This Game is Unusual

Chapter 741 Deprivation

The Beichun Dao, which turned into a flying sword, swam quickly around Xiao Zhi like a small fish.

Xiao Zhi frowned slightly, the speed was not enough, just relying on his true energy to pull the Sad Spring Knife, the speed was obviously not enough.

If it's just this speed, it's not difficult for top Jindan peak monks like Long San and the others to parry, as long as they can parry, it is impossible to achieve a one-hit kill!

Gotta figure out a way to fix this.

Xiao Zhi couldn't be bothered by this problem, and after only a few seconds, Xiao Zhi found a solution.

After thinking properly, Xiao Zhi started to act.

He first turned into a Pengren form.

One point of strength is one point, and one point of faster speed is one point. Xiao is still very steady in his actions, and the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength!

After turning into a Pengren, Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, turned his head slightly and glanced at the air beside him.

The demon Li Kuo is floating here.

Under Xiao Zhi's gaze, a long sword appeared in Li Kuo's hand. The long sword changed shape rapidly, and soon turned into a slender flying sword. The flying sword had no handle, exuding a faint golden light.

"A person who is good at flying swords can control two flying swords at the same time. Isn't that too much?" Xiao Zhi muttered in a low voice. The sword-shaped Beichun Dao was caught between two fingers.

Under Xiao Zhi's subconscious order, the demon also followed suit.

"Kill!" Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, let out a low shout, and his figure leaped forward like lightning.

The ghost followed closely behind!

Xiao Zhi flew close to the ground, bursting with full speed, and the distance of more than a hundred miles was crossed in an instant. At this time, Long San and the other three were still besieging and killing Shura who was walking.

As the most powerful type of elite monsters, the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Xingdi Shura is no less powerful than the average Jindan peak monks, and even surpasses them. It is not so easy to kill .

The primary hunting target chosen by Xiao Zhi is Long San.

Among the three players in Xuan Mingguo, Long San has the strongest perception ability. In order to avoid being exposed, he must be the first to die!

Xiao Zhi dodged and came behind Long San, stretched out his right hand, and pointed the light golden 'flying sword' between his two fingers at the back of Long San's head!

shrink into an inch! Xiao Zhi unleashed his supernatural power [Shrink the ground into an inch]!

From the perspective of an onlooker, one can see that a pale golden flying sword emerged out of thin air, appeared behind Long San's head in a flash, and pierced the back of Long San's head like lightning!

A dazzling golden light suddenly lit up on Long San's body!

The golden light lasted only for a moment, then suddenly dimmed.

This light golden flying sword tore apart this layer of golden light in the blink of an eye, then pierced Long San's protective essence, pierced into the back of Long San's head, and then passed through the brain, bringing out a smear of bright red blood !

Almost at the same time, another pale golden flying sword emerged, stabbing at the back of Yu Jiu's head like lightning!

Caught off guard, Yu Jiu had no time to dodge, and was also pierced through the back of the head. The flying sword pierced through the head, bringing out a smear of pale golden blood!

It wasn't until then that Sha Wu, who had turned into a sand giant, reacted. His eyes, which were bigger than copper bells, were wide open, and an expression of horror and astonishment appeared on his face.

The flying sword appeared so abruptly that it pierced the heads of Long San and Yu Jiu in an instant!

Enemy attack!

The word 'enemy attack' had just emerged from Sha Wu's mind, when the light golden flying sword that killed Yu Jiu turned around, and the point of the sword was aimed at him!


Sha Wu almost didn't want to think about it, his body collapsed into a ball of rolling sand, and fled towards the direction of the air wall!

The light golden flying sword was chasing after him, caught up to him in the blink of an eye, and cut dozens of times in an instant!

There was a muffled scream, and the ball of yellow sand lost its vitality and fell to the ground puff puff.

At this time, the white dragon beside Long San was also pierced through the head by the flying sword, and its white jade-like body was cut into dozens of pieces!

A streak of green smoke rose from it, and before it could condense into a shape, it was torn to pieces by the whizzing flying sword.

Xiao Zhi and Yaoyao attacked together, and they used this method of sneak attack. In less than a second, they wiped out the three-player team of Xuanming Kingdom!

