This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1504 Mo Sheng Gulin

After hearing this voice, Xiao Zhi was taken aback.

This is the sound of sunset.

Yang Xi's law of wooden lines has already been completed?


Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing a look of astonishment on his face.

If Yang Xi was a player, Xiao Zhi would not be surprised if Yang Xi said that she had mastered the law, because Yang Xi, like Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan, are both innate spirit body owners with top-level cultivation qualifications , After so many years of cultivation, it is a very normal thing for the law to become great.

But Yang Xi is not a player, she is just an aborigine in the world of sentient beings.

As we all know, the cultivation speed of the aborigines in the world of sentient beings is only a few tenths, or even one percent, of the players. In this case, it took only twenty years for Yang Xi to grow from one A little girl who doesn't understand anything and has no foundation in cultivation, but she has cultivated to the current level, isn't she on the hook?

If she is a player, with the player's cultivation speed, wouldn't it only take three or four months for her to become a god from an ordinary person with no cultivation foundation?

Zhen Lan once suspected that Yang Xu was a powerful reincarnated body, and only in this way can it be explained why Yang Xu has such a powerful perception ability.

Now, Xiao Zhi has some suspicions that Yang Xi might also be a powerful reincarnation.

Otherwise, why would Yang Xi's cultivation speed be so terrifying?

This cultivation speed can be compared with some players with top cultivation aptitude...

Seeing that Xiao Zhi remained silent for a long time, Yang Xi's voice came out from Xiao Zhi's identity badge again: "Brother?"

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and responded, "Xiao Xi, have you really mastered the law?"

"Of course it's true. How could I lie to you about this kind of thing." Yang Xi's voice said.

"Xiao Xi, are you still in Mosheng Ancient Forest?" Xiao Zhi asked.

Not long after Yangxi passed the law of wood and reached the Nascent Soul Realm, Zhenjun Dachang arranged for her to practice in a place called Mosheng Ancient Forest.

This is a vast mountain forest located in the territory of Dachang Guoyun River Road. There are some supernatural existences in this mountain forest, which is more suitable for monks who walk together to practice here.

Back then, when Zhenjun Dachang was cultivating here, he cultivated his Wooden Movement Law to the Dacheng level.

Before, this ancient forest of Mo Sheng belonged to the hidden holy land of Dachang Kingdom, and it was not open to the outside world. Only a very small number of talented disciples of the Dachang God Sect were eligible to cultivate secretly in this hidden holy land.

But now, with the development of the times, not only Yang Xi is secretly cultivating in this ancient forest of Mo Sheng, but also a considerable number of players have been arranged here by the world joint government to practice and understand their wood law.

After Xiao Zhi asked this question, Yang Xi quickly replied: "Yes, I'm still in Mosheng Ancient Forest, but I'm ready to come out."

Xiao Zhi said: "You stay in Mosheng Gulin first and don't leave, I'll come to find you right away."

"Okay." The voice that belonged to Yang Xi said.

After finishing the call with Yang Xi, Xiao Zhi took the identity jade badge and said to the air beside him, "Brother Li, let's go to Mo Sheng Ancient Forest in Yunhe Road."

"Okay." The air fluctuated, and Li Kuo's figure emerged from it, and smiled at Xiao Zhi: "Master, this girl Yang Xi is silent, but she has already mastered the law, this girl is really powerful. "

"Yeah, I was a little surprised just now." Xiao Zhi said, he adjusted his direction and flew towards the direction of Yunhe Road.

"However, I still think that you are the most against the sky, master. You are already a god." Li Kuo said again.

"Uh, this..." Xiao Zhi's expression froze.

He really wants to say that he is a player, different.

But if these words were spoken, Li Kuo would not be able to hear them, so he could not explain this matter to Li Kuo.

In the end, Xiao Zhi exhaled lightly and said, "I am different, I am the chosen one."

"The Chosen One?" Li Kuo was taken aback for a moment: "What is the Chosen One?"

The supreme god who dominates a world like the Celestial Lord knows more or less about the sentient system and players.

An insider like the Celestial Lord called the system of sentient beings the Dao of Heaven, and players like him the Chosen One.

But Li Kuo didn't have such insight, it was the first time he heard the term Chosen One.

Faced with Li Kuo's doubts, Xiao Zhi smiled and said, "It's nothing, the chosen one means the one chosen by the way of heaven."

