This Game is Unusual

Chapter 620 Different Air Wall

(Thank you liyeting for the reward, congratulations to liyeting for becoming the third leader of this book! Congratulations to the leader of liyeting, there will be 3 updates today, all of which are 4000-word chapters~)

Xiao Zhi didn't run away any more, but moved a few feet to one side with a flick of his body.

I saw that monster's soul floating, turning its head and body, still facing him with its ferocious face like a ghost, screaming at him again and again.

Xiao Zhi continued to run to one side, while running, paying attention to the movements of the monster's soul.

After running for a while, Xiao Zhi stopped with a relaxed expression on his face.

Just now, he has confirmed one thing.

The movement of this monster's soul is indeed restricted. This restriction is that it can only move within a certain range of the monster's body.

It can only be 201 feet away from the monster's body at most, like an invisible thread with a length of 201 feet, connected between the monster's soul and the monster's body, firmly imprisoning the monster's soul, preventing it from flying out greater distance.

As long as he escaped from this range, no matter how strong the monster's soul was, it would not be able to attack him.

After writing down what he observed, Xiao Zhi glanced around for a while, confirmed his current location, and then continued to run in the direction he had determined before.

Only this time, after running only tens of meters forward, Xiao Zhi stopped, frowned, rubbed his waist with his hands, and showed a painful expression on his face.

There were tingling sensations in several places on his body.

This tingling feeling is always there.

These are the places where the monster's soul had stabbed with a dagger before.

My nerves were tense before, and I didn't feel anything when I ran away in a hurry. Now that I am out of danger, my tense nerves relax, and this tingling feeling becomes more intense and unbearable.

Xiao Zhi rolled up his clothes and looked at his waist and abdomen, which was where the pain was the strongest.

Just looking at it at a glance, the place was intact, without any wounds or bruises.

Xiao Zhi immediately understood that this strong tingling sensation did not come from the body, but from the soul.

The monster soul before was holding a small dagger, and what it attacked was not his body, but his soul.

The first new type of monster he had encountered before held a pitch-black trident and was good at physical attacks.

And this second type of monster is good at soul attacks.

‘In the future, if you see this kind of monster holding a dagger, stay away if you can, and try not to provoke it. ’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

The current him lacks effective means of attacking the soul and spirit body. If he encounters such a monster with a soul body and rushes up, he is looking for abuse.

Pain originating from the body can also be suppressed with true energy to relieve the pain.

From the stabbing pain in his soul, Xiao Zhi now has nothing to do.

Fortunately, he could feel that with the passage of time, this tingling from the soul was weakening little by little.

After Xiao Zhi stayed in place for a while, he began to endure the pain and continued to run forward.

After he ran for hundreds of miles in this direction, the tingling feeling originating from his soul finally completely disappeared.

Along the way, Xiao Zhi encountered a lot of black mist monsters, and also encountered a few new types of monsters with long and slender bodies with hair burning like emerald green flames, and several second-type monsters with pointed heads and bluish-gray skin. New types of monsters.

The black mist monsters encountered along the way were all dealt with by Xiao Zhi, and the few new types of monsters were also dealt with by Xiao Zhi.

As for those second-type monsters that are good at mind and soul attacks, after seeing them, Xiao Zhi chose to avoid them far away. If he can't provoke them, can he still hide?

After running forward for a while, after crossing several muddy rivers, Xiao Zhi saw a new type of monster that he had never seen before.

This is a very tall humanoid monster. It is more than ten feet tall, has red skin, and wears armor like black iron.

Unlike the previous two new types of monsters, this monster no longer has a green face and fangs, and looks like a ghost, but has a human-like face, but the face looks a little more ferocious.

Xiao Zhi's eyes glowed with golden light, and he looked at the monster from a distance.

After hesitating for a while, he decided to test the monster's strength and try to get first-hand information about it.

After going through a series of operations of transforming into shape and possessing a demon, Xiao Zhi rushed towards the monster with the Sad Spring Knife in his hand.

Soon, the scarlet-skinned monster in black iron armor found Xiao Zhi.

Just like the two monsters before, this monster also rushed towards Xiao Zhi immediately after discovering Xiao Zhi.

