This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1606 Yang Xu Slays Soul

run away.

Xiao Zhi's first thought was to run away.

It's not that he is timid and cowardly, but that he has self-knowledge, knowing that the current self is simply impossible to be the opponent of a powerful man like Emperor Mengtian.

As for escaping, Xiao Zhi is still very confident.

He now controls the tens of thousands of miles of space around him, and he can teleport to any point within tens of thousands of miles with just one thought.

The figure behind him was more than 9,000 miles away from him.

With this distance, even if the opponent is the strongest, he still has enough time to escape.

Just when Xiao Zhi was thinking about this, the figure suspected to be Emperor Mengtian approached him from behind him!

This made Xiao Zhi's heart rise again.

8000 miles... 7000 miles... 6000 miles...

And as the distance got closer, Xiao Zhi's perception of this figure became more and more clear through the surrounding space.

'Emperor Mengtian! This is indeed Emperor Mengtian! '

‘What does Emperor Mengtian want to do? Does he really want to come and kill me! ? '

As the distance between Meng Tiandi and him got closer, Xiao Zhi's heart had already reached his throat.

And he still pretended to be ignorant of it.

'1000 miles! My endurance limit is 1000 miles, if he dares to approach within 1000 miles of me, then I can only run away. ’ Xiao Zhi gritted his teeth in his heart.

Time is passing by second by second.

Finally, the figure of Emperor Mengtian stopped about 1,200 miles away from Xiao Zhi.

The figure of Emperor Mengtian floated so not too close or far away. After more than a minute passed like this, the figure of Emperor Mengtian began to retreat, and the retreat became faster and faster, until it completely disappeared in Xiao Zhi's induction.

Until then, Xiao Zhina's tense nerves gradually relaxed.

He suddenly felt a little tired.

He didn't seem to have done anything just now, but the energy he expended during this period was much more than performing a joint defense mission.

‘Brother Li, did you see anything just now? ’ Xiao Zhi asked Li Kuo with his spiritual thoughts.

Xiao Zhi sat on the prow of the floating flying boat, and Li Kuo sat on the stern. When Emperor Mengtian approached just now, Emperor Mengtian and Li Kuo were facing each other.

Xiao Zhi therefore asked this question.

Li Kuo was practicing and comprehending his law of ice and snow, and after receiving Xiao Zhi's voice transmission from his spiritual thoughts, his face was slightly taken aback, and he replied through the voice transmission of his spiritual thoughts: "No, I didn't see anything. "

"Master, what's the matter?"

"It's okay, I just asked a casual question." Xiao Zhi replied through sound transmission with his spiritual thoughts.

Li Kuo nodded when he heard the words, and said no more.

He knew that Xiao Zhi's question just now could never have been a casual question, but since Xiao Zhi didn't want to say it, he wouldn't pursue it either.

Xiao Zhi sat silently on the floating boat.

‘What is the purpose of Emperor Mengtian appearing this time? Is he here to test me? Or do you want to take a closer look at my strength? ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

For Emperor Mengtian, Xiao Zhi has always been vigilant in his heart.

He always felt that this Meng Tiandi was not a good thing.

'Don't talk about me, Emperor Kongtian should have a certain degree of precaution towards Emperor Mengtian. From this point, when he gave me the [Tianji Holy Body] before, let me not tell Meng about the practice of [Tianji Holy Physique] Heavenly Emperor, you can see it...'

Xiao Zhi suddenly shook his head lightly.

"It's useless to think about these messes now. I'll continue to practice. If practicing [Tianji Holy Physique] can really make me the supreme god of this heaven, then even if I can't beat the Mengtian Emperor, I don't need to be afraid." This is God. '

Xiao Zhi quickly adjusted his mentality, sank his heart, and continued to practice his [Tianji Holy Physique].

Time passed and several months passed.

In the next few months, Emperor Mengtian did not appear again, but Xiao Zhi did meet another 'old man'.

In this heaven, he met Emperor Siyu.

Emperor Siyu was also practicing the Holy Body.

However, what Emperor Siyu cultivated was only the [Tianyuan Holy Physique], which was completely incomparable with the [Tianji Holy Physique] he was cultivating now.

After sensing the existence of Emperor Siyu through the control of the surrounding space, the first thought that emerged in Xiao Zhixin was: 'Shall I take this opportunity to kill Emperor Siyu? '

He and this Emperor Siyu have some grievances and enmities.

