This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1416 My name is Xi'an

However, what Xiao Zhi cut was only a part of the shadow.

The moment the long black shadow was slashed by Xiao holding the knife, it was suddenly split into two, a part of the body with a little spark, and the golden fire dragon that was entangled and fighting with it took the initiative to meet Xiao. Zhi Zhi's blade, most of the body took the opportunity to break free from Xiao Zhi's ultimate lock, and fled to the sky at a faster speed than before!

Gecko docked tail...

Such a word emerged in Xiao Zhi's mind.

In the next moment, the part of the body that was abandoned by the black shadow was cut into two by Xiao Zhi's [Xuan Shui Knife], and it melted into thick black smoke at a speed visible to the naked eye. Thick black water gave off a disgusting stench.

The golden fire dragon of Huo Gaoshen was not affected by Xiao Zhi's precise knife technique.

Like a living thing, the golden fire dragon swung its tail and chased after the fleeing black shadow in front.

"Want to run?" Flaming High God once again pulled his flaming longbow.

This time, what he shot was no longer a flaming arrow, but a long flaming dragon.

This is a long-range killing move.

The fleeing black shadow was locked by this long-range ultimate move, and his speed was immediately affected, which was much slower than before.

However, this is a long-range killer move after all, and the ability to lock the enemy is not as good as a melee killer move.

Although the speed of the black shadow was affected, he was still fleeing forward.

The space in front of it fluctuated violently, and black cracks visible to the naked eye appeared.

This is a space crack.

The black shadow obviously wanted to escape to the chaotic space through the space crack.

"Stop it!" yelled the Fire God.

Compared with melee ultimate moves, long-range ultimate moves have many advantages, but they also have their fatal flaws.

That is, in the chaotic space, the power of long-range ultimate moves will be greatly affected, while the power of melee ultimate moves will hardly be affected.

The black shadow saw this at the first time, and chose to flee to the chaotic space without hesitation!

Xiao Zhi's reaction speed is also extremely fast.

Hearing a low growl, an arm grew out from under his ribs.

There is a large black seal in this arm, and he slams it forward!

Immediately, an invisible suppressive pressure field spread out, sweeping in all directions.

The space was suppressed, and the black crack visible to the naked eye in the front was also healed a lot.

"I'm coming!" The beautiful woman also made a move.

I saw her take out an object and throw it towards the black shadow that was struggling to escape.

This is a small ball, covered with complicated patterns, exuding an inexplicable light.

As soon as the ball was thrown out, it exploded instantly and turned into nothingness.

A circle of invisible ripples produced by the explosion spread out, instantly smoothing out all the spatial cracks in this airspace.

Also at this moment, the flaming dragon representing the ultimate move slammed into the fleeing black shadow, and exploded into a huge burning fireball.

The fierce battle started again.

Flame Gaoshen was burning with blazing flames, transformed into a flaming spear, and rushed towards the shadow.

Holding a black long knife in his hand, Xiao Zhi was brewing his ultimate move [Xuan Shui Knife], and rushed towards the shadow.

Even the beautiful woman put away her staff, held a red rapier, dragged afterimages in the air, and rushed towards the black shadow.

At their level, they all come from the regional overlord world, and generally have no shortcomings.

It can be used for both long-distance attack and melee combat.

Relatively speaking, the combat power that can be erupted in melee combat is higher than that of long-distance combat. Therefore, at this moment, the three of Xiao Zhi all chose melee combat.

Space is suppressed.

The black shadow was marked by golden fireworks and entangled by the fire dragon, and its speed was obviously affected. In this case, the black shadow had no way to escape, and could only fight Xiao Zhi and the others to death.

When faced with the siege of the three of Xiao Zhi, the black shadow changed its shape again, its body swelled, and turned into a huge pure black monster like an octopus. There are many times more octopuses.

Its tentacles swung wildly, and while resisting Xiao Zhi's attack, it was also counterattacking with other tentacles.

Xiao Zhi found that his strongest attack in normal form was the original supernatural power [Xuan Shui Knife], which was almost invincible before, but at this moment, it lost its previous sharpness and seemed a little weak.

