This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1548 Insect Monster

When the words belonging to No. 2 correspondent appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind, Xiao Zhi's face couldn't help but change.

Not long ago, his Dachang World was invaded by outsiders, causing heavy casualties.

As a result, not long after the crisis in the Dachang world had passed, the Dachang country he was in was targeted by those invaders from outside the world again!

What's the matter?

'Is it because I killed too many monsters, and these monsters have already gotten into trouble with me? '

'You can't beat me, so you want to copy my lair? '

With a gloomy face, Xiao Zhi typed with his spiritual sense: "Have you notified Lu Zhong and the others about this matter?"

No. 2: "Zhenjun Huanyan already knew about this matter. Zhenjun Huanyan has returned to the world of sentient beings. Zhenjun Yunchen and Qiluo are still dealing with some follow-up matters in Canada in the real world. After processing, they will leave the real world immediately, and the gods will return to the world of sentient beings."

Xiao Zhi thought for a moment, then typed out with his divine sense: "Someone still needs to be stationed in the defensive circle of the capital, just in case."

No. 2: "The demigod Hu Yang was dispatched by Zhenjun Huanyan to the Kyoto defense circle, and will be responsible for stationing the Kyoto defense circle in the future."

Xiao Zhi: "Okay, when I'm not around, Lu Zhong is the supreme commander of our Dachang World, everything should be done according to Lu Zhong's orders."

Although there were some discrepancies between Lu Zhong's command and his Xiao Zhi's ideas, Xiao Zhi felt that it was generally reliable.

Therefore, Xiao Zhi didn't want to question Lu Zhong's decisions.

After all, there can only be one Supreme Commander.

If he dictates all kinds of instructions on the issue of command, it is likely to cause confusion in the command, and it will be difficult for Lu Zhong to be a commander.

Number Two: "Yes, Great Emperor!"

After finishing the communication with No. 2 correspondent, Xiao Zhi was thinking silently in his heart while flying forward through the air.

'The wave in the real world is the most dangerous. One mistake will end in the destruction of the world. '

"Although it is very dangerous for outsiders to invade Dachang Kingdom this time, in terms of the degree of danger, it is not as good as last time. After all, in the real world, there is no way out, but in this world of sentient beings, there are ways out everywhere. To be more ruthless, even if the Dachang Kingdom is destroyed, as long as the players in my Dachang World can survive, we still have a chance to make a comeback. '

'What's more, in Dachang Kingdom, the world of sentient beings, to fight those invaders from outside the world, not only our players in Dachang World can participate in the battle, but also the aboriginal gods of Dachang Kingdom, among other things, Yu Xuzi's combat power is very It can be seen that, except for Luo Yiyi, Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan are not as good as Yu Xuzi in terms of combat power. '

"Luo Yiyi plus Yu Xuzi, Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan and others plus Dachang Zhenjun, Cangqing Snake, and Heichang, god-level players and aboriginal gods fight side by side. This is definitely an extremely powerful fighting force. If there is no particularly powerful high god-level powerhouse on the side of the invaders from outside the realm, there shouldn't be any problems on the side of Dachang Kingdom. '

'It depends on what kind of monsters are attacking the border air wall this time and intending to invade our Dachang country. '

When Xiao Zhi was thinking about these things silently, his expression moved slightly.

At this moment, someone was contacting him again through the Kunyu token.

This time, the person who contacted him through the Kunyu token was Lu Zhong.

Lu Zhong: "Brother Zhi, Yiyi has returned to the world of sentient beings from the real world. She is now heading to the air wall where she was attacked. She is going to check the situation there."

Xiao Zhi: "You let her go?"

Lu Zhong: "It's not me, she asked to go. She said that instead of waiting in the imperial city for those invaders from outside the realm to kill them and make life miserable, it's better to go there first and test the reality of these invaders from outside the realm. , if these intruders from outside the boundary are very strong, then we will think about it in the long run, if they are not so strong, then there is no need for such trouble, she can just kill her directly."

Xiao Zhi: "I think what Luo Yiyi said is somewhat reasonable. She is strong enough, so we can go and try it first."

Lu Zhong: "I also feel the same way. This is the world of sentient beings, not the real world. In the real world, we don't even know where those invaders from outside the world will show up after they invade. In this world of sentient beings, these The whereabouts of the intruders from outside the boundary can be easily grasped."

Xiao Zhi: "Well, do you know what kind of monster is attacking the border air wall this time?"

Lu Zhong: "I probably know a little bit about it. According to reports from the players stationed in that area, this is a washbasin-sized insect monster with a hard shell and colorful patterns on its body. It flies everywhere, covering the sky and the sun. Yes, there are countless numbers."

