This Game is Unusual

Chapter 6 Increase of Attribute Points

Xiao Zhi really collected some information about the game by visiting the exclusive game forum of "The World of All Beings".

For example, in the "World of All Beings", there are many novice villages like Heping Village, but as far as we know, there are only three kinds of acquired skills that can be learned from these novice villages.

They are the physique type "Turtle Elephant Gu Yuan Gong", the strength type "Nine Bull Explosive Power Jue", and the agility type "Fish and Bird Soaring Skill".

Every novice village can only have one acquired skill.

Of course, the information specimens are limited, and it is not ruled out that in the "World of All Beings" game, there are such things as hidden novice villages and hidden acquired skills.

For example, outside the Novice Village, there is an air wall.

A good player, after he went to Xinshou Village, he did not choose to stay in the village, but took an unusual path and left Xinshou Village on foot. He wanted to explore the world outside of Xinshou Village.

As a result, when he walked for several hours in the forest outside the village, an invisible wall of air stood in front of him. His character could see the vegetation in front of him, but he could not take a step forward. Yes, the same is true for other positions.

It should be because the game is still in beta testing, only these novice villages are open, and the world outside the novice village has not yet been opened, some people speculate.

Brother, you are lucky, you have not encountered any danger after walking so far, I also had the same idea as you, but after leaving the village, within half an hour of walking, a wolf the size of a calf came towards you. I rushed over and killed me.

Regarding the consequences of the death of the game character, someone in the forum also announced it.

When the character dies, the system will prompt: "You have died, and you are prohibited from logging into the world of sentient beings for 1 day. After 1 day, you will be reborn near a random village, and all the characters, strengths, and bloodlines will be emptied. , the belongings will drop at the place of death."

This is the punishment for the death of the characters in the game "The World of All Beings", which is not insignificant.

But there are also players who have grasped the 'loophole' behind this rule through analysis.

Before the character's strength grows, he is already in a state of having nothing, and it doesn't matter if he dies.

Players can take advantage of this to choose their favorite type of acquired skills.

For example, if a player likes the agile "Fish and Bird Soaring Technique", but the village he was born in has "Turtle Elephant Guyuan Gong", then he can attack the villager NPC In this way, if you die quickly and then reborn, you may be born in a village with the "Fish and Bird Flying Technique".

This method is a little troublesome, but it is still an option.

The only thing that makes people feel a little fucked is that after the death of the character, it is forbidden to log in to the game for 1 day, and the character can only be reborn after 1 day, which is a bit of a delay.

When browsing the forum, time passed quickly, and before I knew it, an hour passed.

At this time, Xiao Zhi's cell phone vibrated slightly.

Xiao Zhi looked away from the computer and looked at the phone screen.

He found that there was a line of text prompts flowing from the top of the screen like flowing water.

Reminder: "Because you worked so hard to improve your strength, your strength has increased by 1 point."

Xiao Zhi hastily clicked on the character's attribute panel, and sure enough, the character's strength has increased a bit, reaching 69 points.

It's really like what the buddy on the forum said, it takes more than an hour to tap the screen to increase the attribute value...

Xiao Zhi was not disgusted by this.

After working hard, it is good to make progress, even if the progress is slow, at least he can clearly feel that he is making progress.

Unlike falling in love, falling in love will not show any progress bar, women's hearts are on the bottom of the sea, everything has to be guessed, especially for a person like him who has no relationship experience, sometimes he really doesn't know how he died.

Xiao Zhi smiled wryly, and continued to browse the forum while continuing to click on the small icons on the phone screen, controlling his character to continue a series of strength training.

After clicking for about an hour, the phone vibrated slightly, and the system prompt appeared again:

Reminder: "Because you worked so hard to improve your strength, your strength has increased by 1 point."

After two hours of strength training, the character's strength attribute has been raised to 70 points.

Half an hour later, the phone vibrated slightly, and another line of system prompts appeared:

Tip: "Because of your unremitting exercise, your physique has increased by 1 point."

Xiao Zhi was a little surprised. He was trying to increase his strength. Why did his physique also improve?

Think about it carefully, but it is reasonable. After all, a person's physique and strength are not isolated, but complement each other.

The game's handling of this detail is still in place, and Xiao Zhi praised it in his heart.

According to the current progress, he estimates that it only takes 2 days, at most 3 days, and he should be able to prompt his strength attribute to 100 points, reaching the standard of learning Houtiangong "Nine Bull Explosive Power Jue".

It took two or three days to learn the simplest and lowest acquired skill in this game, "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue", which is unbelievable when you think about it.

In this era of fast food games, fast food games with a level of 999 can be seen everywhere. In the initial stage, this kind of game is a game that can be upgraded to a level in 3 days. In this era, it can no longer be described as rare.

Everyone is very busy now, and games are originally a means of relieving stress after work. Who has the time and patience to waste so much time on a game that is not very important?

Of course, this is only for others.

It does not include Xiao Zhi. Xiao Zhi's purpose of playing this game is to pass the time.

Even, for this kind of slow-paced game, Xiao Zhi still had some expectations in his heart.

However, not long after, a faint gray outline appeared around the screen of the phone.

Prompt: "You are very thirsty and need a drink."

Prompt: "You are very hungry and need to eat."

It's not even 9 o'clock in the morning, is it? The character is already thirsty? Already hungry? Isn't this too fast?

Xiao Zhi suddenly realized that high-intensity physical training requires a lot of food to support it.

This game is different from other games in that it has the setting of 'hunger and thirst'.

It seems that he still took it for granted.

Theoretically speaking, within a maximum of 3 days, he can raise the character's strength attribute to 100 points, reaching the standard for learning Houtiangong "Nine Bulls of Violence".

But this is only the most ideal state.

If the character's hunger, thirst and fatigue are also included, 3 days? It is estimated that in 10 days, he may not be able to increase the character's strength attribute to 100 points.

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