This Game is Unusual

Chapter 1996 Immortal Matter

Emperor Sheng walked slowly towards the transmission area.

A staff member in a gray uniform came up to him and said politely: "Sir, what can I do for you?"

Emperor Sheng waved his hand lightly, and a dense array of spirit stones appeared in front of him.

Emperor Sheng said: "Go back home."

The staff member's eyes turned, and a glimmer appeared in his eyes. He scanned the spirit stones in front of him. In an instant, he calculated the number of spirit stones in front of him, no more, no less, exactly 10,000.

The staff member waved his hand, collected the spirit stones, and with a professional smile on his face, he made a gesture of invitation to Emperor Sheng: "Sir, please follow me."

Under the guidance of this staff member, Emperor Sheng stood in a space transmission array.

The array was activated, and a brighter and brighter light appeared.

The staff standing by said: "After checking, you are from the Geyuan Realm. The target is being calibrated. The target calibration is complete and the transmission is about to begin. I wish you a pleasant journey."

As soon as the staff finished speaking, the figure of Emperor Sheng, who was standing in the space transmission array, became illusory and blurred, and then the figure shattered and dissipated, disappearing into the air.

After a slight trance, Emperor Sheng regained consciousness.

What he saw was a world that made him feel familiar and a little strange, which was his Geyuan Realm.

This was a somewhat desolate world, the sky was gray and dust was floating.

With the return of Emperor Sheng, the world was slightly fluctuating, and a kind of close emotion was cast towards Emperor Sheng.

This was the world welcoming the return of him, the supreme god.

Under Emperor Sheng's feet, there was a complex array pattern, which was disintegrating into light spots at a speed visible to the naked eye and floating in the air.

The burly figure of Emperor Sheng floated silently, and then disappeared out of thin air.

When he reappeared, Emperor Sheng was already above a palace complex.

This was a palace complex built of huge stones with a rough style. Outside the complex, there were densely packed houses.

This was his palace, this was his city.

The number of people living in the city exceeded five million, and it could be considered a prosperous city.

As for the rough palace in the desert Gobi, it was one of his temporary palaces. He had hundreds of such palaces in this Goyuan Realm.

Emperor Sheng stood in the air, looking down at the palaces and cities below. After a few seconds, he said, "All the great patriarchs of the tribes, come to the main hall to discuss matters!"

His voice was like rolling thunder, resounding throughout the sky.

Not long after, in the largest palace in Emperor Sheng's palace complex, Emperor Sheng sat on a huge throne carved from topaz, and below him were rows of chairs.

The chairs were full of people, all of whom were great patriarchs of various tribes, with a total number of more than two hundred people.

Those who are qualified to become the chiefs of the tribes are all gods without exception.

"Emperor, you are finally back." A chief stood up and shouted excitedly.

The other chiefs also seemed very excited, and when they looked at Emperor Sheng, they all had a happy expression.

As for how much of the joy these people showed was true and how much was false, it was unknown.

Emperor Sheng was just an insignificant little person in the Origin Heaven Realm, but in this Geyuan Realm, he was the only supreme existence.

For the concern shown by the chiefs, Emperor Sheng just nodded indifferently, raised his hand, stretched out three fingers, and said: "Within three days, each tribe will send me 100,000 spirit stones."

As soon as Emperor Sheng said this, the hall suddenly became quiet.

A great patriarch with the strength of a mid-level god mustered up the courage to ask: "Emperor, what do you want the spirit stones for?"

Emperor Sheng looked at the great patriarch coldly, and said indifferently: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. I'll say it again. Within three days, each tribe will send me 100,000 spirit stones. If any tribe dares to disobey, I will visit them in person after three days."

When Emperor Sheng said this, the faces of many great patriarchs changed.

It's not a good thing for the emperor to visit.

The last time the emperor visited a tribe was a thousand years ago.

At that time, the great patriarch of the tribe was killed, and the entire tribe was purged, with blood flowing like a river.

At that time, the reason given by the emperor was that the tribe colluded with the outer gods and wanted to plot against the law. As for whether the truth is really so, it is unknown.

This time, the emperor actually said that he would visit. It seems that the things that the emperor ordered this time are very important to him and cannot be disobeyed.

