This Game is Unusual

Chapter 436 Storage

Xiao Zhi is not a fool. At this moment, he has already keenly realized that the reason why this golden core monk of Xuanming Kingdom can find him so quickly and accurately is definitely related to the Taoist soldier caught in his claws. related.

There must be something that can be used to locate this Taoist soldier.

Just like a GPS locator in the real world.

But even so, Xiao Zhi still wanted to try one last time.

He wanted to make one last attempt when he flew to the clouds, to see if he could store the golden core Taoist soldier in his claws into the storage ring.

Once this soldier is stored in the storage ring, the space in the storage ring and the space in reality are two completely different spaces. No matter how many things can be used to locate the soldier, once he enters Storage space, these things will also lose their effect.

If he still can't accept it, even if he is unwilling, he has no choice but to give up this golden core Taoist soldier.

After all, no matter how precious and valuable a golden core Taoist soldier is, it cannot compare to his life.

Life is the most important thing to him.

With Xiao Zhi's speed after transforming into a dragon, Xiao Zhi flew up to an altitude of more than 1,000 meters in just one breath.

At the moment when he was about to touch the clouds, Xiao Zhi made a thought and tried again, storing the Taoist soldiers caught in the dragon's claws into his storage ring.

In the next moment, the Taoist soldiers caught in his claws disappeared out of thin air.

It worked! Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel happy.

And his figure also jumped into the clouds at this time, and then disappeared into the clouds.

After Xiao Zhi entered this thick cloud layer, only a few breaths passed, and with a swipe, a figure appeared out of thin air, turning from illusion to solidity. It was the tall and thin middle-aged Taoist in black clothes.

The Taoist's complexion looked extremely ugly, and from his eyes, there were two blue rays of light that seemed to be real.

This is a probing supernatural power, and Taoists have cultivated it to a very high level.

After scanning forward for a while with blue eyes, the Taoist's face became even uglier.

With his supernatural powers, he couldn't perceive Xiao Zhi's position from the clouds.

The Taoist's reaction was extremely fast, and he spit out a few strange syllables from his mouth. Cooperating with the magic seal formed by his hands, every strange syllable he spit out made the space around him tremble slightly.

There is often no need to chant mantras and seal seals when performing spiritual exercises.

But once mantras and handprints are used, it is impossible to be a small magical power.

"Scatter!" The Taoist shouted in a low voice.

The thousand-foot-long white cloud floating in front of his eyes trembled slightly, and in the next moment, it immediately became torn apart.

The two solid cyan lights in the Taoist's eyes did not dissipate, like a high-power detector, scanning in all directions.

No, even if the clouds were torn apart, there was still no trace of Xiao Zhi.

The Taoist flicked his sleeves, his figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he covered a distance of thousands of feet and appeared in front of another white cloud nearby.

"Scatter!" The Taoist shouted again.

This cloud layer also became torn apart in the blink of an eye.

In a short time, all the clouds within a radius of tens of miles were torn apart by this Taoist.

After some clouds were torn apart, they slowly dissipated in the air, and some torn clouds turned into a downpour and fell to the ground.

Under the actions of the Taoist, within a radius of tens of miles, there are no longer any clouds in the sky.

The Taoist floated in the sky with an ugly expression, but he didn't continue to tear the white clouds in the sky.

Because it has been so long, that damn Changguo monk named Xiao Zhi must have fled far away, and it would be meaningless to continue tearing it up, except to spend more real energy.

What the Taoist didn't know was that Xiao Zhi didn't actually run away, he hid in a cloud only a few miles away from him.

If you want to escape silently in the clouds, you must not go too fast.

The speed must be reduced below the speed of sound in order to achieve the most perfect concealment.

In the past few minutes, this Taoist tore through the clouds one by one. Xiao Zhi, who escaped by the clouds, felt like he was walking a tightrope. The cloud layer just stayed was torn apart by that Taoist's technique.

A few minutes seems to be very short, but every minute and every second, Xiao Zhi's heart is full of fear, and it feels like the days are like years.

Especially just now, he, who turned into a dragon, managed to fly to the middle of this cloud layer, and it would take 2 or 3 seconds before he could fly into another cloud layer, and this Golden Core Realm from Xuanming Kingdom The Taoist happened to be not far from this cloud.

When Xiao Zhi flew forward, his scalp was numb, and he didn't have the courage to turn his head and look back.

He felt that he was going to be exposed this time. Once exposed, at such a close distance, he would definitely die.

Unexpectedly, a few seconds passed, when he safely flew into another cloud next to him, there was still no movement behind him.

While Xiao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, he continued to fly forward cautiously.

After flying forward for several miles, Xiao Zhi turned his head and looked behind.

The cloud that he hid before has not been torn apart.

The Taoist was still floating in front of this cloud, without any movement.

Xiao Zhi just glanced at him, then quickly withdrew his gaze, and continued to fly forward cautiously.

But he said silently in his heart: "This Taoist, if he knew that I was hiding in the cloud under his nose just now, he could have pulled me out with a wave of his hand, but he didn't do anything, if he Knowing this, will you be pissed off?"

Flying cautiously in the clouds for hundreds of miles, Xiao Zhi dared to speed up and broke through the sound barrier in an instant, his speed was several times faster than before.

An hour later, Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu met together in a dense forest outside a village.

Xiao Zhi sat on the trunk of a big tree, and while eating the dried meat of the big monster, he roughly told Yang Xu about his experiences during this period.

Yang Xu took out a few storage rings from his bosom, waved them in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes, and said, "After you leave, I've packed up the things on those Foundation Establishment cultivators for you."

Over the past few days, they had killed quite a few Foundation Establishment cultivators, and they had harvested so many storage rings that they couldn't even wear them with one pair of hands.

"Not bad." Xiao Zhi said with a smile.

Yang Xu put these storage rings back into his arms, and said, "Next, where are you going?"

Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and said, "I'm going to go back, to Beilan Dao City."

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