This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1919 Finally appeared

Xiao Zhi took a deep breath, and his eyes once again shone with a green light that seemed to be real, and he began to carefully observe the sky-blue vortex in front of him.

He was not only observing with his eyes, but also conducting a comprehensive analysis of the sky-blue vortex in front of him through his absolute control over this space.

After some observation and analysis, Xiao Zhi thought about it in his mind for a moment, and then slowly raised one of his arms.

This time, there were hundreds of invisible and intangible regular threads coming out of his fingertips.

These hundreds of regular threads intertwined with each other, and finally intertwined into a regular thread that was slightly thicker than a hair, slowly extending to the sky-blue vortex that was slowly rotating in front of him.

This time, Xiao Zhi seemed to be particularly careful.

But even so, it didn't take long for the sky-blue vortex in front of him to show signs of instability.

Xiao Zhi's heart trembled, and he immediately stopped his movements, and then carefully pulled out the regular thread he had condensed from the sky-blue vortex.

As the rule thread that Xiao Zhi had integrated was pulled out, the sky blue vortex in front of him gradually regained stability.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but show a hint of joy on his face.

'It seems that it is the first one. '

'In this way, once the situation is not right, as long as I can pull out my rule thread in time, the transmission channel will not collapse. '

This is undoubtedly a better result for Xiao Zhi.

This means that his future cultivation will not waste too many resources.

If it is the second one, he may have to consider changing his cultivation method.

'Well, the communication module I condensed this time, not long after it was integrated into the transmission portal, the transmission portal showed signs of instability, which means that my communication module is incompatible with the transmission channel. '

'I have to redesign one...'

Xiao Zhi slowly closed his eyes and began to conceive and design a new communication module in his mind.

Not long after, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, raised his hand and pointed out again, and another black line as thin as a hair emerged out of thin air, slowly extending to the sky blue vortex not far away...

Time passed day by day.

Xiao Zhi is practicing.

The number of god-level Taoist soldiers in the heaven is increasing rapidly.

The defense of the outer heaven is becoming stronger and stronger.

In various places in the origin heaven, new supreme sky-supporting formations are built by the formation masters of the ancient god world.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

One day, Xiao Zhi, who was practicing, suddenly heard the warning of the system of all living things: "Alarm! Alarm! Chaos giant beasts are detected trying to approach the heaven, please be prepared to deal with it."

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but frowned.

I don't know if it's because it's getting closer and closer to the end of the era, or for some other reason, during this period, the chaos giant beasts have appeared more and more frequently near the heaven.

Xiao Zhi said: "Leave this matter to Emperor Meng Tian to deal with it. After the matter is handled, system elf, you just need to give me a brief report."

"Okay, manager." A golden light flashed, and the figure of the system elf appeared in front of Xiao Zhi out of thin air, and said in an ethereal voice.

After the explanation, Xiao Zhi continued to practice.

As a result, before he had waited long, the ethereal voice of the living beings system rang in his ears again: "Alarm! Alarm! It is detected that a non-heavenly supreme being is approaching the heavenly realm. Please be prepared to deal with it."

The supreme being from the non-heavenly realm?

Xiao Zhi was shocked!

After reacting, his astonishment turned into surprise!

Now, in this chaotic void, in addition to the heavenly realm, there are only two places where the supreme beings exist.

One is the Eternal Realm, where there are five supreme beings left in the Eternal Realm, namely the Eternal Saint Lord, the Eternal Saint Lord, the Yuanxing Saint Lord, the Qingshuang Saint Lord, and the Daoyuan Saint Lord.

One is the Yongtu Realm, where there is only the Yongtu Lord, the commander-in-chief.

The supreme being approaching the heavenly realm this time is either the supreme saint lord of the Eternal Realm or the Yongtu Lord of the Yongtu Realm.

Whether it is the saint lord or the Lord who dares to come, whether it is one or several, this is a great opportunity for the heavenly realm.

Even if only one of the remaining six strongest people in the Eternal Realm and the Yongtu Realm can be killed, it will be a huge profit for the current Heaven Realm, and it can severely weaken the strength of the Eternal Realm and the Yongtu Realm!

In an instant, Xiao Zhi thought of all this.

"System Elf." Xiao Zhi shouted.

