This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1403 The Second Defense Mission of Dachang World

This golden flame that suddenly ignited belongs to the strange fire of the high god.

With a bang, the golden flame exploded, Xiao Zhi burst out of the sea of ​​flames with flames on his body, and continued to fly forward like a golden meteor.

What he needs to do now is to flee away with the treasure.

With his current strength, even if he becomes a Buddha, he can only wrestle with a high god like Long Yuandi who has no background. If he is facing a high god who dominates the world, his chance of winning is extremely small.

But if it's just a competition of speed, he is still very confident in his own speed.

With the blessing of the ability of "speaking the law with", his speed far surpasses that of the same level.

Unless the opponent masters the laws of space, or possesses the speed-type high-star immortal technique, otherwise, in terms of speed, it will be difficult to surpass him.

As a result, Xiao Zhi encountered some difficulties this time.

When Xiao Zhi rushed out of the flames, his body was stained with some golden flames.

These golden flames stained his body like tarsal maggots and were difficult to remove.

When Xiao Zhi was trying to get rid of these golden flames on his body, the golden flames attached to his body suddenly exploded and turned into a golden fire dragon with teeth and claws, grabbing and biting Xiao Zhi.

Faced with this sudden attack, Xiao Zhi's reaction speed was extremely fast, and he immediately transformed into countless arms to resist the bite of this golden fire dragon.

His body instantly turned into a golden color, as if poured out of gold.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Zhi opened his mouth and spit out a mantra: "Back!"

The golden fire dragon was repelled, and was soon left behind by Xiao Zhige.

However, the golden flame stained on Xiao Zhi's body still remained.

These remaining golden flames ignited again, and turned into a golden fire dragon with teeth and claws, clawing and biting at Xiao Zhi.

"Back!" Xiao Zhi opened his mouth again and spit out a mantra, but he failed to repel the golden fire dragon.

He had no choice but to wave his thousand hands and fight fiercely with this golden fire dragon.

As a result, after a wave of fighting, the golden fire dragon exploded and split into two, turning into two golden fire dragons.

Xiao Zhi's pressure doubled for a while, and he fell into a huge disadvantage.

In this case, Xiao Zhi directly gave up resistance.

In the next instant, his body was torn into several pieces, and then burned to ashes in an instant.

A hundred miles away, a dazzling colorful light suddenly burst out.

Xiao Zhi's figure emerged out of thin air, grabbed the colorful light, turned into a golden streamer, and continued to escape through the air.

Just now, he used the 'Golden Cicada Escape Shell' magical power possessed by the Great Buddha of Guangzhi, successfully escaped the entanglement of two golden fire dragons, and escaped a hundred miles away!

The "Golden Cicada Escape Shell" magical power possessed by Guangzhi Great Buddha is an enhanced version of the "Golden Cicada Escape Shell" magical power possessed by Guangzhi Bodhisattva. It can not only escape from afar, but also remove all curse-like things on the body.

After using the ability of 'Golden Cicada Escapes its Shell', the golden flame burning like tarsus maggots on Xiao Zhi's body was finally completely cleared away.

Xiao Zhi, who turned into a Buddha, was flying through the air at full speed, while thinking coldly in his heart: 'Now, I don't have your kindling in me anymore, let me see how you chase me down! '

As a result, as soon as this idea popped up, Xiao Zhi felt a burning pain in the back of his head.

He subconsciously turned his head and glanced back, his pupils shrank involuntarily.

As far as his eyes could see, there was a blazing flaming figure bending his bow and nodding an arrow, aiming a dragon-like flaming arrow at him.

Xiao Zhi suddenly had the feeling of being locked in by the ultimate move, and even his flying speed was affected, not as fast as before.

This is... a long-range killing move? !

As soon as this thought surfaced in his heart, the dragon-like flaming arrow pierced through the air and flew towards him, so fast that even Xiao Zhi felt his heart tremble.

Xiao Zhi had no choice but to turn around and assume a defensive posture.

The next moment.

With a bang, a strong golden flame erupted from Xiao Zhi's body, and he staggered back.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi was in despair.

You can't fight but you can't escape, what the hell do you do?

Not long after, Xiao Zhi slowly opened his eyes in the deep dark water of the sea, his face looked a little pale.

