This Game is Unusual

Chapter 142 Finding

After distributing the Cyan Wood Pill, Xiao Zhi threw his own Cyan Wood Pill into his mouth without any hesitation, and then swallowed it in one gulp.

It's refreshing and cool, a bit like mints in reality.

"I'll go over and have a look." Xiao Zhi dismounted, held his breath, and walked slowly towards the area ahead with the horizontal knife in his hand.

A warrior in the Xiantian realm has a long breath, and the breath holding time is much longer than that of ordinary people.

"I'll go too." Li Pingfeng also took the Cyanwood Pill and jumped off the horse with a saber in his hand.

Duan Yi and Xie Ke also took the Cyanwood Pill and jumped off their horses, they were also going to have a look.

The two county visitors looked at each other, hesitant.

Xiao Zhi turned his head to look at them, and said, "The two of you should stay here and take care of the horses so that they don't get lost."

When the two county visitors heard the words, they both breathed a sigh of relief and nodded quickly.

After walking forward for a distance of about a hundred feet, as far as the eye can see, the ground is in a mess, and traces of battle can be seen everywhere.

The severed trees, the lifted soil, the broken rocks, and the human and animal corpses that fell on the ground with broken heads.

Obviously, the area in front of me has experienced a great war.

Xiao Zhi was still behind a pile of rocks, and found three blood-stained shabby clothes and crude weapons scattered beside the clothes.

Thinking about it, this should be the place where the three players who provided information to them died.

After the player dies, their corpses will disappear.

With a light leap, Xiao Zhi jumped over the chaotic rocks and continued walking forward.

In front of him, he saw more human and animal corpses. Some of the corpses had intact heads, but no sound.

These corpses with complete heads are also corpse puppets.

The heads of the corpse puppets are well preserved, but they have lost their mobility. According to the old man in brown clothes, there are only two possibilities. The first possibility is that the dead energy in their bodies is exhausted. The second possibility is to refine them The evil cultivator who was here has died.

When this situation appeared on the battlefield, the second possibility was undoubtedly greater.

It seems that this should be a battle between evil cultivators and evil cultivators.

The two evil cultivators are good at refining and controlling corpses, so there are so many 'corpses' of corpse puppets left on this battlefield.

According to the descriptions of the three players who provided them with information, the final winner should be the evil cultivator who stole Yang Xu's body.

Although he was severely injured, he was the winner of this battle.

No, Xiao Zhi glanced at it, and found no body of Yang Xu among these corpses.

Yang Xu is still underage, and his body is thin and small. Even if his head is smashed, Xiao Zhi can easily recognize him just by looking at his body shape.

"No, there is no corpse of Yang Xu. The human corpses here are all stout, with big arms and round waists. There are no such thin corpses." Li Pingfeng walked over and said.

Duan Yi and Xie Ke also followed him and came over.

Li Pingfeng and Yang Xu are also familiar with each other, and know Yang Xu's body type.

Not only Yang Xu and Li Pingfeng, but before departure, Xiao Zhi also described Yang Xu's appearance to Duan Yi and Xie Ke. Duan Yi and Xie Ke also knew what Yang Xu looked like. .

"Look again, look separately." Xiao Zhi said.

"Okay." Li Pingfeng nodded, and said to Duan Yi and Xie Ke who were following him: "Don't follow me, and search separately to see if you can find the body of that boy Yang Xu, but don't stay too far away." Alright, just look for it within a few miles, and meet up at the place where the two tourists stayed later."

"Okay." Duan Yi and Xie Ke both nodded, holding refined iron weapons, and ran towards two different directions.

Li Pingfeng also left.

Xiao Zhi used both hands and feet, and quickly climbed up a big tree more than ten meters high.

All the leaves of this big tree have fallen off, Xiao Zhi stood on the bare branch of the big tree, and blessed his eyes with true energy, a pair of eyes exuded a faint gleam, looking carefully in all directions .

After blessing his true energy, his binocular vision was at least several times better than normal!

After a quarter of an hour.

Xiao Zhi returned to the meeting point with a heavy face.

Li Pingfeng and the others had already been waiting for him here.

The three of them just looked at Xiao Zhi and didn't say a word. Looking at their expressions, they knew without asking that they, like Xiao Zhi, had nothing to gain.

"You two, have you discovered anything during this time?" Xiao Zhi asked the two tourists.

Tourists are best at searching and probing. They are assisted by falcons. Falcons fly in the sky, and their field of vision is much wider than theirs.

"No, I found nothing." Both tourists shook their heads.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help being a little disappointed when he heard this.

At this time, only more than three hours had passed since the information was obtained.

From the photos, it can be seen that the evil cultivator who stole Yang Xu's body was seriously injured. With such a serious injury, it is not suitable for bumping or moving. It is only 3 hours, so he should not be able to run very far.

However, the terrain in the forest area is complex, unlike the plains with a wide view, it is difficult to find people in the forest!

"Search separately and expand the search area. I have a hunch that this evil cultivator must still be around here, and he hasn't gone far!" Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and said.

"Then look for them separately." Li Pingfeng nodded and said, "If you find that evil cultivator, kill him if you can. supported."

In the world of sentient beings, there are no communication tools such as mobile phones, and communication depends on shouting, which is also impossible.

Fortunately, once the innate martial artist uses the innate qi to shout, the sound will be transmitted for more than ten miles under the blessing of the innate zhenqi, and there is no problem. Although this tactic is a bit primitive, it still has the effect.

Everyone is preparing to leave.

"Wait." Xiao Zhi stopped them.

Under the suspicious eyes of everyone, Xiao Zhi took out a celadon bottle from his arms.

From the celadon bottle, he poured out black pills the size of Liuwei Dihuang pills and distributed them to Li Pingfeng and the others. As for the two tourists, he did not distribute them.

The two tourists are only mid-level acquired warriors.

The Qi Gathering Pill is only effective for the warriors of the Innate Realm who have True Qi, and has no effect on the Martial Artists of the Acquired Realm.

"This is a Qi-gathering pill. After taking it, you can quickly restore your true energy. One per person, just in case." Xiao Zhi said.

Duan Yi took the Qi Gathering Pill and said with a smile: "This Qi Gathering Pill is sold in the pharmacy, and it costs 10,000 yuan a piece. Brother Zhi is really generous!"

Xiao Zhi smiled: "Everyone followed me here to help me, some pills, nothing more."

Half an hour later, several people came back one after another, but still found nothing.

"Let's eat something first, and then look for it after eating." Li Pingfeng took down a large package from the green horse's back.

This big package is full of food, weighing hundreds of catties.

It should be on the shelves on Friday. This should be the last free chapter of the book. A testimonial will be released in the early morning of Friday. Let’s have a good chat. Among them, there are more questions that everyone is most interested in. It will be on the shelf at 12 noon on Friday, um , before it goes on the shelves, I ask for a recommendation ticket for the last time~

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