This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1437 Rules Invasion

But Xiao Zhi said at this time: "Don't chase."

Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan and Luo Yiyi temporarily stopped their pursuit and looked at Xiao Zhi suspiciously.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his finger and pointed to a certain direction in the front left, and said, "There are more monsters over there."

The efficiency of killing monsters during pursuit is actually a bit low, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

With monsters gathering in other places, Xiao Zhi felt that it would be more efficient to give up chasing these fleeing monsters and start a new battle elsewhere.

After hearing Xiao Zhi's words, Lu Zhong and the others quickly understood what Xiao Zhi meant, and when they gave up their pursuit targets, they moved closer to Xiao Zhi.

Soon, Xiao Zhi took Lu Zhong and the three of them across a distance of thousands of miles to another place where hell dogs gathered.

A new battle has begun again.

Xiao Zhi also beheaded the leader of these hellhounds, the two-headed hellhound, as before.

Soon, a two-headed hellhound was killed by him.

Xiao Zhi charged at another two-headed hellhound with a knife.

During this gap, the blue light that bloomed in his eyes suddenly became brighter, and then he quickly scanned in all directions.

After scanning around, the blue light in Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly dimmed, and he said, "The Great Emperor Siyu has also rushed over."

"What?" A look of surprise appeared on Lu Zhong's face.

Zhao Yan and Luo Yiyi also stopped their movements.

Xiao Zhi said: "It's okay, let's continue to kill monsters, the Emperor Siyu is not in our direction, there is a considerable distance between him and us."

Hearing what Xiao Zhi said, Lu Zhong and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to fight and fight with the hell dogs in front of them.

Xiao Zhi also continued his beheading action, beheading the two-headed hellhounds among the monsters one by one.

At the same time, he continued to pay attention to the situation on the main battlefield.

On the other side of the main battlefield, the battle is still in full swing.

After Emperor Siyu brought those god-level players from Shanyu World to join the battlefield, the advantage of the players became even greater.

Every moment, a large number of monsters are killed.

In fact, these monsters invaded from other big realms are not that bad. Relying on their numbers, they are actually very powerful in combat.

As far as Xiao Zhi saw, there were already several beginner-level players, and even middle-level players, who were in danger.

However, these players are not weak in their own life-saving ability, and they will never be far away from the high gods in the world they live in. With the high gods escorting them, as long as they are not instantly killed by those monsters, it is really hard for them to die .

Lu Zhong and the others are actually the same, with him, the top God, escorting them, their lives can be guaranteed.

If he didn't exist, those god-level two-headed hellhounds would be enough to bite Lu Zhong and the others to flee in a hurry. How could they be so leisurely spawning monsters like they are now?

"Emperor Konghua from the Cangmeng World is also here." After a short while, Xiao Zhi suddenly said.

While killing monsters, Zhao Yan said, "How many gods have come here?"

"Emperor Jiwu, Emperor Cangyan, Emperor Siyu, plus this Emperor Konghua, and an unknown high god, five high gods have come."

"It should be more than that." Luo Yiyi's voice came out from the black visor coldly: "From our perspective, we can only see the situation on the side of Montenegro, and the situation on the other side of Montenegro. It cannot be seen."

Once put on the battle armor, Roy Yi's voice would become indifferent, and everyone was used to it.

Xiao Zhi nodded and admitted, "That's right, I can't see what's going on behind Montenegro, so these five might not be the only high gods who rushed over."

"Why hasn't my Emperor Kongtian appeared yet? And that Emperor Mengtian is also missing. If one of the two of them can come, the big black mountain has probably been smashed to pieces. How can they still be here? It's an eyesore," Zhao Yan said.

"Emperor Kongtian belongs to your family?" Lu Chong glanced at Zhao Yan beside him.

Zhao Yan rolled his eyes and said, "Emperor Kongtian is my idol, can I say that?"

"All right, all right, you can say whatever you want." Lu Zhong said, "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and kill monsters, killing monsters is important."

