This Game is Unusual

Chapter 437 Inquiry

"Go back to Beilan Dao City?" Yang Xu was startled.

"Yes, go back to Beilan Dao City." Xiao Zhi nodded and said, "We have accumulated enough things on our bodies. We have to go back to Beilan Dao City first to get rid of these things."

Hearing this, Yang Xu glanced at his finger that was full of storage rings. Besides his finger, he also had several storage rings in his arms.

There really is more than enough stuff.

Yang Xu said: "Okay, then let's go back to Beilan Dao City first."

Soon, the big black eagle spread its wings, flew low above the dense forest, and flew towards the location of Beilan Dao City.

Xiao Zhi sat cross-legged on the back of the big black eagle, he turned his head to look at the air beside him, and said, "Brother Li, are you alright?"

"It's nothing serious." The figure of Li Kuo, the demon, emerged from the air. His face was very pale, and his figure seemed a little illusory. He said, "I can absorb power from you, the host, to recover For myself, with this degree of injury, it would be better to rest a little more."

"It's fine." Xiao Zhi breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Kuo, the demon, has now become his indispensable combat partner.

In particular, Li Kuo's ability to hide, combined with Xiao Zhi's ability to fly through the clouds after transforming into a dragon, became Xiao Zhi's biggest reliance in walking in this enemy-occupied area.

Without Li Kuo's concealment ability, he would never have dared to be so 'unscrupulous' in this enemy-occupied area, and he would probably have to be like his colleagues at the pinnacle of foundation building, be a man with his tail between his legs, killing people in a sneaky way .

The demon Li Kuo appeared for a moment, but his figure quickly turned into nothingness and disappeared into the air.

After Xiao Zhi sat on the back of the big black eagle for a while, with a thought, he called out his attribute panel.

National war meritorious value: 183656.

A total of 180,000 national war meritorious points, these are the things Xiao Zhi gained after fighting day and night these days and being chased and killed by Jindan monks several times.

For basic supernatural powers such as the 'Sky Eye' supernatural power, 100,000 national war merit points are needed to upgrade from the Dacheng level to the Consummation level.

That is to say, the current Xiao Zhi, as long as he wants to, can raise his 'Sky Eye' supernatural power to the perfection level at any time.

But Xiao Zhi didn't intend to do that.

With the improvement of the realm of strength and the accumulation of more and more wealth, today's Xiao Zhi has somewhat looked down on basic supernatural powers such as the 'Sky Eye' supernatural power.

He wanted to buy high-level supernatural powers directly.

This time he returned to Beilan Dao City, his purpose was to cash in all the spoils he had harvested these days, and pooled his money to buy a book of high-level magical powers.

The return journey was fairly smooth, and there was no danger encountered.

After rushing out of the enemy-occupied area, the big black eagle no longer flew low-altitude with restraints, but spread its wings and flew high to Beilan Dao City at full speed.

After flying for several hours, Beilan Dao City was already in sight.

Beilan Dao City is as grand and prosperous as ever, with no edge in sight.

According to the rules of Daocheng, big monsters like the big black eagle cannot enter the city.

Thus, the big black eagle was left outside the city, while Xiao Zhi walked into the city with Yang Xu.

When entering the city through the huge city gate, a golden light like a water curtain appeared in front of Xiao Zhi. Only when Xiao Zhi passed through this light did he truly enter the city.

Perhaps because of the war, even entering the city has become much more stringent.

It was not so strict before.

Not long after entering the city, before Xiao Zhi walked to the parade envoy's office, a golden light like water ripples appeared in the void above Xiao Zhi's head.

A voice rang in Xiao Zhi's ears: "My lord, my lord, please come to the Taoist residence."

Hearing this voice, Xiao Zhi stopped walking towards the parade officer's office, and there was no overly surprised expression on his face.

In fact, before returning to Beilan Dao City, he had expected this. He had a secret mission, but suddenly returned to Beilan Dao City. It's a strange thing. What he didn't expect was that the summons from Taoist Beilan came so quickly.

Soon, a carriage pulled by four dragon horses appeared in front of the parade envoy's office.

After Xiao Zhi got into the carriage, the carriage pulled by four dragon horses was driven by the coachman to the Beilan Daofu.

Inside the carriage, the decoration was luxurious and the space was large. Sitting in the carriage, Xiao Zhi didn't care to watch these things, but was thinking about how to respond to the inquiry from Taoist Master Beilan.

Xiao Zhi met Beilan Taoist master in the side hall of the Taoist mansion.

Daoist Ji Yuanrong of Beilan was dressed in ordinary clothes and sat casually on a high seat. Beside him stood Daoist Zhou Yanqing.

As soon as Xiao Zhi entered the side hall of the Taoist mansion, he respectfully saluted and said, "This subordinate has met the Taoist Lord and the Taoist Lord."

"Xiao Zhi, have you ever beheaded that Yan Chi?" Taoist Ji Yuanrong asked.

"Never." Xiao Zhi said.

"Since you didn't kill Yan Chi, what are you doing back in Dao City?" Taoist Ji Yuanrong said indifferently.

Xiao Zhi said respectfully: "My lord, although I failed to kill the traitor Yan Chi during this trip, I also killed some foundation-builder monks from the Xuanming Kingdom, and gained a lot of money. Then he thought about going back to Daocheng, and using the money to buy a high-level magical power in the Canggong Building to enhance his own strength, so that he would be more confident in dealing with the traitor Yan Chi in the future. "

Taoist Ji Yuanrong heard the words, his originally stern face could not help but eased a little, he nodded slightly and said: "I see, I have heard about your achievements abroad, not bad, not bad."

Dachang Kingdom and Xuanming Kingdom have been hostile to each other for so long, and they both have spies in each other's country, and they all have secret channels for obtaining information.

Therefore, Ji Yuanrong, who is the master of Beilan Road, has also heard about Xiao Zhi's series of victories in the enemy-occupied area.

Leaving aside the assassination of Yan Chi, Xiao Zhi's series of victories outside made him very satisfied.

"Subordinates are terrified." Xiao Zhi didn't dare to make a fuss in front of this Nascent Soul Realm Taoist.

Dao Cheng standing beside the Taoist said with a smile: "Xiao Zhi, I have also heard about your record outside, and it is normal for such a record to have a good harvest. It's not an easy thing to sell into money within a short period of time. How about this, you follow me to the Taoist Finance Department and take out all your spoils. What do you think if you convert it into cash?"

After a pause, Dao Cheng added with a smile: "Don't worry, I will instruct the people in the Finance Department to ask them to calculate the price according to the market price, and will not press your price."

When Xiao Zhi heard the words, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately saluted Dao Cheng, saying: "Thank you, Dao Cheng."

Thank you for the reward.

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