"Indeed." The Quicksand King nodded in agreement.

Xiao Zhi said: "King Quicksand, you are so powerful, have you ever been to the heaven?"

The Quicksand King shook his head and said: "No, when I was adventuring in the Absolute Territory of the Heavenly Cave, I tried to fly to the heavenly realm, but when I approached it, I flinched again, because at that time there was a surge in my heart. I have a strong premonition that if I continue to approach it, I may die..."

After a pause, the Quicksand King continued: "But at that time, my strength was still relatively weak, and I had just stepped into the God Realm not long ago. Now my strength has made great progress compared to before, and it may be possible for me not to be afraid of the danger when approaching." , successfully flew to the heavens, but if you want to go to the heavens now, you don't need to take such risks, the regional overlord world has a privilege, you can directly transfer to the heavens through the sentient beings system."

There is such a good thing! ?

Xiao Zhi was startled, and thought to himself: Becoming the overlord of the region really has a lot of benefits. Not only can you know all kinds of secrets, but you can also have all kinds of privileges, which is really enviable.

Seemingly seeing what Xiao Zhi was thinking, Quicksand Wang said: "Are you thinking that there are so many benefits to becoming the regional hegemon in the world, which makes people yearn for it?"

Xiao Zhi's heart trembled, and he hurriedly said, "No, I just..."

The Quicksand King smiled and said: "Don't be so nervous. Before I became the regional overlord, I practiced day and night. In my dreams, I wanted to lead my Qingyuan world to become the regional overlord, because once I become the regional overlord, then the real world Those disasters will never appear again, but after becoming the regional overlord, I found that becoming the regional overlord is not as good as I imagined, although after becoming the regional overlord, those big and small disasters in the real world Not anymore, but..."

When he said this, the Quicksand King smiled and shook his head again, and said: "However, my Qingyuan world and I seem to have become more dangerous. If we are not careful, we may suffer disaster!"

Xiao Zhi was startled, and said, "How is it possible?!"

Quicksand King said: "Tianqi World, you should know it. This is the previous overlord world of our Chentian District. It is extremely powerful. If the gods of Tianqi World have not fallen collectively, the overlord position of Tianqi World is as stable as Mount Tai. , our worlds don’t even have the slightest chance of becoming regional hegemony, so don’t you think it’s strange why those god-level gods in the Tianqi world fell collectively?”

Xiao Zhi pursed his lips and said, "Could it be related to the status of their regional overlord?"

Quicksand King nodded and said: "Yes, these gods in Tianqi World, they fell in the heavens when they performed the task of guarding the sentient beings system, and as the regional overlord of this term, I, Qingyuan World, won After the various privileges of the overlord world, they will also go to the heavens to perform dangerous guardian missions just like the former Tianqi world."

After a pause, the King of Quicksand said: "This is an obligation that the regional overlord world needs to fulfill. This defense task is mandatory and must be performed. If you refuse to perform it, then wait for the world to be destroyed by the demon."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help falling into silence after hearing what King Quicksand said.

If what the Quicksand King said is true, then it is not easy to be the overlord of this region, and one needs to take risks. In a sense, it is even more dangerous than those ordinary worlds.

And his intuition told him that what King Quicksand said should be true, at least most of them were true.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and said, "King Quicksand, who exactly is being defended in this defense mission of the Overlord World?"

Quicksand King said: "The defense is against people from outside the realm, that is, invaders from other great realms. Intruders may appear at any time, and once invaders appear, our regions dominate the world, and we must immediately send god-level Go up and defend against these invaders."

"Intruders from other big realms..." Xiao Zhi frowned.

He thought of the huge hole in the central area of ​​the heaven. Could this huge hole be caused by invaders from other great realms?

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi said again: "If the defense fails and the heavens do not defend, what will happen?"

This time, before Quicksand King could answer, he frowned and said, "Could it be that it will become like the Sumeru Realm where all life will be destroyed and become a dead place?"

