This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1553 The Battle of the Kyoto Defense Circle (Part 2)

The new Great Formation of the Universe of All Beings appeared, enveloping the huge defense circle of Kyoto again and firmly protecting it.

Seeing this scene, the anxiety on Hu Yang's face did not fade away at all.

As the core of the Dachang World, the Kyoto Defense Circle does not only have one Great Array of the Universe of All Beings, but after raising funds some time ago, there are already three Great Arrays of the Universe of All Beings. He knows this of.

But he still felt anxious.

Because the metal puppets who are attacking the Kyoto defense circle are really too strong, and there are too many of them.

How long has passed, and a large formation of the Universe of All Beings was blown up.

If it continues like this, how long can the remaining two great formations of the universe of sentient beings last under the indiscriminate bombardment of these metal puppets?

"Everyone, I am Hu Yang, everyone please listen to my orders!" Hu Yang mobilized the true energy in his body, and roared: "Don't scatter your attacks anymore, and follow the instructions of the Disaster Command Center. Concentrate on attacking the same area, and perform a saturated attack on the same area!"

While yelling these words, Hu Yang rushed towards the nearest metal puppet with the Eagle Spear in his hand.

When rushing towards this primitive metal puppet, Hu Yang glanced at the area where Luo Yiyi was from the corner of his eye.

At this time, Luo Yiyi was still in a stalemate with the blond man.

‘Brother Lu, why haven’t they come back for help? Could it be that the staff didn’t inform them of the situation in the real world? If they don't come back to help, our capital defense circle will be gone...'

After all, he is only a demigod with limited strength. It is okay for him to deal with one or two demigods or first gods. When he is facing hundreds of metal puppets, there is only one sentence left in his heart—— —If you want to kill a thief, you will be powerless!

There are so many metal puppets, at worst they all have the strength of a demigod. Even if they stand still and let him kill him, he can't kill them all...

While breathing, Hu Yang killed another metal puppet.

It may be because his performance on the battlefield was too eye-catching, the dozen or so metal puppets around were all attracted by him, and surrounded him from all directions.

There were circles of gravitational ripples around Hu Yang, and he tried his best to kill a metal puppet at the beginning god level and a metal puppet at the demigod level.

At this time, he finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fled into the envelope of the Great Formation of the Universe of All Beings.


Several terrorist attacks bombarded the pale golden light curtain behind him one after another, shaking the pale golden light curtain violently.

At this moment, the light of the second Great Formation of the Universe of All Beings that appeared above the capital's defensive circle also became dim. If this trend continues, it will be blown up in a short time.

At this time, not only Hu Yang, but also the faces of other players in the Kyoto defense circle became ugly and desperate.

At this moment, in the distance, deafening cheers rang out.

"Killed! A metal puppet was killed by us! Hahahaha!"

Some players were shouting excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, in another direction, there were also cheers.

"Killed! Finally killed one!"

In a short period of time, two metal puppets were blown up one after another. Although the two metal puppets that were blown up were only demigod-level metal puppets, the players stationed in the defense circle of Kyoto cheered happily. stand up.

This is indeed something to cheer about.

This means that Chushen and Demigods are not invincible to ordinary Nascent Soul players and Jindan players like them. To dust off.

After hearing the cheers, Hu Yang was also refreshed.

But immediately, he smiled wryly.

Two demigod-level metal puppets were killed, which is really exciting, but it's useless.

There are too many metal puppets hovering in the sky. Even if he and the players present kill a few, the number of metal puppets is still large. If this situation continues, their The Kyoto defensive circle still cannot avoid the fate of being breached and destroyed.

"Lu Zhong! Zhao Yan! Goreya! Zhu Changwu! What are you doing? Why don't you return your aid! If you don't return your aid! This world will be doomed!" Hu Yang used his true energy at this moment roared.

He couldn't take it anymore.

In this situation, he can't save the Kyoto defense circle, and the players stationed in the Kyoto defense circle can't save the Kyoto defense circle. The only ones who can turn the tide are god-level players like Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan. .

