This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1367 Qi Yan World

The guardian armor transformed by Li Kuo is indeed very strong in defense.

With this protective armor, Xiao Zhi is equivalent to having an extra powerful defensive technique, and his shortcomings in defense can be regarded as being made up for.

Time passed day by day.

Whether it is Hu Yang or Zhao Yan, they are now using various methods to sharpen their will and strengthen their souls to prepare for the subsequent soul slaying.

In a flash, several months passed.

On this day, Xiao Zhi was in the deep water of the sea, and when he was practicing and comprehending his water movement law, his expression suddenly moved slightly, and he sensed something calling him.

This call came from the dangerous land of Lingyun Mountain in the distance.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning slightly.

He temporarily stopped cultivating, and with a thought, he separated a ray of divine thought, across a long distance, and established a connection with his god clone stationed in the dangerous place of Lingyun Mountain.

In the perilous depths of Lingyun Mountain, when the avatar Xiao Zhi emerged from the depths of the pool under the control of the deity's divine sense, what he saw was the unusually serious face of King Yan.

"What happened?" The avatar Xiao Zhi's expression also became serious, and he said in a deep voice.

King Yan said with an ugly face: "Another player world transfer area came over."

"What's the serial number?" Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice.

King Yan said with an ugly face: "The serial number is 310."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, his heart sank.

This is a three-digit number, and it is still in the three-digit number, which is relatively earlier.

And the higher the number, the older the player world is.

In this numbering system, the number of his Dachang World is 3091, and the number of Qingyuan World is 1356.

Not to mention his Dachang World, even the number of Qingyuan World, in front of this number 310, is a younger brother.

Thinking of this in his heart, Xiao Zhi comforted King Yan and said: "A higher number does not necessarily mean that the strength will be strong, and those who can transfer to the region have never been the overlord of the region, so you don't have to, King Yan. Too worried."

"I know." King Yan nodded.

Xiao Zhi asked: "This time, what are you going to do?"

King Yan said with a serious expression: "Master Liusha is thinking about this problem, Brother Xiao Zhi, do you have any good suggestions?"

Xiao Zhi was silent.

When facing the Lanjie World numbered 1895 before, Qingyuan World sent players to the Lanjie World without hesitation to inquire about news and collect intelligence.

This time when facing the world numbered 310, Qingyuan World hesitated, no longer as decisive as before.

Xiao Zhi can also understand this.

After all, the number 310 puts too much pressure on people.

What if the strength of this player world is extremely terrifying?

Once a player is sent to this world, it is slapping the face of this player world, and there will be no possibility of turning around.

If you don't do this, there will still be some room for maneuver.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and said, "I have an idea, maybe it's feasible."

Yan Wang heard the words, his face showed a look of anticipation, and said: "I would like to hear the details."

Xiao Zhi said: "You can still send players to come to this No. 310 world, but the behavior of the players can be changed after they come to the past."

"How to change?" Yan Wang asked.

Xiao Zhi tried his best to think of words in his heart, and said slowly: "You can let the players who came to the past shout out, saying that we are the envoys of the Qingyuan world. This time, we are not hostile when we come to your world. It’s just contact with your world, I hope to meet with the leadership of your world and communicate in advance.”

Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, King Yan couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and said, "In the name of an envoy, to spy on information?"

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "Yes, that's the case, so it can't be regarded as a provocation."

"That's a good move." King Yan said, "I'll tell Mr. Liusha right now."

"Go." Xiao Zhi smiled.

When he withdrew his divine thoughts from the dangerous location of Lingyun Mountain, Xiao Zhi's face darkened.

He sat cross-legged in the deep sea water, muttering in his mouth: "This No. 310 world is already the third player world that has transferred to Chentian District. How many children..."

‘During the Tianqi era, why didn’t so many player worlds transfer over? '

‘No, in fact, in the Tianqi Era, there were also players who came from different regions in the world…’

Xiao Zhi recalled that in Tianqi World's historical archives, there were some records in this regard, but they were classified as confidential, and most of them were destroyed, leaving only a few words, so let him keep Not very impressed.

