This Game is Unusual

Chapter 460 Akaya County Castle

Xiao Zhi didn't make him wait long, and after about a quarter of an hour passed, Xiao Zhi faintly heard the ringtone of his cell phone.

Sitting cross-legged on the root of a big tree, Xiao Zhi hurriedly closed his eyes, and with a thought, his consciousness returned to the real world.

In the real world, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, took a look at the cell phone next to his pillow, and it was indeed his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji who called.

"How is the situation, did you win or lose?" Xiao Zhi asked straight to the point.

"I lost..." Liu Ji's voice came from the other side of the phone.


lost again...

Xiao Zhi was silent. He suddenly felt that the world in front of him had become dark, and he could not see much light.

In his heart, a burst of resentment suddenly rose.

Why are these Nascent Soul Realms of Dachang Kingdom so wasteful?

If you can't win a fight, it's really useless!

Seeing Xiao Zhi's silence, Liu Ji's voice continued to come from the phone: "It should be lost, the scouts of our All Living Army have spread all over the cities and villages in Beilan Road, according to the reports of several scouts , our Nascent Soul Realm monks are retreating in the direction of Beilan Dao City, and the Nascent Souls from Xuanming Kingdom are chasing after them. Because they are too far away, we are still unable to identify our Nascent Souls. Are there any casualties?"

"I see." After being silent for a while, Xiao Zhi rubbed his temples with his hands and said, "If there is any new situation, remember to notify me in time."

"Well, okay." Liu Ji's voice.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Zhi made a thought, and his consciousness re-entered the world of sentient beings.

After his consciousness entered the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, leaned his back on the trunk of the big tree, and looked at the gradually brightening sky through the gaps in the leaves.

His eyes gradually lost focus and became dazed.

He's in a bad mood right now.

The repeated defeats of those Nascent Soul Realm cultivators in Dachang Kingdom made him feel that the future seemed to be shrouded in thick clouds.

If it continues like this, the situation will be very bad.

At this time, the players haven't grown up yet, and they simply don't have the ability to decide the outcome of a large-scale war.

No matter how many acquired warriors and innate warriors there are, in the eyes of those Nascent Soul Realm overhauls, they are no different from ants on the ground. They can trample hundreds to thousands of them to death with a random kick.

The situation of low-level monks in the foundation building period is not much better.

Before the strength of the players grows, the decisive force to decide the victory or defeat of the war is still the strong natives of the two countries in the world of sentient beings.

In other words, in the early and middle stages of this national war, Xiao Zhi's advantage in the number of players in the world he lived in could not be brought into play at all.

Only in the middle and late stages, the strength of the players has generally increased, and a large number of foundation building, Jindan monks, and even Nascent Soul realm monks have appeared. At this time, in the world Xiao Zhi lives in, the number of players Only when the advantages can be truly reflected.

Xiao Zhi understands this truth. In Xiao Zhi's world, many people of insight also understand it. In the world where Xuanming players live, there must be many people who understand it.

In this national war, if it is played in the later stage, the players of Dachang Kingdom will have a great advantage, and the closer to the later stage, the greater the advantage will be.

So, the players of Xuanming Kingdom will let this national war be delayed to the later stage?

If in the early stage, with the bravery and invincibility of those Nascent Soul monks in Xuanming Kingdom, if they could destroy Dachang Kingdom in one fell swoop, why would they not do it?

And this is what Xiao Zhi is most afraid of seeing.

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi's mood became even worse.

no! The situation cannot be allowed to continue to deteriorate like this!

I have to find a way to save myself!

Xiao Zhi is not the kind of person who is good at layout and planning. There is only one best way he can think of, and that is to improve his strength as much as possible, and raise his strength to the Golden Core Realm, or even the Nascent Soul Realm , when the time comes, he won't be such a dispensable little role now.

He will be able to play a pivotal role on the battlefield!

In fact, according to the relatively safe plan that Xiao Zhi made before, he would kill the enemy in this huge enemy-occupied area, and at the same time let the people of the All Life Army collect information about the city of Chigu County for him, in order to assassinate Chigu County. Junjun Yanchi is preparing.

Only when he finds a suitable and safe opportunity, will he approach the city of Chigu County and face the Jun Yanchi of Chigu County.

But the information provided to him by the All Living Army was that Yan Chi, the county lord, had been staying in the county these days and had never been out of the county.

Under such circumstances, Xiao Zhi couldn't find a chance to assassinate Yan Chi at all.

The county city is guarded by a large moat.

With Xiao Zhi's current strength, it would be difficult to break through even the county-level moat formation with foundation-building monks sitting in it.

Not to mention the large moat formation at the county level.

Because he still couldn't find a chance to assassinate Yan Chi, Xiao Zhi has been waiting, waiting for a suitable opportunity.

But now, after learning the news that Dachang Kingdom's Nascent Soul Realm was defeated in the third Nascent Soul War, Xiao Zhi, who had a strong sense of crisis in his heart, couldn't wait any longer!

He just wanted to quickly break through from the peak of Foundation Establishment to the Golden Core Realm!

And killing Yan Chi, and getting the sky crystal stone that can increase the success rate of crossing the catastrophe from the hands of Taoist Ji Yuanrong, this is the safest and most effective way for Xiao Zhi to break through from foundation building to Jindan realm .

Once he breaks through from the peak of Foundation Establishment to the Golden Core Realm, his strength will usher in another substantial improvement.

At that time, with the blessing of Dacheng-level [Destroyer Knife] and possessed by Li Kuo, a demon, he may be able to fight against ordinary late-stage Golden Core monks after he has just entered Golden Core!

If you speed up your cultivation by relying on all kinds of natural materials and treasures, raise your own realm to the peak of the Jindan realm in a short period of time, and then upgrade the [Mie Shen Dao] to the perfection level, then at that time, even in those Yuan In front of the Infant Realm Overhaul, he is no longer a dispensable existence.

When thinking about these, Xiao Zhi's gaze gradually became sharper.

"Let's go! Let's go to Chigu County." Xiao Zhihu stood up and said.

Go to the county seat?

Yang Xu was startled.

During these days, he followed Xiao Zhi and acted with Xiao Zhi, basically fighting in villages or in the wild, not to mention going to the county town, even the county town was rarely visited.

After being stunned for a while, Yang Xu said, "Are you going to assassinate that Yan Chi?"

Xiao Zhi did not hide the mission of assassinating Yan Chi, the Jun Jun of Chigu County, from Yang Xu, so Yang Xu also knew about it.

"Let's go and have a look first, step on the spot, after all, I have never been to that place before." Xiao Zhi said.

"Oh, then let's go and have a look." Yang Xu nodded and said in a muffled voice.

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