"I'm here." A golden light flashed, and the system elf appeared in front of Xiao Zhi, waiting for Xiao Zhi's orders.

Xiao Zhi asked: "How many strongest people are there near the Heaven Realm?"

The system elf said in an empty voice: "One."

'Only one. ' Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when he heard this.

After thinking about it, he asked again: 'Can you detect who he is? '

The system elf said in an empty voice: "Sorry, administrator, because the other party is currently in the extreme sensing area of ​​the sentient beings system and has hidden his body, the sentient beings system can only sense that this is a strong person, and cannot determine his identity."

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly when he heard this.

The so-called extreme sensing area is an area that the sentient beings system can only barely sense but cannot transmit to.

The inability to teleport means that these powerful people in the heaven cannot launch surprise attacks by teleporting.

Xiao Zhi exhaled and said, "After he enters the teleportable area of ​​the sentient system, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

"Okay, manager." The system elf nodded in agreement.

Xiao Zhi began to wait.

In the Palace of the Strongest.

A shadow appeared in the main hall, solidifying into the appearance of Emperor Meng Tian.

Emperor Mengtian said: "Everyone, just now, the sentient system detected that a powerful person is approaching the heaven."

As the senior manager of the All Beings System, Emperor Mengtian can also obtain some of the latest intelligence information from the All Beings System.

As soon as Emperor Mengtian said this, brush! brush! brush! One after another figures appeared in the main hall.

In less than a second, everyone came over.

Hongzu hissed: "These old monsters finally appeared."

Heisha asked: "Is there only one? Should we take action now, or should we find a better opportunity in the future?"

Everyone looked at Xiao Zhi.

The original ancestor said: "God, please give me your instructions."

Xiao Zhi said calmly: "Don't worry, he is still in the limit sensing area of ​​the sentient system. We can't teleport there. Let's wait until he gets closer and enters the teleportable area before we make a decision."

Everyone nodded and had no objection to this.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Hong Zu was a little anxious as he waited, and hissed: "Hasn't that bastard entered the teleportable area of ​​the system yet?"

"No." Xiao Zhi shook his head.

"It seems that this guy is just scouting from a distance and has no intention of getting close to our heaven." Emperor Kongtian said.

"If we teleport there now, how far away are we from him?" the Jade Spirit Giant asked.

"23 million miles." Xiao Zhi replied.

This distance is not close.

Even if the strongest person wants to cross this distance, it will take a long time.

At this distance, it is completely unrealistic to conduct a surprise attack.

After waiting for a moment, Emperor Meng Tian said with a gloomy expression: "This guy has already begun to move away from our heaven."

Lord Linyuan stared at Xiao Zhi and said, "This is the last chance. Do we want to take action?"

The Jade Spirit Giant said: "It may be an opportunity, or it may be a trap."

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly when he heard this.

Hongzu turned to look at the Jade Spirit Giant and hissed: "Are you saying that this guy's appearance may be to lure us there on purpose?"

"There is such a possibility." The Jade Spirit Giant said in a dull voice: "During this period, when we went to the Chaos Void to intercept the Chaos Behemoths approaching the heaven, we relied on the system to directly transmit them there. This may have already happened. Got spied on by those old monsters."

"It's impossible. The system's limit sensing zone range exceeds 50 million miles. Given the harsh environment in the Chaotic Void, it's impossible for those old monsters to see clearly the battle between us and the Chaos Behemoth from such a long distance apart. ." Emperor Meng Tian frowned.

It is precisely because of this that when the Supreme Palace intercepts and kills the chaotic beasts that are trying to approach the heaven, it will directly teleport the strongest warriors in battle, saving time and effort, and without having to worry about being spied on.

"It's really impossible. We have done experiments before. They are so far apart. Even if the Buddha relies on the power of cause and effect, he can't see anything or deduce anything." Emperor Kongtian said.

"I hope I'm overthinking it." The Jade Spirit Giant nodded and said no more.

The Jade Spirit Giant stopped arguing with Emperor Kong and Meng, and seemed to have been convinced, but Xiao Zhi's frowning brows still did not relax.

He thought of Lord Yongtu.

When the distance is too far, the mighty Buddha cannot deduce anything through the power of cause and effect. What about the Lord of Yongtu?

