This Game is Unusual

Chapter 663 Announcing the Truth

Time is passing by little by little.

"In Kunming, a pitch-black skeleton was found!" A staff member with earphones and headsets shouted.

"In the transnational forum of the world of sentient beings, almost everyone is discussing the matter of the dark skeleton. Our navy is completely insufficient, and the situation has become somewhat out of control." A staff member in charge of observing the transnational forum of the world of sentient beings shouted .

This transnational forum in the world of sentient beings is detached from the Internet and is not under the control of any country. The public opinion that erupts in it can only be guided and cannot be suppressed by force. Now, the incident of the dark skeleton is too big. It's hard to suppress anymore.

Once this happened, it would inevitably cause great panic in this world.

"Chief, I can't hide it anymore. Do you want to make the truth public?" an official asked.

Yang Lao, the commander of the All Living Army, rubbed his brows wearily, and said: "Let's look at the situation again. Although this dark-skeleton incident will cause the people to panic, as long as it is handled properly, it will not completely destroy the situation. corruption, but once we announce the truth about the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, the order of our world is likely to collapse."

The two old men sitting next to the commander of the All Living Army, Mr. Yang, were silent and did not speak. Obviously, they also held this point of view.

"Okay, Chief, we understand." The official nodded.

Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan sat next to Mr. Yang. They also closed their eyes at this moment, as if they were asleep with their eyes closed. Obviously, they also entered the world of sentient beings to search for information about the pitch-black skeleton.

Not only them, but also Li Pingfeng, Yang Bin, Zhu Changwu and others beside Xiao Zhi.

Because Xiao Zhi was sitting relatively close, he heard this conversation between the commander of the All Living Army, Mr. Yang, and this official. When he first heard it, he didn't think it was a big deal, but after a while, he suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but He stood up, left his seat, and came to Elder Yang's side.

The staff standing behind Mr. Yang took a few steps forward, trying to stop Xiao Zhi from approaching, but after seeing Xiao Zhi's appearance clearly, they all stopped in their tracks.

They also knew Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi walked up to Elder Yang and tried to use a calm tone to say: "Commander, I am Xiao Zhi."

"Xiao Zhi, I know you. What do you want to tell me when you come here?" Facing Xiao Zhi, the commander of the All Living Army, Yang Lao, forced a smile on his face.

"Commander, I suggest that the truth about all living beings in the Sumeru Realm should be announced as soon as possible." Xiao Zhi said calmly.

Elder Yang frowned, but still said, "Xiao Zhi, tell me your reason."

Xiao Zhi said calmly: "Commander, it is very likely that Long San came to our world this time. If Long San is, he is best at illusion. Illusion can control people. If he lets the people under his control , and made public the truth about the Sumeru Realm of all beings?"

Elder Yang frowned, lost in thought, and the two old men sitting beside him also frowned slightly, showing thoughtful expressions.

A staff member next to him couldn't help but said: "What if this Lu Yi is not Long San? Even if this Lu Yi is Long San, he will not necessarily let those who are controlled by him confide in all the lives related to Sumi. If the truth of the world is revealed to the public, what good will it do him?"

Xiao Zhi glanced at the young female staff member, and he said: "If this person is Long San, he will almost certainly let those under his control reveal the truth about the Sumeru Realm to the public. As for the benefits, as the commander said before, once the truth about the Sumeru Realm is announced, the order of our world may collapse, isn't this good for our hostile world?"

The young female staff member was a little speechless by Xiao Zhi's words, and she blushed a little and said: "What you said is just the worst case, in case the worst case does not happen, and we But he voluntarily told the truth about the Sumeru Realm of all life, isn't this looking for death for himself, and walking on the road to death?"

