This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1177 The Gathering of the Seven Gods

Immediately, Xiao Zhi uttered all the information he had learned from King Liusha.

After Xiao Zhi finished speaking, his information specialist was speechless for a long time.

Xiao Zhi waited patiently for a moment, and said, "Are you still there?"

"Yes, I'm here." The voice of the Information Commissioner seemed to wake up from a dream, and said: "Sorry, I'm a little lost, I'll report right now, and report these to the headquarters."

"Go." Xiao Zhi said calmly: "I don't know how much of what the Quicksand King said is true or false. Let the staff group of the All Living Army help analyze it."

"Okay." The voice of the Information Commissioner said.

After hanging up the communication, Xiao Zhi floated in the water and pondered for a while, then he calmed down, discarded distracting thoughts, and prepared to continue his cultivation.

Before practicing, he condensed a palm-sized golden bird with divine power.

This little bird was lifelike, and as soon as it was condensed, it spread its wings and swam hundreds of feet away.

After the little bird swam away, Xiao Zhi closed his eyes, and his consciousness sank into the illusion of the Buddhist kingdom that belonged to the [Dawei Tianwang Faxiang].

He is going to fight the third evil Buddha first in this fantasy land of the Buddha Kingdom, to warm up and find his state...

A few hours later, the god clone returned and merged with the deity.

More than two days passed by, and on this day, Xiao Zhi was floating in the deep water with his eyes closed.

The palm-sized golden bird spread its wings and swam towards him at this moment. After getting close to him, the golden bird screamed in a very sharp voice: "Xiao Zhi, you should go ! It's time to go! It's time to go!"

This somewhat sharp cry continued.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes and turned to look at the golden bird.

The golden bird immediately shattered into a ball of black water, rushed towards Xiao Zhi, and merged into Xiao Zhi's body.

"It's time to go to the Sumeru Realm." Xiao Zhi muttered to himself.

Through his thoughts, he greeted Li Kuo, the demon, and asked Li Kuo to help him watch him a bit.

After a short rest, Xiao Zhi used his thoughts to call out the entrance to the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, and then consciously entered the Sumeru Realm of Living Beings.

After a slight trance, when Xiao Zhi regained consciousness, he was already in a dead silent, gray-black world, and his strength was instantly suppressed to an extremely low level.

He has been to the Sumeru Realm many times, and he is relatively familiar with this world.

Entering the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings this time, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

According to what the Quicksand King said, this used to be the original world of a big world, but now, it has been reduced to a place for players like them to kill monsters to earn sentient points and compete for treasures.

It's a bit embarrassing to think that the original world of a big world has been reduced to this point.

Executive Xiao kept a low profile. In order not to be discovered by the garrison personnel at the birth point, the moment he entered the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, he cast the [Spiritual Concealment Technique] and entered the state of divine concealment.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, soared into the air without a sound, and reached an altitude of several thousand meters within a breath.

His eyes suddenly lit up with a dazzling golden light, scanning in all directions.

The moment Xiao Zhi casted the supernatural power of [Vajra Dazzling], the black mist in front of him receded like a tide, allowing him to easily see a distance of more than ten thousand miles ahead!

After the black mist receded, Xiao Zhi saw many players fighting monsters near or far from the birth point.

These players are basically players from the Dachang world where he is, and only a few players have a faint red light on their bodies.

These few players of hostile forces exuding a faint red light were active at the edge of his field of vision. They gathered together to act, and they should be a team of players belonging to the same player force.

At this moment, several players from Dachang World discovered this team of players, and a conflict broke out between the two sides soon.

Several players in Dachang World were defeated, and after they were killed, they ran away and asked for help, while the player team of the enemy force was chasing after them.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi had no intention of going to the rescue.

Because he saw that at least two teams of players in his world heard the sound of rescue and approached there.

The leader of one of the player teams is still his old acquaintance—Zhu Changwu!

According to Xiao Zhi's perception, the energy fluctuations emanating from Zhu Changwu's body obviously surpassed the Jindan level and reached the level of the Nascent Soul level.

