This Game is Unusual

Chapter 664 Arriving in a Hostile World

With the pitch black skeleton was found.

The Kun Province of Xia Kingdom still maintains the most basic order, and all kinds of orders passed down from above can be carried out.

India is different. The city of Reed in India is almost a complete mess. The same is true for other small and medium-sized cities where dark skeletons have been found.

A large number of people fled the city in panic, and clashed with the army that was coming, causing several bloody incidents.

Especially when the truth was announced, the public was in an uproar and the conflict further intensified.

Not only the people, but many government personnel also fled from their posts, and even soldiers in the army also fled in large numbers.

Those "cursed infected people" who had been in contact with the black bugs who had been forcibly quarantined also escaped from the quarantined area in the chaos.

The chaos intensifies...

"The flow of people in Kunming Province has been sorted out." In the headquarters building of the All Living Army, a staff member reported to a senior government official.

"Why did it take so long to sort it out?" the senior government official frowned.

The staff member said helplessly: "The process of our collection of relevant data was not smooth. The related servers in Queensland were artificially damaged, which made data collection difficult. We contacted the Queensland Administration Department and wanted to Ask them why these servers were suddenly damaged, and the people in the administrative office said that they have too many things to deal with now, and they are too busy at all, and have no time to cooperate with us in investigating these..."

A staff member in a black uniform walked up to Xiao Zhi and other players, and said, "Kunming Province is in crisis and the situation is serious. The staff group has given an action plan and wants to hear your opinions. "

"What action plan?" Xiao Zhi asked.

Li Pingfeng, Yang Bin and others also looked at this staff member.

The staff said: "In Kunming Province, set up a Qingyun Sihe formation."

Xiao Zhi and the others looked at each other and fell into thinking, thinking about the feasibility of this action plan.

Xiao Zhi clenched his fists secretly. He felt that this action plan was feasible. Once the Qingyun Sihe Formation was deployed in Kunming Province, it was likely to save hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of lives. However, his name There are only a few hundred sentient beings points left, and it takes 10,000 sentient beings points to set up a Qingyun quadruple formation, which is not enough for him.

Yang Bin stood up slowly at this moment, and said, "I'll go."

Almost at the same time, Li Pingfeng also stood up from his seat and said, "Let me go, I happen to have 10,000 sentient beings under my name."

The two looked at each other.

Immediately, the two followed the staff member and left the venue.

Soon, Li Pingfeng returned to the venue alone.

Seeing Xiao Zhi and Zhu Changwu looking at him, Li Pingfeng smiled wryly and said: "The leader said, each Golden Core player like me is very precious, and this trip is expected to be very dangerous. It is enough to go to one, and to go to two." If so, in case..."

When he said this, he shook his head and said helplessly, "They felt that Yang Bin's psychological quality was better than mine, so they let Yang Bin pass by."

Xiao Zhi stood up, reached out and patted Li Pingfeng on the shoulder, and then he walked towards the outside of the venue.

"Xiao Zhi, where are you going?" Li Pingfeng's voice came from behind.

Xiao Zhi said: "I continue to sit here, it doesn't feel meaningful, I'd better go back."

In the current situation, although he has no intention to practice his water movement law, but after he returns, he can go to the Sumeru Realm to kill monsters! As long as you can collect 10,000 sentient beings points, you can also exchange them for a Qingyun Sihe Formation.

Xiao Zhi left and waited outside the headquarters building of the All Living Army. Wang Yong, who was in charge of protecting his safety, and several other soldiers from the Ministry of State Security also left with him.

As soon as Xiao Zhigang left, Zhu Changwu also left the venue.

Soon, in the night sky, the roar of the plane sounded.

A jet transport plane, escorted by several fighter jets, flew southwest.

What this transport plane transported was not materials, but people. It was Yang Bin, the Jindan player of Xia Kingdom, and dozens of heavily armed soldiers who were responsible for protecting him.

The whistling sound went from near to far, and soon disappeared into the night sky...

