Under the command of the Heavenly Star Realm Lord, dozens of gods and spirits in the Celestial Star Realm responded together.

In the next moment, these dozens of gods all shot together.

All of a sudden, all kinds of legal attacks attacked Xiao Zhi below like a storm.

Almost at the same time, the Celestial Star Realm Master also made a move, and the two white men from other great realms followed suit.

All kinds of terrorist attacks fell from the sky and attacked Xiao Zhi!

Xiao Zhi's figure standing proudly on the surface of the quicksand water was instantly engulfed by these attacks.

For a time, the space was boiling.

The turbid quicksand water was affected by these attacks, and a large area was wiped out instantly, exposing the barren land below the quicksand water.

The nature of the earth is changing drastically. Some places melted into hot magma, some places turned into golden and silver metal substances, some places flickered with electric arcs, and plasma flowed horizontally, and some places appeared extremely cold and frozen. .

All kinds of law energies are affecting and eroding this land.

Ten miles away, in the violently fluctuating quicksand water, a figure broke through the water.

The figure that emerged from the water was none other than Xiao Zhi!

The moment Xiao Zhi broke through the water, he slashed a huge black saber aura toward the sky like lightning.

The saber energy pierced through the air, and at an incredible speed, it swept towards the dozens of gods in the Celestial Realm high in the sky.

The Celestial Lord has a powerful immortal body and is very difficult to kill.

Those two high god-level intruders also possessed immortal bodies, so they were also not easy to be killed.

Therefore, Xiao Zhi locked his target on these dozens of gods from the Celestial Star Realm.

These dozens of gods in the Celestial Star Realm are all beginner gods and middle gods, and there is no high god. They are relatively easy to be killed.

However, at the moment when Xiao Zhi's sword qi slashed towards the sky, the figures of the dozens of gods floating in the sky all became illusory, and then turned into bubbles and dissipated in the air.

When they reappeared, they were already tens of miles away.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but shrink his pupils, and his face looked a little ugly.

'The supreme god position is really scary...'

"The Lord of the Celestial Realm can not only teleport freely in the entire Celestial Realm, he can also control other gods to teleport. In this way, it becomes a little difficult for me to kill those gods in the Celestial Realm from a long distance . '

'These junior and middle-level gods in the Celestial Realm, although their individual strengths are average, but when they gather together and launch an attack together, the destructive power they can unleash cannot be underestimated. '

'So, what should I do to get through this crisis? '

Xiao Zhi thought quickly in his heart, thinking about the way to break the situation.

At this time, he heard the voice of the Celestial Lord.

Then the Celestial Star Realm Lord snorted coldly: "With me here, Emperor Yongchang, you don't want to kill any gods in the Celestial Star Realm!"

Xiao Zhi snorted coldly when he heard this, but didn't speak.

The Celestial Lord ordered: "Attack his waters and annihilate his waters! After we annihilate his waters, let me see where he can hide!"

All the gods in the Celestial Star Realm responded with a loud bang once again.

Soon, the gods of the Celestial Star Realm faithfully carried out the order of the Celestial Star Realm Lord.

They have launched an attack downwards.

It's just that their attacks were no longer aimed at Xiao Zhi, but locked on Xiao Zhi's quicksand water.

All kinds of terrorist attacks bombarded the surface of the quicksand water. For a while, various phenomena transpired, and large areas of quicksand water were annihilated by these attacks.

Xiao Zhi's face became even uglier.

He found that the speed at which he 'summoned' the water of quicksand from the river of quicksand was significantly slower than before.

He also found that the speed at which he absorbed divine power from his own divine realm had also become significantly slower.

An invisible blockade appeared, hindering his communication with the different space where Liushahe was located, and also hindering his communication with his own God Realm.

Obviously, this invisible blockade was instigated by the Celestial Star Realm Lord, the supreme god of the Celestial Star Realm.

This allowed Xiao Zhi to refresh his understanding of the Supreme God once again.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi had a gloomy face, and seemingly casually stretched out his hand and swiped forward.