And with his current strength, it shouldn't be difficult to kill Emperor Siyu.

If he used methods such as sneak attack, he would have a higher success rate if he wanted to kill Emperor Siyu.

But in the end, Xiao Zhi didn't do anything to Emperor Siyu.

It's not that his mind has become wider than before, and he doesn't want to worry about those things with Emperor Siyu.

It's that the big realm he is in needs the high god-level combat power of Emperor Siyu very much now.

The existence of Emperor Siyu is more or less useful to the great world where he is located. It would be a pity to kill him like this.

Therefore, Xiao Zhi let Emperor Siyu go for the time being, and asked his avatar who was in charge of driving the floating airship to change the course and stay away from the area where Emperor Siyu was.

The practice was still going on. On this day, when Xiao Zhi was practicing, he suddenly felt something in his heart, sensing that someone was trying to contact him through his Kunyu token.

The person who is contacting him is Yang Xi.

The words belonging to Yang Xi soon appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: "Brother, the soul of the second brother has already been completed."

‘Has Yang Xu’s soul been consummated? '

'According to the time, it should indeed be consummated. ’ Xiao Zhixin said.

He typed back with his divine sense: 'Well, I see, is Yang Xu planning to kill his soul now? '

Yang Xi: 'I'll go ask. '

A few seconds later, the words belonging to Yang Xi reappeared in Xiao Zhi's mind: "Well, I have already asked the second brother, and the second brother wants to kill the soul now." '

Xiao Zhi: 'Okay, you are waiting in my Dachang Palace in the imperial city, I will be right back. '

Yang Xi: 'Well, okay, I'll take my second brother to the Dachang Palace right now. '

After finishing the call with Yang Xi, Xiao Zhi sat on the floating airship for a while, and sent a voice transmission to Li Kuo with his spiritual thoughts: "Brother Li, let's go back to the world of sentient beings."

"Okay, master." Li Kuo responded.

Soon, space ripples visible to the naked eye appeared on both Xiao Zhi and Li Kuo's bodies.

In the next moment, the entire airship floating in the air turned into a bubble and dissipated in the air.

In the world of sentient beings, Dachang Imperial City, in the hall belonging to Xiao Zhi, the space fluctuated like water, and Xiao Zhi's figure appeared here out of thin air.


"Emperor!" The staff stationed in the hall stood up one after another and shouted.

"Brother." Yang Xi also stood up from the futon and shouted.

Yang Xu who was sitting beside him also stood up.

Xiao Zhi smiled and nodded at the staff stationed in the hall, and then walked towards Yang Xuyangxi and his brother and sister.

"Let's go." Xiao Zhi said, and then walked towards the outside of the hall.

"En." Yang Xuyang and Xi nodded, followed behind Xiao Zhi, and walked out of the hall.

Not long after, a black cloud was floating over a mountain forest hundreds of miles away from Dachang Imperial City.

On the black cloud, Xiao Zhi and Yang Xi stood side by side, while Yang Xu sat on the black cloud with his eyes closed.

Yang Xu is adjusting his mentality, stabilizing his emotions, and making final preparations for Soul Slaying.

Xiao Zhi said calmly, "Xiao Xu, don't be nervous, just be normal."

Yang Xi also said: "Second brother, it's just killing the soul, it's nothing, the elder brother will take you to kill the soul in the chaotic space, the success rate is very high, so you don't need to worry about anything."

Hearing this, Yang Xu said in a muffled voice, "I'm not worried, I just feel a little restless."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help frowning slightly, and said, "Soul Slaying is very important to mentality, Xiao Xu, there is something wrong with your current mentality, it is not suitable for Slashing Soul, you should rest and recuperate first, Slashing Soul is not in a hurry At this moment, after your mentality is completely stable, how about we come to kill the soul?"

Yang Xi also looked at her brother Yang Xu worriedly.

Yang Xu shook his head slightly, and said in a muffled voice: "It's okay, my mentality should be fine, I'll adjust it, and it will be fine soon."

Yang Xi looked at Xiao Zhi, waiting for Xiao Zhi to make up his mind.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and said: "You should all know that Hu Yang is good at divination, and his divination is very effective. How about this, I will let Hu Yang come over and do a divination for Xiao Xu. If it is a good omen, we will kill you right now." Soul, if it is a bad omen, then take it easy, Xiaoxu, what do you think?"

Before Yang Xu could speak, Yang Xi took the lead and said: "Second brother, I think the suggestion of elder brother is very good, I can ask Hu Yang to come over and do a divination for you."