"No, it's different." Xiao Zhi shook his head and said, "With the outbreak of the curse this time, the truth can no longer be hidden. Even if we don't tell it, even if the person who came to our world is not Long San, someone The truth will be revealed in the transnational forum of the world of sentient beings. This is a matter of time. If our government takes the initiative to announce the truth, then at least our government’s credibility is still there. As long as it is done properly, things can be restored If this matter is announced by someone controlled by Lu Yi, or someone else, then not only will the world be in chaos, but the credibility of our government will also be depleted!"

In fact, he also thought of a deeper level. If the person who descended is really Long San, those people controlled by Long San with illusions will not only plan this matter, but also plan more things , Then, what will they do?

"Okay, Xiao Zhi, sit back, we will seriously consider what you said." Yang Lao, the commander of the All Beings Army, said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Xiao Zhi said no more, after nodding, he sat back down again.

After Xiao Zhi left, Mr. Yang and the two old men beside him sat together and discussed with solemn expressions. They should be discussing this matter together.

Soon, several high-ranking officials and high-level officials of the All Living Army joined the discussion.

Xia Guo's government has always sought stability in its actions, but in this situation, it can't be stable even if it wants to be stable, and a decision must be made as soon as possible.

Returning to his seat, Xiao Zhi did not sit down, but stood and scanned the entire venue.

In the venue, most people are busy.

This not-so-big conference room has unknowingly become the brain center of the entire Xia Kingdom.

Countless information has gathered here through various channels, where it is accepted and summarized.

One by one instructions and orders were sent from here to all parts of the country.

At this special moment, whether it is a government agency, a military agency, a sentient army agency, or a variety of private technology companies and information agencies, they are all operating at a high speed.

We all worked together, joined hands, and worked hard to get through this crisis.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi's originally irritable and depressed mood suddenly improved a lot.

Xiao Zhi, who had calmed down a lot, slowly sat back on the chair, frowning slightly, lost in thought.

Time is still passing by every minute and every second.

"I was in Tianlei Sect, and I asked the suzerain of our Tianlei Sect. Our suzerain has lived for hundreds of years, but he has never heard of this curse. Afterwards, I asked some elders in the sect, and some Brothers, they also don't know anything." Zhu Changwu opened his eyes and said in frustration.

Soon, Li Pingfeng, who was sitting next to Xiao Zhi, also slowly opened his eyes. He didn't say anything, but just shook his head.

Immediately, Yang Bin also opened his eyes, he shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "In the world of sentient beings, I used the sound transmission jade talisman to ask a few Jindan monks who have been friends with me, and a few older ones. Foundation Establishment cultivators, they don't know anything about this curse."

Xiao Zhi also has the sound-transmitting jade talisman, but in the world of sentient beings, he is now in the Dachang God Realm known as the Zhenjun Dojo. This is another world independent of the world of sentient beings. The sound-transmitting jade talisman It is impossible to transmit sound across the world.

In the venue, there were players one after another who 'woke up' from their 'sleep', and all shook their heads in frustration.

Among them were Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan. Just by looking at the expressions on their faces after they 'woke up', Xiao Zhi knew that their consciousness entering the world of sentient beings should not gain much.

Regarding this, Xiao Zhi seemed quite calm.

This was within his expectations.

Because he had calmed down and thought about it just now, Lu Yi came across the border, and naturally what he used would not be the usual and easily decipherable spells and Gu skills.

The rarer and difficult to break the curse and Gu technique, the greater the harm it can cause, and the more it can achieve the goal of destroying the world.

The two worlds are already in an endless state.

Think about it differently, if he were this Lu Yi, he would do the same!

Now that he thought of these, Xiao Zhi naturally thought of a way to crack it.

The method he thought of might not be really effective, but he thought he could try it out.

Then he said in a deep voice: "What Lu Yi used is probably a curse or a voodoo possessed by a hidden evil sect that we don't know about in Xuanming Kingdom. We can’t know its name, in fact, we don’t need to know its name, we can actually change our thinking, we just need to know how to prevent it, how to remove it from our world, that’s it.”

Yang Bin, Li Pingfeng and others all looked at Xiao Zhi.