Hearing this, Li Kuo thought about it carefully, and said, "Son of the Chosen One? Master, you are invincible and invincible in this world. You really deserve the title of the Chosen Son."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help shaking his head when he heard this.

Soon, Xiao Zhi tore apart the space and entered the chaotic space.

He is now in the territory of Zhongchang Road, and there is still some distance from Yunhe Road. In order to get to Yunhe Road as soon as possible, he thinks it is better to go to the chaotic space.

In the territory of Yunhe Road, above a vast mountain forest, a narrow and long black crack suddenly appeared in the sky.

A figure jumped out from it, it was Xiao Zhi.

After Xiao Zhi appeared, his eyes suddenly burst into a real blue light, and he scanned the dense forest below.

'found it! ’ Xiao Zhi’s gaze finally locked on a towering tree dozens of miles away.

Towering trees like this are very rare in other places, but in this Ancient Mo Sheng Forest, they can be seen everywhere.

And this mountain forest with towering ancient trees can be seen everywhere, the reason why it is called Mo Sheng Ancient Forest is because in this mountain forest, it is necessary to silence the sound and not make loud noises.

Once someone violates this rule and makes a lot of noise here, they will be driven away by the tree spirits here, and it will be difficult to come here to practice in the future.

Yes, Dryad.

This is a kind of plant monster. Unlike many monsters who are cruel and bloodthirsty, tree spirits have a gentle personality and are willing to coexist peacefully with humans, and even willing humans to learn from them when they are practicing.

They like to be quiet, and what they hate the most is noise and noise. Therefore, after Dachang Zhenjun became a god, he named this mountain forest Mo Sheng Ancient Forest, and issued a Taoist order to prohibit making noise here... …

Here, almost every towering tree is a tree spirit.

Xiao Zhi knew all of this.

After confirming the position of Yang Xi, Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly blurred, and when he reappeared, he was already standing on the huge branch of a towering ancient tree.

In front of him, a girl in a blue dress was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed.

Although this young girl's appearance is not perfect, she has an ethereal temperament, and her aura seems to be integrated with this mountain forest, regardless of each other.

This girl is exactly Yang Xi.

If it is a low-level god, if the opponent does not use the power of laws, generally he can only see the realm of the opponent's cultivation base, and cannot see the depth of the power of laws.

Even if it is a middle god, it is difficult to see the depth of the power of the opponent's law.

Xiao Zhi is different, he is already a master now.

As a high god, he could see the current situation of Yang Xi at a glance.

Yang Xi's current cultivation level is the Nascent Soul peak level, and her Wooden Movement Law has indeed reached the Dacheng level.

After seeing Yang Xi's situation clearly, when Xiao Zhi was about to speak, Yang Xi opened his eyes at this moment.

Immediately, the eyes of the two met.

A bright smile soon appeared on Yang Xi's face.

She didn't speak, but her voice rang in Xiao Zhi's ear: "Brother, you are here."

"Well, I'm here." Xiao Zhi also showed a smile on his face, and also responded to Yang Xi through sound transmission.

At this time, on the tree trunk behind Yang Xi, an old face stood out, looking at Xiao Zhi.

A somewhat old voice sounded at this moment: "Yang Xi, who is this?"

"This is my elder brother, Uncle Shu, I told you about him." Yang Xi explained softly.

When she said this, she couldn't help showing a proud expression on her face.

After hearing Yang Xi's explanation, the old man's face protruding from the tree trunk suddenly showed a look of astonishment: "You are Emperor Yongchang?"

"That's right." Xiao Zhi nodded and said with a smile, "Uncle Shu, thank you for taking care of my little sister these days."

Not long after, above Mosheng Gulin, on Xiao Zhi's airship, Xiao Zhi stood side by side with Yang Xi, talking while looking down at the scene below.

Basically, it was Yang Xi who was talking, sharing with Xiao Zhi some bits and pieces of her cultivation.

Xiao Zhi listened with a smile on his face, and would ask Yang Xi about his cultivation and life from time to time.

After chatting for a while, Xiao Zhi withdrew his gaze from below, and said, "Xiao Xi, since you have mastered the law of wood, then you have to prepare for breaking through the divine realm. You need to do it now." Yes, it is to strengthen your own soul, I will prepare all kinds of treasures needed to strengthen your soul, and after your soul is perfect, I will personally protect you and help you kill your soul."

