This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1573 Harvest

Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly stopped in the air, then fell to the ground, and finally sat down cross-legged on the barren ground.

At this moment, he had to concentrate his energies and divine power to deal with the dangers in the pure land of all beings, so he had to stay here for a while.

The karma value under his name is already less than 100,000 points, and this soul of his, even if he wants to leave the pure land of all beings, he can't leave it.

And once his sub-soul is killed, his previous accumulation in the pure land of all lives will be destroyed. If so, he will have to start all over again.

At this time, in the pure land of all beings shrouded in black mist, the soul that belonged to Xiao Zhi was flying through the air at an extremely fast speed.

Hundreds of miles behind him, there is a gray-clothed monk flying through the air.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi had already held up the black umbrella, but was still firmly locked by the gray-clothed monk. No matter how he changed direction, the gray-clothed monk would follow suit.

The black umbrella seemed to have completely lost its effect in front of the gray-clothed monk.

'Seven times his speed! ’ Said a vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear.

Immediately, Xiao Zhi's flying speed increased a lot, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, he threw the gray-clothed monk who was chasing him farther and farther away.

After throwing the gray-clothed monk thousands of miles away, Xiao Zhi heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

'Fortunately, in this pure land of all beings, not all Buddha-level bosses are perverted, and there are still some relatively mediocre Buddhas. '

The Buddha behind him is relatively mediocre, at least his speed is relatively mediocre, Xiao Zhi just used seven times the speed, and he threw it farther and farther.

However, even so, Xiao Zhi did not dare to be careless.

Because no matter how mediocre a Buddha is, he is still a Buddha.

When a pursuer shows up, it means his time is running out.

If he can't get enough karma in a short period of time, then he will be chased to death by the pursuers sooner or later.

‘It increased his eyesight tenfold! '

Xiao Zhi once again used the ability of 'Speaking out the law' to strengthen his eyesight ten times, and then quickly scanned in all directions.

There was a hint of disappointment on his face.

No, within the observation range of ten times his vision, there is no such thing as a monastery.

That being the case, it can only continue to fly forward.

Holding the black umbrella, Xiao Zhi continued to fly forward through the air at seven times the speed.

In heaven, on the barren ground, the deity Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged motionless, and he was desperately absorbing divine power from his own divine realm.

At the same time, there was a faint jade light circulating on his body.

He is sensing the surrounding space through [Tianyuan Holy Body], continuously absorbing the power of the world from the surrounding space, and transforming it into his own divine power.

Even though he has these two ways to supplement his divine power, the divine power in his body still cannot keep up with the consumption and is decreasing little by little.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

As time passed, the deity Xiao Zhi began to sweat a little on his forehead.

Because the longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable the situation would be for him.

In this way, some time passed.

‘It increased his eyesight tenfold! ’ A vast voice that only Xiao Zhi could hear rang out.

This is already the seventh time that Xiao Zhi has used the ability of "Speaking out the law" to bless his eyesight during this period of time.

After strengthening his eyesight ten times, Xiao Zhi immediately turned his head and looked in all directions.

His eyes suddenly fixed on the front right direction.

In the front right direction, at the edge of his field of vision, he vaguely saw the outline of a monastery.

'It's a temple! ’ Xiao Zhi was overjoyed.

He adjusted his direction immediately, and flew towards the direction of the temple without hesitation.

At this time, the gray-robed monk who was chasing him had already been thrown thousands of miles away by him.

In order to be able to rush to this temple as soon as possible, Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth and increased the speed of blessing on himself from seven times to eight times.

With the blessing of this eight-fold speed, Xiao Zhi's speed is unbelievably fast, and the distance between him and the monastery is visibly shortened by the naked eye.

It didn't take long for Xiao Zhi to approach the temple.

Then, Xiao Zhi's heart sank as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on his head.

Because he saw that the temple in front of him was very large in scale, and the Boss of the Pure Land who taught the Dharma in this temple was a Buddha!