At this moment, Hu Yang felt somewhat resentful in his heart.

He blamed Lu Zhong and the others for their inaction. At this point, these bastards still haven't come back to help. Do they have to wait until the capital's defense circle is broken before they know how to come back?

What Hu Yang didn't expect was that when he yelled out, he got an immediate response.

Then I heard a voice coming like thunder: "Huyang, why are you howling? Doesn't it take time to return to the rescue! Brother, I have come back already?"

This is Zhao Yan's voice!

After Hu Yang heard the voice, instead of being angry, he showed a happy expression, and shouted: "Since you are back, let's act quickly! We have already blown up a large formation of sentient beings, and this is already It's the second seat!"

The voice belonging to Zhao Yan replied: "It's up to you to say, I'm preparing a big move! When the big move is brewed, let's see how I fuck him!"

At this time, another voice sounded from another direction: "I'm also planning a big move."

This is Zhu Changwu's voice.

At this time, Hu Yang finally breathed a long sigh of relief, with a smile on his face.

Zhao Yan and the others finally came back to help, which is great.

With the help of Zhao Yan and the others, the defense circle of Kyoto should be considered to be preserved.

Rumble! There was a muffled rumbling sound in the distance.

Hu Yang hurriedly followed the sound and looked over, he saw, on his left side, there was a black stone giant as majestic as a mountain charging from the sky, knocking several metal puppets flying along the way.

This black stone giant is Goreya, and Goreya also appeared.

The three of Lu Zhong and the others were in charge of cleaning up the energy residue after the God War in Canada. Later, they received Lu Zhong's order, and the god body returned to the world of sentient beings and went to the border of Dachang Kingdom to kill insects.

As a result, after the three of them left the Dachang Imperial City, they had not yet flown far, and received a voice transmission from Zhao Yan, asking them to go to the real-world Kyoto defense circle to sit in command.

The reason why they were able to rush to the defensive circle of Kyoto so quickly is because when the player descends into the real world, they can choose the place where they left as the descending point, or choose the place where the main body is located as the descending point. point.

Whether it is Lu Zhong or Zhu Changwu, their bodies are all within the defense circle of the capital, and Goreia's body is also within the defense circle of the capital now. Therefore, when their divine bodies descend on the real world, they can all descend Near the Kyoto Defense Circle.

If they hadn't come to the real world, there was a certain cooling time, and if they couldn't come frequently, they could return to the Kyoto defense circle earlier.

At this time, a voice like thunder rang out: "Look at the sword!"

This is Zhao Yan's voice.

At the same time as the sound resounded, brilliant sword glows soared into the sky like fireworks, illuminating most of the sky in an instant.

These sword glows soaring into the sky not only look gorgeous, but also extremely powerful.

In the blink of an eye, in the area swept by the sword light, several metal puppets were shot into a hornet's nest by the sword light one after another, and they couldn't die any more.

Almost at the same time, in another piece of airspace, a cloud of purple thunder slowly rose into the sky.

With a bang, the group of purple thunders exploded high in the sky, forming a large storm of thunderclouds. Several metal puppets were shocked by the terrifying purple thunders, and their whole bodies ran wildly with electric arcs, convulsed and lost their lives. Mobility, fell from the sky.

The timely return of Zhao Yan and the three of them greatly improved the precarious situation in the capital's defense circle.

Under the attack of Zhao Yan and the others, those metal puppets hovering above the sky unscrupulously fell down from the sky one by one.

The pressure on the Great Formation of All Beings covering the sky above the defensive circle of Kyoto suddenly dropped, pulled back from the brink of collapse, and gradually stabilized.

Hu Yang let out a low growl, and once again rushed out of the Great Formation of the Universe of All Beings.

However, after wielding a spear and killing a demigod-level metal puppet, he flew back into the envelope of the Great Formation of the Universe of All Beings.

There is no way, he is only a demigod, and the true energy in his body is extremely limited.

Now, the true energy in his body is about to bottom out, if he insists on staying outside, he is courting death.