"Yeah." Yang Xi hummed lightly, expressing that he understood.

Xiao Zhi said again: "After the soul beheading is successful, the next step is to cross the catastrophe. I will prepare it for you. You just need to cross the catastrophe. I will protect the law for you." "Xiao Xi, you are an innately obedient spirit body. As long as you have the blessing of the top-grade god-level tribulation, you will not be in any danger and will succeed in surviving this divine catastrophe. Don't worry."

"Yeah." Yang Xi hummed lightly again, expressing that he knew.

Seeing that Xiao Zhi stopped talking, Yang Xi glanced at Xiao Zhi and said softly, "Brother, thank you."

Xiao Zhi smiled and said: "You are welcome, you and Xiao Xu are the closest people to me in this world of sentient beings. If I don't have that ability, then that's fine. Since I have the ability to take care of you two, I will naturally take care of you two." I have to do my best to take care of you two."

This is what he has in mind.

Yang Xu and Yang Xi, the brothers and sisters, are indeed his closest friends in this world of sentient beings.

He has always treated Yang Xu and Yang Xi as his own brothers and sisters.

After hearing what Xiao Zhi said, Yang Xi couldn't help showing a touch of emotion on her face, and said: "Brother, after I become a god, I will definitely be able to help you."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he just smiled lightly and said, "That's natural. Once my little sister becomes a god, she will be very powerful."

Although he said so, Xiao Zhi didn't care about it in his heart.

He is now a high-level god.

It's not the ordinary high-level gods, but the top high-level gods.

So what if Yang Xi is really a powerful reincarnation?

Let alone whether the reincarnated body can recover to the peak strength before the reincarnation, even if it can recover to the previous peak strength, it is estimated that it will be the same as him now.

And his strength is still improving, becoming stronger and stronger.

Give him another ten years, and he will be worthy of any high gods in the world except those Heavenly Emperor-level powerhouses!

'Xiao Xi, follow me back to the imperial city, where it is more suitable for you to strengthen your soul. ’ Xiao Zhi said.

"Okay." Yang Xi nodded and said, "I still want to visit my second brother."

"Okay, I'll take you there, just right, I haven't seen him for a long time." Xiao Zhi nodded with a smile.

A moment later, in Zhongchang Road, in a forest where the wind was howling and ghostly, Xiao Zhi took Yang Xi, and saw Venerable Kui and Yang Xu, the master and apprentice.

"Emperor." After seeing Xiao Zhi, Venerable Kui showed a respectful expression on his face, and he was going to pay respects to Xiao, but Xiao Zhi held him back.

"Honor Kui, you don't need to be too polite." Xiao Zhi smiled lightly.

He could tell at a glance that Venerable Kui's law had already been cultivated to the Xiaocheng level.

Yang Xu's current law is also at the Xiaocheng level.

"Second Brother, I'm here to see you." Yang Xi walked up to Yang Xu, with a smile on his face, looking very happy.

"Xiao Xi." On Yang Xu's pale and slightly immature face, there was a smile.

Although he smiled unnaturally, it could be seen that after seeing Yang Xi, he was really happy in his heart.

Xiao Zhi stood aside with a smile on his face.

At this moment, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Before I knew it, twenty years had passed.

After twenty years of vicissitudes, they have become different from before.

"Second brother, eldest brother has already become a god, and now I have mastered the law of wooden lines, and I will be able to become a god in a short time. It is up to you, and you have to work hard. When the time comes, the three of us, brothers and sisters, will be able to become gods." It's a god." Yang Xi said with a smile.

"I will work hard." Yang Xu nodded seriously.

He looked at Xiao Zhi and said, "Brother is more than just a god now, he was already a mid-level god before, and now, his aura has become much stronger than before, and now he is probably a high-level god." God, big brother, am I right?"

"You saw it." Xiao Zhi couldn't help touching his nose when he heard that.

He had already used the clear water knife to hide his aura, who would have thought that he still couldn't escape Yang Xu's perception ability.

"A high-level god!?"

Venerable Kui and Yang Xi were a little lost when they heard this.

In their cognition, Gaoshen only exists in legends, and they are all super existences where the dragon sees its head but never ends.

Before, when Xiao Zhi pretended to be Gao Shen, he didn't hide them from them, so they knew Xiao Zhi's real state at that time.

They never dreamed that Xiao Zhi was actually a high-level god now.

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