This Game is Unusual

Chapter 143 Testimonials!

To be on the shelves, to be honest, I am a little nervous.

There are so many things I want to say, but for a while, I don't know what to say.

Forget it, just talk about it.

This book is the best book in the author's new book issue, with a collection of 30,000+, the top 200 recommendation votes, and rewards of all sizes, including the leader, the new book issue far exceeds The last book The Chosen One.

This book can have the current results, really cannot do without everyone's support.

Without everyone's support, it would be impossible to get to where it is today. Before it was put on the shelves, there were 15 honors for works.

Here, I really appreciate everyone.

Thank you to all the brothers and sisters who have supported this book.

Take a bow and thank you.

But at the same time, this book is also the most scolded book.

I scolded the protagonist for licking the dog, scolded the author for being mentally retarded, all kinds of swear words, vicious words, and curse words. I read this chapter and the book review area almost every day, and I can see some. (Don't go through it, I have deleted the ones that scolded too much.)

Really, scolding me is a bit autistic.

Sometimes I really don't understand, take a relationship more seriously, is this called licking? Be more polite and courteous to others. Is this also called licking?

When I was in college, there was a buddy in my dormitory with the word Tian Li in his name. We all called him boy in our dormitory. He didn’t have a mine in his house. We need to lick him? After my brother-in-law and my sister got married, my brother-in-law always called me young master. Does he need to lick me?

Just a title, it makes some people climax (harmoniously) directly, and so do I... I don’t know what to say.

Three people become tigers, people's words are terrible, I really understand it deeply, and I am not afraid of everyone's jokes when I say it. When I read too many remarks that scolded me, even I was brought into rhythm and a little shaken , a little confused, could it be that my cognition has not kept up with the times? Am I really that bad at writing? Am I really writing this badly?

If I hadn’t seen so many brothers and sisters silently voting for this book every day, everyone’s rewards have not stopped every day, and those who support and encourage me in the comment area, I would have almost believed it.

I was wondering, I’m not RMB, it’s impossible for everyone to like it, it’s normal if you don’t like it, just leave if you don’t like it, why do you have to say something in the comment area, scold me a few words, and show your superiority? ? Is it not good for everyone to read books in a civilized manner?

Originally, these words were not suitable to be said in the testimonials, but I just couldn't help but want to say them.

Second, I would like to thank my editor, Loach.

Brother Loach is really nice and helped me a lot. My first book "The Ancient Age" was not in line with the mainstream of online literature, so I couldn't sign it. He signed me.

As we all know, I was named Fei as soon as I named him, and the title and introduction of this book were also completed with the help of Brother Loach. Facts have proved that his vision is very good, much better than mine named Fei.

Then there were no interruptions in recommendations, big or small, and Sanjiang pushed them all the way. To be honest, I am really grateful to him.

In fact, in the past few years of writing the book, especially after experiencing the lowest point of the Chosen One, I really have a very clear understanding of myself.

Brothers and sisters who can see this posting testimonial should all know that this game is not ordinary, and it is not a cool article.

The mainstream of online writing has always been cool writing, why don't I write cool writing? It's not that I don't want to write, but that my ability is limited, and I don't have the talent, so I can't write it. Even if I force it to write it, it's a four-dimensional thing.

Since I don't have that talent, I'll just write in my own style honestly.

Don't imitate others, don't chase hot spots, just write down slowly according to my own style and ideas.

Okay, enough nonsense, let's get down to business.

At twelve noon today, this game is about to be released, and I hope to get everyone's support.

Subscription data is crucial to a shelf-ready book.

There will be 5 updates on the day of the launch, which is agreed, and there will still be 5 updates the next day, which is to add updates for the leader of Wing T.

Afterwards, the following update plan will be followed.

Starting from zero, every 100 additional subscriptions will add 1 chapter.

1000 average order is to add 10 chapters.

The 2000 average order is to add 20 chapters.

3000 average order is to add 30 chapters.

This update plan will remain in effect until the end of this book. I hope everyone can subscribe to this book more.

New readers may not know it, but old readers should know that the author has never broken his word when he releases it, and since he put it here, he will definitely do what he says!

I'm not afraid of everyone's jokes. I have been writing a book for so long, and I also want to get a boutique badge. This is a big dream for me as a small author. Can have a long face...

If you give a reward, just let it go, as long as everyone can subscribe, I will be grateful.

If a new leader is born, there will be a 5th update on the next day. Even if the manuscript is not saved due to some emergencies, the 5th update will be added later. After all, the leader is the face of a book.

As for the boss of Wanshang, it’s not that I, the little author, is inflated and look down on the boss of Wanshang, but that this little author is not only a useless name, but also a handicap. My typing speed is very slow, and I can code three times a day. The chapters are very difficult, and they are simply not comparable to those tentacle monsters. Without that talent, there is really no way.

Otherwise, let’s explain it more clearly. Each chapter is about money. If you have more money and less money, am I a fool if you don’t make money?

I really can't write so much, please forgive me.

Well, that's all for now.

Ask for the first order, ask for subscription.

Finally, a set of mysterious numbers is announced, 558951852, the planning group of the world of all beings, everyone is welcome to come and guide, it is best to note the nickname when joining the group.

See you at noon~

Thanks to book friends 20171102064124526, book friends 20191224073312568, Tianmen Zhang, book friends 20200312115502031, book friends 20190820030557034, jgakjgk, Zhanxianke, soda ov, book friends 20200312191722766, occasionally Donate freely.

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