This Game is Unusual

Chapter 225 Rushing to the aid of Linwu County

In the main hall, a great monk above the Golden Core Realm spoke one after another.

As for the monks in the Foundation Establishment period like Xiao Zhi, they were all sitting upright, and no one spoke.

They are just spectators and have no right to speak at all.

As for warriors and monks below the Dao Realm, they are not even qualified to enter the hall to listen.

This is the world of sentient beings, the ranks are high and low, like the Iron Curtain, extremely strict.

Doing as the Romans do, Xiao Zhi also sat cross-legged on the futon, sat upright, and listened to the speeches of the big men deep in the hall.

The genius disciple who died in Luofu Mountain was named Wang Yanghai, a monk in the Foundation Establishment period.

When Xiao Zhi heard the news, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It would have been better if it hadn't been Luo Xuebing. If it was Luo Xuebing, this incident had caused such a big commotion. If he followed through with the investigation, he might be in trouble.

But if you think about it carefully, the possibility of it being Luo Xuebing is really slim.

Luo Xuebing is just a little monk in the Qi training period, not even in the Dao realm, is it worth an ancestor of the Yuanying to come and ask the teacher for his sins?

This discussion lasted only about a quarter of an hour, and it came to an end.

The Taoist government decided to lead a hundred monks to help Yanyun Mountain under the leadership of five Jindan Realm monks.

Daoist Ji Yuanrong, a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm, did not move. Dachang Shenmen will send a Venerable Nascent Soul Realm to Yanyun Mountain to deal with the new demon venerable in Yanyun Mountain.

Xiao Zhi's tour envoys are responsible for assisting the county towns under the jurisdiction of Longyan County to defend the city, and helping the counties to strangle these wandering monsters.

At this time, Xiao Zhi, who had been silent all the time, stood up, saluted the Taoist Ji Yuanrong who was sitting on a high position, and said in a loud voice: "Taoist, this subordinate was born in Linwu County, Longyan County. The situation is more familiar, and I would like to help Linwu County!"

Ji Yuanrong, the Taoist master sitting on a high position, glanced at Xiao Zhi, nodded slightly: "Yes."

The discussion is over, and we are on the way back to the official office of the tour envoy.

Yang Xu suddenly said: "After arriving in Linwu County, I want to visit Heping Village first."

Xiao Zhi glanced at him and nodded: "Okay, let's go together then."

It can be seen that Yang Xu still has some feelings for Heping Village, the village where he was born and raised.

Went to his own courtyard, greeted his brother-in-law Fan Xun, and after leaving enough food for Fan Xun for two months, Xiao Zhi stuffed a large amount of monster meat and drinking water into his storage Ring, just left the courtyard, and began to gather his subordinates in the official office.

Yang Xu is also summoning his subordinates. As a parade envoy, he also has 10 parade fighters under his command.

The gathering of people was completed very quickly, and a group of people, headed by Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu, left the parade envoy's office on horseback.

Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu were riding dragon colts, and 20 parade fighters under their command, each equipped with a sharp weapon, were riding tall bay red horses.

The guerrilla in the county government also rode this kind of horse.

This kind of horse is called a red blood horse. Although it is not as good as a dragon colt, it runs extremely fast and has amazing endurance.

After leaving Beilan Road City, a group of people started galloping on the horse path.

When the government was doing business, the passers-by on the bridal path gave way one after another after a long distance.

After riding the horse for a while on the straight official road, Xiao Zhi seemed to feel something, and looked up at the sky.

Then I saw several giant eagles with a length of tens of meters above the sky, flapping their wings and flying towards Longyan County.

Xiao Zhi activated the magical power of 'Sky Eye', and he could vaguely see a figure standing above the head of the giant eagle with fluttering clothes.

In just a few breaths, these giant eagles passed over his head and turned into black dots in front of him, flying farther and farther.

Xiao Zhi watched these giant eagles go away, feeling a little envious in his heart.

A flying monster mount.

He's been there before too.

Not only is it fast, but it also flies steadily.

A journey of tens of thousands of miles can be crossed in 2 or 3 hours. If it were the dragon horse he was sitting on, even if he ran for a day and a night and let his tongue out, he might not be able to run so far.

I don't know when he will be able to have such a flying mount.

After withdrawing his gaze from high altitude, Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice, "Speed ​​up and try to reach Linwu County as soon as possible."

"Yes, my lord!" The parading warriors under his command all responded in unison.

At dusk that day, a group of people entered the territory of Longyan County.

While riding his horse, hundreds of meters ahead, a wild wolf more than ten feet long, with blood-red eyes and black fog all over his body, suddenly sprang out from the forest and threw a warrior riding on a green horse to the ground. on the ground.

The warrior let out a miserable scream, but it stopped abruptly.

The green horse neighed, but it also quickly died down.

It's a monster!

Xiao Bing's Frost Knife appeared out of thin air in Xiao's hands, and he was about to make a move, but the two patrolling warriors under his command all jumped up from the horse's back, holding sharp weapons, and rushed towards the man-eating wolf.

A parade wrestler with a high level of talent beside him smiled and said: "My lord, you are just a monster, don't bother you to do it yourself, we can deal with it."

Fighting needs to consume energy. If there is any battle that must be done by the parade envoys of the Dao Realm, the energy in the Dao Realm will be consumed little by little.

The meaning of the existence of parading warriors is to save the consumption of real energy in the body for the patrolling envoys of the Dao realm.

Xiao Zhi nodded when he heard the words, but didn't say anything more.

The battle was quickly over.

This monster wolf only had the strength of the innate early stage. Facing the two innate mid-stage parade wrestlers, he couldn't escape and was quickly beheaded.

"Bring over the wolf's corpse." Yang Xu, who was sitting on the back of the dragon horse, said hoarsely with a glint in his eyes.

Under his command, two patrolling warriors rushed out immediately and carried the huge wolf corpse over.

Yang Xu got off his horse and began to absorb the dead energy from the wolf's corpse.

Seeing this scene, some parading fighters under Yang Xu's command couldn't help showing terrified expressions on their faces.

They had very little contact with this new boss, and it was the first time to follow this new boss to perform tasks. They didn't know that their new boss was a corpse demon.

Xiao Zhi glanced at these people, and explained: "Don't be afraid, the inspector Yang is practicing, and the skills are bestowed by Venerable Li Yuan, which is extremely miraculous."

After hearing Xiao Zhi's explanation, these people were all relieved.

No wonder Master Yang Xu looked lifeless, with no blood on his face, it turned out to be caused by practicing special exercises.

I am envious of the exercises bestowed by the Venerable...

On this day, apart from this monster wolf that suddenly jumped out, no other monsters appeared.

Late at night on this day, a group of people spent the night by a stream beside the horse road.

Today's Longyan County is not peaceful, so the group did not light a fire, but silently ate dry food and fed the horses.

With patrolling warriors under his command, Xiao Zhi naturally didn't need to worry about the night watch.

Xiao Zhi's consciousness returned to the real world, and after solving the daily problems in the real world, his consciousness re-entered the world of sentient beings.

In the wild, for safety reasons, he usually chooses to spend the night in the world of sentient beings.

Resting his head with his hands, Xiao Zhi just closed his eyes, but Yang Xu stood up and said hoarsely, "Brother Zhi, I'll take a step first and go to Heping Village to see."

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