"Maybe." The Quicksand King said: "If the defense fails, I don't know what our world will look like in the end."

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath, leaned forward slightly, and said, "King Quicksand, thank you for telling me these secrets."

Quicksand King smiled and said: "You're welcome, after all, we are allies. If my luck in Qingyuan World is unlucky and I follow in the footsteps of Tianqi World, all the gods will perish in the Heaven Realm. At that time, it will be up to you to read it." For the sake of allies, protect my Qingyuan world, so that Qingyuan world will not perish, I don't want my Qingyuan world to end up like Tianqi world in the end."

Xiao Zhi has heard about the current situation in Tianqi World.

It can only be described as miserable.

How beautiful and majestic the Tianqi world used to be, how miserable the current Tianqi world is.

There is a saying that a tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by a dog. After all the gods in the Tianqi world have fallen, they are frightened by the power accumulated in the Tianqi world over the past few decades. At the beginning, other player worlds did not Dare to act recklessly, dare not do anything to Tianqi World, but after the competition for regional supremacy, a new regional supremacy was selected, some players in the world, for various reasons, did not dare to do anything to Tianqi World Let's do it.

At the beginning, it was just a trial, but later, the situation intensified!

Tianqi World naturally fought back vigorously, but Tianqi World without the god-level seat, its strength has plummeted, how can it be against this group of wolves?

The Tianqi world has become devastated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its population has dropped sharply. Although it has not been destroyed yet, it is not far from being destroyed.

After Quicksand King said these words, Xiao Zhi hurriedly said: "No, there is such a strong man as Quicksand King in Qingyuan World, it is impossible for such a situation to happen. Under the leadership of Quicksand King In the future, Qingyuan World will only become more and more prosperous, and will only become stronger than Tianqi World in the future!"

The Quicksand King smiled and said, "I hope so."

Xiao Zhi said: "When will that seven-colored treasure be born, and where it will be born, please tell me, King Quicksand."

Quicksand King said: "The treasure will be born in three days. As for the place where it will be born, it will be in..."

A moment later, on the turbid water surface, Xiao Zhi stood up from the futon, bid farewell and left.

After Xiao Zhi left, Quicksand King was still sitting on the futon, propping his head with his hands as if he was thinking.

After a cup of tea, the quicksand king's body collapsed into a cloud of turbid water and fell into the quicksand water.

Soon, the scope of this turbid water area began to shrink sharply, until it completely disappeared into the dangerous land of Lingyun Mountain, as if it had never existed before.

Xiao Zhi's divine avatar turned into a golden-winged roc again, and began to fly back. After completing the task, Xiao Zhi needed to recover this divine avatar. , there is a trace of his soul.

After regaining his consciousness from the god avatar, Xiao Zhi floated in the deep water, did not practice for the time being, but looked preoccupied.

This meeting with the Quicksand King, the amount of information he received was too great, which inevitably made him feel at a loss in his heart, not knowing where he should go in the future, not knowing where he was in the world of Dachang, where he would go in the future .

However, this preoccupied state only lasted for a short time, and Xiao Zhi regained his spirits.

No matter what the future situation will become, strength is still the most important thing.

In the future, he can't relax in the slightest, and must do everything possible to improve his strength.

The Dachang World where he lives can also not relax in the slightest.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi, who was floating in the deep water, waved his hand lightly, and the sound transmission jade talisman that belonged to him instantly appeared in front of his eyes.

The sound transmission jade talisman soon shimmered, and the voice belonging to his information specialist came out: "Zhishen, what are your orders?"

Xiao Zhi said calmly, "I have just met the Quicksand King."

The voice belonging to the Information Commissioner said: "Excuse me, what did he tell you?"

Xiao Zhidao: "This meeting, the Quicksand King told me a lot, the amount of information is a bit large, just listen carefully..."

Thanks to CF1011 for the reward.

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