He slashed down with all his strength, not to mention splitting the monster in two, he couldn't even injure it severely, he could only leave a not-so-deep wound on its body, and he could only barely cut off those monsters. Tentacles only.

And the corrosive power contained in [Xuan Shui Knife] doesn't have much effect at this time, it can only erode some areas around the wound on the monster's body, and then it is stopped.

This is the case when Xiao Zhi used two fusion waters and used ten times the power.

If he didn't use these, and simply used the ultimate move [Xuan Shui Knife] to slash this monster, he probably wouldn't even be able to break the monster's defense.

As for the beautiful woman, I saw her wielding a red rapier and unleashed a gorgeous sword move like fireworks. Although the vision was very dazzling, the power it erupted was far worse than that of Xiao Xiao. It is obviously not as good as it is.

To be realistic, Xiao Zhi and this beautiful woman can't pose much threat to the monster in front of them at all.

Only the attack from the high flame god can pose a real threat to the black monster in front of him.

Every time the flaming spear in the hands of the flame high god pierced, it could easily pierce the black monster's body, causing an explosion and deflagration, which made the monster creak and smoke billowed from its body.

The golden flame stained on the monster's body also burned like tarsal maggots. Not only did it not go out, but it burned more and more vigorously.

In just one breath, the monster was burnt into a flaming golden fireball, but it still persisted tenaciously.

call! The tentacles stained with golden flames lashed towards Xiao Zhi like lightning.

In the ear-piercing whistling sound, the space was whipped out of the fluctuations visible to the naked eye.

Facing the approaching tentacles, Xiao Zhi had no choice but to temporarily give up the attack and dodge.

With the blessing of the ability of 'Speaking out', his speed is unbelievably fast, and he avoided the tentacle's blow like lightning.

However, several more tentacles roared and attacked Xiao Zhi from different directions.

Xiao Zhi either parried or dodged, and quickly defused several monster attacks like lightning, but he was still caught in the back by a tentacle.

With a bang, the ice armor on Xiao Zhi's back shattered, and he was thrown flying like a rag. Wherever he passed, a series of golden divine blood was sprinkled.

In Xiao Zhi's mind, there was also a scream, which belonged to the demon Li Kuo.

Almost at the same time, a woman's screams sounded.

That beautiful woman was also hit by the monster's attack at this moment.

She looked even worse than Xiao Zhi, half of her body was pumped out, and the golden blood of the gods sprinkled the void.

This is just the direct trauma caused by the attack, and the attack issued by the monster also contains some additional damage.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi felt this additional damage.

It's a numb feeling.

Along with the paralysis, there was also a strong sense of weakness and a feeling that the breath of life was passing away.

Obviously, this is multiple additional damage.

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth, used his divine power to forcibly suppress all the negative effects on his body, held the black long knife, and rushed towards the black monster again.

Soon, the beautiful woman also forcibly suppressed the injuries on her body, and came back with a sword.

The black monster fell into the siege of the three again.

"Forgive me..." A vague voice came from the black monster's body.

Xiao Zhi and the beautiful woman's attack, this black monster can take it lightly, but it is difficult to withstand the attack of Huo Gaoshen.

In just a few seconds, it has shrunk by more than half under the burning and detonation of the golden flame.

If it goes on like this, it will die.

Huo Gaoshen didn't speak, and continued to stab with his spear at his own frequency, consuming the monster in front of him little by little.

Seeing that the monster begged for mercy, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel a little twitching in his heart.

Being able to beg for mercy means that this monster can communicate.

"What the hell are you!?" Xiao Zhi slashed off one of the tentacles that hit him, and shouted.

"My name is Xi'an, I am..." The voice from the black monster was still vague, but if you listen carefully, you can still hear it clearly.

"Go to hell!" At this moment, Huo Gaoshen shouted loudly, and the spear in his hand turned into a detonating fire dragon, stabbing at the monster in front of him again.

This time he used the ultimate move, the power displayed was even stronger than the previous series of ultimate moves.

Under Xiao Zhi's gaze, Huo Gaoshen's shot pierced the black monster's body directly, and then there was a violent explosion.


During the explosion, golden flames splashed, and the monster's body was blown apart.

Xiao Zhi dodged to avoid the splashing golden flames, a joyful expression appeared on his face.

