This Game is Unusual

Chapter 33: Deal with Li Pingfeng

"If you don't agree with me, you will kill someone. My friend, you are really cruel." Li Pingfeng sucked in a breath of cold air.

Xiao Zhi in front of the phone screen frowned slightly.

The temptation failed. From what the other party said just now, he couldn't analyze anything.

The clothes were quickly obtained. Xiao Zhi exchanged 5 catties of fresh mountain leopard meat from a villager in Heping Village.

After getting this set of old clothes, Li Pingfeng put them on immediately.

"It's different when you put on clothes, it feels much better." Li Pingfeng said with emotion.

"What's the WeChat ID, I'll add you." Xiao Zhi said.

"My WeChat ID is XXX, you can add me." Li Pingfeng said.

Xiao Zhi quit the game temporarily, and after setting his circle of friends to be visible for three days, he applied to add Li Pingfeng's WeChat account.

The application was approved quickly.

"I'm Xiaozhi." Xiao Zhi sent a text, and after that, he clicked into Li Pingfeng's circle of friends.

This was an important way for him to collect information about Li Pingfeng, so he couldn't miss it.

Li Pingfeng's circle of friends is also set to be visible for three days.

Unlike Xiao Zhi, Xiao Zhi hasn't updated his circle of friends for a long time. In the eyes of outsiders, his circle of friends is blank, but in Li Pingfeng's circle of friends, there are still some things he shared with yesterday. Several dynamics from the day before yesterday.

There are also a few photos in the feed, which are the kind of "reunion" photos taken when ordinary friends gather. In the photos, there is Li Pingfeng's face, and he is smiling happily in it.

There are no luxury houses and cars, no high-end places, and no beauties. It is somewhat different from Xiao Zhi's imagined circle of friends of the rich.

However, judging from the content revealed in Li Pingfeng's circle of friends, the probability of him being a member of the government should not be high.

When Xiao Zhi was still browsing Li Pingfeng's circle of friends, a reminder popped up.

This is a transfer reminder. The amount to be transferred is 20,000 Huaxia coins.

It seems that this is indeed a local tyrant, a local tyrant who is trustworthy.

Xiao Zhi quickly clicked to confirm the payment.

In his WeChat wallet, there was only a pitiful 63 yuan before, but now, the number has soared to 20063!

20,000 yuan, so easy to get.

This is already equivalent to the manuscript fee he got for two months of diligently typing.

The money came so easily, which made Xiao Zhi feel unreal.

"Hey, Xiao Zhi, why isn't there even a single post in your circle of friends?" Li Pingfeng sent a message through WeChat.

"Too lazy to post." Xiao Zhi replied.

"Xiaozhi, do you sell food?" Li Pingfeng asked again.

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and asked, "How much are you going to bid?"

"1000 yuan per catty of food, what do you think?"

"It's less, can you add some?"

"No, 1,000 yuan per catty of food is already my highest price. My father gave me my money, and it didn't come from a strong wind. I want to do long-term business with you. Don't think too much about it." Kill me."

It turned out to be a rich second generation, so the probability that Li Pingfeng is a member of the government is even smaller.

However, this is only Li Pingfeng's one-sided statement after all, and he cannot fully believe it.

"Okay, just 1,000 yuan per catty of food, how much food are you going to buy?" Xiao Zhi replied on WeChat.

Money is still very important in this world.

He is now 'addicted' to the game 'The World of All Beings', and the matter of finding inspiration to open a new book has long been forgotten by him, which is considered to have cut off his source of income.

Now, although he has confirmed the unusualness of the game 'The World of All Beings', and firmly believes that this is an opportunity to change his life's destiny, but if he wants to obtain actual benefits from the 'World of All Beings', it is not easy. Know how long to wait.

Is it a few months, or a year, or even several years?

He is patient and firmly believes that he can persevere, but it is difficult to explain to his parents.

Using broken love as a pretense, playing games crazily every day, parents will see it, maybe a month or two, and won't say much.

What about half a year, a year, or even two or three years?

It won't be two or three years, and you won't be able to get out of the broken relationship, right?

His parents are not fools, and he, Xiao Zhi, is not a lover.

Therefore, there are still necessary sources of income, which can at least make Xiao Zhi's life easier in the next few days.

Even before he met Li Pingfeng, a local tyrant, Xiao Zhi already had a plan in his heart.

He planned to stay at home for two months before leaving home and renting a house outside. He had already thought about the reason. He said that he had found a new job outside and wanted to change the environment and mood. Come, you can get out of the sight of your parents.

He has even chosen the city where he rents a house. It is not Xicheng, Xicheng is too small, his parents are in business, and he knows many people. If he rents in Xi County, his parents may find out the clues, Shashi It is the capital city of the province, but after the "ex-girlfriend" incident, Xiao Zhi now feels uncomfortable just hearing the name Shashi, so the city he chose is Shao, which is a prefecture-level city, so it is not too big. Not too small, just right for him.

He still has 70,000 to 80,000 yuan in savings, so as long as he saves money on food and expenses, he can rent a house in Shao City and live alone for 2 or 3 years, and there will be no problem.

Well, now, with the new money coming in, he could last a little longer again.

Xiao Zhi's thoughts wandered for a while, and he thought of so many things in a short time.

Li Pingfeng: "If possible, I'll buy 200 catties of food to store first, 1000 yuan per catty, 200 catties is 200,000 yuan, do you want me to transfer the money to you now?"

Xiao Zhi: "..."

Li Pingfeng: "...What do you mean? Don't you want to sell it?"

Xiao Zhi told the truth: "I don't have that much food for you, so how about it, I'll sell you 10 catties of food first, and then you can buy it from me after you finish eating."

Li Pingfeng: "All right, let's buy 10 catties first."

This time, Li Pingfeng did not ask for the property before the money, but directly transferred 10,000 Huaxia coins to Xiao Zhi through WeChat.

After receiving the payment, Xiao Zhi switched to the game and traded the 10 catties of grain he was carrying to Li Pingfeng.

1 catty of fresh animal meat can be exchanged for 5 catties of grain at the villagers.

Xiao Zhi used 5 catties of animal meat to change Li Pingfeng's clothes, equivalent to 25 catties of grain, and received 20,000 yuan.

If calculated on the basis of 1,000 yuan per catty, Xiao Zhi can get 25,000 yuan if he sells 25 catties of grain to Li Pingfeng. Based on this calculation, it seems that Xiao Zhi's previous transaction seemed to be a bit of a loss.

But it can't be calculated like this. Although animal meat is valuable, if 1 catty of animal meat can be exchanged for 5 catties of grain from the villagers, then there must be villagers who are willing to exchange it with him.

After all, there are still a small number of villagers who are willing to exchange 5 catties of grain for 1 catty of animal meat. They just haven't eaten meat for a long time, and they just want to eat meat, and they can't get much in exchange.

Most of the villagers in Heping Village are reluctant to change.

Therefore, more than half of the meat of the mountain leopard hunted this time can only be dried in the sun.

No, with Xiao Zhi's current consumption rate of food, it is estimated that the mountain leopard meat will have to be eaten by Xiao Zhi before it can be dried into jerky.

Thanks to Buliuhuyang for the reward, a new day, please collect, please recommend tickets, please ask for various~

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