While rushing towards Xiao Zhi, it roared: "Whoever trespasses on the Xumi Realm, die! Die! Die!"

While roaring these words, a pitch-black epee condensed from the black mist appeared in its hand.

Xiao Zhi was startled, the monster in front of him could speak human language?

In this Sumeru Realm of All Lives, he had seen so many monsters, killed so many monsters, and this was the first time he saw a monster speak human language.

Also, what exactly did the monster say?

Trespassing on the Sumeru Realm? These players, have they trespassed in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings?

Xiao Zhi had no time to think about it anymore, because the tall monster with red skin and black iron armor had already rushed forward.

The long knife collided with the epee, making a muffled bang.

The ground collapsed instantly, and the shock waves visible to the naked eye spread in all directions.

The monster's tall figure was thrown back tens of feet.

Tread Tat Tat, Xiao Zhi retreated a few zhang away, leaving several deep footprints on the ground, and then he lost the force of the impact and managed to stand still.

After just one fight, Xiao Zhi roughly figured out the strength of this new monster.

This new type of monster with scarlet skin is obviously stronger than the two new types of monsters that Xiao Zhi encountered before, and it definitely has the strength not inferior to Mo Yi!

Although Mo Yi's realm is only at the late stage of Golden Core, his combat power is definitely not inferior to that of ordinary Golden Core peak-level monks in the world of sentient beings.

In other words, this monster has a strength comparable to that of an aboriginal monk at the peak of the Jindan (Peak of the Demon King)!

"Those who trespass on the Sumeru Realm, die! Die..." As soon as the huge body of the monster fell to the ground, it turned over and jumped up, holding a pitch-black epee, with a ferocious face, roaring and rushed towards Xiao Zhi again.

This time when it rushed towards Xiao Zhi, its originally pitch-black eyes suddenly turned red, and an inexplicable force emanated from its red eyes.

In Xiao Zhi's field of vision, this red-skinned humanoid monster suddenly became extremely tall and majestic, filling his entire field of vision.

It's just that this illusion lasted only for a moment, and then it was shattered in an instant.

You must know that Xiao Zhi's [Dharma Elephant Sky Eye] is not a vegetarian, it has a very strong ability to see through falsehoods.

This monster, in addition to possessing a powerful melee ability, can also cast illusions through its eyes, using illusions to assist in combat.

The power of this illusion is limited, so it won't have much impact on Xiao Zhi.

But this is because Xiao Zhi has the supernatural power of [Diamond Eyes]. Without this [Diamond Eyes], Xiao Zhi might have a headache.

Next, Xiao Zhi fought against the monster like lightning, and he fought the monster again and again, destroying the nearby ground to be riddled with holes.

After dozens of breaths of fierce fighting, Xiao Zhi finally seized the opportunity and cut off the monster's head with a [Mie Shen Dao].

The monster's severed head and headless corpse collapsed into a black mist, which merged with the ubiquitous black mist around it.

Xiao Zhi gasped violently, and retreated from the dragon man form.

This new type of human-shaped monster with red skin and armor is really strong, and it has definitely reached the level of the peak of Jindan.

The toughness of the pitch-black epee in its hand and the black iron armor on its body has definitely reached the Lingbao level.

Fortunately, it's just that the hardness has been reached, not a real Lingbao.

If the armor worn by this monster was a real Lingbao-level armor like the Aolongjia, it would be useless to behead it, because the head seemed to be unprotected, but it was actually within the defense range of the Lingbao-level armor.

The defense of the Lingbao-level armor against the human body has no dead ends at all.

Xiao Zhi simply sat down cross-legged, and carefully sorted out the relevant information about this new type of monster in his mind. He tentatively named this red-skinned monster as three new types of monsters.

For information about these new monsters, he will need to report them to the Army of All Living Beings in the future.

After sorting out, Xiao Zhi looked at himself.

True element reserves: 9%

This battle with the scarlet-skinned monster consumed a lot of his true energy, and his current reserve of true energy is less than 10%.

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, but he still decided to continue exploring.

After all, it was not easy to come here, and it took him a lot of time.

After resting for a while, Xiao Zhi stood up and continued to run forward.

Afterwards, Xiao Zhi encountered some black mist monsters and new types of monsters along the road, including the first type of new type of monster, the second type of new type of monster, and the third type of new type of monster.