Once the monster in front of him is killed, this special task will be declared over.

He still has to rush back to carry out the task of guarding the heavens this time.

But in the next moment, the joy on Xiao Zhi's face froze, because where his eyes could see, at the center of the explosion, there was a phantom.

Xiao Zhi was not the only one who discovered this phantom, Huo Gaoshen also discovered its existence immediately.

Huo Gaoshen snorted coldly, stretched out the flaming spear in his hand, and was about to charge up again to give the monster a fatal blow.

It was at this moment that Xiao Zhi heard the vague voice of the black monster again: "You want me to die, but I won't make it easier for you! Bury them all with me!"

Just when the flame spear in the hands of Huo Gaoshen was about to touch this phantom, the phantom exploded.

The phantom's self-destruction seemed soundless, and the self-destruction released was not conventional law energy, but a circle of gray ripples.

This circle of black ripples passed over the body of Huo Gaoshen in an instant, and then passed over the bodies of Xiao Zhi and the beautiful woman.

Xiao Zhi suddenly changed his expression!

At this moment, he felt a strong sense of crisis.

This sense of crisis was so strong that he felt suffocated, and he hadn't felt this way for a long time.

In the next moment, a touch of black appeared on his face, as if a shadow had been cast over it.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi only felt that the vitality in his body was being withdrawn rapidly, and with the withdrawal of vitality, his body was rapidly becoming thinner and shriveled.

It's a curse.

A terrible curse that cannot be dispelled at all with his current strength!

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth, and stepped back quickly, wanting to stay away from here. In the end, he even switched positions with his Ziji Saber, which was deliberately placed more than a hundred miles away, and spanned a hundred miles in an instant.

But the sense of crisis has not receded at all, on the contrary, it has become more and more intense.

Intuition told him that if he didn't do something at this time, he would most likely die!

At this moment, Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth, and an extremely bright golden light burst out from his body.

This is Buddha light.

Under the threat of death, Xiao Zhi chose to become a Buddha without hesitation at this moment!

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Zhi turned into a Buddha, wearing a golden robe, with a golden wheel spinning behind his head, and Sanskrit singing beside him, his aura soared at this moment, and soon reached the level of a high god.

The moment he transformed into a Buddha, little golden paint appeared on Xiao Zhi's body.

Soon, he turned into a golden man.

This is the golden body of the Buddha, with extremely strong defense power, and it is invulnerable to all dharmas!

But even though Xiao Zhi had turned into a Buddha and opened his golden body, his body would still inevitably wither away.

The feeling of life being pulled away has not disappeared, it just slowed down a lot.

As soon as Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth, he used another supernatural power of the Buddha - the golden cicada escapes its shell!

Seeing a flash of golden light, Xiao Zhi's golden body sitting cross-legged in mid-air shriveled visibly with the naked eye. Almost instantly, the golden body peeled off and turned into a pair of dry bones. In the end, even the dry bones rotted away. Turned into dust and scattered with the wind.

Tens of miles away, there was a golden light flashing, and Xiao Zhi's figure emerged out of thin air, with Sanskrit sounds singing beside him, and his whole body exuded a brilliant golden light.

The terrible curse was finally dispelled at this moment.

At this time, Xiao Zhi was already emaciated, with wrinkles all over his face, haggard and old.

Logically speaking, the gods have unlimited lifespan and are immortal, but this curse can even eat away the vitality of the gods, causing the gods to age and die!

After getting rid of the entanglement of the curse, Xiao Zhi's old face showed an expression of the rest of his life.

He glanced ahead.

He saw the flame god at a glance. The figure of the flame god was hanging high in the sky, with a faint golden flame burning on his body, and his breath seemed a little sluggish.

His eyes moved away from Flame Gaoshen's body, and continued to look at other places.

His pupils shrank slightly.

As far as he could see, at a distance of more than two hundred miles from the explosion, a dead bone was floating quietly, and a red thin sword was trembling beside it, holding the dead bone.

"This beauty has already fallen." Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help sighing softly in his heart.

Happy New Year's Eve everyone, I wish you all good health and good luck in the new year!

Thanks to Aoqi or Mi Ye for the reward.

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