'Zhu Changwu has also become a Nascent Soul. ’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help showing a smile on his face, feeling happy for Zhu Changwu in his heart.

The strongest player in the enemy player team is a Nascent Soul player, and the rest of the players are only Jindan players.

And Zhu Changwu is also a Nascent Soul early player.

Soon, Zhu Changwu rushed over and fought with this enemy Nascent Soul player.

Zhu Changwu controlled the thunder, not only summoned several thunder and lightning monsters, but also turned himself into a thunder giant over two feet tall. Long white hair, fast as lightning.

When the two Nascent Soul players fought, they both expanded their respective domains.

From the current Xiao Zhi's point of view, their domains are very immature and full of flaws everywhere, but they fought fiercely and used various methods through the domains.

The Golden Core players on both sides also fought together, and the fighting was equally fierce.

In the end, after more than ten seconds of fighting, the enemy Nascent Soul was defeated and retreated. Zhu Changwu's incarnation of the thunder giant was chasing after him, and all kinds of lightning attacks were fired at the opponent like a machine gun.

After watching the battle, Xiao Zhi couldn't help smiling.

He has to go, to find the quicksand king, to fight for the soon-to-be-born colorful treasure for the quicksand king.

Immediately, Xiao Zhi transformed into a Garuda.

The golden-winged roc spread its wings and disappeared into the dark sky without a sound.

The place where the Seven Colored Treasure was born is not in the Hundred Thousand Mountains where there are many mountains of players and all kinds of treasures frequently appear in the world, but in a place about 30,000 miles away from the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

The golden-winged roc that Xiao Zhi turned into was flying, and saw a red arm poking out from under his wings, pointing at him.

Then, a vast voice that only he could hear said: "Three times his speed!"

Immediately, the speed of the golden-winged roc that Xiao Zhi turned into soared several times, and flew towards that direction through the air.

Xiao Zhi is very cautious. Even though he is already very strong as a god, he still maintains a state of invisibility when flying, and props up a black umbrella for himself.

As time passed by, one after another, mountains of players appeared in Xiao Zhi's field of vision, and Xiao Zhi left him far behind.

While on the road, Xiao Zhi would kill some monsters he encountered along the way. If the monsters were too far away from him, he would not deliberately deviate from his flight path to kill them.

At the same time, in order to avoid being famous, he would also shoot from time to time to kill some players he met on the road.

Xiao Zhi didn't feel guilty about killing these strangers. After all, these players died in the Xumi Realm, but they weren't really dead.

After flying forward for a while, Xiao Zhixin said: "According to the time, it should be almost there. Where is the Quicksand King? Why didn't you see him?"

He canceled the triple speed, his eyes were golden, and he turned his head to scan in all directions.

As a result, after scanning for a while, they found nothing.

A vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear said: "It triples his eyesight!"

Immediately, the golden light that bloomed from Xiao Zhi's eyes was several times more dazzling than before, just like the real thing, and the black mist at the limit of Xiao Zhi's field of vision receded quickly, making Xiao Zhi's field of vision wider .

With the blessing of triple eyesight, Xiao Zhi scanned in all directions again.

This time, after only a few seconds, Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank slightly.

found it!

As far as he could see, there was a muddy yellow pool of water.

In the Xumi Realm of all living beings, there are water sources, including rivers and lakes, but the water here is turbid and yellow, just like the water of the legendary spring of hell.

Therefore, this small water pool is not conspicuous in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings.

But Xiao Zhi recognized it immediately.

Because this is a secret signal that he and the Quicksand King have discussed long ago.

The shape of this pool is the code they agreed on.

The golden light in Xiao Zhi's eyes quickly dimmed, while he flapped his wings, turned into a golden afterimage, and flew towards the pool at three times the speed.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi approached the pool.

Ripples appeared in the air, Xiao Zhi's figure appeared near the pool, and walked towards the pool.

Ripples appeared on the turbid water surface of the pool, and a figure emerged from the turbid water, it was the Quicksand King.

