This Game is Unusual

Chapter 218 National War Merit

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In the dark, a group of people are on their way.

Xiao Zhi sat on the back of the dragon colt. In front of him was the enemy player "Falun King" tied with a thick rope. Behind him were Meng Chuan who was seriously injured and Yang Bin who was dying. Behind Yang Bin sat Zhu Changwu, Zhu Changwu Support Yang Bin with his hands, so that Yang Bin will not fall.

Under Xiao Zhi's control, Longju trotted all the way, trying to reduce the bumps as much as possible.

Beside Long Ju, Tan You ran and followed, panting for breath.

There is no way, although the dragon colt is taller and stronger than ordinary horses, but the space on the horse's back is also limited, and it is already the limit for so many people to sit on it at once.

The cultivator is weak and can't run at all when the energy in his body is exhausted.

Therefore, among the few warriors, Tan You, who was the least injured and the biggest, had to run away by himself.

At this time, the advantages of the physique route warriors and their endurance will be brought into play.

Don't look at Tan You running panting and sweating profusely, but he ran for hundreds of miles without stopping, and he was still able to keep up with the trotting speed of the dragon horse.

After crossing the boundary marker and entering the territory of Dachang Kingdom, Xiao Zhi finally let go of his hanging heart.

After running another hundred miles, Tan You finally couldn't take it any longer, panting heavily, "We... let's stop and take a rest, rest for 5 minutes, 5 minutes is enough."

Sitting on the back of the dragon colt, Xiao Zhi activated the magical power of 'Sky Eye' and scanned in all directions for a while. After confirming that there was no danger around him, he nodded and said, "Okay, let's take a rest."

Hearing this, Tan You felt relieved immediately, and sat down on the ground, gasping for breath.

In fact, as an innate high-level martial artist with a physique route, his stamina should be more than that.

The main reason is that the side effects of the 'boiling blood' secret technique are a bit serious, which has caused his physical fitness to decline and his endurance has been affected to some extent.

Not only him, Yang Bin and Meng Chuan were also suffering from the side effects of the 'boiling blood' secret technique.

Today, their faces have turned from red to pale.

Especially Yang Bin, his face was even more bloodless, frighteningly pale.

They are suffering from the double torment of heavy injuries and the side effects of the 'boiling blood' secret technique.

If it weren't for the true qi in their bodies, which could suppress these things, they would probably have fallen to the ground and couldn't even get up.

As soon as Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand, some monster meat and water appeared out of thin air in his hand, and he handed it to Tan You and the others: "Come, let's eat something."

Tan You thanked him, raised his head and poured a big mouthful of water, and started to gobble it up.

The monk player Zhu Changwu took the food, chewed it slowly, and ate it in a gentle manner.

Meng Chuan shook his head with a wry smile, and pointed to his stomach.

In the previous battle, his internal organs had been injured, and his intestines were punctured. In this case, it is not suitable to eat.

Yang Bin, who was dying, also shook his head with a pale face, and said with difficulty: "Thank... thank you, don't eat... can't eat..."

Xiao Zhi smiled, threw a piece of monster meat into his mouth, chewed it, and fed the rest of the monster meat to Longju.

His dragon colt is a full-fledged food horse. As early as when he took out the food, its eyes were wide open, its eyes would not leave the food in Xiao's hand, and it would snort very loudly, in this way Remind Xiao Zhi that Ben Longju is hungry.

After feeding the dragon foal, Xiao Zhi checked the injuries of Meng Chuan and Yang Bin. After confirming that he would not die, he sat cross-legged on the ground, drank clear water from a bamboo tube, and called out his attribute panel with a thought.

He remembered that when the game system of "The World of All Beings" launched the "National War" expansion pack, it explained that killing the warriors and monks of the enemy country can obtain the national war meritorious service, and killing the player warriors and monks of the enemy country can Receive double national war meritorious service rewards.

He had killed two enemy players before, but at that time, he didn't seem to have received any information prompts.

Could it be that there is a bug in the system?

Xiao Zhi looked at his property interface:

Name: Xiao Zhi

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Title: Tourist of Beilan Road

Strength: Foundation Establishment Early Stage Monk

Attributes: Constitution 283, strength 453, agility 245.

National war meritorious service: 400.

Conceptual Thoughts: Getting Started with "Canglong Visualization Map"

Gongfa: "Ten Elephant True Power Jue" completed (basic innate skills), "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue" completed (basically acquired skills), "Canglong Breaking Seal" entry (combat merit), "Whale Swallowing Gong" minor success (auxiliary skills) )

Secret Technique: Boiling Blood Secret Technique, Burning Blood Secret Technique.

Supernatural powers: Introduction to "Royal Kongshu" (basic supernatural powers), introduction to "Eye of the Sky" (basic supernatural powers)

Bloodline: None

When he saw a new line of options on the property interface, he was relieved.

National war meritorious service: 400.

After the value, there is a small option of 'details'.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his finger and clicked on 'Details'.

Immediately, two system prompts popped up:

‘Kill 1 player of the innate limit of the enemy country, and reward 200 national war meritorious service. '

‘Kill 1 player of the innate limit of the enemy country, and reward 200 national war meritorious service. '


National war merit points can be exchanged for military exploits and supernatural powers to speed up the cultivation of military exploits and supernatural powers.

National war merit points can be exchanged for actual combat space time to improve one's combat experience. Every point of national war merit points can be exchanged for 1 second of actual combat space time.

In the actual combat space, players can set the environment at will, set their opponents at will, set their physical condition, energy reserves in the body, etc. at will.

The innate limit player who kills the enemy country will be rewarded with 200 national war merits.

In other words, the reward for an innate extreme fighter who kills non-players in the enemy country should be 100 national war merits.

This is still the reward for killing warriors with innate limit. Killing warriors below innate limit will only earn less.

Why do you feel that this reward is a bit small...

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly, and he looked at the exercises that existed in the attribute interface.

When he stared at these skills in the attribute interface, some of the skills did not respond at all, such as "Ten Elephants True Power Jue", "Nine Bulls Violence Jue", and "Canglong Visualization Picture" did not respond at all.

Behind the rest of the exercises, there is a flashing plus sign like a breathing lamp.

This flashing plus sign means that these exercises can be directly upgraded through national war meritorious service.

The supplementary work "Whale Swallowing Kung Fu" needs to consume 392 national war merit points to upgrade from "small success" to "great success".

To upgrade from "Beginner" to "Small Accomplishment" for the battle achievement "Canglong Breaking Seal", it needs to consume 975 national war merit points.

To upgrade the basic supernatural power "Emperor Kongshu" from "Beginner" to "Small Accomplishment", 4991 national war merit points will be consumed.

To upgrade the basic supernatural power "Eye of the Sky" from "Beginner" to "Small Accomplishment", it needs to consume 4973 national war merit points.

Xiao Zhi showed a pensive expression after looking at each of the martial arts and supernatural powers.

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