This Game is Unusual

Chapter 621 Flying Sword Assault (2 more, congratulations to the leader of Liyeting)

After marking the air wall, Xiao Zhi 'looked' at the topographical map in his mind, and began to calculate the distance between the air wall and the birth point.

Soon, he calculated a rough result.

The distance between the air wall and the birth point is about 1000 miles.

This distance is neither too close nor too far away.

After calculating the approximate distance, Xiao Zhi was thinking about why this new type of air wall in front of him existed.

He thought of the air walls that existed outside each Novice Village when the world of sentient beings appeared.

He thought of the air wall that can stop foreign enemies near the mountain top that represents the birth point in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives.

In his impression, the air wall not only isolates the inside and outside, but also generally plays a protective role.

So, since the air wall in front of you doesn't completely isolate the inside and outside, what is its function?

Protect them, newcomers who have just entered the Sumi Realm, from being hurt by powerful enemies outside?

But it's not right either.

Those three new types of monsters are very powerful, they are not isolated by this new type of air wall...

The information is limited, and there is no point in guessing randomly. After standing and thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He turned around and continued to run forward in the same direction as before.

He wants to see if the outside of this air wall is really dangerous.

Running, Xiao Zhi slowed down unknowingly as he ran forward.

He noticed another detail.

He has been running for so long in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives, covered a distance of thousands of miles, flew over muddy rivers of various sizes along the way, and saw countless black mist monsters. He has never seen a third mountain besides the one in Xuanming Kingdom.

Not to mention the towering mountains, he has never seen even a short mountain like the birth point.

This Sumi Realm of all living beings is really full of weirdness everywhere...

Xiao Zhi shook his head and accelerated to run forward.

Wherever they passed, the number of black mist monsters and those new monsters became more and more.

Xiao Zhi gave an order to the ghost floating above his head to let it harvest those black mist monsters.

Because Xiao Zhi's time to step into the Golden Core Realm is still short, the strength of the demon has only reached the level of the early Golden Core.

Although the strength of the demons in the early stage of golden core is not very good, it is still very easy to harvest those black mist monsters, at least it is easier than Xiao Zhi who does not use his true energy.

As for those new monsters, after seeing them, Xiao Zhi directly walked away from them.

After running about 200 miles forward, a 'mountain' appeared as far as Xiao Zhi could see.

This is the third mountain that Xiao Zhi saw in the Sumeru Realm of all beings.

This is a mountain with a height of more than a hundred feet. If such a mountain is in the world of sentient beings, it can only be regarded as an inconspicuous hill, but this is the Sumeru Realm of all living beings. , this can definitely be called a big mountain.

It's just that this mountain is surrounded by a layer of black mist. This layer of black mist is different from the ubiquitous black mist around it. Xiao Zhi's [Vajra Dazzling] supernatural power cannot penetrate this black mist.

This mountain looks weird...

Xiao Zhi stopped at a distance of about 500 feet from the mountain, and carefully looked at the mountain with his big golden eyes.

After looking at it for a while, seeing that there was nothing to see, Xiao Zhi took a step and ran towards the mountain.

He wanted to take a closer look at the mountain.

It may be dangerous to do so, but the true energy in his body is about to be exhausted now, and he is almost exhausted. Even if there is danger ahead, he still has to explore it.

At worst, he was killed, and after a day, he was a hero again!

The distance of 500 feet was quickly crossed by Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi appeared at the foot of the mountain.

The thick black mist wrapped around the mountain, even if the distance was close enough, Xiao Zhi's gaze still couldn't penetrate the black mist around the mountain.

Xiao Zhi continued to run forward, and only took a few steps forward when he seemed to hit an invisible wall, let out a muffled grunt, and took a few steps back somewhat staggeringly.

Near this mountain, there is an air wall! It's still that kind of cold and hard air wall that cannot be crossed!

This reminded Xiao Zhi of the air wall he encountered when he entered the mountain in Xuanming Kingdom.