Quicksand King looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "Brother Xiao Zhi, you are here."

Xiao Zhi bowed slightly to King Quicksand, and said, "King Quicksand, I kept you waiting for a long time."

Quicksand King smiled slightly and said, "No, I've just come here not long ago."

Xiao Zhi looked around and said, "Where are they?"

The people Xiao Zhi was talking about were, of course, Tiger King and Yan Wang.

Quicksand King said: "They are still inside."

As soon as Quicksand King finished speaking, ripples appeared again on the turbid water surface of the pool, and several figures emerged from the turbid pool one after another, namely King Tiger, King Yan, King Wu, and King Gai. And the God of Dawn, who breaks the dawn world!

In Xiao Zhi's field of vision, they all exude a faint blue light, which represents the light of teammates.

This time, in order to compete for this colorful treasure, the five kings of Qingyuan World gathered here, and even Xiao Zhi and the God of Dawn from the Ally World were invited.

A total of seven gods gathered here!

The gathering of the seven gods and spirits, no matter where they are placed, can be regarded as an extremely terrifying force, enough to destroy the world!

"Brother Xiao Zhi, you are here!" Yan Wang laughed and greeted Xiao Zhi, looking very happy.

"Old Yan, keep your voice down!" Tiger King said deeply.

King Yan stopped laughing immediately when he heard the words, not daring to laugh any louder.

It can be seen that Tiger King is quite prestigious among the gods in the Qingyuan world.

"Brother Xiao Zhi." The God of Dawn forced a smile on his face, and greeted Xiao Zhi proactively.

Xiao Zhi glanced at the God of Dawn.

Before, because of some things, he had some unpleasant quarrels with the God of Dawn, but now, since the other party took the initiative to say hello to him, Xiao Zhi also squeezed out a smile and pointed at Shuguang The God of Dawn nodded and said, "The God of Dawn."

The God of Dawn hurriedly said: "Brother Xiao Zhi, just call me Shuguang."

He should be aware of Xiao Zhi's strength, and now he appears extremely polite in front of Xiao Zhi.

This made Xiao Zhi couldn't help but sigh in his heart: 'Sure enough... In this world, strength is the last word. '

In the world of Qingyuan, including the middle-level god Quicksand King, all the gods are polite to him, this is because he is strong enough, and the [Dharma Aspect of Dawei Heavenly King] he has mastered is useful enough.

Now, the God of Dawn is also polite to him, and this is also because his strength is strong enough.

After a brief exchange, all the god-level players gathered around the Quicksand King.

Quicksand King immediately used an invisibility technique to hide himself and other god-level players present.

Tiger King looked at Xiao Zhi, and said in a low voice, "Brother Xiao Zhi."

Xiao Zhi understood, and heard a soft chirp, a red arm grew out from his shoulder, and a black umbrella was held on top of this red arm.

Hearing a click, the black umbrella opened, spun and inflated in a circle, and enveloped all the god-level players in it.

After opening the black umbrella, Xiao Zhi looked around again and said, "Since we are competing for the colorful treasure, why don't players from other worlds appear?"

This time, before the Quicksand King could speak, the Tiger King spoke first: "Before the Colorful Supreme Treasure came into the world, only the regional overlord world could get the notification from the sentient being system, and the notification from the sentient being system is different. The weaker the overlord world in the evaluation, the more accurate the information such as time and place is, and vice versa, the more vague it will be."

After a pause, the Tiger King smiled wryly and said: "There are no players from other worlds around us, either because they have performed powerful invisibility techniques, we cannot detect their existence, or because our strength Among the overlord worlds, he is the weakest, so he came here first."

Xiao Zhi nodded and said no more.

Quicksand King said: "There is still about half an hour left. Taking advantage of this time, we can first discuss and discuss the action plan when we wait for the treasure hunt."

"Okay." All the gods, including Xiao Zhi, nodded.

Quicksand King looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "Brother Xiao Zhi, just follow me later, and be responsible for blessing my strength and state."

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