This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1386 Challenge the regional overlord!

'The weak period of transformation is finally over. ’ Xiao Zhi was delighted.

Once the period of weakness is over, his strength can be quickly restored.

The sequelae of the Buddha's fruition are somewhat different from those of the original Bodhisattva's fruition.

After getting rid of the sequelae of transformation, the speed of bodhisattva fruit recovery is slow. However, when the strength is completely recovered, you can transform into a bodhisattva again.

The status of the Buddha is different. After getting rid of the sequelae, the speed of strength recovery is very fast. In just a few seconds, it can recover to the peak state. However, after the strength recovers, it is It is not possible to transform into a Buddha again, but you have to wait for another half an hour before you can transform into a Buddha again.

Xiao Zhi's original plan was to delay the time until he could transform into a Buddha again, and start the death fight directly. In the death fight space, all the gods in the Qiyan world, including Emperor Long Yuan, would be dealt with in one wave. Lose.

As a result, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Emperor Long Yuan was much more difficult than he had imagined, and before he knew it, things had turned into what they are now.

Now he still needs to wait another half an hour before he can re-transform into Buddha.

And his real world has been invaded by Qi Yan's world for nearly twenty minutes.

This time of nearly twenty minutes is definitely a disaster for the Dachang World where he lives.

He couldn't wait any longer. If he continued to wait any longer, he, Lu Zhong, and Luo Yiyi's bodies in the real world might be killed at any time.

The longer the time drags on, the greater the possibility that his Dachang Kingdom will be destroyed by Qi Yan World!

Next, every second that passes, Xiao Zhi's strength will become a bit stronger compared to the previous second. At this rate of recovery, Xiao Zhi speculates that in another 5 seconds, his strength will be restored As ever.

Although Xiao Zhi immediately covered up his aura at the moment when his strength rose, he still couldn't escape the perception of Lu Zhong beside him.

After Lu Zhong felt something strange, he sent a voice transmission to Xiao Zhi: "Brother Zhi, your strength has recovered?"

There was hope in his voice.

Xiao Zhi replied via voice transmission: "Well, I'm recovering. In about 5 seconds, my strength will be restored to its peak state, and then I can start the deathmatch. Unfortunately, I have to wait for more than half an hour. Only when I can transform into a Buddha, judging from the current situation, this time must not wait."

As he said that, Xiao Zhi held the knife in both hands again, and slashed fiercely towards the ice and snow land in front of him. Amidst the flying ice and dust, a huge knife like a big rift was cut out on the ice and snow land in front of him. mark.

Lu Zhong was silent for a while, gritted his teeth, and said to Xiao Zhi: "Brother Zhi, we have also reached a certain level of damage to Emperor Long Yuan's side of the God Realm during this period of time, and I can clearly feel it." , the stability of his God Realm has dropped a bit, when your strength is fully recovered, brother Zhi, we can take action together, and we should be able to break through the realm and leave here, right?"

"It should be possible." Xiao Zhi replied via voice transmission.

Lu Zhong continued to transmit the sound transmission: "For the sake of safety, I think that after your strength is fully recovered, Brother Zhi, we can temporarily not start the death fight, but break the boundary and leave here first, and then Luo Yiyi and I return to the real world. To deal with the invasion of Qi Yan's world, Brother Zhi will stay and continue to entangle with Emperor Long Yuan, as long as you can last until the cool-down period of your transformation is over, Brother Zhi, we will win!"

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he shook his head without any hesitation, and said, "No, there are too many uncertain factors if we do this. Let's not talk about our physical condition, just say that you and Luo Yiyi returned After the real world, can you stop Emperor Huan and Emperor Xuan in the first place? Can you compete with them in speed? Even if you are not inferior to them in terms of speed, can you definitely beat them?"

In fact, what Lu Zhong said, he had seriously considered it in his heart, and had already come to his own conclusions. Therefore, after Lu Zhong said these words, he answered so quickly.

Lu Zhong was a little dumbfounded.

He doesn't have the heaven-defying ability to speed himself up like "Speaking Fasui", and he hasn't mastered any speed-like fairy art, so because he is a spirit body, his speed is slightly faster than that of ordinary beginners. Just a few.

Emperor Huan and Emperor Xuan of the world of Qiyan, as long as there is a speed-type fairy art or original magical power, they can kite him. While kiting him, they can continue to attack and wreak havoc on their real world...

