This Game is Unusual

Chapter 31 Prey Allocation

Compared with the previous hunting, Xiao Zhi was much calmer this time.

He manipulated the character to raise the wooden shield in his hand.

With a bang, the mountain leopard's gnawing fangs and sharp claws were all blocked by the wooden shield.

The power of this pounce is much stronger than that of the horned sheep that was hunted last time.

The previous time, Xiao Zhi's character was directly knocked out, suffered serious injuries, and couldn't get up for a long time.

This time, Xiao Zhi's character only took half a step back and stood firmly.

This is the horror of the warrior's true strength.

After standing firm, Xiao Zhi controlled the character, found the right angle, and stabbed the sharp bone awl in his right hand forward fiercely, causing a whimpering sound!

This stab directly pierced the mountain leopard's neck!

Beast blood gushes out from the mountain leopard's wound like a fountain.

Xiao Zhi pulled out the bone awl, and took a few steps back holding the shield.

With a plop, the mountain leopard whose neck had been pierced fell to the ground, struggling feebly on the ground, twitching, and the blood gushing out quickly stained the ground red.

The whole process took less than 3 seconds from when Xiao executed the martial artist's true strength to killing the mountain leopard.

After confirming that the mountain leopard was no longer alive, Xiao Zhi let out a breath and stopped the output of 'true power'.

He glanced at the percentage value next to the 'Zhenli' icon.

The value display is 57%.

In the fight with this mountain leopard, in less than 3 seconds, Xiao Zhi consumed 43% of his true strength!

The consumption during the battle is really a bit high.

Although he has been promoted from a first-tier Houtian warrior to a third-tier Houtian warrior, Xiao Zhi can still only be a real man for a few seconds.

Fortunately, the attack went smoothly this time, and the mountain leopard was hunted without any accidents.

Because Xiao Zhi killed the mountain leopard neatly during the battle, and the half-sized son Yang Xu who was following behind him didn't even have a chance to make a move this time.

After the mountain leopard twitched for a while, it didn't move. It was dead.

Half-year-old Yang Xu stood in front of the mountain leopard's body, a little dazed.

Mountain leopards are not weak even among large carnivorous beasts.

He thought it would be a fierce battle, but in just one round, the mountain leopard was killed by Xiao Zhi.


Is this the strength of a Tier 3 acquired martial artist? It's really scary.

Heping Village, including the patrol captain Wang Ji, has a total of more than 20 warriors.

It's not that Yang Xu has never seen the scene of warriors hunting wild beasts, he has seen it several times.

However, every time he saw it, he would feel shocked, and then he was more eager to become a warrior, and he worked harder to exercise his body and build up his strength.

"Yang Xu, pack up this mountain leopard's body quickly so we can get out of here." Xiao Zhi said beside him.

"Oh, okay." The half-year-old Yang Xu who came back to his senses bent down and began to clean up the mountain leopard's body and remove the blood from the mountain leopard's body.

At this time, Yang Xi also came over to help.

Xiao Zhi didn't participate in it, he sat cross-legged on the side, and began to meditate with the breathing method to recover his strength.

This place is deep in the forest. When this mountain leopard was killed, it shed so much blood. The smell of blood must be very strong, and it might attract nearby carnivorous beasts, even ferocious beasts.

Xiao Zhi is now the strongest force in this team, so he still needs to be vigilant.

While meditating with the breathing method, Xiao Zhi thought about the distribution of prey in his heart.

This is not a small problem, after all, brothers have to settle accounts, right?

So, how should distribution be the most beneficial to him?

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly, lost in thought.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the body of the mountain leopard was packed away.

A quarter of an hour later, a simple towing tool woven from tree rattan was completed, and it was put on the mountain leopard's body.

Xiao Zhi was in front, Yang Xu was behind, and under the guidance of Yang Xi, the two dragged the mountain leopard's body towards Heping Village.

Perhaps it is because the three basic attributes have been significantly improved during the training process. Even without using real strength, when Xiao Zhi dragged his prey, it was much easier than last time. The dragging speed Also a lot faster.

In the afternoon, before dusk, Xiao Zhi and the others returned to Heping Village with their prey.

The three of Xiao Zhi who were dragging the mountain leopard's body were once again watched by the villagers.

Xiao Zhi had sharp eyes, and among the surrounding villagers, he spotted the rookie player wearing only a pair of gray underpants.

Before the surrounding villagers could make a sound of exclamation, Xiao Zhi cleared his throat, and said first, "Fathers and folks, just like last time, 5 catties of grain for 1 catty of animal meat is a rare opportunity, so don't miss it." ah!"

"There is also this animal skin, which is a high-quality animal skin that is not damaged, and this fang, such a long and sharp fang, can be used as a weapon after a little polishing. These can be exchanged for food ..."

Yang Xu: "..."

Yang Xi: "..."

After the mountain leopard's body was carried into the village, Yang Xu, half a child, finally thought about the distribution of the prey.

He walked up to Xiao Zhi and rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "Xiao Zhi, look... this mountain leopard, although you killed it, was discovered by Xiao Xi, and I brought it back with my help. , how about dividing it into three parts, Xiao Zhi and you get two, and Xiao Xi and I share one, what do you think?"

Xiao Zhi heard the words, but manipulated the character to pat Yang Xu on the shoulder, and smiled indifferently: "I said Xiao Xu, when I escaped from disaster and came to this Heping Village, if it wasn't for Xiao Xi's kind heart, I would have Without my food, I would have starved to death in the mountains and forests at that time, so where would I be today?"

"I have always kept this matter in my heart, and I will never forget it." When he said this, Xiao Zhi suppressed the smile on his face, and said seriously: "In this strange village, I have nothing else to do." Friends, only you, you are willing to believe in me as an outsider, willing to vacate a room for me to live in, willing to hunt wild animals with me, I have fled to this time, in this world, I have no relatives or reasons, until When I met you, no matter what you think in your heart, in my opinion, you are my relatives, Xiao Zhi's younger siblings!"

When Yang Xu heard this, his face couldn't help but move.

Since the death of his parents, he and his younger sister Yang Xi depended on each other for life. His relatives despised them as burdens and refused to adopt them. He hadn't heard of the term "relatives" for a long time.

Yang Xi pursed her lips, her big black and white eyes stared at Xiao Zhi without blinking.

Xiao Zhi continued to speak earnestly: "Since we are relatives, we don't have to make such a clear distinction about the distribution of prey. If you want me to say, just open it up and eat as much as you can, and wait until this mountain leopard is almost eaten. When the time comes, we will go into the mountains again to hunt new beasts, Xiao Xu Xiao Xi, do you think this is good?"

"Xiao Zhi, if you really treat me and Xiao Xi as relatives as you said, I have no objection." Yang Xu said with slightly red eyes.

"I listened to my brother, and I have no objection." Yang Xi also said softly with slightly red eyes.

Thanks to Buliuhuyang for the reward, a new day, please collect, please recommend tickets, please ask for various~

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