Xiao Zhi: "Is it a bug? Well, I see."

Lu Chong: "Brother Zhi, how is the situation over there?"

Xiao Zhi: "The situation on my side is still the same. There are still a large number of various monsters left in this heaven. It is not something that can be done overnight if you want to clean them all up."

Lu Zhong: "It's okay, Brother Zhi, we are here, you can rest assured that although our strength is not as good as yours, it is still enough to defend Dachang Kingdom and Dachang World, hahaha."

Xiao Zhi: "With you guys here, I'm naturally relieved, haha."

After finishing the communication with Lu Zhong, the expression on Xiao Zhi's face became slightly relaxed.

'Although Luo Yiyi's strength is not as good as mine, she is still strong enough. It's really good for her to weigh the intruders from outside the realm. '

'I hope that Luo Yiyi can succeed in the first battle. In this way, Dachang Kingdom can avoid the same mistakes as Dachang World. '

Dachang Kingdom can be regarded as Xiao Zhi's second hometown.

He still has some feelings for Dachangguo.

He definitely didn't want to see so many people die all at once in Dachang Kingdom like Dachang World.

'With Luo Yiyi's speed, it shouldn't take long to reach the air wall on the border of Dachang Kingdom. I can't do anything now, just wait patiently for the result. '

While Xiao Zhi was thinking about this in his heart, he continued to fly forward through the air.

Soon after, Xiao Zhi's expression moved slightly, and even his flying speed slowed down a bit.

At this moment, in the pure land of all beings shrouded in black mist, Xiao Zhi held a black umbrella, and his figure hovered in the sky.

His eyes are looking forward.

Just now, he used ten times his eyesight to scan in all directions.

Then he saw, in front of him, at the end of his field of vision, the silhouette of a monastery was faintly visible.

The monastery, the monastery he had been thinking about, finally appeared.

Xiao Zhi at this moment was full of joy in his heart.

His figure only hovered in the sky for less than a second, and then continued to fly forward at three times the speed.

With the blessing of triple speed, it didn't take long for Xiao Zhi to approach the temple.

When he saw the situation in this monastery clearly, his heart sank, and the smile on his face disappeared.

At this moment, what appeared in front of him was a huge monastery. The monastery was crowded with people, and there were countless monsters of walking and flying and flying.

Even outside the walls of the temple, there are all kinds of monsters.

In the middle area of ​​the temple, a huge black lotus is particularly conspicuous.

On top of this huge black lotus, sits a figure like a hill.

This figure was teaching the Dharma, and as he was lecturing, black lotus blossoms were revealed by him, disillusioning in the air in front of him.

The figure who is teaching the Dharma is not a bodhisattva, but a Buddha!

This Buddha-level boss is obviously beyond the range he can deal with.

'This is... nothing but joy! ’ Xiao Zhi smiled wryly in his heart.

At this time, he has two choices.

The first option is to retreat and find a new monastery.

The second option is to risk your life to see if you can snatch the food from the tiger's mouth. Under the eyes of this evil Buddha who preaches the law, kill enough monsters, earn enough karma, and then escape calmly.

While smiling wryly, Xiao Zhi's figure began to recede.

He is a cautious person and doesn't like taking risks, especially this kind of adventure that has almost no chance of winning.

After retreating hundreds of miles, he turned around without hesitation and flew in another direction. Soon, his figure disappeared into the vast black mist.


The deity Xiao Zhi sighed slightly, and continued to fly forward.

After a while, his expression moved slightly, sensing someone calling him.

The person who called him this time was No. 2 correspondent.

Number two: "My lord, our air wall has been breached by those outsiders."

When Xiao Zhi heard the words, his heart sank, and he typed with his divine sense: "Is Luo Yiyi here yet?"

Number two: "I don't know, I'll go and find out for you."

Not long after, the words belonging to the No. 2 correspondent came to Xiao Zhi's mind: "The player who just reported this matter to the headquarters has died in battle, and the border city he was stationed in has completely fallen, and with the With the fall of this border town, we have lost our sense of this area."

After "seeing" this line of text, Xiao Zhi sighed in his heart.

The air wall was breached after all.

After all, someone died.

The defensive restrictions and blockade restrictions arranged by the sentient beings system are absolute defenses for players, even if they are only a thin layer. If players are prohibited from passing through, no matter how strong the player is, even if it is as strong as Xiao Zhi Such a high god cannot pass through.

It can neither pass through nor destroy it. This is absolute defense.

But this kind of absolute defense is only for players, and it has no such effect on these intruders from outside the boundary.

