This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1918 The truth about the Chaos Beast

Somewhere in the Origin Heaven, golden Buddha light filled the sky.

Under the huge golden Buddha seat, a woman in black stood up and waved her hand forward.

Instantly, a virtual world emerged.

Although it was just a virtual shadow, it can be seen that the world in the virtual shadow was chaotic and broken, like hell.

A figure flew out of this virtual world, and quickly became solid from virtual. It was the Emperor Kongtian.

"Emperor Kongtian." The golden Buddha looked at the Emperor Kongtian, put his hands together, and his voice was loud.

"Emperor Kongtian." Luo Yiyi also shouted.

Under the golden Buddha seat, the Buddhist believers who were listening to the Dharma also stood up at this time and saluted the Emperor Kongtian respectfully.

The Emperor Kongtian returned the salute to the Great Power Buddha and Luo Yiyi. After returning the salute, the Emperor Kongtian was about to leave. The space fluctuated like water, and a figure suddenly appeared.

"Lord, you are here." The Emperor Kongtian looked at the figure and said.

Xiao Zhi nodded slightly and said, "Emperor Kongtian, can you take out the skeleton and have a look?"

"Of course." Emperor Kongtian nodded and waved his hand gently, and a skeleton with a pitch-black body appeared out of thin air.

Xiao Zhi looked closely.

This is a human-shaped skeleton with a height of more than ten feet.

Although it is a human-shaped skeleton, there are sharp bone spurs all over the skeleton, and there is also a coccyx. In terms of body size, there is a big difference between it and humans.

Xiao Zhi's figure flashed and he came to the black skeleton and looked at it carefully.

With a flash of golden light, the Great Mighty Buddha wearing a golden robe also came to the black skeleton, his eyes shining with an inexplicable light, looking at the black skeleton.

Luo Yiyi also came over.

Some Bodhisattvas and Arhats under the seat of the Great Power Buddha also wanted to come over to take a look, but were scolded by a Buddha: "Stop! Don't go over to disturb the Heavenly Buddha and the Heavenly Emperors!"

After this scolding, the Bodhisattvas and Arhats had to return to their seats and sit down again.

After looking at it for a while, Xiao Zhi touched it again and looked at the Great Power Buddha: "Heavenly Buddha, do you see anything?"

The Great Power Buddha said: "The texture of this skeleton is far from being comparable to ordinary divine bones. There is still some transcendental aura on it. It should be the skeleton of the strongest person without a doubt."

Xiao Zhi nodded when he heard it.

He also thought so.

The Great Powerful Buddha said again: "This skeleton is so well preserved, which means that his body was not seriously injured when he died."

Xiao Zhi nodded and said: "The bones separated from the non-strongest Chaos Beasts are also well preserved. It seems that these Chaos Beasts are really likely to be transformed from top gods and strongest people."

Luo Yiyi said: "Where did these top gods and strongest people come from? Now, there are too many Chaos Beasts in the Chaos Void. There are not so many strongest people in our universe."

Xiao Zhi said: "This is actually easy to explain. Is there a possibility that these strongest people who turned into Chaos Beasts are not actually this The strongest of the era, but the strongest of the previous eras? "

After a pause, Xiao Zhi continued: "In every era, only a few great realms can successfully continue to the next era, and the strongest born in those great realms whose origins were destroyed are not necessarily dead. They may have lived to the end of the era, and then, they were not destroyed with the end of the era, but turned into chaotic beasts in a daze and survived. Our universe has been reincarnated countless times. Over time, the number of chaotic beasts has become more and more, and it has become what it is now. "

When Xiao Zhi said this, several people showed thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Xiao Zhi exhaled lightly.

What he just said was not what he just thought of, but the result of his thinking during the intervals of cultivation.

Emperor Kongtian said in a low voice: "I actually think so too. These so-called chaos beasts should be the polymer of the remains of the strongest and the great realm. No great realm can guarantee that it will continue in this cycle of epochs. Therefore, becoming a chaos beast may be the final destination of us, the strongest."

