Xiao Zhi didn't say a word.

Li Pingfeng continued the voice transmission: "Xiao Zhi, why don't you speak?"

Xiao Zhi sent a voice transmission to Li Pingfeng: "You asked me before if I had any back-up. For such an important matter, of course I have a back-up. My back-up is a Nascent Soul avatar of Venerable Ji Shi. The Nascent Soul avatar is currently hidden in my body."

Li Pingfeng was stunned for a moment, and said via voice transmission: "Her Majesty Ji Shi's Nascent Soul avatar? What is the strength of this avatar?"

Venerable Ji Shi is the master of the Shenmen Yuxu lineage, and Li Pingfeng naturally knows it.

Xiao Zhi replied via voice transmission: "National Infant Late Stage."

Li Pingfeng was stunned again, and excitedly said via voice transmission: "The avatar of the late Nascent Soul? Niubi! With this avatar of the late Nascent Soul, this ginseng fruit, Xiao Zhi, are you sure about it?"

Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and said: "It was before, but not necessarily now."

Before, even if the unexpected factor of Bingshan woman appeared, Xiao Zhi still remained calm.

Because although this iceberg woman transformed from a towering iceberg is strong, it can be seen that she made a move. Xiao Zhi visually judged that her strength should be at the mid-term level of Yaozun. The place responsible for meeting him, he should have no problem dealing with this iceberg woman.

But now it's different...

"Not necessarily now? Not now..." Li Pingfeng was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that his face became ugly: "Damn it, that demon tree really deserves to die!"

Xiao Zhi said in a deep voice: "Since the matter has already happened, we can only take one step at a time."

Both of them are Jindan monks, and they communicate through sound transmission extremely fast.

While speaking, hundreds of miles away, in the area where the ginseng fruit trees were located, the iceberg woman transformed from a towering iceberg had already floated in front of the last water dragon.

The water dragon was still being held by the big plain white hand, it was very desperate, its body was trembling non-stop.

Whether you are a human or a demon, whether you are afraid of death or not has nothing to do with strength or anything.

Although this water dragon at the peak level of the demon king is very strong, it is very afraid of death.

To Xiao's surprise, the Bingshan woman did not kill the water dragon this time.

I don't know what she communicated with the water dragon in secret, but soon, the big plain white hand extending from the ice and snow collapsed and disappeared.

Shui Jiao didn't escape this time, but obediently followed the Bingshan woman, looking very docile.

At this time, Xiao Zhi seemed to sense something, and with a thought, a sound transmission jade talisman appeared out of thin air, emitting a faint light.

From the sound transmission jade talisman, a cold voice came out: "What's the matter with that voice just now?"

It was Venerable Kui's voice that came out of the sound-transmitting jade talisman. Obviously, Venerable Kui in Jianghan City also heard the scream of the tree demon before it died, so he asked this question.

Li Pingfeng, who was lying on the side, was listening, but did not speak.

Xiao Zhi radiated his true energy, allowing the true energy to condense into a real energy restriction, isolating the inside and outside, and then said in a respectful voice: "My lord, it's like this..."

He briefly explained what happened to Venerable Kui on the side of the Sound Transmission Jade Talisman.

After listening, Venerable Kui's cold voice came from the sound transmission jade talisman: "This matter seems to be a bit troublesome, Xiao Zhi, what are you going to do? Do you need me to come?"

Xiao Zhi thought for a while and said, "My lord, I will notify you when the ginseng fruit is about to ripen, and you will come back when the time comes."


The light on the sound transmission jade talisman dissipated, and Xiao Zhi took back the storage ring.

"Xiao Zhi, that gloomy voice just now was..." Until then, Li Pingfeng asked via voice transmission.

Xiao Zhidao replied casually: "This is Venerable Kui, a Nascent Soul cultivator from Yuxu's lineage, and he treats me pretty well."

Li Pingfeng enviously said: "It's not just that you are pretty good to you. He came here in person for your sake. This is the Nascent Soul Overhaul. It seems that Xiao Zhi, you are in Shenmen Yuxu's lineage, and you are doing very well. Ah, it’s wind and water, this is it.”

Xiao Zhi shook his head, and said, "I'm only one step away from the Nascent Soul Realm. What people value is my strength."

At this time, he vaguely heard the phone ringing again.