His stroke, if it was normal, would definitely be able to tear apart the space and form a black line in the air.

But now, where he stretched out his hand, not even a tiny space ripple emerged.

This means that the space he is in has been suppressed and blocked.

The space in this area has become extremely stable, and it will undoubtedly become very difficult to break through the space and escape here.

Xiao Zhi swung his saber like lightning, and slashed dozens of giant saber auras into the air one after another.

These giant saber auras are all ordinary saber auras. Before they got close to the gods of the Celestial Realm, they were defeated one by one by the Celestial Realm Master who teleported and appeared with the golden sword in his hand.

The Celestial Lord sneered and said, "Emperor Yongchang, you are coming out. How can you kill the gods under my command when you shrink into the waters of yours?"

Xiao Zhi didn't pay attention to the Celestial Lord, but shouted: "All fellow Taoists in the Celestial Realm, don't listen to the Celestial Master! The Celestial Master abandoned our great realm and chose to join forces with people outside the realm. This is the way to kill him! Before long, Heavenly Dao will send someone stronger than me to kill him!"

"The Lord of the Celestial Star World will definitely die!"

"The Lord of the Celestial Star Realm seeks his own death, and death is not a pity! Are you going to follow him to die, to be buried with him?!"

The sentient beings system is the player's name for the world consciousness of this big world.

The aborigines call it the Way of Heaven, which Xiao Zhi only learned about recently.

The reason why Xiao Zhi said these words was because: he found that among the enemies in front of him, only the Celestial Lord and the two intruders from outside the realm had obvious black lights shining on their bodies. Among the gods from the Celestial Realm brought by the World Master, there are very few people with black lights shining on their bodies.

what does that mean?

This means that in the judgment of the sentient beings system, not all the gods in the Celestial Realm are heterogeneous, and there are only a few people including the Lord of the Celestial Star Realm who are truly heterogeneous. They are all the type of following the crowd, just getting used to obeying the orders of the Celestial Lord.

Now, since it is very difficult for him to kill the gods of the Celestial Star Realm in front of him, he might as well say a wave of splitting. If the splitting is successful, then that would be great. If the splitting is not successful, it doesn't matter, anyway, he has nothing to lose .

After saying these words, Xiao Zhi stared at the gods of the Celestial Star Realm floating in the sky with piercing eyes.

He saw that the expressions of many gods in the Celestial Star Realm changed at this moment, and even their attacks were not as sharp as before.

'Sure enough... Sure enough, these people are not monolithic. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

When he was about to say something more, a voice said sharply: "Don't listen to his nonsense! The world master is our co-lord. If we don't listen to the world master, can't we listen to this foreign god?"

This is an old man in Tsing Yi, and his body is like the Celestial Lord, with a faint black light.

Another god shouted: "Everyone, don't listen to his nonsense, the World Lord has never treated us badly, and the World Lord will never harm us!"

"I only recognize the World Lord. As for the illusory things like the Dao of Heaven, which only exist in legends, how can this thing really exist?"

"Even if the way of heaven really exists, so what? If the way of heaven is going to be against us, we will go against the sky and go against the way of heaven!"

A god from the Celestial Star Realm spoke.

These gods who jumped out all had black lights on their bodies, and they were all aliens judged by the system.

At this time, Xiao Zhi saw that there were several more gods from the Celestial Realm with black lights emerging from their bodies, which meant that these gods from the Celestial Star Realm were 'alienating' and turning into aliens.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's face couldn't help but darken.

At this time, his situation can be said to be extremely dangerous.

"Based on this situation, it is estimated that it will not be long before the quicksand water I summoned will be wiped out. Once I lose the quicksand water, my immortal body will be broken, and I will only have a little bit left." The home court advantage will also be gone, and the Celestial Lord's move can be described as drastic...'

'If it really comes to that moment, my only choice is to escape. Although this space has been suppressed by the Celestial Lords and the others, it has become extremely stable, but with my current attack power, if I hit it with all my strength, I should It is still possible to break through this space and escape into the chaotic space. '

"I just don't know if the Celestial Lord can borrow the power of this world in the chaotic space..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi felt a little suffocated.