After returning, Hu Yang took a breath, and shouted: "Brother Zhao, why didn't you see Brother Lu make a move? Could it be that he is still in the world of sentient beings and hasn't come back to help?"

Zhao Yan's voice came from afar: "He, he is summoning the Kuluo Immortal. It takes a long time to summon the Kuluo Immortal. I guess we have to wait a little longer."

"That's it..." Hu Yang nodded, expressing that he understood.

Not long after, a terrifying specter rose into the sky from an urban area within the Kyoto defense circle.

This terrifying specter with an extremely frightening aura is none other than Immortal Ku Luo.

The appearance of Ku Luoxian made Dachang World's advantage even greater.

A large number of metal puppets were killed on the spot, and some of the remaining metal puppets had given up their attack on the Kyoto defensive circle, turned around and fled to the sky.

The battle between Luo Yiyi and the blond man had already been decided at this time.

The blond-haired, blue-eyed man was beaten to the ground by Luo Yiyi again, his body parts were scattered everywhere, but no blood flowed out.

This is another metal body.

"Surrogate death! Another surrogate death! How many bodies do you have left to use for surrogate death?" Luo Yiyi said with a cold face as the black visor was opened.

"Luo Yiyi, you can't kill me, as long as one of my servants exists, I will not die!" A voice came from afar, it was the voice of the blond man.

Hu Yang Xunsheng looked over, and saw the figure of the blond man a hundred kilometers away.

After seeing this blond-haired and blue-eyed man, Hu Yang was shocked, and blurted out: "Be careful!"


"Gorea be careful!"

Almost at the same time, Luo Yiyi, Lu Zhong, Zhao Yan, and Zhu Changwu also shouted.

The blond-haired, blue-eyed man who appeared suddenly appeared in front of the black stone giant that Gorea transformed into!

At this time, Gorea was a little confused.

He was chasing a metal puppet, and it was fine just now, but the metal puppet he was chasing suddenly changed its appearance and turned into a blond man, still talking there.

This is the blond man who was fighting against Luo Yiyi just now!

How is this going?

Gorea, who was a little confused, subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction where Roy Yi was.

Just when he turned his head to look at Luo Yiyi, the voices of Luo Yiyi and others came from all directions and reached his ears.

Gorea is a god, and he immediately figured out what was going on.

After thinking about it, the black stone giant that Goreya turned into screamed, turned and fled.

However, Gorea is not good at speed, which has always been his disadvantage.

In Hu Yang's field of vision, the blond and blue-eyed man who looked like a little guy easily caught up with Gorea, who was as towering as a mountain.

"Luo Yiyi, I can't kill you in a one-on-one fight, but it's still very easy to kill this trash." The blond man sneered and raised one of his arms.

Amidst the clicking sound, this arm instantly turned into a saber shining with bright silver light, and slashed towards the black stone giant in front of it.

Although Gorea has a strong defense, he is only a rudimentary deity after all, and the strength gap between him and the blond man is too great.

The saber energy from the blond man almost illuminated most of the night sky.

The black stone giant transformed into by Gorea, his mountainous body was cut into two pieces by this knife without any suspense.

Metallized traces visible to the naked eye appeared on the body of the black stone giant who had been chopped into two sections.

Goreya is not dead yet, his two huge bodies, while metallizing, are desperately fleeing downwards, trying to escape into the great formation of sentient beings.

This was his only chance of survival.

"You still want to escape?" The blond man sneered, and once again raised his arm that had turned into a sword, and was about to slash it out.

At this moment, a long sword with ripples in space appeared in front of his eyes out of thin air, piercing straight between his eyebrows.

The blond-haired and blue-eyed man had no choice but to withdraw his sword and return to defense, and sent the long sword flying with a bang.

This is Lu Zhong controlling Ku Luoxian to make a move.

After flying Ku Luoxian, the long sword that came across space, the blond man with gloomy expression chased after Gorea again.

But a cloud of black mist appeared in front of his eyes out of thin air, blocking his way.

A slender figure in black armor jumped out of the black mist and charged towards the blond man.

This black-armored figure is exactly Luo Yiyi!

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