This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1607 Reincarnation

Chongyang Zhenjun is the title after Huyang became a god, and he took it himself.

True Monarch Fuxi is Yang Xi's title, and she uses her previous dao title.

Yang Xi turned to the side and said, "Master Kui, you are my second brother's master, I cannot accept this gift from you."

Hu Yang also smiled and said: "Master Kui, you are too polite, and there are no outsiders here, so you don't need to be so polite."

Venerable Kui said solemnly, "Courtesy cannot be revoked. In front of gods and men, I dare not be disrespectful."

Hu Yang shook his head helplessly.

These aborigines in the world of sentient beings are no better than players like them.

The superiority and inferiority have long been engraved into the bones of these aborigines, and it is very difficult to change their ideas.

Not long after Venerable Kui came over, there was a stream of green light coming through the sky from the direction of Dachang Imperial City.

"It's Dachang Zhenjun coming." Hu Yang said.

There is no impenetrable wall in this world. Although Xiao Zhiyangxi and the others did not intentionally publicize the matter of Yang Xu killing the soul, it gradually spread unknowingly.

"True Monarch." Yang Xi greeted Dachang Zhenjun, with some respect in his voice.

"True Monarch." Venerable Kui also went up to meet him, and bowed deeply to Dachang Zhenjun.

"True Monarch." Hu Yang also shouted.

Dachang Zhenjun smiled and nodded at Yang Xi and Hu Yang, he glanced in all directions, and said, "Yang Xu has already gone in?"

"Yes, my second brother has entered the chaotic space with my eldest brother."

Dachang Zhenjun heard the words and said with a light smile: "You Xiao Taoist will protect Yang Xu's Dharma. Yang Xu will be able to kill the soul this time, and he will be safe."

Time passed by every minute and every second, and in the next time, Venerable Li Yuan came over, Venerable Ji Shi came over, and Ji Yuanrong also came over.

Xiao Zhi's Hei Chang demon god also came over.

One after another figures came through the air, and the weakest one was Nascent Soul Daxiu.

Seeing this scene, Hu Yang said: "Yang Xu's soul slaying battle is really big enough, much bigger than my soul slaying battle back then."

Yang Xi also said: "It's the same with me. When I slayed the soul, there was not such a big battle. I don't know why, my second brother's soul slaying, there are so many people here."

"Maybe everyone is free this time." Hu Yang smiled.

Before I knew it, the day passed by like this.

Then, two days passed.

At the beginning, the expression on Yang Xi's face was still relaxed, but before she knew it, her brows frowned.

She knows the time it takes to kill the soul.

Under normal circumstances, the time required for soul slaying ranged from a dozen hours to twenty or thirty hours.

There are definitely exceptions, but not many.

But now, two days had passed, and Yang Xu's soul slaying still had no results, which made Yang Xi feel a little anxious.

Not only Yang Xi, but Venerable Kui who was sitting in the distant forest also had a worried expression on his face.

"Kui, don't worry, maybe your disciple will come out later." Venerable Li Yuan comforted Venerable Kui from the side.

"En." Venerable Kui nodded, raised his head, stared at the sky without blinking, his face was still tense.

Before I knew it, another day passed.

Yang Xu still hasn't come out of the chaotic space.

Now, not to mention Yang Xi and Venerable Kui, the two closest people to Yang Xu, even Hu Yang and Dachang Zhenjun frowned slightly.

Yang Xi came to Hu Yang's side with a worried expression on his face, and said, "Brother Hu Yang, why don't you give my second brother another divination..."

The other people around also looked at Hu Yang.

The people present can be regarded as high-level officials of Dachang Kingdom, and they all know about Hu Yang's divination ability.

Facing Yang Xi's expression asking for help, Hu Yang smiled wryly and said: "Yang Xu is not here, I can do divination on the air, it may not be effective."

Hearing this, Yang Xi showed a disappointed expression on his face, and said again: "Why don't I contact my elder brother through the Kunyu token and ask him about the situation?"

Hu Yang thought for a while, and said, "It's better not to bother brother Zhi, as this may affect your brother's killing soul."

"Okay." Yang Xi nodded.

Seeing Yang Xi's worried expression, Hu Yang comforted him: "Xiao Xi, you don't have to worry too much, your brother and the others haven't come out for a long time, which at least shows that your brother's soul slaying is still going on and has not failed. , if Soul Slaying failed, they would have come out long ago, right?"

"That's true." Yang Xi nodded, her complexion became much better.

Time passed, and another two days passed in a flash.