After opening his eyes, Xiao Zhi seemed a little silent. After a long time, he shook his head helplessly, and murmured: "It's really not easy to go up and challenge..."

High gods also have strengths and weaknesses.

Emperor Long Yuan was at the bottom of the list of high gods.

The high god of flames he met just now must be the high god of the overlord world. Compared with Emperor Long Yuan, he is not a star and a half...

'It seems that I still have a long way to go...' Xiao Zhi sighed softly in his heart.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of the Quicksand King.

If his teammate is the Quicksand King this time, he and the Quicksand King should be able to deal with the treasure box monster very quickly, and then escape one step ahead of time, perhaps avoiding the interception and killing of the Flaming High God.

In this way, he is very hopeful to win this seven-colored treasure.

Unfortunately, the Quicksand King is no longer here...

Xiao Zhi suddenly missed those times when he fought side by side with the Quicksand King in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's expression moved slightly, and with a wave of his hand, the sound transmission jade talisman that belonged to him appeared in front of him out of thin air, emitting a faint light, and from it came Lu Chong's voice: "Brother Zhi, you He was also killed..."

At this time, if Xiao Zhi hadn't been killed, he must have been fleeing far away with the treasure, and it was impossible to accept his voice transmission.

Since he accepted his voice transmission, he must have been killed.

"Hmm." Xiao Zhi hummed lightly.

The voice belonging to Lu Zhong said with a little shame: "I'm sorry, Brother Zhi, it's my lack of strength that has dragged you down."

Xiao Zhi said: "Don't say such things, practice hard, strength is the last word."

"Yes, I know." Lu Zhong said solemnly.

Next, Xiao Zhi received voice transmissions from Zhao Yan and Hu Yang.

Both looked a little dejected.

It can be seen that this trip to seize the treasure has dealt a big blow to them.

Xiao Zhi could only comfort them with words.

After finishing the communication with Zhao Yan and the others, Xiao Zhi quickly calmed down and devoted himself to the intense cultivation again.

Time passed day by day.

A few months passed in a flash.

On this day, a system notification appeared, and a new guardian mission was about to start.

According to the prompt of the system, this guard mission is still a regular guard mission.

Roy Yi is still unconscious.

When the guard mission was about to start, Xiao Zhi, Lu Zhong, and the comatose Luo Yiyi gathered in the hall belonging to Xiao Zhi in Dachang Imperial City.

Xiao Zhi glanced at Lu Zhong, and asked through voice transmission: "Lu Zhong, how is your [Crown Mountains] cultivation going?"

Lu Zhong replied via voice transmission: "Brother Zhi, I have focused on cultivating it during this time, and now, it has been cultivated to the Dacheng level by me."

Xiao Zhi nodded slightly: "Not bad, in this way, you have a certain ability to protect yourself."

The two chatted a few more words through sound transmission. At this time, there was less than a minute left before the start of this round of defense missions.

Lu Zhong looked at Luo Yiyi, who was lying on the cloud bed, eyes still closed, comatose, and said worriedly: "It's been so long, Luo Yiyi hasn't woken up yet, and I don't know when she will wake up."

Xiao Zhi didn't answer, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Wait a minute, let's take her by the hand and see if we can bring her into the task of guarding, that's all we can do." .”

Lu nodded his head: "I hope you can bring it in, or else..."

When he said this, he stopped talking.

A minute passed quickly.

A piece of golden light emerged from the sky, then fell down like a waterfall, penetrated the dome of the hall, and fell on the bodies of Xiao Zhi and the other three.

The figures of Xiao Zhi and the other three immediately disappeared into the hall.

This scene was clearly recorded by the staff on duty in the palace.

After a slight trance, what Xiao Zhi saw with his eyes, the scene he saw had completely changed.

What appeared in front of him was an extremely grand palace, and he was in this palace, as small as an ant.

At the same time, he also felt that his body was heavy. This was because his strength was suppressed here.

All this made Xiao Zhi feel quite familiar.

Because, in the last celestial guardian mission, their "birth point" was also such a huge palace.

What is slightly different is that the huge palace they were 'born' this time is relatively well preserved and not as dilapidated as before.