As far as his current strength is concerned, at most he can only deal with Bodhisattva-level Bosses in the Pure Land. Once he meets Buddha-level bosses, he will have no choice but to run away!

'what to do? '

'what do I do? '

Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly stopped in mid-air, and the expression on his face seemed a little uncertain.

The time left for him is really running out.

If he missed the temple in front of him, would he be able to find a new temple in the remaining time?

Even if he is lucky and can find a new monastery, in that new monastery, what if the Buddha is teaching the Dharma again?

Holding a black umbrella, Xiao Zhi stared at the monastery in front of him with an uncertain expression, thinking quickly in his heart.

After thinking about it for less than a second, Xiao Zhi already made a decision in his heart.


The last time he encountered such a monastery where the Buddha taught the Dharma, out of prudence, he chose to shrink back.

This time, he won't back down.

Xiao Zhi's gaze finally fell on the Buddha who was teaching the Dharma in the grand monastery.

The Buddha sat cross-legged on a black lotus platform, with a black flame wheel spinning behind his head, his body was as tall as a hill.

As he made the sound of howling and screaming, the blossoming black lotus disappeared before his eyes.

This is the biggest threat Xiao Zhi is about to face.

If Xiao Zhi wants to take the food from the tiger's mouth, he must pass him.

Holding a black umbrella, Xiao Zhi hovered in mid-air, thinking frantically about the next battle plan in his heart.

When he was thinking, a smiling face stood out from the back of his head, and he opened his eyes to watch the rear for Xiao Zhi.

The thinking speed of the gods was as fast as lightning, and soon, Xiao Zhi already had a rough battle plan in his mind.

At this time, the Buddha who was chasing him from behind was still more than three thousand miles away from him.

Now that this was the case, he couldn't help thinking about it.

If he doesn't do it again, he won't have a chance to do it.

Xiao Zhi started to fly forward, a little golden paint emerged from the center of his brow, and soon, this golden paint spread to his whole body, turning him into a golden man.

After turning into a golden body, Xiao Zhi raised one of his palms.

He is about to use the Buddha's handprint.

"Lord Buddha Great Britain, there are aliens coming, please pay attention!" A voice like thunder came from behind Xiao Zhi.

This is the Buddha who was chasing Xiao Zhi, speaking as a warning.

Almost at the same time, the sky over the crowded temple changed, and a huge golden palm emerged from the void. This palm covered the sky and the sun, and it quickly became solid from illusion, and it fell down hard!

The evil Buddha who was speaking suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes turned scarlet in an instant.

Beside the evil Buddha, the pure land bosses who were also sitting on the blossoming black lotus also roared in unison.

The earth-walking and flying monsters who sat in the monastery and listened to the Dharma suddenly became agitated and screamed endlessly.

"How dare you show off your might in our Daying Temple!?" The Lord Buddha of Great Britain snorted coldly, and raised his hand to slap it.

In an instant, the sky and the earth shook, and a huge golden handprint emerged out of thin air, hitting the sky from bottom to top!


Two huge golden palms collided together.

After only a moment of stalemate, the huge Buddha handprint condensed by Xiao Zhi was shattered.

Xiao Zhi's figure emerged from the void in some embarrassment, turned into a golden streamer, and fled to the far sky!

"Heterogeneous, where are you running!" The Lord Buddha jumped up from the black lotus platform, and his huge body flew into the air in an instant, chasing Xiao Zhi.

Behind him, the pure land bosses flew into the air one after another, making various ghostly roars and screams, and followed the evil Buddha, chasing Xiao Zhi.

"Sure!" The evil Buddha opened his mouth and spat out a golden text.

The golden text hit Xiao Zhi like lightning, causing Xiao Zhi to stagger forward, and then his figure was frozen in the air, unable to move.

The evil Buddha let out a cold snort, and raised his hand to grab it forward again, then a solid golden palm emerged out of thin air, grabbed Xiao Zhi in it, and crushed it hard.

Xiao Zhi didn't even let out a scream, but was crushed into powder by this huge golden palm.