In Kunming City, the administrative building was brightly lit, and a dozen officials gathered in a large office.

"Xia Guo's government moved very quickly. They actually announced the truth one step ahead of us. This made some of our plans come to nothing."

"They should have already guessed that the descendant is Lord Long San."

"Could they have suspected us?"

"They must have suspected us. Those servers were destroyed, and they should have suspected us."

"If you doubt it, just doubt it. Even if there is no such incident, we will definitely be suspected if we are in Kunming City. It is impossible for them to trust us. What we need to do is to use our identity to make the situation here as good as possible. become confused."

"It's really abominable. Master Long San has a limited time to come. If Master Long San is given enough time, the whole world will surrender to Master Long San. Why should we hide our heads and show our tail like this?"

The dozen or so officials gathered together and discussed in a low voice. There didn't seem to be anything unusual about them. However, the expressions on their faces were fanatical, and they looked like fanatics in legends.

Time is still passing by little by little.

The time came to the early hours of July 27.

Xiao Zhi, who was lying on the bed in the bedroom, slowly opened his eyes, looking a little tired.

After lying on the bed for a few seconds, he got up with some difficulty and came to the living room of the villa.

In the living room of the villa, several soldiers from the Ministry of National Security, including Wang Yong, were on duty. Besides them, there were also several medical staff and staff.

Seeing Xiao Zhi appear, a staff member brought some hot meals to Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi was really hungry at this time, so he picked up his chopsticks and started to eat. While eating, he asked, "How is the situation outside now?"

Wang Yong sat beside Xiao Zhi and said, "I don't know what to say about the specific situation. This is an internal report. Xiao Zhi, you can take a look."

After finishing speaking, he took out his mobile phone and handed it to Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi took the phone and looked it up.

There is both good news and bad news.

The good news is that in the world of sentient beings, there are monks who are good at spells and Gu arts. After listening to the general descriptions of the players, based on their experience, they gave some countermeasures that ordinary people can use.

One is to stay away. Ordinary people are safe as long as they stay away from the area where the curse erupted without being affected by the curse.

The other is energy, energy can suppress curses, even exterminate curses, why in the world of sentient beings, at the level of innate warriors, there is a certain resistance to curses, and at the level of Taoist monks, even more so? It is possible to ignore most of the curses, because at the level of the innate warrior, one can use the true energy in the body to kill and defend the enemy, and the true energy is also a kind of energy.

In the world of sentient beings, the energy that ordinary people can use is flame, and using flame should be able to kill the little black bug that carries the curse.

In the real world, there is one more energy that ordinary people can use, and that is electricity.

After experiments, neither cutting nor shooting can destroy the layer of darkness on the pitch-black skeleton, but fire and electric shock can fade the layer of darkness on the pitch-black skeleton and restore the skeleton to its original color.

Experiments have proved that energy attacks such as fire and electricity are indeed effective, which also means that this curse event is not unsolvable.

The results of the experiment were shared with other countries in the world by the government of Xia Kingdom, and also published on the Internet, which had a calming effect and brought back the nearly collapsed social order from the edge of the cliff.

Fortunately, the time to announce the truth this time was chosen at night. The dark night greatly limited the possibility of turmoil, which gave the government a lot of buffer time.

There is no technical content in making power grids, and Xia Guo's government urgently made a batch of power grids.

Since Lu Yi came to this world, all the people who left from dangerous cities such as Kun City and entered India were searched one by one, and all of them were isolated with the power grid, which effectively prevented the curse from spreading in other countries. Local sprawl.

The bad news is that after Xiao Zhi's consciousness entered the Sumeru Realm of all beings, the curse broke out again in the real world. Those people who were parasitized by the little black bugs screamed and turned into black skeletons, and at the same time released more There are many more little black bugs, these little black bugs are flying wantonly in the night sky, parasitizing ten times more ordinary people than before.