The power of cause and effect mastered by Yongtu Lord is stronger than that of the mighty Buddha.

If Yongtu dominates, maybe he can really deduce something...

The mighty Buddha clasped his hands together and said: "The Jade Spirit Giant's worries are not unreasonable. After all, everything is possible. In my opinion, let's forget it this time. When there is a better opportunity in the future, we can take action again." Not too late.”

Xiao Zhi breathed out gently, nodded, and said, "Just follow what the Buddha said."

If someone else had been the God, he might have taken action this time.

But Xiao Zhi is a cautious person at heart and doesn't like taking risks.

In his opinion, this opportunity was not particularly good.

If the target this time dares to enter the teleportable area of ​​the sentient system, he will take action without hesitation and kill the target with the force of thunder.

Unfortunately, the target did not enter the teleportable area of ​​the sentient system after all...

After making the decision, Xiao Zhi's frown slowly relaxed.

After Xiao Zhi made his decision, no one else said anything except Hongzu who muttered a few words of dissatisfaction.

Emperor Mengtian said: "This time it is very likely that people from the Eternal and Yongtu realms are exploring the heavens. If there is such an exploration once, there will be a second and third time. We will definitely have another in the future." Opportunity.”

Xiao Zhi nodded and agreed with Emperor Meng Tian's words.

Hong Ancestor hissed: "Then if there is a chaotic beast attacking in the future, how should we deal with it? Should we teleport directly to it, or fly over slowly?"

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and said, "It's better to transmit it directly. We would have discovered it long ago. Now, we don't need to cover it up."

"That's it!" Hong Zu nodded at the huge snake head and hissed.

Emperor Meng Tian said in a deep voice: "It's okay to teleport directly, but in the future, we have to wait until the Chaos Beast gets closer before teleporting."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded and said.

The crowd had already made up their minds, but they did not leave the main hall of the Strongest Hall. They were all waiting silently.

After all, this strongest person might come back again. Once he came back and entered the teleportable area of ​​the system, they would definitely take action.

After a while, Xiao Zhi exhaled lightly and said: "Everyone, disperse, this strongest person has left the extreme sensing area of ​​the system."

Then everyone dispersed.

Xiao Zhi began to practice again.

He didn't need to worry about the Chaos Beast that attacked the heaven, and Emperor Meng Tian would send someone to deal with it.

What he needed to do now was still to practice and work hard to improve his strength.

Then Xiao Zhi stood beside a slowly rotating sky blue vortex and raised his hand to point forward.

At his fingertips, a small black dot gradually condensed.

This small black dot gradually grew larger, turned into the size of a marble, and flew towards the sky blue vortex.

Then the second and third.

One by one, the small black beads lined up and merged into the sky blue vortex.

When the ninth small black bead was merged, the sky blue vortex in front of him began to tremble slightly, showing signs of instability.

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, but still merged the tenth small black bead into the sky blue vortex in front of him.

The sky blue vortex trembled even more violently.

Xiao Zhi's eyes were fixed on a fist-sized black round bead in front of him.

Under his gaze, the round bead gradually lit up a glimmer.

This glimmer was very weak and almost invisible, but it was captured by Xiao Zhi keenly.

Xiao Zhi's face suddenly showed an ecstatic expression!


He actually succeeded!

At this time, in the eternal world surrounded by black fog, a group of sky blue vortexes were suspended in the sky and slowly rotating.

In front of this sky-blue vortex, there was a person floating at this time. He was a primary god-level clone sent by Xiao Zhi.

At this time, in front of the clone Xiao Zhi, there was also a black round bead of the same style floating.

A faint light also shone on this black round bead of the same style.

After seeing this faint light, the clone Xiao Zhi also showed an ecstatic expression on his face.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Zhi's original body and clone gently pressed their hands on the black round bead in front of them.

'Can you receive my message? ' The original body Xiao Zhi said in a voice transmission.

Not long after, a faint thought was transmitted into his sea of ​​consciousness through the black round ball: 'Yes, I can receive your message. '

"Success, this time it is indeed successful." Xiao Zhi wanted to laugh three times to express his excitement.

The first step is often the most difficult to take.

He can take this step, which means that the path he took this time is correct.

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