When saying this, Emperor Kongtian was obviously a little depressed.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand and gently patted Emperor Kongtian on the shoulder, saying: "Don't think so. Becoming a chaos beast may be the final destination of other strongest people, but it is not our final destination. We are different from them. In the next era, we have enough time to explore the endless multiverse. We have enough time to become stronger. Believe me, we can definitely break this reincarnation fate."

At this time, Luo Yiyi gently uttered a sentence: "My fate is determined by me, not by God."

"Yes, my fate is determined by me, not by God." Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

At the beginning, before the world of all living beings came, as a novel lover, Xiao Zhi could often read this sentence in novels.

At that time, he thought this sentence was a bit childish.

But now, he thinks this sentence is quite suitable for the strongest people like them.

"My fate is determined by myself, not by God... I like this sentence very much." Emperor Kongtian nodded and said with a smile.

Xiao Zhi could clearly feel that the depressed aura on Emperor Kongtian had been swept away.

"God, please send me over, they should be waiting anxiously." Emperor Kongtian said.

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded.

Immediately, Emperor Kong Tian and the black skeletons around him turned into nothing and disappeared into the air...

The main hall of the Supreme Palace.

The dark skeleton was placed on a jade table.

Even if it's just a skeleton, the aura it contains is still terrifying.

If this was not the original heaven, but just an ordinary world plane, this skeleton alone would be enough to disrupt the space and turn this area into a desert.

Everyone in the Supreme Hall gathered around and looked at the skeleton.

"God, can you send my true self here? My clone is not strong enough to judge the strength of this skeleton." Hong Zu looked at Xiao Zhi and hissed.

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "Whoever else wants to come over, I will teleport them all."

Immediately, many powerful people spoke up, wanting Xiao Zhi to teleport their true form.

Xiao Zhi agreed to all of them.

Soon after, everyone in the Supreme Hall came to the unanimous conclusion: this skeleton was indeed the skeleton of a supreme being.

Hei Sha looked at the mighty Heavenly Buddha and said, "Heavenly Buddha, you have mastery of the avenue of cause and effect. Can you deduce the life and death of this skeleton?"

The mighty Buddha clasped his hands together and said, "I have already deduced it, but unfortunately my cultivation is shallow and I can't deduce anything."

The original ancestor said: "Previously, Emperor Kuntian separated the bones of the top gods from the bodies of non-powerful chaotic beasts. Now, Emperor Kongtian has found the bones of the most powerful ones from the bodies of the most powerful chaotic beasts. Skeletons, in this case, God’s previous speculation must be true. These chaotic beasts were transformed from the most powerful ones and the top gods.”

No one argued back.

"Then where do so many of the most powerful people and top gods come from?" This time, it was Hongzu who spoke these words.

Xiao Zhi was about to tell his guess, but God Lord Linyuan spoke first: "This is not difficult to explain. Our universe has been reincarnated many times, and in every era, there are a large number of Powerful people are born and then destroyed along with the era. These powerful people may not really be destroyed. They may become chaotic beasts and continue to exist in this universe.”

Hei Sha said: "This explanation is good. Let me extend it further. At the end of the era, the remains of the great realms that existed in the void of chaos were not decomposed by the void of chaos, but were eaten by these giant beasts of chaos. That’s why these chaotic beasts are so huge.”

Xiao Zhi opened his mouth.

What else could he say?

What he wanted to say had already been said by others.

However, this is normal.

Everyone is the strongest.

What he can surmise, others can also surmise.

Yang Xi pursed his lips and said weakly: "Then... what is the meaning of the existence of these chaotic beasts?"

Everyone was silent when they heard this.

What is the significance of the existence of the Chaos Behemoth?

What is the meaning of reincarnation in this universe?

Xiao Zhi has thought about these two issues, but has no clue.

Maybe it makes sense, but they don't know enough about this chaotic void, and they don't understand it deeply enough.

Perhaps the existence of these things has no meaning at all.

Meaning is highly subjective.