When encountering black mist monsters along the way, Xiao Zhi harvested them easily.

Xiao Zhi is now a martial artist in the late stage of Golden Core, and the Golden Core state is a state where the physical strength of a martial artist has fully exploded and has been greatly improved. Even if he does not use his true energy at all, he can easily kill these people with only physical strength. Black mist monster.

As for those new types of monsters, Xiao Zhi wanted to kill them with physical strength alone, which was somewhat unrealistic.

With the true energy in his body almost exhausted, Xiao Zhi, who wanted to explore deeper into the black mist, had no choice but to take a detour after encountering them.

Xiao Zhi found that the farther away from the mountain that represented the birth point, the more the number of those new monsters would be, and the stronger they would be.

After running forward for a while, Xiao Zhi seemed to have bumped into an invisible wall, and his body staggered back a few steps due to the shock.

But in front of him, apart from the black mist, there was clearly nothing.

In an instant, a word came to Xiao Zhi's mind - air wall!

In front of him, there is actually a wall of air!

Xiao Zhi has seen this air wall several times, and is no stranger to it.

However, the air wall in front of him was somewhat different from the air walls he had encountered before.

The air walls he had encountered before felt as cold and hard as metal plates when touched, but the air wall in front of him, when he touched it, felt a little soft, with a certain elasticity……

Xiao Zhi approached the air wall again, reached out to touch it, and felt that it was indeed soft and elastic.

After thinking about it, Xiao Zhi began to walk along the air wall, and after walking hundreds of feet along the air wall, the air wall still existed.

Xiao Zhi stopped, pressed his hands on the air wall, and began to exert force.

He could feel that one of his hands was slowly sinking in.

The hand could sink in, Xiao Zhi had a surprised expression on his face.

Surprised in his heart, Xiao Zhi continued to exert force.

One centimeter, two centimeters, three centimeters...

When it reached about ten centimeters, Xiao Zhi's hand could no longer penetrate an inch.

When the force Xiao Zhi exerted weakened a little, the hand he had sunk into the air wall was squeezed out by a strong reaction force, and it was squeezed out by one centimeter at once.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi used the true energy in his body without hesitation.

With the burst of true energy in his body, Xiao Zhi's body lit up with a bright light, and his strength increased several times in an instant.

His hand sank into the air wall in an instant, and then his shoulders, body and head sank into it.

A few seconds later, Xiao Zhi's body was completely submerged in the air wall. It was as if his whole body had been immersed in gel, and he was walking forward with difficulty in the air wall.

After walking a few steps forward with difficulty, what Xiao Zhi felt was no longer resistance, but a strong thrust.

His body was pushed forward by a strong thrust, he was squeezed out from the air wall, and he took a few steps forward with some staggering steps before stopping.

I actually passed through an air wall like this...

After Xiao Zhi stabilized his figure, he turned his head and looked back, with a confused expression on his face.

In his impression, the air wall is absolutely impenetrable, but now, he has passed through an air wall...

Xiao Zhi turned around and stretched out his hand to touch the air wall. The tentacles were still soft and elastic.

As soon as he exerted force, his hand sank into the air wall again.

Xiao Zhi withdrew his hand, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

No, not all air walls are impenetrable.

Air walls should be classified.

That kind of cold and hard air wall should be impassable, no matter how much effort you use, you can't pass through it.

And the air wall in front of him, which is a little soft to the touch, can be crossed, as long as your strength is strong enough, you can force it through.

Such a guess emerged in Xiao Zhi's mind.

In his mind, he called up the topographic map of the Sumeru Realm.

In this topographical map of the Sumeru Realm, most of the areas are covered by thick black mist, and only a very small part of the area is clearly visible.

These clearly visible areas are the areas that Xiao Zhi walked all the way before. There are wastelands and rivers, and they are generally in a straight line.

These are all outlined in Xiao Zhi's mind.

The current Xiao Zhi has an almost photographic memory, which is why he has the ability to draw this map in his mind. If he didn't have this kind of memory, it would be almost impossible for him to draw a map in his mind. things.

Xiao Zhi used his consciousness as a pen to mark the position of the air wall on the topographic map in his mind.

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