Xiao Zhi continued to transmit the voice: "There are also those three demigods in Qiyan World and a lot of Nascent Soul players, they are wreaking havoc everywhere in the real world, and their threat to our real world is equally huge, as long as you give them With enough time, they alone can destroy our real world, even if they fail to destroy the world, they can also cause heavy casualties in our real world, you two, how to stop them?"

"Qiyan World has three demigods. This is information provided by Qingyuan World. This is not a secret in Qiyan World, but who knows if there are any demigods hidden as secret weapons in Qiyan World What? You know, in the information that Qingyuan World detected at the beginning, Emperor Long Yuan is just a middle god, and the result?"

Xiao Zhi said again via voice transmission: "It will take more than half an hour for me to transform into a Buddha. If before that, Emperor Long Yuan recovers to the high-level combat power, what should we do?"

Lu Zhong lowered his head and sent a voice transmission to Xiao Zhi with some shame: "Brother Zhi, I was wrong. I didn't think carefully. Your decision is correct. We must start the deathmatch as soon as possible. This is not good for us. For our Dachang World, it is the most beneficial."

Xiao Zhi said via voice transmission: "It's okay, you are also focused on thinking about our world, get ready, after my strength is fully recovered, we will..."

"Okay." Lu nodded his head.

Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to Luo Yiyi who was not far away: "Luo Yiyi, listen..."

Then, he sent voice transmissions to Yuxuzi, Dachang Zhenjun and other aboriginal gods in the world of sentient beings, and communicated with them for a while.

5 seconds passed quickly.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's strength finally returned to its peak state!

The moment his strength fully recovered, Xiao Zhi shouted, "Do it!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Zhi clenched the handle of the Ziji Knife with both hands, and began to gather momentum for the ultimate move [Xuan Shui Knife].

The Ziji Knife, which was originally shrouded in purple mist, instantly became pitch black, as if it had been painted with a layer of black paint.

A vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear said: "Increase its power by ten times!"

Immediately, the blade of the Ziji Saber became infinitely dark, and the aura was extremely terrifying.

Xiao Zhi's loud shout was undoubtedly an action order.

At this moment, not only Xiao Zhi, but Lu Zhong, Luo Yiyi, Yu Xuzi, Dachang Zhenjun and the others also started to gather momentum for their ultimate moves, even Xiao Zhi's Dao Yuanlong avatar and the two secluded dragons... The spring dragons also flew back from a distance.

At this moment, the small iceberg imprisoned by Dachang Zhenjun with leaves and branches began to melt.

Emperor Shi Xuan was sealed in this small iceberg.

This small iceberg melted extremely fast, and more than half of it melted away in the blink of an eye. As it melted rapidly, its sealing effect naturally became invalid.

The seal was lifted, and the black tortoise transformed by Emperor Shi Xuan suddenly turned into a black afterimage, trying to escape from here.

However, as soon as he made a move, his speed dropped sharply, as if he had fallen into a quagmire. This was because, at this moment, he had been firmly locked by the ultimate move.

In the next instant, Xiao Zhi's [Xuan Shui Knife], which fused two kinds of different waters and was blessed with ten times the power, landed on him like Mount Tai pressing down on top of him!


Emperor Shi Xuan suddenly uttered an extremely miserable scream.

Xiao Zhi's full-strength attack in his peak state is enough for a middle god in an instant, and even a high god has to be cautious, its power can be imagined.

Even though Emperor Shi Xuan was unparalleled in defense, he still couldn't withstand Xiao Zhi's blow.

With just one blow, Emperor Shi Xuan's tortoise shell was smashed and he was severely injured.

Then, the attacks of Lu Zhong, Luo Yiyi, and Yu Xuzi fell on Emperor Shi Xuan almost at the same time.

Emperor Shi Xuan, who had just come out of the seal, was immediately beaten up, and he, who was wounded one after another, let out a series of screams.

Emperor Shi Xuan deserves to be Emperor Shi Xuan, even though Xiao Zhi had already shot with all his strength without reservation, even if all the attacks from Yu Xuzi and the others fell firmly on him, he still survived tenaciously, and did not die.

Black blood spilled all over the sky.

Dragging his seriously injured body, Emperor Shi Xuan flew forward with difficulty, trying to escape from Xiao Zhi's encirclement.

While escaping, he yelled terribly: "My lord, save me! My lord, save me!"

His defense is indeed very strong, among the gods, he is definitely the top existence, but if he can't escape, he will be killed sooner or later.

"Xiao Zhi! Stop it!" A voice shouted in the snowstorm.

This is the voice of Emperor Long Yuan.