Could it be that the mountain in front of me is also the birth point of a player in a certain world in this Sumeru Realm of All Lives?

Or, this mountain is the world where the players of Xuanming Kingdom are located, another birth point in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives?

In an instant, several thoughts emerged from Xiao Zhi's mind.

When Xiao Zhi was in doubt, the demon floating above his head sent him a message.

Human eyes can only see the scene in front of him, but cannot see the scene behind his head. Therefore, Xiao Zhi, who is cautious by nature, let the demon floating above his head, Keep an eye on the situation behind him.

Once something unusual happened in the rear, let the demon immediately notify himself through his mind.

After Xiao Zhi received the message sent by the demon through his mind, he immediately turned his head and looked behind him.

He saw, in the left direction behind him, a faint light appeared.

After seeing this faint light, Xiao Zhi couldn't help being shocked!

Xiao Zhi, who had the experience of hunting for treasure once in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, naturally knew what this faint light in the distance meant.

This is a treasure!

Although this faint light looks inconspicuous, it represents that a treasure has appeared in this Sumeru Realm of all lives!

So what are you waiting for, hurry up and grab the treasure!

Xiao Zhi turned around, just ran a few steps forward, and stopped again.

Just now, he noticed another detail.

This faint light is moving, it is not standing still, it is moving!

This means... someone has already obtained this treasure, and is running and flying with it.

After realizing this, Xiao Zhi's expression changed, and he felt some hesitation in his heart, but soon, he gritted his teeth, continued to move forward, and ran towards the faint light.

As the distance gets closer, this faint light becomes brighter and brighter, from an inconspicuous little star to a bright and dazzling bright star.

At this time, Xiao Zhi could faintly hear the sound of fighting, as if someone was fighting for the treasure.

The ground under his feet also felt obvious vibrations, as if an earthquake had occurred.

This fight seems to be very intense.

So, who is fighting for the treasure?

Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart, and continued to run towards the bright place.

In the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, the light emitted by treasures can penetrate the black mist and spread out for a long distance.

Therefore, even though the radiance from the treasure seemed very bright in Xiao Zhi's eyes, in fact, there was still a distance of more than ten miles between Xiao Zhi and the treasure.

At this time, under the order of his consciousness, the demon had already possessed him.

Li Kuo, the demon, has a very strong ability to hide himself, and letting him possess himself can also allow Xiao Zhi to have a certain ability to hide.

In such an unclear situation, even in the dark mist, Xiao Zhi used the invisibility ability of the ghost to make himself appear even more inconspicuous in the dark mist.

As Xiao Zhi approached, the sounds of fighting and shouting became clearer.

Xiao Zhi continued to run forward.

Closer, closer.

Xiao Zhi, who was running, could vaguely see some visions revealed during the battle.

Xiao Zhi opened his big golden eyes and continued to run forward, trying to see clearly what this treasure is, and who are the people who are fighting.

As long as he shortens the distance between each other to within 1000 feet, all this will be known.

2000 zhang...1500 zhang...1200 zhang...

Xiao Zhi ran silently while calculating the distance in his heart.

After running forward for tens of feet, Xiao Zhi suddenly felt palpitations inexplicably, as if some great danger was about to come.

Just as the warning signal rose in his heart, a small sword as thin as a bamboo leaf appeared in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes without a sound and pierced directly between Xiao Zhi's eyebrows.

The small sword has no handle and glows with pale golden light. It is a flying sword!

Xiao Zhi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he instinctively wanted to dodge.

However, just as the thought of dodging came to his mind, before his body had time to execute it, the tiny flying sword had already pierced his forehead!

A bright emerald light suddenly exploded from Xiao Zhi's body, which means the defensive power of the Lingbao Aolongjia was triggered.

It's just that the emerald green light has been maintained for a moment, and then suddenly dimmed.