This time, Xiao Zhi did not return to the real world to answer the phone.

Because everything that happened here was seen by him. Although there was a distance of hundreds of miles between him and the ginseng fruit tree, he relied on the state of Jindan peak and the high-level supernatural power of Dacheng level [King Kong Yao] Project], it will only see more details than those observers of the All Living Army.

Besides, even if he wants to return to the real world now, he still needs to weigh it carefully.

Because he is now in the Kun state, once his consciousness returns to the real world, the body that has lost consciousness will inevitably withdraw from the Kun state.

In this way, the markers that he spent a lot of real energy in the underground river will also disappear.

Then he had to spend a lot of real energy to recondense the markers, which was a bit too much trouble.

The faint ringing of the phone stopped after ringing for a while.

Not long after, Li Pingfeng sent a voice transmission to Xiao Zhi: "My exclusive correspondent called me, I'll go offline to have a look."

"You go, with me here, your body will be fine." Xiao Zhi replied him.

"Haha, I'm relieved to have you here, Xiao Zhi." Li Pingfeng closed his eyes as he said that.

Xiao Zhi remained silent and continued to observe the front.

After the dryad died, without the obstruction of its huge body, the ginseng fruit tree could be seen at a glance.

The iceberg woman transformed from that majestic iceberg has the same size as a normal human woman. She stood under the ginseng fruit tree with her hands behind her back, standing still, and has maintained this posture for a long time.

Not far from her, Shui Jiao coiled his body like a snake, carefully sized her up, not daring to disturb her.

A few minutes later, Li Pingfeng, who was lying beside Xiao Zhi, opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Li Pingfeng sent a voice transmission to Xiao Zhi: "Xiao Zhi, after I returned to the real world, I told the higher-ups that you are with me now, next to me."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhi casually replied, "Did the above say anything?"

Li Pingfeng said with a solemn expression: "The higher-ups asked me to tell you that something has changed in the treasure hunting mission this time. Our blockade of information related to ginseng fruit trees has expired. Next, there may be Nascent Soul monks or demons. Zun was attracted here, and the higher-ups hope that you will do what you can, if you can't do it, don't act recklessly, and give up this ginseng fruit decisively."

Xiao Zhi said via voice transmission: "Well, I know, I am more afraid of death, and I will do what I can."

Li Pingfeng smiled and said: "It's good to know, Xiao Zhi, you are the people of the whole village now, no, it should be said that you are the hope of the whole earth and people all over the world. You have more burdens than me. There are many, but you must protect your own safety, do what you can, and don't die."

Xiao Zhi also responded with a smile: "Don't worry, it's not easy for me to have the achievements I have now. I cherish my little life more than anyone else."

But he secretly said in his heart, it is precisely because I have carried too many things on my body that I have to fight, and I have to fight harder, unless I encounter that kind of death situation, otherwise, I We all have to fight.

Next, Li Pingfeng began to act as Xiao Zhi's mouthpiece, responsible for traveling to and from the real world, bringing some latest information to Xiao Zhi.

"Patriarch Qian Huan is here, and Zhao Yan's Nascent Soul Realm master Yun Cangzi is also here." Li Pingfeng once again brought new information to Xiao Zhi from the real world.

He went on to say: "They came here to fight for the ginseng fruit for sure not for you, but for their precious apprentices and grandchildren. However, if these two Nascent Soul Daxiu finally snatched the ginseng fruit, it is equivalent to you. , because the above has already communicated with Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan. Once the ginseng fruit is in their hands, they will hand over the ginseng fruit to you to help you overcome the calamity. After breaking through to Nascent Soul Realm, this ginseng fruit will only show its effect immediately if it is handed over to you."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he just hummed lightly.

Not long after, Li Pingfeng brought him new information from the real world.

What I brought here this time is not good news.

The thing about ginseng fruit, as expected, has completely spread out.

In the world of sentient beings, although there are no communication devices such as Internet mobile phones, there are sound transmission magic weapons such as sound transmission jade charms here.

Because of the existence of this kind of magic weapon, some important information spreads very quickly.

Li Pingfeng told Xiao Zhi that not only some monks in Dachang Kingdom knew about the existence of ginseng fruit, but even the monks in Xuanming Kingdom knew about the existence of ginseng fruit.

The two countries are currently facing each other near Yanshuang City on Shanhan Road, and there are several Yuanying Daxiu sitting in both countries.