Seeing that the situation above the sky changed, a huge human face protruded from the sky, roaring at Xiao Zhi below.

This is the face of Emperor Long Yuan.

Xiao Zhi turned a deaf ear to this, and with the ability of 'words follow', he enhanced his own speed, and easily caught up with Emperor Shi Xuan who was about to flee, and once again raised the Ziji Saber in his hand high, Started brewing a killer move.

Yu Xuzi and the others also began to prepare their own ultimate moves.

Soon, the second wave of attacks against Emperor Shi Xuan fell on Emperor Shi Xuan like a violent storm.

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised. To his surprise, after enduring the second wave of attacks, although Emperor Shi Xuan had been beaten into the shape of a turtle, he was still alive and was still flying forward tenaciously.

Emperor Shi Xuan's broken body suddenly became blurred, and his flying speed soared more than ten times, and he was about to leave through the air.

This far exceeded Emperor Shi Xuan's original speed.

Obviously, Emperor Long Yuan made a move at this moment, and he wanted to move Emperor Shi Xuan away from here through the God Realm.

However, how could Xiao Zhi let him get what he wanted?

Emperor Shi Xuan's speed was fast, but Xiao Zhi was even faster than him under the blessing of the ability of "Speaking out", Xiao Zhi caught up to him almost instantly, and it was another killing move [ Xuanshui Knife] slashed at Emperor Shi Xuan.

The speed of Emperor Shi Xuan, who was locked by the ultimate move, dropped sharply.

A black alms bowl appeared out of thin air above Emperor Shi Xuan's head.

The black alms bowl spun around, and its size instantly increased hundreds of times, and then covered Xiao Zhi and Shi Xuandi with its hood, covering Xiao Zhi and Shi Xuandi in it.


Yu Xuzi, Lu Zhong, Luo Yiyi and the others quickly rushed to the huge black alms bowl, staring at the black alms bowl in front of them.

Under their gaze, the black alms bowl trembled non-stop, and a fierce battle was clearly erupting inside.

Above the sky, the huge human face belonging to Emperor Long Yuan roared angrily at this moment: "You are all going to die, you are all going to die!"

Amidst the roar, a huge ice and snow palm descended from the sky and slapped the black bowl.

"Go away!" Yuxuzi, who had turned into a frost giant again, shouted, raised his hand and punched the huge ice and snow palm that fell from the sky.

Hearing a loud bang, the huge ice and snow palm was smashed to pieces on the spot.

Apparently, although Emperor Long Yuan's attack looked mighty, it was actually quite ordinary, even Yu Xuzi couldn't fight against him.

But it's normal to think about it, after all, Emperor Long Yuan's true self cannot enter his own God Realm.

If Emperor Long Yuan could display extremely strong fighting power in his God Realm, Emperor Shi Xuan would probably have been rescued by him long ago, how could he have not been rescued until now?

Soon, the black bowl stopped shaking and became quiet.

Immediately, the huge black bowl collapsed into a thick black mist and dissipated into the air.

When the thick black mist was blown away by the cold wind, what appeared in front of everyone was Xiao Zhi standing with a knife, and the extremely damaged corpse of Emperor Shi Xuan. of pieces.

If these black fragments are pieced together, they can barely be assembled into a large black axe.

This black big ax is the artifact big ax used by Emperor Shi Xuan.

Emperor Shi Xuan died, and his divine weapon was also shattered.

This is because, when Emperor Shi Xuan transformed into a black black tortoise, he fused his divine weapon axe, turning it into a part of his own tortoise shell.

The reason why Emperor Shi Xuan was able to possess such a perverted defensive power after he transformed into a black black turtle was due to his great axe, an artifact.

And once Emperor Shi Xuan died in the state of the mysterious turtle, his divine weapon, the great axe, would naturally be scrapped...

"Xiao Zhi!" A voice exploded high above the sky, the voice was full of anger and murderous intent.

Xiao Zhi suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky above his head.

He stared at the huge human face belonging to Emperor Long Yuan, and said coldly: "Emperor Shi Xuan has been executed, and it's your turn now!"

After finishing these words coldly, Xiao Zhi shouted: "Sentient beings system! On behalf of Dachang World, I would like to challenge the current regional overlord world, Qi Yan World!"

Thank you book friend 20221218080640555, for rejecting piracy, for rewarding Red Heart Dragon Fruit EX, thank you for your concern, the burning is gone today, and I quickly wrote a chapter to keep everyone waiting, and resume updates from today~

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