Xiao Zhi suddenly said at this moment: "I suddenly discovered something."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Yan asked.

Xiao Zhi glanced in the direction of the main battlefield again, frowned and said: "Over there... those monster corpses on the main battlefield are a bit strange."

"What's so strange?" Lu Zhong asked.

Xiao Zhi said: "The corpses of those monsters that were killed didn't disappear, they didn't even fall to the ground, they all floated in the sky, but the corpses of the monsters we killed didn't encounter such a thing. The situation is the same as the bodies of the previous intruders, after being killed, they all fell to the ground and then disappeared on the ground."

"How could this be?" There was a trace of doubt in Zhao Yan's voice.

Lu Zhong pondered for a while, and said, "Could it be related to that big black mountain?"

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly and said, "Maybe, I also think this big black mountain is weird."

When he said this, Xiao Zhi shook his head lightly, and said, "Okay, let's stop talking, let's kill monsters quickly, killing monsters is the most important thing."

The danger of this joint defense mission is a danger, but it is also an opportunity.

Xiao Zhiyou had calculated silently in his heart. Just now, at the place where the joint defense mission is performed, the sky points he obtained by killing monsters have easily exceeded the sum of the previous routine defense missions.

This is just killing monsters outside.

If he entered the inner circle to kill monsters like those high gods, he would get a lot more sky points.

In this way, time passed for a while.

After a fierce fight, this group of hell dogs were also crushed by Xiao Zhi and the others, barking and scattered, and fled in all directions.

"Brother Zhi, do you want to chase him or not? Or move the battlefield and go to a new place with a lot of monsters?" Zhao Yan shouted.

Xiao Zhi said, "Let's chase after it, there are no places where monsters gather around here anymore."

While speaking, Xiao Zhi's eyes fell on a fleeing two-headed hellhound.

This is already the last two-headed hellhound among the hellhounds nearby.

"Okay." Zhao Yan agreed.

At this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly felt a palpitation.

He subconsciously looked in the direction of the main battlefield.

Looking at it, his pupils shrank.

Wherever he looked, the huge black mountain suddenly exploded at this moment, turning into a black mist that filled the sky.

At this moment, the corpses of those monsters floating in the sky also collapsed into thick black mist.

The black mist covered the entire main battlefield in an instant, and then rushed in all directions at an incredible speed.

At the same time, there is an invisible wave, like a water wave, spreading in all directions at a faster speed!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi suddenly had a very bad feeling in his heart, and shouted: "Stop chasing, let's go! Let's go quickly!"

After saying that, he rushed towards Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi.

Under the blessing of the ability of 'Speaking out the law with', Xiao Zhi's speed was very fast, and he joined Lu Zhong and the others very quickly.

"Let's go!" Xiao Zhi took Lu Zhong and the others, started running at high speed, and fled frantically away from the black mist.

As a result, before he could fly far, that invisible wave caught up with him from behind and swept past him.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi's complexion suddenly changed!

Because his God Realm, which covered his body like clothes, became extremely unstable at this moment, as if it would be broken at any time.

Not only that, the divine power of water in his body also became unstable, and even the clear water knife in his hand became dim at this moment.

His water movement law seems to have become chaotic at this moment, and he is no longer as dexterous as before.

This situation has never happened before!

Exclamations sounded one after another.

At this moment, Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan, and Luo Yiyi also showed expressions of astonishment and horror on their faces.

At this moment, their power of law also became chaotic.

Zhao Yan rolled his eyes and passed out because of the shattering of the Space God Domain that had spread out to cover his whole body.

"What's going on?" Lu Zhong was shocked. He didn't open the God's Domain, but he wouldn't fall into a coma because the God's Domain was broken.

Xiao Zhi restrained his divine domain at the first moment, and then led Lu Zhong and the other three, and continued to flee frantically towards the far sky.

It's just that the speed of his escape was obviously affected, not as fast as before.