Not everything needs meaning to exist.

After some discussion, Emperor Mengtian said: "You can give me the skeleton of this most powerful man, and I can try to refine it into a bone demon."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhi showed an expression of interest on his face and asked: "What is the approximate strength of the bone demon after it is refined?"

Emperor Meng Tian said: "It's hard to say, at least they should have high god level strength."

At this time, the Jade Spirit Giant said: "Give it to me. This powerful skeleton is well preserved. Our ancient god world has a secret method. After refining it into a puppet, it can at least have the strength of the top god. ”

Xiao Zhi heard this and looked at Emperor Mengtian.

Emperor Meng Tian took a step back and said: "Since the refining level of the Jade Spirit Giant is superior, let's give this skeleton to the Jade Spirit Giant for refining."

Xiao Zhi nodded and said to the giant Yuling: "Yuling, then I'll leave this skeleton to you."

"Okay." The Jade Spirit Giant took a step forward and put his hand on the dark skeleton on the jade table.

The dark skeleton disappeared instantly and was taken into the storage world by him.

After the meeting, Xiao Zhi came to a sky-blue vortex and continued his practice.

Xiao Zhi has proved with many failures that the path of condensing the "telephone line" is not feasible, so he can only take another path.

That is to try to integrate the rules related to 'communication' with the transmission channel.

This should be the best solution.

Just trying to do this is very difficult.

I think that back then, Xiao Zhi got into trouble just trying to modify some of the simplest data in the sentient system.

And if you want to build the 'communication module' into the transmission channel, it is much more difficult than modifying the data.

Of course, the greater the difficulty, the greater the reward.

If Xiao Zhi can really do this and build the 'communication module' into the transmission channel, his understanding of the rules of the world will definitely reach a whole new level!

His strength will be further improved, becoming even stronger, and he may even touch the threshold of the realm above the strongest!

This kind of thing, just thinking about it, makes Xiao Zhi feel excited!

After calming down, Xiao Zhi continued to practice.

His practice is to stare at the sky blue vortex in front of him.

Look at it from all directions and analyze it from all directions.

After analyzing it, Xiao Zhi raised his hand.

As he raised his hand, dozens of invisible and intangible regular threads came out from his fingertips.

These regular threads intertwined with each other and soon intertwined into a hair-like thin thread in the air.

This thin thread meandered forward and soon touched the sky blue vortex in front of him, and then continued to move forward, wanting to merge with this sky blue vortex.

At the beginning, it was still smooth, and there was nothing unusual about the sky blue vortex in front of him.

But as time passed second by second, the sky blue vortex in front of Xiao Zhi began to show signs of instability.

Then, this sign of instability became more and more obvious.

Xiao Zhi was sweating a little, and his hands turned into afterimages in the void, trying to maintain the stability of this sky-blue vortex.

But his efforts did not have much effect. In the end, the transmission channel in front of him still collapsed, turned into bubbles, and dissipated in front of Xiao Zhi.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi showed a trace of dejection on his face, and muttered: "I just pulled out my rule thread, but the transmission channel still collapsed..."

But soon, the dejection on his face disappeared.

'There are two possibilities. Either I pulled out the rule thread a little too late, or the collapse of the transmission channel is irreversible. As long as it shows signs of collapse, it will collapse to the end...'

'Which one it is, we will know later. '

"System spirit, quickly condense a strongest-level transmission channel to the eternal world for me!" Xiao Zhi said to the air.

"Okay, administrator." A golden light flashed, and the system elf appeared out of thin air, saying in an ethereal voice: "It is estimated that it will take several minutes to condense the strongest transmission channel to the eternal world. Please wait patiently."

Not long after, a new transmission channel was condensed by the system of all living things.

Xiao Zhi looked at the new transmission channel in front of him and thought: 'I hope it is the first possibility. '

If it is the second possibility, if the collapse of the transmission channel is irreversible, then with his current cultivation method, the price will be a bit high.

In the current heaven, although the origin of the world comes easily and quickly, it is not squandered like this.

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