If Xia Guo's government hadn't dispatched troops, ventured into Kunming Province, and forcibly quarantined many people who were parasitized by the black bugs, the number of people infected this time would have been many times higher.

In order to avoid this terrible curse, some people in Kunming Province tried to force their way through the checkpoints on various road sections, while others hid overnight in the remote mountains with few people.

Most of Kunming Province fell into chaos.

People in other provinces watched the updated real-time news and hid at home in fear.

Yang Bin took a military transport plane and encountered a wave of missile attacks after entering the territory of Kunming Province.

After investigation, it was found that the one who released the missile was a military base located tens of kilometers away from Kunming City. Obviously, in this military base, some people were mentally controlled by that Lu Yi with illusion.

Seeing that the transport plane was about to be shot down, at the critical moment, Yang Bin exchanged the Qingyun quadrangle formation on the transport plane, and directly deployed the Qingyun quadrangle formation. Using the powerful defensive power of the formation, he withstood this wave of missile attacks.

Immediately, the Qingyun Quadrangle Formation deployed on the transport plane collapsed after not being able to last long because of the unstable environment.

The sentient beings points on Yang Bin can only be exchanged for such a Qingyun four-in-one formation, and the remaining sentient beings points cannot be exchanged for a new Qingyun four-in-one formation.

The transport plane could only carry Yang Bin, but had no choice but to return.

Afterwards, it was found that this military base, in addition to someone being mentally controlled by Lu Yi, the base was also infested by black bugs representing curses, and this base was over.

Those dark skeletons are deceiving corpses. They are like skeleton soldiers in fantasy novels. Power, launched an indiscriminate attack on the people around.

The more people they kill, the stronger they become.

Ordinary sword and gun attacks are completely ineffective against them. Only energy attacks such as flames and electric energy can kill them.

Countless people died in this curse, some died from the parasitism of small black bugs, some died from the hacking and killing of black skeleton soldiers, some died from chaos, and some died from hunger.

The curse was firmly suppressed by Xia Guo in Kunming Province, and it was basically stopped.

Compared to Xia, the situation in India is several times worse.

Because of the inefficiency and inaction of the local government, the curse has spread to the northeastern region of India, causing the northeastern region of India to completely fall into chaos.

This time, the arrival of the enemy player Lu Yi shocked the whole world, and it was not until a week later that it gradually calmed down.

Including Xia Kingdom, India and other countries, a total of more than a dozen countries, large and small, endured this disaster. Among them, 3 small and medium-sized countries perished in this disaster.

According to incomplete statistics, Xia Kingdom lost more than 10 million people in this disaster. The originally prosperous Kunming City was turned into a dead city, not only Kunming City, but also several small and medium-sized cities. Made a dead city.

As for India, which is adjacent to Xia, the loss of population exceeded 100 million!

Other small and medium-sized countries have also lost a large number of people. The total population loss of all countries may reach 150 million!

As for the economic loss, it is even more immeasurable.

Countless players, innate warrior players measured in tens of thousands, did not die in the world of sentient beings, but died in this disaster.

Players who died in the world of sentient beings can still be resurrected, but players who died in this disaster cannot live again.

It only took less than 20 minutes for a Golden Core player to descend, causing the world to lose 150 million people. This is the horror of Golden Core monks!

There is no need for people to do it themselves, just a small curse can wipe out as many as 150 million people in this world!

Such a death toll is already comparable to the death toll of a world war.

Before this disaster has completely passed, on July 29, 2021, at 6:00 p.m., Lu Zhong, a player from the Kingdom of Xia, exchanged for a chance to descend on the hostile world, and then descended on the hostile world.

On the outskirts of Kyoto, in the area covered by the Qingyun Sihe Formation, in the headquarters building of the All Living Army, there was a large conference hall where thousands of people gathered, making the conference hall overcrowded.

This time, the people gathered here are not only officials, players, and staff from Xia Kingdom, but representatives from many countries also rushed over.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Thanks to Ji Jiangfeng for the reward.

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