Luo Yiyi turned pale and said: "Rules, the rules of our world here have been forcibly changed, and the rules we have comprehended are no longer suitable for the environment here, that's why this happens."

"Well, I've already felt it." Xiao Zhi's face also looked very pale.

At this moment, the blue light in his eyes seemed a little dim.

His divine power is all divine power of water movement, once the law of water movement is affected, his strength will also be affected.

At this moment, Lu Zhong glanced back and exclaimed, "A hellhound is chasing after him, so fast."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he also glanced back, and his pupils instantly shrank to the size of a pinprick.

Then I saw a two-headed hellhound burning with blood-red flames, galloping through the air at an incredible speed, chasing after them!

Behind this two-headed hellhound, there are dozens of ordinary hellhounds following.

Whether it is the two-headed hellhound or the dozen or so ordinary hellhounds, they have become different from before.

Whether it is speed or momentum, these hell dogs have skyrocketed a lot compared to before!

Hum... From the body of the two-headed hellhound, a dark red light suddenly burst out, covering a range of hundreds of feet in the blink of an eye.

This is the realm of the gods, this is the realm of the gods that belong to this two-headed hellhound!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's expression turned extremely ugly, but there was a glimmer of understanding in his heart.

It was that mysterious wave...

It was that fluctuation that changed the rules of this world...

Then, the laws they realized in this world will become invalid.

It cannot be said that it has completely failed, but most of it has failed.

On the other hand, those hellhounds are now showing a surge in strength.

This means that they are very adaptable to the current world rules.

The current rules may be the world rules of the world they lived in before!

what is this? Is this the legendary rule invasion?

Under Xiao Zhi's gaze, the two-headed hellhound behind him was galloping through the void, even faster than him, closing the distance between him and him at a speed visible to the naked eye !

You must know that his speed has been blessed by the ability of "Speaking the Law". Under normal circumstances, among the central gods, even those who master the law of space, it is difficult to surpass him in terms of speed.

But now, a mid-god level monster that he didn't pay attention to at all before can surpass him in speed.

Just because the rules of this world have been changed, he is actually not as good as a middle god level monster.

Although this kind of hellhound monster is good at speed, before being suppressed by the world rules of the heavens, its speed can be faster than ordinary gods of the same level. He is also a reasonable thing to do.

But Xiao Zhi still couldn't accept it.

This strong sense of gap made Xiao Zhi doubt himself.

After all, Xiao Zhi was Xiao Zhi, so he calmed down in an instant, and then, a vast voice that only he could hear: "Increase his speed by eight times!"

Before, it was five times faster, but at this moment, Xiao Zhi increased his own speed to eight times!

With the blessing of eight times the speed, Xiao Zhi's speed soared a lot, surpassing the two-headed hellhound behind him in speed, and throwing the two-headed hellhound away again.

Seeing the two-headed hellhound barking wildly, the dark red divine domain it expanded began to collapse with it as the origin, and finally condensed into a pair of dark red flesh-colored flesh wings that were as solid as they were.

The two-headed hellhound barked again, spread its wings, and the speed of flying in the sky increased again, surpassing Xiao Zhi's speed again!

The distance between the two began to draw closer at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's heart sank.

He really wanted to give up running away, and turned around to hit the mad dog behind him with a [Xuan Shui Knife] ten times more powerful, but he held back.

His [Xuan Shui Knife] was constructed through the law of water movement he had comprehended, and the same was true for the two different waters he fused. Now, the foundation of his law of water movement is no longer stable, and his How much power is left in the ultimate move [Xuan Shui Knife]?

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth, and wanted to increase the current eight-fold speed to ten-fold speed through the ability of "speaking the law".

But he calculated in his heart that even if he increased his speed to ten times faster, at most he could only ensure that he would not be caught up by the mad dog behind him.

And this ten times speed consumes a terrifying amount of divine power, how long can he last?

In this way, he has only one way to go...

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