In his impression, aliens are like rats crossing the street, they dare not show up in this world openly, they can only run around and hide in Tibet.

As powerful as the Kunshan Demon Lord at that time, it was the same.

Who would have imagined that after he was promoted to a high god, he was the first to perform a special task issued by the sentient beings system, and he would encounter such an alien as the Celestial Lord.

When other aliens show up, their strength will be suppressed by the rules of the world, and their strength will be suppressed by a large amount.

When it comes to him, the situation is reversed. It is no longer the aliens like the Celestial Lord who are suppressed and rejected by the rules of the world, but Xiao Zhi!

‘Could it be that the Master of the Celestial Star Realm, the Supreme God of the Celestial Star Realm, has a control over the Celestial Star Realm that has surpassed the control of the sentient beings system over this world? '

When thinking of this, Xiao Zhi's heart became even heavier.

'If this is the case, then my current situation may be more dangerous than I imagined. '

‘After the Celestial Realm Lord completely sealed off the Celestial Realm, can the sentient beings system still send reinforcements over? In other words, can it send reinforcements in a short time? '

‘For this mere 200 authority points, I’m here to fight the Heavenly Star Realm Master and the others, is it worth it? '

'After all, the difficulty of this task has far exceeded the level of 200 authority points...'

‘How about I just break through the space and escape now? '

'Now my strength is still at its peak, and I can be more calm when escaping. If I wait until the end of the fight and then escape, if the opponent has any means to keep people, I may not be able to escape... ...'

With this in mind, Xiao Zhi already had a decision in his mind.

He was ready to run away.

Just when Xiao Zhi made up his mind and wanted to break through this space and escape, the ethereal voice belonging to the system of sentient beings rang in his ears: "Hello, player, it was detected that you performed this special There have been some uncontrollable changes in the task, and the difficulty of this task has been greatly increased. In view of this, the sentient beings system has adjusted the task."

"Adjustments are as follows: There are remnants of alien invaders appearing in the Celestial Star Realm. The Celestial Star Realm Master has been bewitched by the outsiders and has become a different kind. Destroy all the alien invaders and kill the alien Celestial Realm Master. This mission is complete. , to complete this task, you can get 1000 authority points."

"The Lord of the Celestial Star Realm is the Supreme God of the Celestial Star Realm, and he holds the authority of the rules of the Celestial Star Realm. The system cannot suppress his strength, and can only restrict his authority to a certain extent. The system will completely restrict his transmission in the coming time." authority, partially limiting his other authority."

"The difficulty of the task has been increased. You can choose to give up this task. The system will send a more powerful person to perform this task. You will get 100 authority points as compensation for this task."

"After choosing to give up the mission, you only need to break through the space of this world and enter the chaotic space, and the system will send you back to the world of sentient beings."

A series of system prompts sounded in Xiao Zhi's ears.

Immediately afterwards, a translucent option box appeared in front of Xiao Zhi: 'Do you want to give up this mission? '

'yes. '

'no. '

When this option box appeared, Xiao Zhi thought quickly in his heart.

If the authority points that can be obtained from the mission are only 200 points, he will choose to give up this mission without hesitation.

Because in his opinion, it is not worth it to choose to work hard for this mere 200 authority points.

But 1000 permission points are different.

If he can obtain these 1000 authority points, his authority level can be upgraded to level three immediately, which can save him years or even ten years of accumulation of authority points!

And once the authority level reaches the third level, he is eligible to exchange for the six-star fairy art he has been thinking about!

If the sentient beings system does not restrict the ability of the supreme god, the Lord of the Stars, even if the rewards for this mission have been greatly improved, Xiao Zhi will still feel hesitant.

Now that the sentient beings system has restricted part of the authority of the Celestial Lord, especially his transmission authority, there is nothing to hesitate.

Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth, exuded a trace of divine thought, and focused heavily on the option 'No'.

As the so-called wealth and wealth are sought in insurance.

For the generous reward of 1000 authority points, Xiao Zhi decided to go all out and continue to carry out this task!

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