"Luo Yiyi came with us." Lu Zhong said, obviously heaving a sigh of relief.

After Xiao Zhi saw the comatose Luo Yiyi, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, turbid water seeped out from the white jade floor under his feet, and soon a puddle formed under his feet, and then, the entire hall was filled with turbid water.

"This is... the water of quicksand?" Lu Zhong looked at the muddy water under his feet with a surprised expression on his face.

Xiao Zhi smiled lightly and nodded: "Yes."

"Brother Zhi, have you already fused the quicksand water?" Lu Zhong said.

"Fusion?" Xiao Zhi smiled and shook his head: "It's still early, the water of flowing water is not so easy to fuse, I just have some understanding of the water of quicksand, and I can use part of its power."

When he said this, the turbid water surface fluctuated, and a hideous and ugly fat-headed fish jumped out of the turbid water, and then fell into the turbid quicksand water again with a plop.

Another jellyfish monster emerged from the muddy water, its tentacles swaying around like water plants.

"Luo Yiyi is still in a coma, unable to fight, let her stay in the quicksand water, it will be safer." Xiao Zhi said.

"Okay." Lu nodded his head.

Seeing that monster jellyfish swish, it shot out its tentacles, wrapped the comatose Royyi into a rice dumpling, and dragged it into the muddy quicksand water.

In the next second, the turbid quicksand water flowed out of the hall through the huge hall gate.

Xiao Zhi took Lu Zhong and followed him to the outside of the hall.

Xiao Zhi stood on the muddy quicksand water and looked up at the sky.

As far as his eyes could see, above the sky, a bloody vortex was slowly rotating.

Xiao Zhi said calmly: "It seems that this guarding mission is the same as last time. It is to guard the portal and kill those intruders coming from the portal."

"It should be like this." Lu nodded emphatically, and said, "I hope there will be more monsters this time, and we can get more sky points."

"I hope." Xiao Zhi said.

He added in his heart: "If the sky points obtained this time are about the same as last time, then at this rate, if I want to obtain a high-star immortal technique, I probably have to wait until the year of the monkey... "

At this moment, the ethereal voice belonging to the sentient beings system rang in Xiao Zhi's ears: "Everyone in Dachang World, your mission goal this time is this bloody portal in the sky. , There may be invaders from other big worlds entering our big world through this bloody portal, you must kill them to prevent their invasion."

"The bloody portal is expected to exist for 10 to 15 days..."


Even the notification sound of the sentient beings system is exactly the same as last time.

After the notification sound from the sentient beings system disappeared, Xiao Zhi said, "Okay, the task has begun, you go and set up the summoning array first."

"Well, good." Lu nodded his head, and went to arrange the summoning formation for summoning Ku Luoxian as promised.

Xiao Zhi stood on the surface of the turbid water, allowing the quicksand water to continue to seep into his surroundings.

Not long after, several surrounding temple buildings were submerged by the muddy quicksand water.

The quicksand water is still seeping into the surroundings.

Wherever it infiltrates, Xiao Zhi has brought it under his control.

It is like a domain of the gods, Xiao Zhi can rely on it to appear in any area, any corner it penetrates.

It is different from God's Domain.

When God's Domain unfolds, there are risks.

And although the penetration speed of this quicksand water is slow, there is no risk.

Suddenly, Xiao Zhi's heart moved, and his whole body sank into the muddy quicksand water.

When he appeared again, he was already in a huge palace.

At this time, the palace was quite uneasy.

The turbid quicksand water only penetrated halfway, and was stopped.

One after another, the fat-headed fish with hideous appearance jumped out of the muddy quicksand water and rushed to the depths of the hall.

However, as soon as they rushed out of the quicksand water, their bodies became torn apart, disintegrating into turbid water, splashing everywhere.

In this palace, there is a mass of twisted and chaotic space.

This twisted and chaotic space is hidden in the air, and if you don't investigate carefully, you won't find its existence at all.

If you accidentally touch it, not to mention these weak fat-headed fish, even if it is a demigod, it is very likely to be smashed into slag and die on the spot.

Xiao Zhi stared at the twisted and chaotic space in front of him, and suddenly felt that it might be a good choice to use the quicksand water to explore these architectural ruins in the heaven.

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