This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1447 successfully boarded the heaven

"I also think I can." Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

Xiao Zhi floated in mid-air, and adjusted his state a little bit, so that his state reached the peak he could achieve.

"Okay, let's go." Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and said.

"Okay." Li Kuo nodded, with a hint of excitement on his face.

In the next instant, Xiao Zhi's figure turned into a streak of light and shot straight into the sky!

In an instant, his figure pierced through the clouds and came above the clouds.

But his journey to the sky had only just begun.

The sky is ten thousand feet high, and the wind is bitterly cold here. Not to mention ordinary birds, even ordinary monster birds cannot survive here.

At 20,000 feet high, the wind here can already be described as a strong wind, not to mention ordinary monster birds, as strong as a demon king and a golden core monk, they can't resist the harsh wind here for a long time.

Fifty thousand feet in the sky, at this height, the strength of the wind has increased greatly, the demon king and the golden core monks simply cannot bear the wind of this intensity, if they fly up by force, they will be torn by the bitter wind here in an instant If it is broken into pieces, only Nascent Soul monks and Yao Zun can barely survive at this height.

One hundred thousand feet in the sky, this altitude is already the highest altitude that creatures under the gods can reach.

If the ordinary Nascent Soul and Yao Zun forcefully fly to this height, there will be only one result, that is, they will be blown to pieces by the terrible wind here, and there will be no bones left.

There are only demigod-level existences who can barely stay here for a while.

Further up, that is the area of ​​the gods.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi's figure easily flew up to a height of 100,000 feet, and then continued to fly upwards at a steady speed.

This speed is not in a hurry for him. After all, he has not even used the ability of "speaking the law" this time, but for the existence under the gods, the speed he showed can be used as fast as lightning. To describe it, the speed is incredible.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi had reached a height of two hundred thousand feet above the ground.

Then three hundred thousand feet, four hundred thousand feet, five hundred thousand feet...

What exists here is still the gang wind, but the gang wind here is already terrifying to an unimaginable degree. The existence under the gods, even demigods, will be extremely weak under this terrible gang wind. Was blown to death in a short time.

Xiao Zhi was still flying upwards without haste.

When the altitude reached one million feet, Xiao Zhi finally felt a little pressure.

"Brother Li, how do you feel?" Xiao Zhi stopped temporarily and asked.

"I'm fine, and I can persist." The voice belonging to Li Kuo, the demon, rang in Xiao Zhi's mind.

Xiao Zhi smiled lightly and said: "Brother Li, you have to take it easy, don't be brave, if you can't bear the wind, you can just possess me."

"Don't worry, Master, I won't be brave." The voice belonging to Li Kuo rang in Xiao Zhi's mind again.

"Okay, then let's continue." Xiao Zhi smiled and started his Water God Domain.

I saw that the Water God Realm unfolded by Xiao Zhi began to collapse inward at the moment of unfolding, and was finally compressed to the extreme, condensing into a layer of black film, covering Xiao Zhi's body.

And not far from Xiao Zhi, snowflakes emerged out of thin air, and were instantly blown into nothingness by the terrifying wind at this height.

At this moment, Li Kuo also launched his own Ice and Snow God Domain, and then imitated Xiao Zhi's example, shrinking his Ice and Snow God Domain to the extreme, in order to enhance his ability to resist the strong wind.

After strengthening a wave of defense, Xiao Zhi continued to fly upwards without haste.

When the height reached 1,800,000 feet, Li Kuo finally couldn't hold it anymore and had no choice but to fly towards Xiao Zhi, transformed into a pair of frost armor, and possessed Xiao Zhi's body.

After Li Kuo's possession was completed, Xiao Zhi displayed the supernatural power [Ruyi Body], and his body suddenly shrank to the size of a peanut.

After shrinking in size, Xiao Zhi suddenly felt a lot easier.

'This gangster is really terrifying, much scarier than the space turbulence in the chaotic space. ’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help but sighed in his heart.