Different from the Qingyuan world, the original Tianqi world was governed by high gods.

Tianqi World, which has a high god in charge, has much more confidence than Qingyuan World.

It was conceivable that those player worlds that had been transferred from the region posed almost no threat to the Tianqi world at that time.

Even if there are high god-level existences in the player world transferred from the area, it still does not pose any threat to the Tianqi world.

After all, the high god in the Tianqi world is armed to the teeth with various fairy arts. This kind of high god is enough to beat ordinary high gods.

On the other hand, the current overlord of the Qingyuan World, the current strongest person in Qingyuan World is the Quicksand King. No matter how powerful the Quicksand King is, he is at best a top-notch Central God. His strength is enough to deal with ordinary Central Gods. When it comes to Gaoshen, its fate...

‘I hope that the No. 310 world, which has been transferred this time, does not have a high god. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

At this time, Xiao Zhi was no longer in the mood to practice.

After sitting silently in the deep water for a while, Xiao Zhi took out his sound transmission jade talisman.

The sound transmission jade talisman soon lit up dimly, and the voice of his information specialist came out from it: "Zhishen, what are your orders?"

Xiao Zhi didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point: "Just now, King Yan found me and told me something, and another player world has transferred over."

"Zhishen, what is the number of the player world that has been transferred this time?" The voice of the information commissioner asked.

His voice was calm.

After all, it has happened twice before that a player's world transfers over.

Xiao Zhi said, "The number is 310."

The information commissioner fell silent for a moment.

After a long time, the voice belonging to the information commissioner said dryly, "Zhishen, what should we do?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Xiao Zhi's mind, but when he opened his mouth, he didn't say anything.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Zhi said: "Inform Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi of this news, let them be on standby at any time, and then... then wait, Qingyuan World should have sent players to test it out now, I believe it will not be long, You can find out the results.”

"Okay...Okay." The voice of the Information Commissioner said.

After finishing the call with the information commissioner, Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged in the deep water, silent without saying a word.

He was waiting, waiting for the results of the trial from Qingyuan World.

In the dangerous depths of Lingyun Mountain, the avatar Xiao Zhi was sitting on the surface of the cold pool water, and on the shore not far from him, the avatar of King Yan was sitting cross-legged.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and every minute and every second seemed very long to the current Xiao Zhi.

While waiting, a quarter of an hour passed, and half an hour passed.

Finally, King Yan who was sitting on the shore opened his eyes.

"How?" Xiao Zhi, the avatar, asked immediately under the control of the deity's thoughts.

King Yan's avatar said in a deep voice: "A player has returned and reported some things to us."

The avatar Xiao Zhi stared at Yan Wang's avatar, waiting quietly for him to continue talking.

Then I heard King Yan's avatar continue to say: "This player world, named Qi Yan World, comes from Maotian District. In this Qi Yan World, there are a total of seven god-level existences, two middle gods, and five primary gods. God, there is no high god."

When it was said that there was no high god, Yan Wang couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi also showed a smile on his face: "As long as there is no high god, everything is negotiable. Back then, when the Quicksand King hadn't merged the two different waters, he could single-handedly overthrow Kai. The three gods in the door world, and now he has merged two kinds of different waters, and his strength has gone further. There are only two gods in this world of Qiyan. If they don't know good and bad, King Quicksand should easily take it Get them down."

"Yes." King Yan nodded with a smile.

Xiao Zhi said, "What are you going to do?"

King Yan said: "I will obey Mr. Liusha's arrangements for everything."

Xiao Zhi nodded, and said: "We still have to find a way, to investigate the strength of this Qiyan world more, and then act, so as not to misjudge the strength of this Qiyan world, and they pretend to be pigs and eat tigers."

"I know." King Yan nodded and said, "Don't worry, we won't take them lightly."

"En." Xiao Zhi nodded and said no more.

King Yan closed his eyes, as if closing his eyes to rest his mind.

