This Game is Unusual

Chapter 697: Attack of the Demon Lord

The wind blew past, blowing away the drifting snowflakes.

A majestic iceberg roared across the sky, casting a huge shadow on the ground.

The oppressive feeling that made Xiao Zhi feel suffocated was emanating from this towering iceberg.

The towering iceberg suspended in the sky passed over the heads of Xiao Zhi and the two of them, flying farther and farther, and soon disappeared in the snowstorm.

Until then, the oppressive feeling disappeared.

Xiao Zhi exhaled lightly, his face became a little pale.

In the flesh and blood of his body, the Frost Knife attached to the avatar of Venerable Ji Shi also stopped throbbing at this moment.

"That was just now..." Li Pingfeng's voice trembled, his face looked paler than Xiao Zhi: "Just flew over, is that... Yaozun?"

"It's definitely the demon king." Xiao Zhi's expression was solemn, and his voice was low and low: "It is absolutely impossible for the demon king to have such a strong aura."

He himself is a monk at the peak of Jindan, or a monk at the peak of Jindan who has mastered the prototype of the domain, and he is only one catastrophe away from the Nascent Soul Realm.

As a half-step Nascent Soul Realm, no demon king can suppress him in such a manner.

No, even a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, or a monster in the early stage of Yaozun, it is impossible to have such a powerful force.

He had tried to fight many nascent soul early stage monks and many early demon monsters in the system's actual combat space before. Although he was not their opponent, they had never brought him such a strong force. pressure.

The towering iceberg that just flew past, its strength is not only the early stage of the Yaozun, at least it is the middle stage of the Yaozun, or even the late stage of the Yaozun!

In just a moment, Xiao Zhi thought of all these things.

"I also think it is a Yao Zun." Li Pingfeng's face became even paler: "What should I do, there is a Yao Zun coming, Xiao Zhi, although you are very strong, you are not the opponent of the Yao Zun!"

"Let's see." Xiao Zhi said calmly, although his face was a bit ugly.

"Xiao Zhi, you should have some backup, right? If you don't have a backup, the situation will be a bit worse." Li Pingfeng's pale face showed worry, and he asked again via voice transmission.

Just as Xiao Zhi was about to answer, his eyes shrank suddenly.

As far as he could see, hundreds of miles away, in the area where ginseng fruit trees existed, the four peak monster kings, including the water dragon and the tree monster, were fighting fiercely. Too invested, not knowing that great danger is coming.

Suddenly, hundreds of snake-like emerald green branches sprang out from the tree demon's body. These branches did not attack the water flood dragon, but wrapped around the big white bird's body like lightning.

The big white bird had just had one of its wings torn off by the water dragon, and was attacking the water dragon with wounds, when it was suddenly wrapped around its body by the tree demon with branches, its bird's head showed an obvious expression of astonishment.

Before it could react, the white jade giant's fist, which was bigger than the house, slammed into its body with a bang, sending its feathers flying and golden blood splattering.

The big white bird let out a scream that contained anger and despair.

However, just as it yelled, the water flood dragon had already swam over and bit off its slender neck.

Under the attack of the enemy and the backstab of the temporary 'teammate', this not-so-weak bird peak demon king was killed so simply and neatly.

The water flood dragon, the tree demon, and the white jade stone man cooperated extremely tacitly when they joined forces to deal with the big white bird. Obviously, this was not a temporary intention, but a premeditated plan.

When the Dryad and the Baiyushiman attacked the temporary comrade-in-arms of the big white bird, they were merciless, showing the plastic comradeship in front of Xiao Zhi and other onlookers to the fullest!

Perhaps when the big white bird had one of its wings torn off, was severely injured, and its fighting power dropped sharply, its fate was already doomed.

Because after losing that wing, it has fallen from a strong man to a weak man.

In the world of demons, the weak are not qualified to fight side by side with the strong.

If it was smarter, after losing that wing, this big white bird should have fled this battlefield without hesitation, far away from here, maybe it can survive...

The thinking speed of Jindan cultivator is extremely fast.

In an instant, Xiao Zhi thought of this.

