This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1456 Zongwang

Xiao Zhi's thoughts turned, and he thought of some other things.

Why did these two Gods in Gao Yun World attack Zhao Yan?

Don't they know that they are plucking the hair off the tiger's head—to die?

When they do this, either their brains are trapped by the door, or they have something to rely on.

It is obviously impossible for the brain to be caught by the door, and none of the god-level players is a fool.

Then, there is only one possibility: Gaoyun World has something to rely on for doing so.

Although Emperor Ning and Emperor Kang are very strong, they are not enough to be the support of Gao Yun World. Only Gao Shen can become the real support of Gao Yun World!

High God!

Xiao obsessed over this, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He thought about lightning, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that there might really be a high god in this Gao Yun world!

'If Gao Yun World really has a high god, then this high god, logically speaking, should come here with Ning Huang and Kang Huang. '

'But I have scanned around more than once, but found nothing...'

'This Gaoshen of Gaoyun World, is his concealment ability strong enough to escape my [Qingming Tianmu]'s detection? Or maybe the distance is too far away to avoid my [Qingming Tianmu]'s detection? '

Xiao Zhi was thinking like lightning in his heart.

'The protective array of Rongxing City has obviously been destroyed, and it is no longer able to sense the aura of the strong. '

"It would be great if Yang Xu was here, his sensing ability may be able to find out this possible high god..."

"Improved his eyesight tenfold!" A vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear sounded.

At this moment, the bluish green light that burst out from Xiao Zhi's eyes became extremely dazzling, as if it were real.

After improving his eyesight from eight times to ten times, Xiao Zhi turned his head, took a quick glance in all directions, then glanced at the sky, finally, he turned his eyes to the vast land below, and said coldly: "Come out, Gaoshen of Gaoyun World, I have already seen you, there is no need for you to hide anymore."

As soon as Xiao Zhi said this, Zhao Yan beside him couldn't help showing a shocked expression on his face.

God? !

Gao Yun world actually has a high god? !

Zhao Yan was able to become a god, and his IQ would naturally not be low. After a short period of shock, a pensive expression appeared on his face, and then, he seemed to think of something, and his face became extremely ugly.

At this moment, in the white mist that covered the sky and the sun, Ning Huang also showed a look of astonishment on his face.

In the dense forest in the distance, under a big tree with luxuriant branches, the black-haired wild boar transformed by Kang Huang also showed a humanized expression of astonishment on his face.

And their expressions were all seen by Xiao Zhi.

Time passed by second by second.

The bitter wind in the sky blew on Xiao Zhi's body, making his robes flutter and his hair flying.

The area he was in seemed very quiet, Ning Huang and Kang Huang were still dormant, and no one showed up at all.

Xiao Zhi's face became more severe and colder.

He stared at the ground below, and said coldly: "God Gao Yun of Gaoyun World, get out of here quickly, I'll count to three, if you don't come out again, I'm going to kill you!"

After the voice fell, the area he was in was eerily quiet, and no one showed up.

Zhao Yan also had an inexplicable light in his eyes, and he scanned the vast land below, but he didn't see anything abnormal.

"Brother Zhi, where is that high god in the Gaoyun world hiding?" Zhao Yan asked Xiao Zhi through voice transmission.

Xiao Zhi didn't answer his question, but squeezed out a word between his teeth with a cold face: "Three!"

In the next second, another word was coldly uttered from Xiao Zhi's mouth: "Two!"

At this moment, the fifth-grade artifact, the clear water knife, held in Xiao Zhi's hand, turned into pitch black in an instant, as if a layer of black paint had been poured on it.


When the word "one" spit out from Xiao Zhi's mouth, killing intent flashed in Xiao Zhi's eyes, and at an incredible speed, he rushed towards the white mist that covered the sky and the sun not far away. .

"Stop!" A voice as thick as the earth came from the vast earth below.

Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly stopped in mid-air, and he looked down at a dense forest less than 30 miles away from Rongxing City.

Under his gaze, the vegetation in this dense forest turned into dust without a sound, exposing the yellow land below.

A human face protruded from the yellow land.

After seeing this human face, Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank slightly.

