This Game is Unusual

Chapter 459 The Third Nascent Soul War

The big black eagle chirped and chirped non-stop. It was saying, the strength of each of you big brothers is so strong, but my strength is still so weak. If I don't improve my strength, in the future Maybe he doesn't even have the qualifications to be a mount.

While chirping, it also pretended to be weak, pitiful and helpless, looking at Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu expectantly with its eagle eyes.

Xiao Zhi turned his head and glanced at it, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching.

The size of the big black eagle has been getting bigger and bigger. When it first broke through to become a big monster, the big black eagle was only three feet long. Now, its length is almost five feet long.

The size of a big monster often represents its strength.

Today's big black eagle has reached the middle stage of the big demon.

Its beak and eagle claws are like precious soldiers who cut iron like clay. The black feathers on its body are like pouring black iron, and there is a faint black light on its body.

This looks like a standard raptor shape.

To be honest, the big black eagle's huge figure and hideous shape really don't match the weak, pitiful, and helpless appearance it pretends to be.

You are still weak and pitiful.

What about those little white rabbits and little lambs living in the woods? Are they unworthy of life?

‘Well, I’m in a pretty good mood today, so I’ll reward you with an inner alchemy. '

Xiao Zhi took out a big demon inner alchemy from the storage ring, flicked it with his fingers, and the inner alchemy shot towards the big black eagle with a hiss, like a bullet from an assault gun.

The big black eagle is finally no longer weak and helpless at this moment, its eagle eyes are shining brightly, showing the speed that a big monster bird should have, the eagle stretches its head forward, and very precisely puts the big monster inner alchemy He put it in his mouth and swallowed it in one gulp.

In fact, compared with those wild beasts and birds, the speed at which its strength is improving can already be described as riding a rocket.

For other monsters and birds, it is possible to evolve from ordinary monsters to the middle stage of big monsters, and it takes tens or hundreds of years. What about the big black eagle? How long did it take?

When it was first caught by Xiao Zhi, it was just a weak and ordinary monster bird.

How long has it been since it followed Xiao Zhi and Yang Xu, and its current strength has reached the middle stage of the Great Demon.

How did it get the strength in the middle stage of the big monster?

It's not that Xiao Zhi and the others piled up the big demon inner alchemy one by one.

The big demon inner alchemy is a great tonic for monsters and birds.

Other big monsters don't have this kind of treatment. Even if they want to get a big monster inner pill, it is very difficult, and they may have to go through an extremely dangerous fight of the same level.

Unlike the big black eagle, eating the big demon inner pill is like eating jelly beans, Xiao Zhi couldn't remember exactly how many big demon inner pills it ate.

After swallowing a big demon inner alchemy in one gulp, the big black eagle stretched out its ferocious eagle head again, and let out a chirping cry.

Xiao Zhi's face darkened, and he shouted, "Get lost! There's no more!"

What an insatiable fellow!

The big black eagle shrank its neck from being scolded, and didn't dare to bark anymore. It huddled on the thick trunk of a big tree, and honestly ate the dried meat of the big monster.

In a blink of an eye, a few more days passed, and the time came to June 9, 2021.

In the early morning of this day, it was just dawn.

In the real world, Xiao Zhi is sitting in the hall of the villa, eating breakfast.

He took one bite at a time, eating the steamed buns dipped in chili sauce on the dinner plate, while scratching the tablet in front of him.

On the tablet, there is the 'Battle Zone' app.

Xiao Zhi is searching for a suitable attack target in the 'Battle Zone' app.

At this moment, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly, but still stretched out his hand, took out the phone from his pocket, and opened it.

It was his exclusive correspondent, Liu Ji, who called.

"Hi, I'm Xiao Zhi." Xiao Zhi answered the phone and said something.

"Xiao Zhi, just now, the Nascent Soul War between the two countries broke out again." Liu Ji's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"What?" Xiao Zhi was taken aback, he even forgot to chew the steamed bun that he had just stuffed into his mouth.

The Nascent Soul War between the two countries has started again?

Nascent Soul War, this is not an ordinary battle, it is enough to determine the next situation of the two countries, as well as the direction of this war.

This kind of battle has happened twice before.

This is the third time.

"What's the result?" After recovering, Xiao Zhi asked hastily.

"I don't know the result yet." On the other side of the phone, Liu Ji's voice said: "Our people are just judging from the noise of the battle that this is a Nascent Soul-level battle."

"That's it." Xiao Zhi breathed out and said, "As soon as there is any news about this Nascent Soul War, remember to notify me immediately."

"Okay, I will." Liu Ji's voice.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zhi was no longer in the mood to eat breakfast slowly. After swallowing all the breakfast on the table, Xiao Zhi got up, picked up the tablet computer, and returned to the into his bedroom.

After lying back on the bed, Xiao Zhi closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered the world of sentient beings.

He is now used to being in the world of sentient beings.

After all, in the real world, he has a group of soldiers from the Ministry of State Security protecting him all the time, so he is still very safe.

It is different in the world of sentient beings. Here, he may encounter danger at any time.

In the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged on the root of a big tree, slowly opened his eyes.

"Where are we going to look for food today?" Seeing Xiao Zhi 'wake up', Yang Xu, who was sitting not far from Xiao Zhi, turned his head to look at Xiao Zhi, and asked.

He is now getting closer and closer to the peak of the big monster, and his enthusiasm has also increased because of this.


Well, if you look for food, just look for food.

Xiao Zhi's mouth twitched, he shook his head, and said, "There's no rush, let's take a rest first."

Before the result of the third Nascent Soul War, Xiao Zhi always felt a little out of sorts, and had no thoughts of going out for food at all.

The Nascent Soul War had a huge impact on the future development of the two countries.

He had to wait until the results came out before he felt at ease.

Before that, he didn't want to do anything.

"Oh, let's take a rest." Yang Xu looked disappointed.

Xiao Zhi nodded, and suddenly put his hands together, and began to pray.

He is actually an atheist.

But now, he was praying, he was praying to the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, and he recited all the names of all the gods and Buddhas he knew in his heart.

He prayed that Dachang Kingdom would definitely win this Nascent Soul War!

He has already lost twice in a row, and if he continues to lose, if he dies a few Nascent Soul Realm, then the Dachang Kingdom he lives in will really be in jeopardy.

Xiao Zhi's current strength, among the players, can be said to be very strong, definitely belonging to the top category.

But this kind of Nascent Soul-level battle, with his strength, he probably doesn't even have the qualifications to be cannon fodder.

All he can do now is pray.

Thanks to fkingbitch for the reward.

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