This Game is Unusual

Chapter 141 Songyan Village

And Duan Yi also became the second player in the Changping Club after Xiao Zhi to have mastered the combat exploits.

Li Pingfeng himself didn't learn combat skills, but he taught Duan Yi, just because, after their comprehensive consideration, they felt that under the current situation, it is cost-effective for Duan Yi, a martial artist who takes the physical route, to practice "Golden Body Art". is the highest.

It's a pity that armor of sharp weapon level is very rare, and there is no set in Linwu County, and ordinary armor is too bulky, not only affects the movement, but also the defense is very average for the innate realm warriors. Otherwise, for Duan Yi, a meat shield who takes the physical route, put on a whole set of sharp weapon-level armor, and then cooperate with the combat achievement "Golden Body Technique", even Xiao Zhi, an innate high-level warrior, practiced in the combat achievement "Canglong Breaking Seal" If it is not deep, it may not be able to break through his defense.

Xiao Zhi and the others rode their horses and followed the two tourists, galloping on the straight horse path outside the city.

Xiao Zhi said: "The weakness of corpse puppets lies in their heads. Once their heads are smashed, they will die and become real corpses. According to Ning Lao, corpse puppets refined by evil cultivators are the same as His own cultivation is related to the realm, the stronger his cultivation, the stronger the strength of the refined corpse puppet will be."

Xiao Zhi actually wanted to call old man Ning directly, but there were still two tourists from the county government in front of him. If he called old man Ning directly, it would be bad if he was reported by two tourists from the county government.

So he changed the address of the brown-clothed old man from Old Ning to Old Ning.

Li Pingfeng also opened his mouth and said: "The strength of corpse puppets produced by evil cultivators is generally one level lower than the realm of evil cultivators. The evil cultivators we need to face this time, if converted into the realm of warriors, should be equivalent to innate high-level Warrior, then, the strength of the corpse puppets he refines will generally be at the mid-innate level."

Li Pingfeng was also there when the old man in brown was talking about these things to Xiao Zhi, so he also knew about these things.

Duan Yi and Xie Ke are listening.

Xiao Zhi continued: "Compared to warriors of the same realm, the corpse puppets refined by evil cultivators are actually at a discount. First, their fighting instincts are not as good as warriors of the same realm. Secondly, they Without the secret technique of 'boiling blood', combat exploits and other means of increasing combat power, it is not difficult for warriors of the same realm to face them and defeat them."

Li Pingfeng said: "After you find that evil cultivator, Duan Yi, you will be the first to go up to attract his attention. You have mastered the "Golden Body Art" and once you use the "Golden Body Art" The corpse puppets under Xiexiu should have a hard time breaking through your defense."

"I know, Young Master Li." Duan Yi nodded, expressing his understanding.

After thinking for a while, Duan Yi asked, "How many corpse puppets can this evil cultivator refine? A few or a dozen would be fine. If hundreds of corpse puppets can be refined, one person will be successful." Army, then we will be in trouble."

Hundreds of corpse puppets in the mid-innate stage gather together to act. The scene is exciting to think about. Let alone these people, even Dao realm monks have to take a detour when they encounter them, right?

Before Xiao Zhi and Li Pingfeng could answer, Xie Ke shook his head and said, "Hundreds of corpse puppets? I don't think it's possible."

"It's impossible." Li Pingfeng said: "According to what Ning Lao said, there is a limit to the number of corpse puppets that the evil cultivator can control. Once the limit is exceeded, the evil cultivator's control over the corpse puppets will be greatly reduced. , not only will it affect their practice, but they may also be backlashed by their corpse puppets."

Xiao Zhi also opened his mouth and said: "According to Ning Lao's speculation, this evil cultivator can control more than a dozen innate mid-section corpse puppets at the same time, which is already the limit. Judging from the information we have obtained, not long ago, this Name Xiexiu has just experienced a big battle, and his injury seems to be serious, now is the best chance to find him and kill him!"

This is what Xiao Zhi said in his heart. This evil cultivator was seriously injured and unable to move. He should not be able to go too far in a short time. This is also when he is weakest. he!

This kind of opportunity must not be missed.

If this opportunity is missed, it will be very difficult to find him again.

It was with this in mind that after Xiao Zhi got the information, he led Li Pingfeng and the others without delay, and rushed towards Songyan Village hundreds of miles away under the guidance of two tourists!

After running for dozens of miles on the wide and smooth horse trail, the two tourists turned their heads and greeted Xiao Zhi: "My lord, this way."

The two tourists rode their horses and left the official road, galloping through the forest covered with withered grass.

The four of Xiao Zhi hurriedly rode their horses to keep up.

Songyan Village is about 270 miles away from Linwu County.

With green horses to travel, it took less than 3 hours for Xiao Zhi and the others to arrive near Songyan Village.

Songyan Village is also one of the novice villages, and many players can be seen wandering around the village.

Li Pingfeng identified the location, pointed to the northwest direction, and said: "This way, about 50 miles away from Songyan Village, is the battlefield."

The two visitors from the county government nodded and rode their horses towards the direction Li Pingfeng pointed.

Xiao Zhi and the others hurriedly followed.

After galloping for another 30 miles, the two county government visitors who were at the front slowed down their horses. They held the eagle squatting on their shoulders in their hands, and then lifted it up vigorously. Taking advantage of the situation, he spread his wings and took off, and soon flew to an altitude of more than a thousand meters.

Xiao Zhi and the others looked up at the sky. If they didn't use their innate qi, they would only see two small black spots that were not very conspicuous.

Soon, Xiao Zhi, who slowed down his horse, and the others, led by two tourists, came to the vicinity of the battlefield.

From far away, Xiao Zhi and the others could smell a disgusting rancid smell.

Even the horses were affected, moving their hooves uneasily and snorting, unwilling to approach the area ahead.

Xiao Zhi took out a small blue bottle from his arms, opened the bottle, and gave himself and Li Pingfeng a green wood pill each.

After distribution, there was still one Cyan Wood Pill left in the bottle.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi squeezed the last green wood pill into two halves, handed them to two county visitors respectively, and said: "This is for you, it can detoxify the corpse, if you feel unwell, you can take it .”

The two tourists from the county government are only responsible for guiding the way and will not participate in the battle. If they are accidentally affected by the poison of the corpse, half of the green wood pill should be enough to keep them safe.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord." After receiving the elixir, the two county visitors thanked them again and again, looking flattered.

Thanks to God Qingcang, book 20171102064124526, wolf will eat grass, Naruto Wing, Xuanyuan Shankai, and those who love sweets for their rewards.

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