Yang Bin said, "Xiao Zhi, what do you mean?"

Xiao Zhi said: "When the details about it come out, you can use it to ask those monks who are good at spells and voodoo how to crack it, and ask them a few more times, and they will always find a solution. "

As soon as Xiao Zhi said this, the eyes of the people around couldn't help but shine!

Ten minutes later, the results of the discussion of the high-level executives came out. They decided to follow what Xiao Zhi said, and through official channels, all the truth about the Sumeru Realm of all living beings will be made public!

At this moment, the executive power of Xia Guo's government agencies is super strong. As soon as the results of the discussion come out, Xia Guo's government is ready to implement it, and it will be implemented immediately after communicating with the governments of other countries on this matter. .

In this way, another half-a-quarter of an hour passed, and the government of the Xia Kingdom, which had already communicated with the governments of all countries in the world, announced to the people of the whole country through the official media the whole truth about the Sumeru Realm of all living beings and the transnational forum of the world of all living beings. Here, the truth about the Dark Skeleton incident.

Along with the truth, there is also a letter of sincere apology from the government for the feelings of the whole people. The main idea is that the reason why the government concealed these things is for the sake of social stability. Think of a way to solve this matter, and hope that the government and the people can continue to work together to deal with the next crisis.

Xia Guo's government was still at the venue, and asked Xiao Zhi, Lu Zhong, and Zhao Yan, who are extremely popular in the world, to record a video on the spot and put it on the Internet to inspire people and boost morale .

After the truth was announced, people in the venue were still busy, just like before.

But it is conceivable that in the near future, what a terrible storm the outside world will set off!

In less than a few minutes, the Indian government and the surrounding countries affected by the curse, like Xia, announced the truth of this matter to the public through the official media.

Now that you can't hide it anymore, there's no need to hide it anymore.

A few minutes later, countries such as Canada and the United Arab Emirates, which were not affected by the curse, also announced the truth of the incident to the public through official media.

They were forced to be helpless, and they were actually unwilling to announce the truth so early, but since Xia and Yin have announced it, in this era of information globalization, it is meaningless for them to continue to hide it from the public, instead of swearing Denying and concealing the truth will make the government's credibility disappear afterwards. It is better to have a good time and announce the truth of the matter together.

As for what will happen after the announcement, we can only resign ourselves to fate.

Not long after the truth was announced, the preliminary research results on the pitch-black skeleton also spread.

This is the result of researchers from the Xia Kingdom and the India Kingdom, with the determination to die, entered the areas where the curse broke out, and researched it desperately.

Preliminary research results show that the fleshy skin, internal organs, and hair on the black skeletons of the deceased have indeed disappeared, very cleanly, without any residue.

The layer of black on the skeleton of the deceased is not any substance, it is suspected to be a layer of energy body.

With the current technology of this world, it is simply impossible to analyze it, and it is even difficult to detect it.

This layer of energy body will cause corrosion to all objects close to it.

It is not very corrosive, and it will take a long time to completely corrode the clothes of the deceased, but the researchers brought over are all extremely sophisticated instruments, the more precise the instruments , the easier it is to be damaged by corrosion.

People who have been 'parasitized' by black bugs are now behaving normally, and they look just like normal people.

Examining their bodies with instruments, they couldn't find any abnormalities, and no foreign objects were found in their bodies.

So far, only witnesses have seen small black insects that look like mosquitoes, and researchers have not caught any small black insects for research.

After the curse broke out, both the Yin Kingdom and the Xia Kingdom have already closed down the city where the curse broke out.

But before the curse erupted, there was still some movement of people in these cities.

Especially in the country of India, the executive ability of the government of the country of India is far weaker than that of the country of Xia, and the ability to manage the people is also far weaker than that of the country of Xia.

Thank you for the rewards from me and the wind are passers-by, and thank you book friend 20190114000941134 for the reward.

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