This Game is Unusual

Chapter 7 I'm hungry, what should I do?

It doesn't matter, 10 days is 10 days, anyway, I'm single now, I don't need to live for anyone, I can afford such a little time.

Xiao Zhi reserved one month for himself, and one month should be enough time for him to come out. At that time, he will prepare his new book, bid farewell to the past, and start a new journey.

The problem of thirst is relatively easy to solve. There are more than a dozen wells in the village, and there is a clear stream not far from the village. It is relatively easy to get water.

Relying on the memory of Heping Village in the past two days, Xiao Zhi came to a public well and fetched water with a wooden bucket next to him. The character stepped forward to drink, and the item of thirst quickly fell.

The problem of food is not so easy to solve.

At this time, most of the hardworking villagers have already gone out to work, and the people who stay are basically the elderly and children.

Xiao Zhi tried to get in touch with these left-behind old people, hoping to get some food from them to satisfy their hunger. In the end, he said all the good words, and his throat was smoked. These old people just looked at him indifferently, with a look of indifference .

In Heping Village, not everyone is like Yu Cunzheng, who feels pity for the players who have fled. Most people in the village, especially the elderly, actually have a lot of sympathy for these sudden strangers. vigilant, even hostile.

Especially after several players caused trouble in the village and were expelled or killed by the village patrol, the villagers became even more defensive against the players.

They felt that these outsiders were all factors of instability, and staying there would be a disaster, affecting the peace and stability of Heping Village.

After looking for a few old people in succession and getting cold looks, Xiao Zhi stopped making fun of himself.

He went around the door of Yu Cunzheng's house, but the door of Cunzheng's house was locked and he was not at home.

He looked again at the extinguished bonfire in the village.

Most of the player characters are still "holding the corpse", only a small number of players are up.

Some of the players who got up, like him before, were doing simple strength training, sweating all over their bodies.

Some are wandering around the village, not knowing what they want to do.

Prompt: "You are very hungry and need to eat."

This system prompt will appear every few minutes.

Corresponding symptoms also appeared on the character, his stomach growled non-stop, his walking was a little wobbly, and even his walking speed slowed down a bit.

Forget it, since you can't find anything to eat in the village, let's go outside the village to have a look.

Xiao Zhi controlled the character, passed through the village gate, and left Heping Village.

Outside Heping Village, patches of farmland, vegetable gardens, and orchards have been opened up.

Looking around, you can see many figures working in it.

These are the villagers of Heping Village.

They work from sunrise to sunset, and these farmlands, vegetable gardens, and orchards are their source of food and their life.

When Xiao Zhi walked past them, these villagers temporarily put down their work and looked at Xiao Zhi coldly.

That look is like guarding against thieves.

Under the gaze of this kind of eyes, Xiao Zhi closed his mouth wisely, and did not open his mouth to beg for food.

After this experience, he no longer has any good feelings for the villagers in Heping Village.

He wanted to take advantage of the unpreparedness and go to the orchard to grab a few fruits, or vegetables, to satisfy his hunger.

Anyway, this is just a game, he will not have any mental burden.

The problem is, no matter where he goes, different villagers will follow him not far or near, so that he has nowhere to start.

Forget it, you can't find food here, let's go to a further place to see.

If it doesn't work, just stay up until night time. At night time, the kind Yu Cunzheng will arrange a big meal for these players.

Farther away is the mountain forest. Besides wild beasts and ferocious beasts, there should be wild fruits and the like that can be used to satisfy hunger, right? Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

When Xiao Zhi staggered into the forest, the villagers stopped following him.

Xiao Zhi began to look for food in the mountains and forests.

Through the forum before, he knew that in the mountains outside the village, there would be wild beasts, even fierce beasts. The newborn players have no strength and are unarmed, so they are no match for these wild beasts and fierce beasts. Therefore, Xiao Zhi Very cautious, only dared to explore in the outermost forest, not daring to go too deep into this forest.

Prompt: "You are very hungry and need to eat."

Xiao Zhi ignored the prompt and continued looking for his food.

Ten minutes later, he found a kind of berry, which was red and looked like a cherries.

This wild fruit should be edible, right?

Xiao Zhi manipulated the character, picked a wild fruit, and ate it.

He was very cautious and kept his mind. He only ate one wild fruit and did not eat all the wild fruits in front of him.

Through the screen, Xiao Zhi naturally couldn't taste the wild fruit, and couldn't even smell the smell.

He began to wait, and he was going to wait for 20 minutes. If there was no problem, he would eat the rest of the wild fruit.

As a result, less than 10 minutes later, the character began to vomit, tears and nose flowed together, and jaundiced water was vomited out.

Because the character's eyes were blurred by tears, Xiao Zhi's phone screen also became blurred.

There is no doubt that the wild fruit is poisonous.

Xiao Zhi sighed in his heart. Thinking about it now, he was negligent. This place is only on the outskirts of the forest, very close to the village. If such a large canopy of wild fruits were edible, they would have been picked by the villagers long ago. , where will it survive until now?

The character struggled for a full 20 minutes before the situation got better, and the screen of Xiao Zhi's phone became clear again.

Xiao Zhi controlled his character and continued to walk forward with weak steps.

The character walked slower than before, and would stop uncontrollably from time to time, taking a few weak breaths.

Xiao Zhi was cruel, controlled the character, and went a little deeper into the forest.

It is obviously impossible to find wild fruits and other food in the outskirts of the mountain forest. Even if there is any food here, it has been raided by the villagers.

If you want to find food, you still have to go deeper.

After another ten minutes passed, Xiao Zhi found a palm-sized mushroom under a bush.

The gray-yellow color of this mushroom is not bright and inconspicuous.

Xiao Zhi began to rack his brains, recalling some common sense about mushrooms in his mind.

As far as he knew, brightly colored mushrooms were basically poisonous mushrooms.

As for the less brightly colored mushrooms, some are edible, but some are highly poisonous.

So, is the mushroom in front of you an edible mushroom or a poisonous mushroom?

With a serious lack of knowledge about survival in the wild, he couldn't make a judgment at all.

This is too difficult.

New book issue, please collect, ask for recommendation, ask for various~

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