After sighing, he continued to fly upwards.

At this time, Xiao Zhi looked like a dazzling light spot from a distance.

The reason why his body glowed was because of the fierce friction between the ubiquitous gale nearby and his divine domain and divine power to protect his body.

After flying up for a while, an arm stretched out from under Xiao Zhi's rib.

Seeing that this arm was holding a black mark, he slammed it forward fiercely, and immediately, an invisible suppressive pressure field was aroused, sweeping in all directions.

'Sure enough, suppressing the pressure field is still somewhat effective, and can weaken the strength of the gang wind to a certain extent. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

After flying up for a while, Xiao Zhi had no choice but to strengthen his defense with the ability of "speaking the law".

First double, then double, triple, quadruple, five times...

"Without the blessing of defensive magic and divine armor, my defense is still a bit weak..." Xiao Zhixin said.

His defense has never been strong, but because he is strong enough in other aspects, when facing strong enemies, his weak defense is not obvious.

But now, when he needed his own defense to resist the strong wind, his shortcoming was highlighted.

Fortunately, the guardian armor that Li Kuo incarnated improved his defense a lot.

Time passed by second by second.

Xiao Zhi was still flying upwards little by little, but it became more and more difficult.

He looked up again at the sky above his head.

In his field of vision, the heavens are getting closer and closer to him, but there is still a long distance.

"Increase his defense by six times!" A vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear sounded.

Xiao Zhi once again used his ability to "follow words" to increase his defensive power.

However, using the ability of "speaking the law to follow" to enhance the defense power is extremely expensive.

Xiao Zhi looked up at the sky above his head again, and then made a quick calculation in his heart.

‘It’s not okay to go on like this, you have to speed up. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

'Let's go for a wave, if it doesn't work, just transform into a Buddha. ’ Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart.

In the next moment, there was another vast voice that only he could hear: "Increase his speed by five times!"

Immediately, Xiao Zhi's flying speed soared a lot, like a bright meteor, closing the distance with the heavens at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the sudden increase in speed, Xiao Zhi also paid a very tragic price.

His body-protecting divine power was blown away by the strong wind, and there were bloody gashes on his face, from which dark golden blood flowed out.

On his body, the ice armor had cracks like spider webs visible to the naked eye, and some places were even cracked by the terrible wind, sending ice shards flying.

The ice shards had just left Xiao Zhi's body when they were blown into nothingness by the ubiquitous and terrifying wind.

After only ten seconds passed, Xiao Zhi had already become horrible.

However, Xiao Zhi didn't have the slightest thought of backing down, and he still pierced the sky with an indomitable momentum!

A few more seconds passed, and a black bowl appeared above Xiao Zhi's head out of thin air, covering Xiao Zhi in an instant.

The black light in the black bowl soared, carrying Xiao Zhi and continuing to fly upwards.

A few seconds later, the black bowl collapsed into a mass of thick black mist, which was instantly blown away by the strong wind.

Xiao Zhi, who was covered in blood and flesh, continued to sprint towards the heaven above his head at five times the speed.

‘No, it’s almost the limit. '

‘If you continue to persist like this, you may lose your life. '

'It seems that I can only become a Buddha. '

At this moment, although he felt a little unwilling, Xiao Zhi still decided to become a Buddha.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi only felt a film-like thing suddenly appear above his head.

When he passed through this invisible and substanceless film, the ubiquitous and extremely terrifying gang wind suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, a powerful sense of oppression swept over him, acting on him.

The aura emanating from Xiao Zhi's body was immediately suppressed by a large amount.

Xiao Zhi felt very familiar with this feeling of being suppressed in strength, and it was precisely the suppression of the unique rules that belonged to the heavenly realm.

The gale wind dissipated and the suppression appeared, which meant that this place already belonged to the realm of heaven.

"It's finally over." Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and felt a sense of relief in his heart.