Isn't it just 100,000 spiritual stones? Although the Goyuan Realm is barren and barren, it is not difficult for these large tribes with god-level existence to collect 100,000 spiritual stones, and it will not be a big deal.

Immediately, a sensible patriarch patted his chest and said: "Emperor, don't worry. It won't take three days. Today, my Longshe Tribe will send 100,000 spiritual stones to you, the emperor!"

"It's just spiritual stones. My Lanshi Tribe is willing to give 200,000 spiritual stones to the emperor!"

"My Qingmao Tribe is willing to give 300,000 spiritual stones!"

The patriarchs spoke one after another, all expressing their willingness to give this spiritual stone.

Some large tribes with deep heritage are even willing to give 200,000 or 300,000 spiritual stones.

It was not until then that a smile finally appeared on Di Sheng's face.

As the supreme god of the Goyuan Realm, Di Sheng is used to being domineering in the Goyuan Realm, but generally speaking, he is quite tolerant of his subordinates.

If it were some more brutal, domineering, and greedy supreme gods, they would have to dig deep into the ground and turn the world upside down in order to collect spirit stones, the hard currency of Tiancheng, when they returned to their hometown world.

The meeting ended, and the great clan leaders left one after another. Emperor Sheng suddenly felt a slight vibration on his wrist.

Emperor Sheng raised his hand, and the communication bracelet he wore on his wrist lit up, and a line of text appeared: "Daoyou, is everything going well?"

This was a message from his friend Yinlong.

Emperor Sheng smiled, stretched out his thick palm, pointed in the air, and replied: "Everything is going well."

In less than half a day, Emperor Sheng had raised millions of spirit stones.

After getting the spirit stones, Emperor Sheng immediately called the service hotline given by the person in charge of the transmission area through the communication bracelet on his wrist, contacted the staff of the transmission area, and said that he wanted to build a space transmission array in Geyuan Realm.

The staff said that they were contacting the array master for him and asked him to wait for a moment.

About a quarter of an hour later, a construction team consisting of five giants from the Ancient God Realm was teleported to the Goyuan Realm.

As soon as the construction team arrived in the Goyuan Realm, Emperor Sheng immediately appeared in front of these giants, and greeted them with a smile on his face, which was a far cry from his attitude when facing those great clan leaders before.

Emperor Sheng finally placed the teleportation array in one of his palaces.

After the space teleportation array was repaired, he sent one of his most trusted elders to lead dozens of warriors from the clan to guard this palace and the space teleportation array in the palace...

Emperor Sheng stayed in his Goyuan Realm for a total of thirteen days.

After thirteen days, Emperor Sheng took several of his blood descendants and dozens of clansmen to the Tiancheng of the Origin Heaven Realm through the space teleportation array arranged in the palace.

When Emperor Sheng returned to Tiancheng, the population in Tiancheng had increased by more than ten times compared to before.

In the following time, both players and indigenous gods and spirits poured into Tiancheng in large numbers.

Just one month later, the population of Tiancheng exceeded 100,000.

One year later, the population of Tiancheng had reached a million!

And the population of the heavens was still growing at an alarming rate.

This was because there was a certain threshold to come to the Origin Heaven.

If there was no threshold, the current Tiancheng would have been overcrowded.

On the Blue Star, Xiao Zhi was still practicing silently in his own way.

Although he was on the Blue Star, far away from Tiancheng, the changes in Tiancheng still could not escape Xiao Zhi's eyes.

Seeing that the population of Tiancheng was getting bigger and bigger, but still in order, with very few public security incidents, Xiao Zhi felt quite relieved in his heart.

As long as Tiancheng continued to develop at this momentum, the population would exceed 10 million in less than ten years.

As long as Tiancheng did not cause any trouble, maintained stability, and maintained the current public security situation, a hundred years later, he gave Lv Zhong a universe essence, and no one of the hall masters of the Strong Hall could find fault with it...

Time passed year after year.

Just as Xiao Zhi guessed, before ten years had passed, in the ninth year, the number of permanent residents in Tiancheng had already exceeded 10 million.

This was because many people left Tiancheng and dispersed to various places in the Origin Heaven Realm.

There are many dangerous places and desolate areas in the Origin Heaven Realm.