At this time, the only person standing on the scene was the Xingdi Shura.

Xingdi Shura stood there holding a pitch-black epee, neither running away nor trying to attack Xiao Zhi and the others, his expression seemed a little dazed.

Xiao Zhi didn't intend to let it go, this is 1000 sentient beings points, how could he let it go?

At this time, the two flying swords turned their sword heads, aiming the sword tip at the walking Shura.

Only then did Xingdi Shura react, and with a ghostly howl, he turned around and was about to flee...

In the next moment, Xingdi Shura's burly body disintegrated into black mist and disappeared into the world.

Two flying swords glowing with pale golden light whizzed away, and soon disappeared into the black mist.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, flew forward while sticking to the ground, and said, "We should have succeeded in pretending this time, right?"

Xiao Zhi is in a very good mood now. Although he failed to kill Long San and the others, it would be good to kill them once in the Xumi Realm.

The ghost in a state of nothingness floated beside Xiao Zhi, with an indifferent expression and did not answer.

"Boring." Xiao Zhi muttered. After Li Kuo, the demon, was 'copied' to the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, he only retained the most basic fighting consciousness. It's okay to use it as a tool man. It's just playing the piano to the cow.

'Unfortunately, I don't know how to control the sword. If I know how to control the sword, I can directly control the flying sword to kill the enemy. There is no need to spend so much trouble. ’ Xiao Zhi muttered again in his heart.

This time, Xiao Zhi went in another direction. While using the supernatural power of [Vajra Dazzling Eyes], he searched for traces of monsters while walking forward. Just like this, he walked all the way forward, going deep into the Sumeru Realm of all beings.

The wandering monsters were found by Xiao Zhi, then killed, and became the points of sentient beings under Xiao Zhi's name.

During this period, Xiao Zhi discovered another mountain peak, which was about eighty feet high, and this mountain peak was also shrouded in a layer of black mist.

With a distance of about a thousand feet, Xiao Zhi could not see through this layer of black mist when he used the magical power of [Vajra's Dazzling Eyes].

With the lessons learned from last time, Xiao Zhi, who is cautious by nature, did not try to approach this mountain, but looked at it from a distance for a while, then turned and left silently.

Soon, he found traces of player activity.

This is a team of three players, one man and two women. In Xiao Zhi's field of vision, all three of them were emitting a faint red glow.

The appearance of the male player looks ordinary, but his strength is very strong. He is a Nascent Soul martial artist, and the aura exuded from his body is slightly stronger than that of Xiao Zhi.

Of the two female players, one is pure and sweet, and the other is glamorous, but their strength is very average, one is a mid-stage Golden Core spiritual cultivator, and the other is a late-stage Golden Core martial artist.

The two female players at the Golden Core Realm were like two butterflies, circling around the male player at the Nascent Soul Realm, and the male player at the Nascent Soul Realm hugged left and right, enjoying themselves.

‘It’s really a bad taste to do this in such a dark place like the Sumi Realm. ’ Xiao Zhi couldn’t help complaining in his heart.

At a distance of tens of miles, he stared at the two female players for a long time before looking away.

call! Xiao Zhi exhaled, and said secretly: "It seems that the players outside the air wall are not all Nascent Soul monks, there are also Jindan monks. It can only be said that the players outside the air wall, compared to The overall strength of the players inside the air wall is much higher..."

Soon, Xiao Zhi found another team of players. There were 5 players in this team, three men and two women, all of whom were Golden Core cultivators.

This further confirms Xiao Zhi's previous speculation that there are Golden Core players outside the air wall, and there should be a lot of them.

This is also easy to understand, just like in the real world, no matter how rich a country is, it is impossible for everyone to be rich, and no matter how poor a country is, it is impossible for everyone to be poor.

Xiao Zhi, the strongest person in Xinshou Village, even if he leaves Xinshou Village and goes to the outside world, he will not be weak...

Xiao Zhi is not the kind of person who is bloodthirsty and indiscriminate. He did not rely on his strength to kill this player team, but bypassed this player team and continued to move forward.

A few hours passed like this, Xiao Zhi swung a knife, splitting a row of yakshas into a cloud of black mist, he habitually glanced around, his eyes could not help but focus, he was in the dark I saw a little gleam of light.

