This Game is Unusual

Chapter 458 [Whale Swallowing Skill] Consummation

In a deep mountain, in a dense forest.

Xiao Zhi, who was sitting on the thick trunk of a big tree, summoned his attribute panel with a thought.

National war meritorious service: 135456.

Before returning to the enemy-occupied area, he was in Beilan Dao City, and his recorded national war meritorious value was 58117 points.

That is to say, in the past few days, he has gained a total of more than 70,000 national war merit points by killing the enemy.

The speed of obtaining meritorious service in the national war has obviously slowed down compared to before.

This is also impossible.

In today's enemy-occupied area, on the player side of Xuanming Kingdom, defending against him is like defending against thieves. All kinds of conspiracy methods are used, which means that Xiao Zhi is careful enough. Without hesitation, he turned around and left.

If it were other players who were not stable enough, even if the various hardware conditions were the same as him, they would probably have fallen.

However, in this way, the speed of obtaining national war merit points will naturally slow down.

But it's better to be safe.

For Xiao Zhi, safety comes first.

His principle of action is to go out and collect national war merit points while ensuring safety as much as possible.

After glancing at the string of numbers representing the meritorious value of the national war, Xiao Zhi stared at the [whale swallowing skill] in the exercise.

Soon, a line of golden words appeared in front of him like flowing water.

"Do you want to use the 532 national war meritorious service to upgrade the supplementary skill [whale swallowing skill] level?"

"Yes." Xiao Zhi chose yes.

The string of values ​​representing the meritorious value of the national war jumped quickly and fixed on the value of 134924.

A line of text appeared in front of Xiao Zhi like flowing water: "Congratulations, after a long time of hard work, your secondary skill [Whale Swallowing Kung Fu] has been promoted from a small to a high level."

Xiao Zhi continued to stare at the [Whale Swallowing Technique] option in the exercises.

Soon, another paragraph of text jumped out: "Do you want to use 5,000 national war meritorious service to upgrade the auxiliary skill [whale swallowing power] level?"

To upgrade [Whale Tun Gong] from Dacheng level to Consummation level, you need a lot of national war merit points, a full 5000 points.

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and decided to continue upgrading [Whale Swallowing Skill].

There is a saying, a good person will do it to the end, send the Buddha to the west, if he does not upgrade this [whale swallowing skill] to the perfection level in one go, he will feel uncomfortable.

Isn't it just 5000 points of national war meritorious service? It's not that he, Xiao Zhi, can't afford it.

As Xiao Zhi chose yes, the string of numbers representing the meritorious service value of the national war began to jump rapidly again, and finally fixed at 129924.

Another line of text, like flowing water, appeared in front of Xiao Zhi: "Congratulations, after persistent efforts, your supplementary skill [Whale Swallowing Kung Fu] has been upgraded from Dacheng level to Consummation level."

'Another exercise has been completed. '

Xiao Zhi muttered something in his heart.

Name: Xiao Zhi

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Title: Tourist of Beilan Road

Strength: Foundation Establishment peak monk

Attributes: Constitution 1087, strength 2026, agility 1033.

National war meritorious service: 129924.

Conceptual thoughts: "Canglong Visualization Picture" is complete (the concept of building a foundation)

Gongfa: "Ten Elephant True Power Jue" is perfect (basic innate skills), "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue" is perfect (basic acquired skills), "Canglong Breaking Seal" is perfect (combat merit), "Whale swallowing power" is perfect (auxiliary skills)

Secret Technique: Boiling Blood Secret Technique, Burning Blood Secret Technique.

Supernatural powers: Introductory "Royal Kongshu" (basic supernatural powers), "Sky Eye" mastery (basic supernatural powers), "Mie Shen Dao" mastery (advanced supernatural powers)

Bloodline: None

Parasitism: Li Kuo, a demon, State: Variation, State: Parasitism of All Beings.

I don't know what the effect of this consummation-level [Whale Swallowing Technique] is.

Xiao Zhi stretched out his hand, waved away the light curtain in front of him, and out of thin air, a piece of big demon jerky weighing about 10 jin appeared in his hand.

The big demon jerky is dried and squeezed out of water, so the meat is dry and hard, and the taste is not very good. Normally, with such a large piece of big demon jerky, Xiao Zhi used the small-level [whale swallowing skill] 】It takes at least 10 minutes to eat it.

Now, how long will it take to use the consummation-level [Whale Swallowing Technique]?

Xiao Zhi performed the [Whale Swallowing Technique], brought the jerky meat of the big demon to his mouth, and ate it!

Xiao Zhi only felt that his mouth swelled several times at once. When he bit on this piece of big monster jerky, he bit off more than half of it, and then there was a clicking sound from his mouth, like It is like a high-power pulverizer.

Swallow while crushing.

Not far away, Yang Xu, who was sitting quietly to digest the dead energy in his body, heard the movement, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiao Zhi.

He was obviously taken aback, with a look of astonishment on his face.

It was the first time he had seen Xiao Zhi with such a wide open mouth, and it looked a little scary.

After a while of clicking, Xiao Zhi stuffed the remaining half of the big monster jerky into his mouth and began to chew. There was another clicking sound from his mouth.

In 30 seconds, it only took 30 seconds for Xiao Zhi to eat a piece of 10-jin big monster jerky into his stomach.

This eating speed has been increased by 20 times compared to Xiaocheng level!

On the whole, Xiao Zhi is quite satisfied with this consummation-level [Whale Swallowing Skill].

It's just that I eat meat and don't drink water, and my mouth feels a little dry.

Xiao Zhi took out a large jar of clean water from the storage ring again, raised his head and filled half of the jar for himself, then let out a long and satisfied breath, couldn't help but burped, and rubbed himself with his hands Distended belly.

"Brother Zhi, when you just ate, you opened your mouth so wide, it looked a bit scary." Yang Xu couldn't help but say something.

"Uh..." Xiao Zhi let out a huh, then continued to rub his swollen belly with his hands, and said, "It's okay, I just had a sudden enlightenment, and I have already practiced [Whale Swallowing Skill] to the perfect level, and my mouth Being able to open up so big is the performance of [Whale Swallowing Kungfu] that I have practiced to the perfection level, this [Whale Swallowing Kungfu] is still very powerful, after having it, the speed of eating can become extremely fast, do you want to learn it?"

"No." Yang Xu shook his head like a rattle: "I'm different from you, I don't need to eat, what to do after learning this."

"That's right." Xiao Zhi nodded, and stopped talking about the [Whale Swallowing Skill], but asked: "Xiao Xu, brother Li's strength has been raised to the peak level of foundation building, what about you? During this period of time, you have absorbed enough death energy, when will you be able to break through to the peak of the Great Demon?"

"It should be soon." Yang Xu said in a muffled voice, "I have a hunch that it should be within a few days."

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp..." The big black eagle crouching on the tree trunk folded its wings. After hearing this conversation between Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu, it hurried over, stretched its neck, and pointed at Xiao Zhi. Chirp chirp chirp non-stop.

Today's Xiao Zhi, even without Yang Xu acting as an interpreter for him, can easily understand the bird language of the big black eagle.

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