These dangerous places and desolate areas are both dangerous and opportunities. These places are still very challenging and tempting for people in the lower world.

In the tenth year after the construction of Tiancheng, that is, the 112th year of the new calendar, Yang Xu relied on the essence of the universe and the hard work of day and night to finally break through from the high god level to the universe level.

Since then, the Strongest Hall has one more hall master.

This matter was broadcast three times in a row in the Origin Heaven Realm by the system of all living beings.

Xiao Zhi was delighted and distributed 10,000 spirit stones to everyone in the Origin Heaven Realm.

Celebrate together!

In the same year, Xiao Zhi appeared in Tiancheng to preach.

Xiao Zhi gave a lecture for half a day, talking about the current situation in the heavens and his experience in practicing the Water Shape Law.

Before, in the heavens, the teaching of the law was limited, and some things about the law could only be understood, not explained.

Now it is different.

Since Xiao Zhi became the ultimate manager of the sentient beings system and took control of the sentient beings system, Xiao Zhi tried to modify this rule of the heavens.

When this rule was abolished, the effect was immediate.

In just a hundred years, the number of Yuanying and demon lords in the heavens increased by 50% compared to before, and the number of gods increased by more than 20%.

When Xiao Zhi gave a lecture this time, thousands of people were empty. The wide and clean bluestone streets of Tiancheng were full of people. Whether they were practitioners of the Water Shape Law or practitioners of other laws, they were all fascinated by it.

On the day of the lecture, many people broke through the realm and advanced to a higher level.

Three years later, the Great Powerful Buddha appeared in the sky above the Heavenly City and preached. His eloquence was so eloquent that the streets were once again empty.

After that, every three years, the master of the Strongest Hall would appear in the sky above the Heavenly City and preach for half a day or a whole day.

This caused the number of people in the Heavenly City to surge again, reaching an astonishing 20 million!

Fortunately, the design of Tiancheng was relatively loose, so even if the population of Tiancheng reached 20 million, it would not appear crowded.

In fact, in the various world planes under the jurisdiction of the heaven, there are many large and super large cities with populations of millions or even tens of millions. However, in terms of quality, these large and super large cities cannot keep up with the Celestial City.

Most of the residents in ordinary cities are just ordinary people. Not to mention Taoist monks, even innate warriors are in the minority.

But in Tiancheng, even the weakest residents have the Golden Core realm.

It’s not that Tiancheng discriminates against ordinary people, but that the environment of the original heaven is somewhat special. Even if Xiao Zhi has made some changes to the original heaven, the pressure of the original heaven has become less strong. In this original heaven, the golden elixir realm The following existences still cannot survive.

Only beings at the Golden Core realm and above can survive in this original heavenly realm...

The gods and geniuses who govern all realms in the heaven are still gathering little by little towards the original heaven, and they have the potential to embrace all rivers.

After Tiancheng's population became saturated, satellite cities gradually appeared around Tiancheng.

In just a dozen years, the number of satellite cities has exceeded ten, with populations ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions.

The area where Tiancheng is located is becoming more and more prosperous.

Then the prosperity of this area radiated in all directions, and cities of various sizes sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

This day.

Above the Blue Star, Xiao Zhi was practicing. Suddenly, a strange feeling came into his heart.

Xiao Zhi raised his hand, and a strange substance seeped out of his palm like mercury.

This strange substance was silver-white when it first appeared, and soon turned into gray, and the gray turned into black, and then changed colors one by one from red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple.

It's kind of like the spirit of the universe.

The color of the essence of the universe is also constantly changing.

But this is by no means the spirit of the universe.

This may be...the legendary immortal substance!

It is said that this is a terrifying substance that only immortal-level experts can condense. Just one drop can destroy a large world plane!

As for this matter, who actually said it...

Who else could it be?

It can only be a capital plan.

Although Zi Tu's strength is not very good, he is still very knowledgeable as he was born in the ancient civilization.

Xiao Zhi stared at the strange substance in his palm, with an almost ecstatic expression on his face!

Immortal matter...

If this thing is really immortal matter, it means that one of his feet has already entered the immortal level, and it is only a matter of time before he completely enters the immortal level.

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