As long as the intruders from outside the realm are strong enough, they can completely destroy all kinds of defense restrictions and blockade restrictions placed by the sentient beings system.

In the previous temporary defense mission, the blockade imposed by the sentient being system was broken by the tide-like intruders from outside the realm.

Afterwards, the layer of defensive restrictions that existed outside the Dachang world was also broken by intruders from outside the world.

Up to now, the defense restriction (border air wall) that exists at the border of Dachang Kingdom has been broken by outside invaders again...

At this time, the world of sentient beings, Jingmin Dao City.

This city originally belonged to the Xuanming Kingdom, and later, Xuanming Kingdom was destroyed by the Dachang Kingdom, so this city naturally also belonged to the Dachang Kingdom, and became a Taoist city within the territory of the Dachang Kingdom.

At this time, above the Taoist city, there was a figure like a god and demon standing in the sky, and he shouted: "I am Wang Xiaolin, the Taoist leader of Jingmin in Dachang Kingdom. There are insects and monsters coming from the north. Jingmin City may not be able to kill you!" Guaranteed, order! The gates of all the cities are wide open, and those who have the ability to leave the city should leave the city and take refuge!"

This is a young Nascent Soul Daxiu. When he yelled these words, his voice was like thunder, and his voice could be clearly heard even from a long distance.

After yelling this sentence, he used his true energy again, and shouted: "All players in the city obey the order! Hurry up and gather at the assembly points in the city. You must be fast. After a quarter of an hour, follow me Leave Jingmin City!"

"A quarter of an hour! I only wait for a quarter of an hour! Those who fail to reach the designated assembly point for a quarter of an hour shall bear the consequences!"

Aboriginal monks in the world of sentient beings can't say such words.

This young Daoist of Jingmin Dao is obviously a player.

After the Taoist player yelled these words, there was a moment of silence in the noisy and bustling Jingmin Taoist City, and then it became even more noisy.

The faces of many people in the city showed expressions of astonishment for unknown reasons.

Even if it was Lord Daoist who spoke, many people couldn't believe it.

Because it's just too ridiculous.

Insect demon attack?

What kind of insect monster can destroy Jingmin Dao City?

This is Dao City, isn't it a small county-level town?

Many people have never heard of the insect monster that can destroy Daocheng.

Lord Taoist, this is not a joke, is it?

A few seconds later, Jingmin Daoist Wang Xiaolin once again used his true energy and shouted: "I am Wang Xiaolin, Jingmin Daoist of Dachang Kingdom, there are insects and demons attacking from the north..."

At this time, in Jingmin Road City, several figures soared into the sky.

These figures are powerful, and they are all Nascent Soul players.

"Old Wang, the higher authorities only asked us to take the players to evacuate Jingmin City, why did you shout to the aborigines in the city?" A Nascent Soul player sent voice transmission to Jingmin Daoist Wang Xiaolin.

Jingmin Daoist Wang Xiaolin took a look at the Nascent Soul player, and replied via voice transmission: "After all, I am the Taoist of Jingmin Dao. I can't bear to watch them die like this."

The Nascent Soul player sighed, and said via voice transmission: "If you tell them the truth, can they survive? Our strength is limited, and we can't take so many people away. Many people in the city are ordinary people. People, even if they listen to your words, how far can they escape with their family and their mouths? Maybe before they escape the city gate, those insects and monsters have already killed them."

Wang Xiaolin showed a painful expression on his face, and the sound transmission replied: "Don't say it, I know, I know, when we retreat, apart from our players and Taoist officials, if there is still space on the flying boat, we By the way, bring some aborigines."

The Nascent Soul player was a little helpless when he heard the words: "You are the Taoist master, you have the final say."

When Wang Xiaolin heard this, a smile finally appeared on his face.

After another round of shouting down, Wang Xiaolin looked to the north.

'It is said that Zhenjun Qiluo has already gone to fight those monsters. I hope Zhenjun Qiluo can kill all these monsters. If this is the case, the people in Jingmin City will not have to die. ’ Wang Xiaolin said silently in his heart.

At this time, the real world, within Canada.

At this time, the territory of Canada is full of devastation, a scene of doomsday.

All the defense formations in the original Witt defense circle have been blown up, leaving only pieces of ruins of buildings.

Under the ruins of the building, a blond man sat casually on a twisted steel bar. He was holding the head of a middle-aged man in his hand, as if sensing something.

The middle-aged man whose head was being held by him had his eyes wide open, and his body was convulsing slightly.

In front of the man, there were more than a dozen dead human corpses lying in disorder.

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