This Game is Unusual

Chapter 32 Li Pingfeng

Not long after, Xiao Zhi came out of the yard of Yang Xu and Yang Xi, carrying a large bag of food.

That's right, eating the prey they hunted together with the brothers and sisters Yang Xu and Yang Xi, this is the most beneficial food distribution method that Xiao Zhi thought of after careful consideration.

The reason is also very simple.

Xiao Zhi is now a martial artist. When a martial artist is practicing, his consumption of food is extremely astonishing.

The higher the martial artist's rank, the greater the consumption of food.

Today's Xiao Zhi consumes a lot of food, and he is several blocks away from Yang Xu, a half-child.

As for the little girl Yang Xi, her food intake is even less than one-third of Yang Xu's.

Even if the brothers and sisters Yang Xu and Yang Xi are tied together, the daily food consumption is less than one-tenth of Xiao Zhi's.

If it is clear with Yang Xu and Yang Xi, Xiao Zhi can get three-quarters or four-fifths of the food, even if his lips are worn out. It was very unpleasant.

Playing the emotional card with the brother and sister, without considering each other's interests so clearly, not only can he get more food, but also get along with the brother and sister more harmoniously, why not do it?

It can be said that in order to obtain more food, to maximize his own interests, and to continue to practice better, Xiao Zhi has become a little 'unscrupulous'.

'As expected of a child who grew up in the village, his mind is really pure. Compared with his peers in the real world, he is much simpler... They will believe whatever I say. ’ He couldn’t help feeling in his heart.

"Fortunately, the brothers and sisters met me. If they met someone with ulterior motives and were fooled by someone, they would probably have to count the money if they were sold..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi's little guilt towards the siblings disappeared.

In order to achieve his own purpose, although he deceived the brothers and sisters, at least he would not harm them. Before he left the village, he would take proper care of the brothers and sisters, and that was enough.

As soon as he got out of the yard, Xiao Zhi found that the rookie player, who only wore a pair of gray underpants, was standing on the stone road in the village, looking at him.

The rookie player walked towards him, and said as he walked, "Hello, Xiao Zhi, right, my name is Li Pingfeng."

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised, but also a little wary: "How do you know my name?"

The rookie player who called himself Li Pingfeng had already walked in front of Xiao Zhi, and said with a smile: "It's very simple, just ask Yu Cunzheng in the village, and you will be able to find out. Yu Cunzheng also told me that Xiao Zhi You are already a warrior."

From Yu Cunzheng, it was indeed very easy to find out some basic information about Xiao Zhi, an outsider.

Xiao Zhi nodded: "Friend, what do you want from me?"

Li Pingfeng smiled and said: "There are indeed some things, I want to ask Xiao Zhi for your help."

"Say." Xiao Zhi said.

Li Pingfeng smiled and said: "Look at me, I only have a pair of underpants on my body. Everyone is a civilized person. It is really embarrassing for me to look like this. My friend, can you help me get a set of clothes? I am very grateful!"

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, then refused: "I'm sorry, I still have something to do, about the clothes, you can figure it out yourself."

After all, he controlled the character to turn around and leave.

It's just strangers who meet for the first time, and they don't have any friendship with each other, so ask him to help as soon as they meet?

I don't know you well, why should I help you? How funny!

Li Pingfeng's voice came from behind: "My friend, what do you think of 10,000 yuan for a suit of clothes and transfer money through WeChat?"

Xiao Zhi stopped.

A set of clothes is 10,000 yuan?

To him, 10,000 yuan is not a huge amount of money, but it is not a small amount of money.

To be honest, Xiao Zhi was really moved after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, the player who entered the village today is actually a wealthy local tyrant.

As long as he, Xiao Zhi, is willing to part with some food, it is actually not difficult to get a set of clothes in the village.

So, should he agree to this deal?

Xiao Zhi's mind turned quickly.

He is a full-time writer. As a writer, it is not an easy task to write a good novel. You need to think about a lot of things. Ordinary people think more.

WeChat transfer, WeChat...

Would this reveal information about his real world?

However, before adding WeChat, he can set his WeChat circle of friends to be visible for three days in advance, so there should be no problem.

I'm afraid that the other party will be a member of Xia Guo's government...

When thinking of this, the matter about Gao Wanjiu flitted through Xiao Zhi's mind, casting a shadow over his heart.

Xiao Zhi now only thinks about wretched development, but he doesn't want to show his head.

At this time, if someone from Xia Guo's government notices it, it will be unpredictable...

However, if this person is really a member of the government, the face of Xiao Zhi's character in the "World of All Beings" is almost exactly the same as his own face, which cannot be changed.

The other party can use the camera equipment to take pictures of the mobile phone screen and take pictures of his face.

The current level of technology is so advanced, through big data analysis, the government's face recognition system can even pick out fugitives from ten or twenty years ago from the vast sea of ​​people, trying to find out who he is in the real world Isn't that an easy task?

That is to say, if the other party is really a member of Xia Guo's government, no matter how cautious he is and how he conceals it, it will be futile and meaningless.

That being the case...

Seeing Xiao Zhi standing still, as if hesitating for something, Li Pingfeng said again: "10,000 yuan is too little? Then 20,000 yuan, this is already the highest price. If you still think it's too low, Forget it, after all, although I have money, my money is not blown by the wind."

"20,000 yuan, right? Okay, deal, what's your WeChat ID? I'll add you." Xiao Zhi said simply.

"Uh..." Li Pingfeng was taken aback when he saw Xiao Zhi suddenly become so cheerful, and then said: "Friend, can you find me some clothes first, and then I will transfer the money to you through WeChat?"

Xiao Zhi smiled indifferently: "Yes, it's okay to put the clothes first and pay later. I'll go find you clothes now."

Seeing that Xiao Zhi was so talkative, Li Pingfeng couldn't help but asked, "Aren't you afraid that I'll renege on my debt after getting the clothes?"

Xiao Zhi smiled indifferently: "If you want to renege on the debt after getting the clothes, that's fine. I'll just kill you. It's not illegal to kill people in the game. Small matter, just come and catch me?"

When Xiao Zhi said these words, he seemed indifferent, but he was a little nervous.

He was probing, probing this guy named Li Pingfeng to see if he was from the government.

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