The golden flying sword pierced through the defense of the Aolongjia, and instantly pierced through Xiao Zhi's body-protecting true energy, penetrated into Xiao Zhi's brain, and then pierced through the back of Xiao Zhi's head, disappearing into the darkness in a flash middle.

Xiao Zhi's eyes widened, and a bloodstain appeared between his brows.

His body froze in place, and two seconds later, his body fell forward and fell on the cold gravel ground, motionless.

In front of Xiao Zhi's left, about 1,300 feet away, a handsome young man floated half a meter above the ground, with two golden lights moving around him flexibly.

Taking a closer look, these are two small swords glowing with pale golden light.

call! A small golden sword pierced through the air, just like the other two small swords, it moved happily around the young man's body.

"Killed a miscellaneous fish that came out of nowhere." The young man said lightly, "With such weak strength, he dares to covet treasures. I'm really impatient."

"As long as it is not our people, it is the enemy, and kill them all." A voice said.

It was a somewhat hoarse female voice, and a beautiful-looking woman emerged from the black mist.

"Don't waste time, hurry up and support." This is a male voice that sounds quite calm.

Another man's figure emerged from the black mist.

"Let's go."

As soon as the three figures emerged, they suddenly disappeared into the darkness.


The world of sentient beings, the inner city of Dachang Imperial City, belongs to Xiao Zhi's mansion.

"Ah..." Xiao Zhi covered his head and moaned in pain.

The world in front of him quickly became clear, and the severe pain in his head receded like a tide.

Only then did Xiao Zhi realize that he was in the world of sentient beings, in his own mansion.

His thinking quickly became clear, and Xiao Zhi, who was sitting cross-legged, gradually became ugly.

Just now, in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives, he was pierced by a flying sword that came out of nowhere, and he was instantly killed!

This is the first time Xiao Zhi has suffered death in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives.

The problem is, Xiao Zhi doesn't even know who and where he is who killed him in a surprise attack!

He didn't know anything, so he was killed inexplicably!

The opponent was really too strong, Xiao Zhi couldn't resist with just a flying sword.

Even Xiao Zhi's defense, which Xiao Zhi had always been proud of, was vulnerable to this flying sword, as fragile as paper.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and a round of rising sun slowly rose from the horizon, shining light on the earth.

Xiao Zhi was motionless, sitting like a wood carving, thinking about something.

The person who killed him in a surprise attack was far more powerful than him. With such strength, it is unlikely to be at the Jindan stage, and it is very likely to be a Nascent Soul stage overhaul!

This should not be a player from Xuan Mingguo's side.

If Xuan Mingguo had such a strong player, they would probably have been dispatched by Xuanming country long ago, and it would be impossible to hide them.

So, who is the person who killed him with the flying sword?

In Xiao Zhi's mind, the mountain wrapped in black mist and over a hundred feet high appeared.

In the Sumeru Realm of All Lives, the top of the mountain may represent the birth point of the player.

A mountain represents the birth point of a player in a world.

Does this mean that the strong man who attacked and killed him with a flying sword came from a world other than the world he was in and the world where the players from Xuanming Kingdom were?

Does that mean that in the Sumitomo Realm, there are not only players from the two worlds, but also players from the third world, the fourth world, and the Nth world?

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling a little lost, speechless for a long time.

No, there is another possibility that the person who used the flying sword to attack him was not a human like him, but a new type of super powerful monster.

Who stipulated that those who use flying swords must be human monks?

Those who use flying swords may also be powerful monsters.

No... There is another possibility that the one who killed him was indeed a human being, not a monster.

It's just that this human being is not a player like him, but an aborigine in the Sumeru Realm.

Since there are a large number of aborigines in the world of sentient beings, there may also be aboriginals in the world of living beings...

Xiao Zhi pondered, with various thoughts flashing through his mind, the more he guessed, the more confused he became.

Based on the bits and pieces of information he obtained before he died, he really couldn't guess whether the existence that killed him with a flying sword was a human or a monster, whether it was a player or an aborigine.

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