He had seen this face before.

To be precise: he had seen this portrait of a human face in the intelligence materials brought back by Hu Yang and the members of the special operations team.

Among the intelligence materials Hu Yang and the others brought back, this face should belong to King Zong.

And King Zong, in the intelligence data, is just a first-time god.

Xiao Zhi stared at the face that belonged to King Zong, and said coldly: "Unexpectedly, King Zong, one of the five kings, turned out to be a high god, you guys are really deep enough to hide in the world of high clouds. "

There was a smile on King Zong's face, and he said in a powerful voice: "Emperor Yongchang, you are absurdly praised, and we are forced to do nothing. You should also know that there is a sky emperor in Xutian District. We players The world is like walking on thin ice, if I don't hide better, I'm afraid my life will be in danger."

Zhao Yan said: "Emperor Kongtian is not bad, he shouldn't attack you, right?"

Amid the crackling sound, King Zong's face became more prominent from the loess. He rolled his eyes and glanced at Zhao Yan, and said in a forceful voice: "Emperor Kongtian is Emperor Kongtian, and the other high gods in Yunmiao World are not Such a good match, and the world of allies in the world of Yunmiao..."

When he said this, King Zong shut up and stopped talking.

A thoughtful expression appeared on Zhao Yan's face.

The expression on Xiao Zhi's face didn't change. He stared coldly at King Zong's face protruding from the ground, and said coldly, "You Gaoyun World, why did you attack True Monarch Yunchen?"

King Zong squeezed out another smile when he heard the words, and said, "Emperor Yongchang, I think you have misunderstood, we don't mean to kill True Monarch Yunchen in your world, we just want him to cooperate with us, We just wanted to ask him something."

Hearing this, Zhao Yan said angrily, "Nonsense! Asking things, how can anyone ask like you!?"

When he said this, Zhao Yan seemed to think of something, and said angrily, "Don't you want to capture me alive, or destroy my body, and then forcefully search for my soul?"

King Zong said with a smile: "It's nothing, how dare we carry out a soul search on you, Master Yunchen?"

Xiao Zhi stared at King Zong coldly, and said, "King Zong, I will give you another chance to say! Why did you kill True Monarch Yunchen?"

Even though he already knew that the other party was a high god, Xiao Zhi still acted very strong.

It's not just about pretending.

In addition to pretending, there is also his confidence in his own strength.

He is no longer who he was when he faced Emperor Long Yuan.

Now he has completed [Condensation Technique] Great Perfection, [Qingming Tianmu], and newly forged a fifth-grade artifact, the Clear Water Knife. Whether it is battery life, detection ability, or attack power, he has one. Not a small improvement.

Back then, he was able to defeat Emperor Long Yuan by relying on his own strength and some means.

The current him, his strength has improved significantly compared to before. He will definitely not be able to deal with the high gods of the overlord world, but against the high gods of this ordinary world, the winning rate should still be relatively high, and this is his The real confidence lies.

He didn't want to face Gao Shen who came from the transfer zone.

But if he is unlucky and really meets Gao Shen who came from the transfer area, he has no fear.

Faced with Xiao Zhi's forceful questioning, the expression on Zong Wang's face gradually cooled down.

There was also a hint of coldness in his voice: "Emperor Yongchang, don't bully people too much!"

"Too much deception?" Xiao Zhi said with a sneer, "Zong Wang, do you still have the face to say such a thing? You are the first to make a move, and you still say that I am deceiving too much? How ridiculous!"

Zhao Yan was on the side, also burning with anger, he said loudly: "Great Emperor, don't talk nonsense with him, do it directly, kill those two bastards who sneaked up on me first, and then grab this bastard hiding in the soil Come out and kill us, we are the Overlord, Great Emperor, you are the master of the overlord world, I still don’t believe it, can’t we even cure the player world that has escaped from the famine?!”

If Xiao Zhi was more or less restrained and restrained when he spoke, Zhao Yan seemed to have no scruples when he spoke, showing the arrogance of the gods who dominate the world!

As soon as Zhao Yan said this, Ning Huang, who was hiding in the white mist, almost had his nose crooked. Under the big tree more than a hundred miles away, Kang Huang, who had turned into a black-haired wild boar, heard it. After saying this, he also hummed in anger.