And in the next second, that majestic iceberg had already arrived across the sky, hovering in mid-air, and the coercion was like a sea tide, sweeping in all directions.

The battlefield suddenly became quiet.

The water dragon, the tree demon, and the stone man, like the three statues, did not dare to move in place.

The tree demon's branches were trembling non-stop, while the stone man and water dragon showed humanized expressions of fear.

This is all scary.

This coercion is too terrifying.

Under the oppression of this majestic iceberg, the three peak demon kings, Shuijiao, Shuren and Shiren, performed very unbearably, each of them was trembling, worse than Xiao Zhi just now.

Just now when Xiao Zhi was passed by a towering iceberg, the overflowing air was suppressed.

And these three demon kings were facing the majestic iceberg head-on, and the pressure they endured was not comparable to the residual prestige that Xiao Zhi endured just now.

'How will this monster-level iceberg deal with these three demon kings? ’ Xiao Zhi, who still has the trump card of the Nascent Soul clone of Venerable Ji Shi in his hand, after the initial emotional fluctuations, is now in a calm mood, and even has the mind to think about this matter.

Before he could think about it, he saw the white jade man kneeling directly facing the towering iceberg floating in the sky.

When it knelt down, it made a rumbling sound, and the frost and rock splashed, causing the ground to tremble visibly. Even if it was a hundred miles away, Xiao Zhi could feel the vibration from the ground.

After the Baiyu stone man knelt down, his huge body prostrated himself on the ground, and said, "Evil Bai, I pay homage to the venerable, and I am willing to serve the venerable and be driven by the venerable!"

Its voice was as dull as thunder, even if it was hundreds of miles away, Xiao Zhi could clearly hear its voice.

‘It’s really a witty stone man, which doesn’t match its burly appearance at all. ’ Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but think to himself.

The IQs of the demon kings are not low. After Baiyushi took the lead as a role model, Shui Jiao and Shuren also expressed their surrender to this towering iceberg, expressing their willingness to serve this towering iceberg to the death, and willing to be her cows. do horses.

The towering iceberg floated quietly above the sky, and after a few seconds, it finally changed.

Under Xiao Zhi's gaze, its size began to shrink sharply. In the blink of an eye, the towering iceberg disappeared, and a beautiful woman appeared in the sky.

This woman's face is cold, her facial features are as delicate as engraved, and her skin is more than snow. Her eyes are dark blue, and there seem to be two dark blue icebergs in her eyes.

She was wearing a dark blue dress, like a tall iceberg queen, indifferently looking down at the white jade figure kneeling towards her below.

She spoke, her voice was cold, and there seemed to be wind and snow in it, with a kind of chilling power: "I don't like what you did just now, so, you go to die."

Before the words fell, this iceberg-like beautiful woman had already appeared on top of the white jade man's head, stretched out her slender hand, and pressed it on the huge head of the white jade man.

Motes of dust like ice shavings emitted from her body, and the dust spread outwards, covering the white jade figure in it.

'This blue dust that diffuses out should be a manifestation of the domain. ’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

The white jade man roared like thunder, it wanted to struggle and resist.

However, with its huge size, it seemed powerless to resist under these slender hands.

A layer of gray-white color quickly covered its whole body. When its body was completely covered by this gray-white color, the first crack appeared on its body. The cracks became bigger and bigger, and there were more and more cracks in less than a second. Over time, its body was covered with fine cracks.

With a click, the Baiyushi man collapsed completely, like a sand sculpture that was pushed down, his body collapsed into countless small pieces like gravel.

This is the majestic peak demon king, and a stone demon known for its defensive power. It only takes less than two breaths, and it will be gone if it is gone.

Xiao Zhi, who witnessed this scene, couldn't help pursing his lips, and Li Pingfeng, who was lying next to him, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Just as Bai Yushi's head was held down by the iceberg girl, the tree demon moved. It pulled out the roots that had taken root in the ground from the ground, and the branches on its body fluttered like catkins, trying to escape here.

When the tree demon fled, the water flood dragon also fled.

Its body meanders in the air, and the speed it explodes at the moment of escaping is dozens of times the speed of sound in the real world!

However, before it could escape far, a big crystal white hand stretched out from the messy ground and grabbed its body.