On this day, even Lu Zhong and Luo Yiyi came over.

After understanding the situation, Lu Zhong showed a surprised expression on his face: "It's been five days, and Yang Xu is still beheading his soul, it's incredible."

Luo Yiyi frowned slightly, and said, "Could it be that Yang Xu is the reincarnation of a certain great god?"

"Looking at the situation, he is a reincarnated body. I have long suspected that he is a reincarnated body." A voice came from afar.

Everyone looked up in the direction of the sound.

Then I saw an ice blue streamer flying towards this side.

"It's Zhenlan." Lu Zhong said with his pupils shrinking.

"Zhen Lan is here too." Luo Yiyi said with a cold expression.

"I called him over." Hu Yang said, "I have his token. It took a long time for Yang Xu to kill his soul this time. Zhen Lan has lived a long time and has rich knowledge, so I let him He came over to see."

"I see." Lu nodded his head.

Hu Yang said again: "Not only Zhen Lan, but Yu Xuzi was also invited by me."

Sure enough, about an hour later, another figure came through the sky, and this figure was Yu Xuzi.

"I have seen Master." After Yu Xuzi came over, he first saluted Dachang Zhenjun respectfully, then bowed his hands to everyone present, and said with a faint smile: "I have seen you fellow Taoists."

The gods returned the gift one after another.

Venerable Kui, Venerable Li Yuan and other Nascent Soul cultivators all knelt down and paid respects to Yu Xuzi.

In the former Dachang Kingdom, there was only one god, and that was True Lord Dachang.

In the current Dachang Kingdom, the number of gods is already too many to count with one hand.

Venerable Kui and the Nascent Soul cultivators knelt down again and again. There was nothing they could do about it. This was etiquette, and etiquette cannot be broken.

After Yu Xuzi came over, he asked everyone present about the situation, pondered for a while, and expressed his opinion: "I also think that there is a great possibility that Yang Xu is a reincarnated body."

When Zhen Lan said that Yang Xu was a reincarnated body, everyone was a bit skeptical. After all, among the people present, there were not many people who knew who Zhen Lan was.

But if Yu Xuzi also said the same, the situation is different.

"Is my second brother really a reincarnation?" Yang Xi murmured, "Then whose reincarnation is my second brother?"

Luo Yiyi opened his mouth slightly, wanting to speak, but finally held back.

Her knowledge is by no means inferior to that of Zhenlan and Yuxuzi, and even much better.

But her current identity is Luo Yiyi, just a female gamer with little experience, it's better not to speak up on this kind of matter.

No one noticed Luo Yiyi's tiny movement.

Zhen Lan said: "If your second brother is really the reincarnation of a certain great god, if he can successfully kill his soul this time, he will be able to awaken part of the memory of his previous life. At that time, we only need to ask him face to face, and then we will be able to tell you what to do." Knowing who his past life was is sacred."

"Yes, that's it." Yu Xuzi nodded in agreement.

"That's it." Yang Xi was a little apprehensive, but also a little expectant: "If my second brother is really a reincarnated body, he should have been very powerful in his previous life, right?"

"That's natural." Zhen Lan said: "All those who are eligible to be reincarnated are great gods. That is to say, at least one must have the realm of a high god level to be able to reincarnate and rebuild."

"That's right." Yu Xuzi echoed: "Gaoshen was also called a great god in that era. Only the existence of a great god and above is eligible to be reincarnated. However, under normal circumstances, no great god is willing to reincarnate. Rebirth, because once you are reincarnated, there is a high probability that you will not be able to cultivate to the same height as before."

Zhen Lan corrected: "It should be said that it is almost impossible to cultivate to the height of the past. The road to cultivation is full of thorns. When the reincarnated body is born, the memory is blank. It is likely to be an ordinary baby. Ordinary people want to become gods. Everyone should know how difficult it is.”

When everyone heard the words, they didn't speak.

Yuxuzi said: "Compared with ordinary people, the reincarnated body will still be somewhat different. However, if you were born in an ordinary family, you will not be able to touch anything related to cultivation for the rest of your life. If you reincarnate a few times like this, you will be completely annihilated in this world."

Yang Xi's eyes widened: "Reincarnated body, can you reincarnate a few more times?"

Zhen Lan glanced at Yang Xi, and said: "The reincarnated body of a great god is usually capable of reincarnating several times. How many times he can be reincarnated depends on the strength and background of the great god before his death. Every reincarnation, It's all a chance, but the more times you reincarnate, the more ordinary the reincarnation will be, and the less likely it is to return to the peak."

The two of you are talking with each other.