Frost Cold City is not too far from here.

Not long after, Li Pingfeng opened his eyes, and said to Xiao Zhi with an ugly face: "There is news from Yanshuang City that several Nascent Soul Daxiu from Xuanming Kingdom are attracted by treasures and want to rush over by force. Dachang Kingdom's Nascent Soul Daxiu, who was stationed in Yanshuang City, came out of the city to stop them, and the two sides fought a big battle outside Shuanghan City."

"What's the result?" Xiao Zhi asked, feeling a bad feeling in his heart.

"Ma De!" Li Pingfeng couldn't help but blurted out a national curse, cursing: "These Nascent Soul monks in Dachang Kingdom are all things that can't support the wall. They just flew out of the city to stop them symbolically. See The Nascent Soul cultivators of Xuanming Kingdom are all desperate, and they just gave up, and let these Nascent Soul Daxiu of Xuanming Kingdom fly over the sky above Yanshuang City, this group of damn counselors!"

When Xiao Zhi heard this, his expression became ugly.

The situation is getting worse and worse. This is what he did not expect at all.

Xiao Zhi thought of the curse that could not be dispelled on him.

This curse originated from Fairy Miaomu, the Jindan cultivator of Xuanming Kingdom who was killed by him.

Fairy Miaomu also has a friend named Wang Jiufeng. This Wang Jiufeng is not an ordinary person, but a powerful Nascent Soul Daxiu.

Because of this curse on him, Wang Jiufeng could sense his location anytime and anywhere.

An important reason why Xiao Zhi rushed to this cold road when the ginseng fruit was ripe was that he was afraid of this Wang Jiufeng in his heart, fearing that he would sense it in advance and cause some troubles.

It is said that this Wang Jiufeng is currently active in Shanhan Road.

I don't know if he will come this time.

If he is also attracted by the rare and rare ginseng fruit this time, and he still misses me...then use me as bait and take this opportunity to kill him!

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi's eyes became dark, with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

This Wang Jiufeng is just a martial artist in the early stage of Yuanying, and his strength is at the bottom of Yuanying's major repair.

Once he summoned the Nascent Soul clone of Venerable Ji Shi, it would not be difficult to defeat Wang Jiufeng.

It is not difficult to defeat Wang Jiufeng, but it is somewhat difficult to kill him. Nascent Soul is different from Golden Core Realm. Because of the existence of this field, Nascent Soul monks have a qualitative ability to save their lives compared to Golden Core Realm Feiyue, Yuanying wants to kill Yuanying, but it is a very difficult thing.

If you want to kill Wang Jiufeng, you have to arrange it in advance, you have to take advantage of the unpreparedness and use it as bait, and you can't let him discover the clues in advance.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhi's current strength and his own various hardware are quite strong. Although he cannot be the opponent of Wang Jiufeng, the Nascent Soul Overhaul, he can hold up one or two tricks in Wang Jiufeng's hands, and he will not be killed in seconds. He believes in himself It can still be done.

Xiao Zhi thought silently in his heart.

"Xiao Zhi, what are you thinking, why do you look so preoccupied?" Li Pingfeng asked via voice transmission.

Xiao Zhi was silent for a moment, shook his head, and said, "I'm fine."

He turned his head, glanced at Li Pingfeng, and said via voice transmission: "Young Master Li, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" Li Pingfeng stared at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi said via voice transmission: "You leave here now, and those brothers who are hiding nearby, tell them to leave here as soon as possible, and it is best to stay far away."

Li Pingfeng became even more suspicious: "What did you say? Tell me to leave here? If I leave, who will bring you news from the real world?"

Xiao Zhi said impatiently: "It's no longer necessary, you should leave now."

If Wang Jiufeng still misses him now and wants to find him and kill him, if Li Pingfeng continues to stay here, he will definitely be affected.

He was confident that he could withstand a wave of attacks from Wang Jiufeng, but Li Pingfeng couldn't, he didn't have the strength.

Li Pingfeng stared at Xiao Zhi, and said via voice transmission: "Xiao Zhi, what's going on, do you have something to hide from me?"

Xiao Zhi suppressed the irritability in his heart, and said in a deep voice, "Go as soon as I tell you, as long as you know, I will never harm you. I will tell you in detail after the matter is over."

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