After a while, King Yan opened his eyes again, and said, "Brother Xiao Zhi, Lord Liusha still feels that this world of Qiyan poses a bit of a threat to us, and it's better to get rid of it."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, his face was calm and he was not surprised.

He knew what kind of person the Quicksand King was.

In this Qiyan world, there are two middle gods, and there are quite a few first gods, as many as five. In such a powerful world, with the character of the quicksand king, it is absolutely impossible to tolerate its existence. .

After a moment of silence, Xiao Zhi said, "What do you need me to do?"

King Yan said: "Please also invite brother Xiao Zhi to come to Qingyuan Empire, so that we can have a long-term discussion."

Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "Okay, I'll come right over."

King Yan said again: "If possible, Chongshen and Yishen, it's best to come with them."

After Xiao Zhi became a god, because he hadn't given himself a title for a long time, everyone gradually called him Zhishen, and this title has been used until now.

Later, Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi also became gods one after another, they also learned from Xiao Zhi, and never gave themselves honorary titles, so, gradually, they were called Chongshen and Yishen by others.

Even players from other worlds have acquiesced in their title.

In this way, their titles can be regarded as being in the same line as Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "Yes, I will bring them here with me."

Yan Wang couldn't help showing a smile on his face: "Thank you, I will stay here during this time, and we will keep in touch at any time."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded.

In the depths of the sea, in the deep water, Xiao Zhi took out the sound transmission jade talisman and started to contact Lu Zhong.

Soon, his sound transmission jade talisman lighted up, and Lu Zhong's voice came out from it: "Brother Zhi, what do you need me to do?"

Lu Zhong's voice was extremely dignified.

Xiao Zhi asked, "Where are you?"

Lu Zhong said, "I'm at the mountain gate now."

Xiao Zhi said: "Follow me to the Qingyuan Empire, I will pick you up right now."

"Okay." Lu Zhong replied solemnly without asking any further questions.

After finishing the call with Lu Zhong, Xiao Zhi contacted Luo Yiyi through the Sound Transmission Jade Talisman.

While contacting Luo Yiyi, Xiao Zhi also sent a voice transmission to Li Kuo through his thoughts: "Brother Li, follow me to a faraway place."

"Okay, I'll come right now." Soon, Li Kuo's voice rang in his mind.

Dachang Imperial City, the headquarters of Dachang Shenmen, belongs to Xiao Zhi's hall.

Xiao Zhi's demigod-level avatar sits here.

A staff member of the World United Government bowed to the avatar Xiao Zhi who was sitting on the futon with his eyes closed, and said, "God Zhi, do we need to activate World Protection?"

The avatar Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, and responded lightly: "I don't need it for the time being, I have already obtained some information from King Yan, the world that I transferred to this time is called Qi Yan World, and there are seven people in this world. There are four god-level existences, including two middle gods and five first gods, which are not particularly powerful."

As soon as the avatar Xiao Zhi said this, all the staff gathered in the hall breathed a sigh of relief.

Another staff member stepped forward, bowed and said, "Zhishen, how does Qingyuan World plan to deal with this Qiyan World? What should we do?"

The avatar Xiao Zhilue was silent, and said: "King Quicksand is ready to attack this Qiyan world. I will take Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi to the Qingyuan Empire to meet the kings of Qingyuan. Let players arrange as many defensive formations as possible in our real world to prevent accidents."

"Yes." The staff gathered in the hall heard the words, and they all agreed.

At this time, in the sky above the Canghai, Xiao Zhi, who was wearing a frost armor, had already turned into the size of a peanut.

He stretched out his hand and swiped forward lightly, forming a dark crack in front of his eyes.

Xiao Zhi disappeared into this pitch-black crack in a flash.

Today's Xiao Zhi is used to rushing through space cracks.

When he was on his way, he had the ability to "speak the law to follow" to increase his speed, and what he was taking was a "shortcut" like the chaotic space, and his speed was far faster than that of ordinary gods.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi brought Lu Zhong together with Luo Yiyi in Zhongchang Road.

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