However, at this moment, there were not a few hairs left on his head, and more than half of the flesh on his face was blown off by the terrible wind, revealing his crystal clear bones.

Even on his hard bones, there are dense marks like knife cuts.

This made him look more terrifying than the ghosts in the depths of hell at this moment.

Fortunately, he only looked scary, and his origin was not damaged.

"Practice has proved that only the high gods can ascend to the heavens relatively calmly. Below the high gods, even if it is a top-level middle god like me, it will take a lot of effort to ascend to the heavens through ascension. As for those A central god with relatively ordinary strength should not expect to be able to step into the heavens in this way. ’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help but sighed in his heart.

Only by experiencing everything yourself can you know how difficult it is.

To be honest, the difficulty of this road to heaven was somewhat beyond Xiao Zhi's expectation.

Fortunately, he is strong enough and has enough means. Although his journey to the sky this time has experienced some twists and turns, he succeeded in the end.

"Brother Li, we succeeded, the heaven has arrived." Xiao Zhi called out to Li Kuo through his mind, to wake up Li Kuo's consciousness that was in a semi-sleeping state because he had turned into a guardian armor.

The shattered frost armor on Xiao Zhi's body flicked and dropped several pieces of ice like shards of glass, and then quickly became illusory and transparent.

Soon, Li Kuo's somewhat illusory figure appeared before Xiao Zhi's eyes.

Li Kuo's aura seemed a little sluggish. He looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "Master, the guardian armor I turned into can completely cover your whole body. Why don't you do that?"

Xiao Zhi just smiled when he heard this, and said, "It's enough to cover more than half of your body. You can't bear all the damage, right? If you do that, you'll be in danger."

Li Kuo said worriedly: "But master, you are hurt so badly now..."

Xiao Zhi said: "It's just some skin trauma. It's not a problem. After I call out the Dharma of Dawei Tianwang, it will be cured soon. Brother Li, how are you injured?"

Li Kuo shook his head lightly, and said, "What I suffered was also traumatic, and the source is not hindered."

"That's good." Xiao Zhi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard that.

Immediately, Xiao Zhi summoned the Dharma Aspect of King Dawei, and began to treat himself and Li Kuo.

After a while, Xiao Zhi's body had returned to normal, and Li Kuo's figure had become solid again, without the illusory and hazy feeling before.

"Okay, brother Li, the heaven is just ahead, let's go there." Xiao Zhi pointed to the outline of the endless continent ahead, and said with a smile.

Li Kuo nodded and said, "Okay."

There was a look of anticipation on his face.

Although he has followed Xiao Zhi and been sent to the heaven several times by the sentient beings system, his self-consciousness was suppressed by the sentient beings system several times before. Therefore, in his memory, this is the first time he Ascend to heaven.

It was his first visit to the Heaven Realm, and he was full of expectations and curiosity about this legendary Heaven Realm.

Xiao Zhidang took Li Kuo with him and flew towards the heaven ahead.

After flying forward for a while, Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and said with a smile: "Brother Li, did you see that, this is the heaven."

Li Kuo opened his eyes wide and stared ahead. After staring for a while, he smiled wryly and said, "Master, my eyesight is not enough, I can't see anything..."

"Uh." Xiao Zhi couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

He was negligent.

He forgot that Li Kuo's eyesight is very average, far from his own...

Soon, Xiao Zhi restrained the embarrassment on his face, and said with a smile: "It's okay, just get closer, and you will be able to see the scene in the heaven."

"En." Li Kuo nodded upon hearing this.

Another moment passed.

At this time, Xiao Zhi had brought Li Kuo together and arrived on the land of the heavenly realm.

At this time, Li Kuo's face showed an expression of disappointment that could not be concealed, and said: "This much more desolate than I imagined. I thought this heaven would be more magnificent than the human world. Many, who would have imagined, actually look like this."

Xiao Zhi was silent for a moment when he heard this, and then said with a wry smile: "Yes, to be honest, I am quite disappointed with the scene in this heaven."

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