The dryad was also grabbed by the torso by a big crystal white hand.

"Forgive me, my lord, spare my life!" The dryad begged for mercy while waving the branches, twisting the branches, struggling violently, and uttering human words with some weird syllables.

The Bingshan girl turned a deaf ear to this, and she drifted towards the tree demon with an indifferent expression.

In the blink of an eye, the iceberg girl floated in front of the tree demon, stretched out her slender hand indifferently, and pressed it on the tree demon's branch.

From her body, light blue dust like ice chips drifted out again.

The tree demon's branches quickly became petrified and turned grayish white.

This gray-white color spread rapidly, and the tree demon's trunk, branches and leaves were rapidly being petrified. In just one breath, most of the dryad's body, which was hundreds of feet tall, was petrified.

After two breaths, the towering tree has completely turned into a motionless gray and white stone sculpture.

On the gray and white stone carving, the first crack appeared soon, and then the second and third cracks.

Within a few breaths, the gray-white stone sculpture was covered with dense cracks, and then with a click, the gray-white stone sculpture full of cracks could no longer maintain its shape, and the whole thing collapsed into countless gravel-like pieces. stone.

The Dryad was also killed by the Bingshan woman.

The death method of the dryad is surprisingly similar to that of the white jade man. The only difference may be that the strength and vitality of the dryad may be stronger than that of the white jade man. In his hand, he supported for a few more breaths.

At this time, among the three peak monster kings, the last remaining water dragon was still being held tightly by that big, crystal white hand.

No matter what Shui Jiao did, he couldn't break free from this big hand.

After the tree demon was also killed, the water dragon let out a desperate scream. It had given up resistance and kept begging.

The iceberg woman didn't look at the water dragon, she was floating in the wind and snow, turning her head, as if she was looking for something, the ice blue dress was blown by the cold wind.

After a few breaths, the iceberg woman seemed to have no weight, and her body instantly floated hundreds of feet to one side.

A green tree several feet high broke through the snow, flying towards the distance like a group of green fluff.

"Forgive me! Forgive me!" As the green tree floated into the distance, it made a strange human voice. It was the voice of the tree demon!

This dryad is not dead yet! It even left a backup for itself.

However, its luck seems to be unlucky, and the backhand left behind was discovered by the Frost Woman.

Once discovered, there is only one dead end.

In the next moment, this green tree turned into gravel and gravel, and sprinkled on the ground.

The iceberg woman stayed in the wind and snow for a moment, then floated in another direction like lightning.

Another green tree broke through the ice, and when it was discovered, it no longer begged for mercy, but screamed in a strange voice while fleeing outward.

The tree demon obviously used some kind of secret method, its screams were heard by Xiao Zhi's ears in an instant, clearly visible!

What it shouted was not in human language, but Xiao Zhi is no longer what it used to be, and he can understand the demon language, the scream of the tree demon, translated into human language: "Here is a peerless spiritual fruit! It will mature in less than an hour! The one who killed me is this monster! Shu Zu, avenge me!"

Hearing this voice, Xiao Zhi's face immediately changed, and his face was extremely ugly.

He didn't expect this damn tree demon to do this before he died!

It is estimated that the scream before dying could be heard more than a thousand miles away!

It is going to make a noise about the ginseng fruit, so that everyone knows it, and all monsters know it!

Just by its name, the All Living Army's blockade of this area is considered a white blockade.

And the tree ancestors that might exist! Damn it! Really be damned! Xiao Zhi couldn't help gnashing his teeth in his heart!

Plans can't keep up with changes.

Being disturbed by this tree demon, the situation is likely to get out of control.

The next second, the screaming dryad stopped abruptly, and its petrified body was broken into gravel, which floated to the ground.

For the first time, an expression other than indifference appeared on the ice-cold face of the frost woman.

It's an annoyed look.

Obviously, she didn't expect that the tree demon would do this before he died.

Li Pingfeng, who was lying next to Xiao Zhi, spoke to Xiao Zhi in a rather gloating tone: "This is going to be interesting, maybe there will be other Nascent Souls or Yaozun coming later, just wait and see." How will this iceberg beauty deal with it?"

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