The people around, no matter if they were gods or souls, no matter if they were players or aborigines, were all stunned when they heard this.

Regarding the reincarnation body, some people among the crowd have heard of it, but no one knows such details.

After being told by Zhen Lan and Yu Xuzi, Yang Xi's worries were reduced a lot, and finally a smile appeared on her face.

In the following time, another strong man was attracted over one after another.

Among them are players such as Zhao Yan, Zhu Changwu, and Goreya, as well as the aborigines of the world of sentient beings such as Cangqing Snake, Cao Shaoyang, and Master Senluo. The new Qingyuan ambassador is also attracted.

Not only the Qingyuan ambassadors, but also the ambassadors of other player countries came over.

The number of powerhouses appearing here has become more and more.

And as time passed, with the continuous transmission of information, some Golden Cores and even Foundation Establishment cultivators rushed over to join in the fun.

However, they didn't dare to get too close to the bosses, they only dared to watch from afar.

"Even if Yang Xu is the reincarnation of a certain great god, it should take so long." Zhen Lan said.

"According to the time, it should be almost the same." Yu Xuzi nodded and said.

But this time, they guessed wrong.

This time, Yang Xu's soul slaying lasted for a full fifteen days before the result finally came to fruition.

On this day, Luo Yiyi, who was sitting quietly on the top of a big tree, suddenly said: "It's over, Yang Xu's soul slaying succeeded, and he should be coming back from the chaotic space later."

Her voice is not loud, and there is no divine power in it. In theory, only a small number of people who are close can hear it.

However, there were many gods present, and the hearing of the gods was extremely keen.

As soon as Luo Yiyi said this, almost all the gods present looked at her, and then looked up at the sky.

Under the eyes of the gods, less than a second passed, and a dark crack appeared in the sky.

The pitch-black crack instantly grew larger, and dazzling colorful rays of light burst out from it.

The moment she saw this colorful light, Yang Xi shouted excitedly: "It's the second brother, the second brother is back!"

Saying that, Yang Xi's body lit up with a turquoise light, and her figure soared into the sky in an instant, flying towards the dark crack in the sky.

Venerable Kui also showed a joyful expression on his face, his whole body was full of Yin Qi, and he was about to fly into the air, but stopped, and just stood quietly on the ground.

The colorful rays of light that bloomed from the dark cracks were too dazzling. For a moment, almost everyone's eyes were attracted by the dazzling colorful rays of light, and they all looked up at the sky and at this piece of land. Colorful light.

Under the gazes of everyone, a young man who looked thin and small, with dazzling colorful lights blooming on his body, stepped out from the dark crack.

This young man is none other than Yang Xu.

At this time, Yang Xu couldn't see any excited or joyful expressions on his face, and he looked a little dazed.

Soon, another figure came out from the dark crack.

The figure who came out from behind was naturally Xiao Zhi.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi had a trace of exhaustion on his face.

After walking out of the crack in the space, Xiao Zhi instinctively glanced in all directions, and then he was taken aback for a moment.

Why are there so many people here?

The number of people is probably in the tens of thousands, right?

"Second Brother." A voice called out.

This is the sound of sunset.

Yang Xi greeted Yang Xu, his face was full of joy.

Yang Xu looked at his younger sister, the trance expression on his face disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face.


Not long after, above a cloud of black clouds, all the gods who came over from Dachang Kingdom this time gathered here.

Yang Xi looked at her elder brother carefully, and said, "Second brother, it took you fifteen days to kill your soul this time, do you know that?"

"Yeah." Yang Xu hummed and said, "I didn't know before, but now I know."

Yang Xi said again: "Second brother, everyone guesses that you are the reincarnation of a certain great god."

Yang Xu fell silent when he heard the words, as if he was thinking about something, or recalling something, after more than ten seconds passed, he said: "Maybe it is."

As soon as Yang Xu said this, all the people present showed surprise expressions on their faces.

After all, no matter what you said before, it was just a guess.

But now, the parties have all admitted it, which is a real hammer.

Yang Xi's eyes widened too, and after a few seconds, she continued to ask: "Then...Second brother, who was your previous life?"

Hearing this, Yang Xu fell silent again, with an expression of thinking and recalling on his face again.

This time, under the gazes of everyone, Yang Xu was silent for nearly a minute, and then slowly said: "I have many past lives, most of them are ordinary people, but there are also monks in a few lives." Or martial artist, if you want to say that the one that left the deepest impression should be the first life, I can’t remember my name in that life, but I had a dao name in that life, called Qianjizi.”

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