On the face of King Zong protruding from the loess, there was also a touch of anger, but this anger quickly subsided, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "It is indeed my fault. Gao Yun Shijie did something wrong, it was the people below me who were reckless, I solemnly apologize to you two here, Emperor Ning, Emperor Kang, why don’t you get out and apologize to the Emperor?”

Being reprimanded by King Zong, Emperor Ning's figure floated out of the misty white mist, bowed to Xiao Zhi with an aggrieved expression on his face and said, "Emperor, I was reckless, I apologize to you."

Kang Huang also changed into a human form, flew into the air, and also bowed to Xiao Zhi and said: "My lord, I apologize, I did something wrong."

At this time, in Dachang Kingdom, within the territory of Zhongchang Road, there is a floating airship flying rapidly above the sky.

The person in charge of controlling this floating airship is Yu Xuzi.

There are many people standing or sitting on this floating airship. Among them are the god-level players of the Dachang world such as Lu Zhong, Luo Yiyi, and Goreiya, as well as original players such as Dachang Zhenjun, Cangqing Snake, and Hei Chang. Residents, and Lei Wang, a god-level player from Qingyuan World.

All of you here are gods, and the only demigod is Hu Yang.

After the floating airship flew high in the sky for a few seconds, it suddenly shrunk in size with everyone on the floating airship, then pierced through the void, entered the chaotic space, and continued to fly forward.

The gods are already familiar with the scene in the chaotic space, so there is nothing to make a fuss about.

Lu Zhong sat cross-legged on the flying boat, glanced at Xiao Zhi's avatar sitting next to him, and said, "Tell me, this world of high clouds, why did you attack Zhao Yan?"

His words were naturally addressed to the players, and the aboriginal gods like Yu Xuzi couldn't hear them.

On the flying boat, all the players showed contemplative expressions, thinking about this question.

In the end, it was Hu Yang, the demigod, who spoke first: "I think the reason why this Gao Yun world wants to attack Brother Zhao is to control him and then perform a soul search on him."

Lu Zhong's expression moved slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Continue talking."

Xiao Zhi's demigod clone also made an expression of listening carefully.

Hu Yang nodded, and continued: "I think the reason why they want to capture Brother Zhao and forcibly search for his soul is, in the final analysis, the name of Brother Zhi, the Great Emperor, who appeared for too short a time. It is not enough to make people completely believe that Brother Zhi is a high god, so this person from Gaoyun World designed this game, trying to catch one of our god-level players and do a good soul search to determine Brother Zhi Is it really a god?"

All the players had thoughtful expressions on their faces when they heard this.

Luo Yiyi nodded and said: "If you think deeply about this matter, it is true... there are indeed some loopholes in this. The time to become a god is really too short. A few years, and under normal circumstances, if you want to be promoted from a middle god to a high god, the time needed should be several times this. As a result, after Zhishen became a middle god, it didn't take long before he had the title of Great Emperor. Zhishen is indeed a genius, but a genius is not such an exaggeration, right? So... if you think about it carefully, it is indeed very suspicious."

Lu Zhong also nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Ordinary people can't get in touch with Brother Zhi, and they don't know the reality of Brother Zhi, but we god-level players fight side by side with Brother Zhi every time we defend the mission. It is because they know Brother Zhi's falsehood, that's why they set their minds on Zhao Yan, the envoy. They want to search Zhao Yan's soul forcibly, so as to know Brother Zhi's real strength, so that they can make convenient decisions. Subsequent decisions."

Goreya's dark face showed a puzzled expression at this time: "Didn't it mean that we gods cannot be searched for souls?"

Lu Zhong glanced at him and said: "Under normal circumstances, we gods really cannot be searched for souls, even if the high gods want to search for the souls of us primitive gods, they can't do it, but this is just a normal situation , if we are attacked, beaten to the brink of death, and our spirits are also severely traumatized, we are about to collapse. At this time, as long as the opponent's high spirit has a powerful enough soul search technique, it is still possible for us, a beginner spirit, to attack us. Complete the soul search."

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