Yang Xu glanced at Yang Xi, then at Xiao Zhi, finally nodded and said, "Okay."

Xiao Zhidang contacted Hu Yang through his Kunyu token.

The place where Hu Yang practiced is not far from here. After only a few minutes, Hu Yang turned into a streamer and flew over.

"Brother Zhi." Hu Yang shouted to Xiao Zhi from a long distance away.

After that, he greeted Yang Xu and Yang Xi again.

Xiao Zhi said with a smile: "Come here quickly, give this boy Yang Xu a test, see if his fortune is good today, and if he is suitable for killing souls."

"No problem, I will give him a wave of divination now, but it is best to do this divination on the ground, it is grounded, and this way of divination can be more accurate." Hu Yang said.

"Is there still such a thing? Well, let's go to the ground." Xiao Zhi said, and then launched his water god domain.

Seeing a flash of black light like water, he had already appeared on the open space beside a small river below with the sun rising and setting sun.

Divination begins soon.

Not long after, Hu Yang condensed the golden tortoise shell used for divination, and then pointed to the tortoise shell with one hand and Yang Xu with the other, and began to mutter.

At this moment, everyone including Yang Xu, the person concerned, held their breath and looked at the golden tortoise shell on the ground.

Time passed by second by second.

Under the gaze of everyone, a faint golden light began to emanate from the tortoise shell.

This light is a bit dim, but it is shining after all.

Hu Yang exhaled, and said, "This is a small auspicious omen, it's okay."

Yang Xu looked at Xiao Zhi, and said in a muffled voice, "Brother, look, it's a good omen."

Xiao Zhi stared at the shimmering tortoise shell on the ground, nodded, and said, "Okay, since you plan to kill the soul today, you can take a rest and start later."

"Well, good." Yang Xu nodded upon hearing this.

Yang Xu sat down cross-legged again, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.

After Hu Yang finished divination for Yang Xu, he didn't leave in a hurry, but sat on a big rock not far away, and said to Yang Xi: "Yang Xi, your brother is about to kill his soul, why not?" Didn't Venerable Kui come over?"

Venerable Kui is Master Yang Xu.

In the world of sentient beings, the ethos of respecting teachers is very strong. One day is a teacher and one is a father for life. To Yang Xu, Venerable Kui's status is almost equal to that of his biological father.

Yang Xi replied via voice transmission: "Her Majesty Kui is on his way here now."

"That's it." Hu Yang nodded and didn't say any more.

Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to Hu Yang: "Hu Yang, why don't you go back to practice?"

Hu Yang replied via voice transmission: "I've been practicing continuously for a long time, and I'm exhausted. It's rare to come out this time to get some fresh air. Brother Zhi, don't rush me."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded, and stopped urging him.

Cultivation is indeed very hard, and he has a deep understanding of this.

Next, Yang Xu was resting with his eyes closed, while Xiao Zhi, Yang Xi, and Hu Yang gathered together to set up a small restraint, chatting casually within the restraint.

After a while, Yang Xu, who was sitting cross-legged and eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and then slowly stood up.

At this moment, with a swipe, the eyes of Xiao Zhi and the other three fell on Yang Xu.

Xiao Zhi walked out of the restraint and said, "Are you ready?"

"En." Yang Xu nodded.

"Now that you're ready, let's go." Xiao Zhi said.

"Okay." Yang Xu nodded again.

Xiao Zhi immediately released his divine power, dragged Yang Xu together, and flew into the sky.

"Brother, why don't I go with you and protect the second brother." Yang Xi shouted at this time.

Before Xiao Zhi could speak, Hu Yang took the first step and said, "It's best not to, the less people go to such a thing as killing the soul, the better. You and Yang Xu are close relatives. If you go, you won't be able to help him. It will also affect his soul slaying."

"Okay." Yang Xi heard the words and had no choice but to give up.

Soon, Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand and tore a pitch-black crack in the air, and then took Yang Xu together through the pitch-black crack and entered the chaotic space.

About half an hour later, a group of cloudy wind howled from the distant sky.

This group of cloudy wind quickly condensed into a figure in midair, it was Venerable Kui.

"I have seen Chongyang Zhenjun."

"I've seen True Monarch Fuxi." Venerable Kui brought a gust of wind and landed on the ground, first saluted Hu Yang respectfully, and then saluted Yang Xi respectfully.

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