Xiao Zhi is already very familiar with this kind of light, it is the light that blooms when the treasure is in the world!

This means that, not too far away from him, there is a treasure in the world!

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, then his figure flickered, and he floated towards the light in the darkness.

As the distance got closer, in Xiao Zhi's field of vision, the light became brighter and brighter.

The ground trembled slightly, followed by the second, and the third, the ground began to vibrate frequently.

The rumbling sound also came from afar.

Obviously, in the place where the treasure was born, there are already players fighting for the treasure.

Xiao Zhi stopped in his tracks, and sighed inwardly with some regret.

He actually had the idea of ​​picking up leaks before, but now it seems that picking up leaks has obviously failed.

It's better to go and have a look, to see the excitement, and to gain some knowledge.

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, his figure flickered, and his nihilized body continued to float forward.

As he approached, the light became brighter and brighter, from a dark star to a dazzling bright star!

He stuck to the ground and flew forward for a while, the ground stopped shaking, and the rumbling fighting sound also disappeared.

After a few breaths of time passed, Xiao Zhi finally brought the unborn treasure into his field of vision.

This is a dazzling brilliance, a bead can be seen faintly in the brilliance, this dazzling and bright brilliance is floating beside a young man at this time.

In Xiao Zhi's field of vision, there was a faint red light on the young man's body, which represented that the young man's identity was a player.

The young man's appearance is ordinary, wearing the most ordinary commoner clothes, he looks inconspicuous, Xiao Zhi can't feel any energy fluctuations on him, as if the person he saw is just an ordinary man who is not even a warrior people.

But his inconspicuousness is just an illusion.

Because the newly born treasure floated beside him, and around him was devastated, with several broken corpses lying there.

Can a humble ordinary person defeat several competitors in this world outside the air wall, and easily get the treasure in his pocket?

Xiao Zhi stopped approaching after hundreds of miles away, maintaining the supernatural power of [Divine Hidden Art], and using the supernatural power of [Vajra Dazzling], he looked at this lifeless young man from the corner of his eye.

He acted very cautiously, this young man was undoubtedly a super master, such masters often have extremely strong perception, he didn't look directly at this young man, in order to avoid being noticed by this young man.

Xiao Zhi was already so careful, and as a result, after only a breath, the young man turned his head slightly and looked towards him.

The eyes of the two people, separated by a distance of hundreds of miles, looked at each other!

At the moment when the four eyes met, Xiao Zhi felt his whole body stiffen and his breathing stopped.

Under the stress response, a dazzling brilliance bloomed from Xiao Zhi's body, which is the radiance of the body's true vitality.

There was a light blue brilliance like water waves surging out of Xiao Zhi's body, turning into a huge ball of water, wrapping and protecting Xiao Zhi's body inside.

From Xiao Zhi's arm, the tip of a knife protruded, followed by the blade and handle, and the Beichun knife also stood up to protect the master.

About three feet away from Xiao Zhi's body, a phantom emerged, quickly solidified, and turned into the image of a young man. It was the ordinary-looking man standing a hundred miles away, without the slightest aura fluctuation. young men.

With the appearance of this figure, Xiao Zhi found that his body was frozen in place, unable to move.

But in his field of vision, a hundred miles away, that ordinary-looking young man was clearly still standing there, never moving a step!

Xiao Zhi's complexion changed drastically!

He wanted to struggle, but he was horrified to find that not only could he not move his body, the true energy in his body seemed to have disappeared, he had also lost control of his own domain, lost the relationship with the Sad Spring Knife and Cloud Stepping Boots. The connection between these spirit treasures has lost the connection with the demon.

Under the gaze of this young man, in the blink of an eye, Xiao Zhi seemed to be deprived of everything and became nothing.

Without the support of true energy, the supernatural powers such as [Divine Hidden Technique] and [Vajra Dazzling Eye] would naturally be unable to sustain.

The air fluctuated slightly, and Xiao Zhi's body emerged from the void.

Without the blessing of [King Kong Dazzling] supernatural power, Xiao Zhi's field of vision shrank sharply, and in the blink of an eye, only a few hundred feet away was left.

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