Seeing this scene, the evil Buddha's expression changed, and he turned to look at the temple behind him.

What he saw was a huge golden palm that was rapidly forming, and this golden palm was hanging over the temple.

"It's been tricked!" the evil Buddha roared angrily, and quickly turned back to help, but it was already too late.

This huge golden palm is now fully formed.

It was actually bigger and more solid than the golden palm that Xiao Zhi had just condensed!

"Go to hell!" Xiao Zhi roared, even the expression on his face became ferocious, he waved his hands fiercely, and slapped towards the void in front of him.

In front of him, a huge golden palm moved in line with him, and also fell from the air, slapping the monastery below!

In the monastery at this time, there are densely packed monsters of the earth and flying monsters who listen to the law, and only a few of the weakest king kong are still in the pure land boss.

And Xiao Zhi's Buddha's handprint was empowered ten times by his ability of "Speaking the Dharma", and the damage was directly maxed out.

After taking a picture of this Buddhist handprint, Xiao Zhi chose to run away without hesitation.

And at the edge of his field of vision, kill information frantically swipes across the screen like a waterfall.

However, Xiao Zhi didn't even look at the stats displayed on the screen, his figure turned into a stream of golden light, and flew forward crazily.

On the back of his head, that smiling face still exists, watching the situation behind him for him.

Xiao Zhi saw it through this smiling face: the huge Buddha's handprint firmly hit the temple of the evil Buddha, and with a bang, the temple and the surrounding ground were deeply sunk into the ground. inside.

His attack this time was too sudden, even the evil Buddha had no chance to rescue the temple.

Xiao Zhi also saw that evil Buddha and a group of pure land bosses chasing after him with overwhelming hatred.

"Sure!" The evil Buddha opened his mouth again, and spat out a golden word.

The golden text cut through the sky like a meteor, and hit Xiao Zhi at an incredible speed.

Facing the lightning-like golden text, Xiao Zhi let out a cold snort, and continued to fly forward at an unabated speed, but a black bowl was quietly condensed by him.

The golden text struck like lightning, and when it was about to hit Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi's black bowl suddenly appeared, covering the golden text in it.

The black bowl trembled and immediately froze in the air.

Xiao Zhi's speed did not slow down, and his figure broke through the sky in an instant, disappearing into the distant sky.

It wasn't until this time that Xiao Zhi summoned his character attribute panel with his mind, and looked at the string of values ​​representing karma:

Karma value: 675598.

After seeing clearly the string of numbers representing the karma value, Xiao Zhi burst out laughing.

With just one slap, the karma value under his name skyrocketed from less than 100,000 points to more than 600,000 points!

‘This is really a bold one, a cowardly one who is starved to death! ’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help but sighed in his heart.

The only thing that made him feel a little pity was that after this wave, although he had harvested hundreds of thousands of karma points, he didn't get a fruit position to improve his strength.

But it doesn't matter anymore, the karma value under his name is unprecedentedly large, so much karma value, if it is used to exchange for one hundred thousand 'return tickets', it is enough for him to exchange six.

With so much karma in his name to squander, his escape options suddenly increased, and there was no need to continue to die here.

'There is something about this evil Buddha teaching the Dharma, stronger than the Buddha chasing me. I am already eight times faster, and I can't get rid of him. '

Although it was very embarrassing to be chased by the evil Buddha behind him, Xiao Zhi felt quite relaxed.

Because, now he has a way out.

Xiao Zhi's figure quickly became illusory, and then completely transparent, disappearing into this pure land of all life.


Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged, had a rare smile on his face.

After this incident, the haze left in his heart by the death of Emperor Yuantian was also dissipated.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi once again sent this part of his soul through the gate of living beings into the pure land of living beings.

And he, after replenishing the divine power in his body, his figure also rose into the air and continued to fly forward.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Half a day later, Xiao Zhi was flying through the sky high in the heavens.

Suddenly, his heart moved slightly, and he sensed something calling him.

‘It’s Emperor Kongtian! '

‘It’s Emperor Kongtian who is calling me through his token! ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

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