This Game is Unusual

Chapter 742 Unable to Simulate

The ordinary-looking young men were three feet away, looking at Xiao Zhi with great interest.

Xiao Zhi was stared at by him, unable to speak a word.

It's not that I don't want to say it, but I can't say it.

At this moment, a voice came from afar: "Ji Yong, it's just a spiritual treasure, it's useless to us, yet you came here from far away to fight for it yourself."

It was a man's voice, faint and ethereal.

The figure of the young man standing in front of Xiao Zhi became blurred in an instant, and then disappeared in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes.

As soon as the young man disappeared, Xiao Zhi felt that everything that was deprived before had come back.

He regained control over his body, the disappearing true energy reappeared, and the control over his own domain came back, and the connection between him and the demon, and the spirit treasures on his body, was also restored .

Everything returned, which made Xiao Zhi feel in a trance for a moment, as if what he experienced before was just a nightmare.

But his memory told him very clearly that all this was real, not a dream.

After regaining his mobility, Xiao Zhi turned around and ran away without hesitation!

He broke out with the fastest speed he could achieve, and fled frantically in the direction away from the treasure and the young man!

It's terrible, this person is really terrible, Xiao Zhi just wants to run away, as far away from him as possible, and never wants to see him again!

At this time, another voice came from afar: "Fang Shilong, haven't you come here too, and you still have the face to talk about me?"

It was also a man's voice, with a trace of helplessness in his voice.

"Hahaha, seeing you coming, I have nothing to do, so I came here too." A somewhat ethereal male voice said: "There is only one Lingbao, but we have two people, how should we distribute it?"

"How else can we distribute it?" The voice of the man called Ji Yong said helplessly: "It seems that between you and me, we can only do one game."

"Hahaha, yes, I can only do it once." The faint male voice laughed loudly: "Then accept the move! Ji Yong!"

"Stop talking nonsense, Fang Shilong, let the horse come here!"

Xiao Zhiqiang suppressed the idea of ​​turning back to watch the battle, flew close to the ground, and continued to flee forward.

That player just now is very scary, he is very strong, so strong!

Xiao Zhi is now a Nascent Soul cultivator who has surpassed the Golden Core Realm. As a result, that person just descended as a clone. Before the main body arrived, he could not move at all, and all his strength was instantly deprived. It was the first time Xiao Zhi met such a terrifying person.

The monks in the middle and late stages of the Nascent Soul might be able to overwhelm him in battle, but they absolutely cannot do this!

The peak Nascent Soul cultivator may be able to crush him in battle, but as a Nascent Soul cultivator, it is impossible for him to be so powerless in front of the Nascent Soul peak cultivator. With a little struggle, he can still do it .

The strength displayed by this person is much more terrifying than that of a monk at the peak of Nascent Soul!

In Xiao Zhi's mind, a word has already emerged: god-level player!

This player called Ji Yong is probably a god-level player!

Only a god-level player who has surpassed the Dao Realm can behave so terrifyingly, just descending on a clone, and instantly suppressed him!

The guy named Fang Shilong who appeared later should also be a god-level player. Listening to the conversation between them, the strength of these two people should be about the same.

This time, I met two god-level players.

Xiao Zhi has just experienced the horror of god-level players. He was still in a state of invisibility at such a distance, and he was careful not to look directly at the opponent. He was like this, but he was still rejected I found out, after this experience, how dare he stay to watch the battle?

The disparity in strength was so great that he didn't even have the qualifications to stay and watch the battle.

Gods fight, mortals suffer, in order to avoid being affected by Chiyu, or being liquidated after the war, Xiao Zhi felt that he had better run away as soon as possible.

Xiao Zhi flew fast, flying forward for more than 2,000 miles in one breath, and then stopped.

After sitting on the ground for a while, he cast [Vajra Dazzling] supernatural power and began to scan the surroundings, looking for prey.

In the battle between the two god-level players, it has nothing to do with him who wins and who loses. He only knows that his first priority now is to accumulate as many sentient beings points as possible, and for the side where the players from Xuanming Kingdom are located. The world prepares.

Next, Xiao Zhi buried his head in killing monsters, and there were no more unexpected things around him.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

In the black mist, Xiao Zhi went down with his saber, splitting a line of Shura into a cloud of black mist. After withdrawing the saber, Xiao Zhi looked inside himself.

True element reserves: 5%.

There are only 5% of the true energy reserves left, and the energy of the demon is almost exhausted.

This time, after he left the air wall, he went further. The remaining 5% of his true energy reserve in his body was no longer enough to support him to return to the birth point.

Forget it, at that time, we can only use the 'back to city' function of the sentient beings system.

In the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, there is the function of 'returning to the city'.

In fact, in the Sumeru world of all living beings, the function of "returning to the city" was discovered by the players very early, but after discovering this function, the players rarely used this function.

The reason is that using the 'Back to City' function requires the consumption of sentient beings points, and it needs to consume too many sentient beings points!

To return to the city once, you need to consume 10,000 sentient beings points!

With such a high consumption, not to mention those ordinary Golden Core players, even the former Xiao Zhi, and top Golden Core players like Lu Zhong and Zhao Yan who are in the first echelon of players are generally reluctant to use this kind of sentient beings system. Back to town' function.

At the end of the day, they were exhausted, and generally they could only gain about 10,000 sentient beings points. That was when they were lucky, and when they were unlucky, they could not reach 10,000 points. In this case, How could they be willing to use the 'back to city' function of the sentient beings system?

Going back to the city once, the harvest of a day of hard work is gone, which is equivalent to a day of useless work. Who is willing to do this?

But that was in the past, and it’s different now. Xiao Zhi now is a Nascent Soul who has undergone major repairs. Whether it’s the ability to search for monsters or the ability to kill monsters, compared to before, they are much higher. Yichi, the current him, in one day, kills dozens or hundreds of elite monsters of the land type, and gains tens of thousands of sentient being points, which is a routine operation.

If it weren't for the fact that the initial true energy was only 57%, Xiao Zhi would have gained a lot more sentient points after a day of hard work. It is estimated that it would be no problem to break 100,000.

With the increase in 'income', Xiao Zhi naturally has the arrogance to use the function of 'returning to the city'.

After killing another Yaksha and Rakshasa, the true energy in Xiao Zhi's body was finally almost exhausted.

Xiao Zhi stopped moving decisively, and said softly to the air: "Go back to the birth point."

A line of text emerged and appeared in front of him: 'Player, you need to consume 10,000 sentient being points to return to the birth point, and you need to be in a safe environment. Do you want to return to the birth point? '

"Return." Xiao Zhi took a deep breath and said to the air.

This is the first time he has used the 'back to city' function of the sentient beings system, and he is still somewhat nervous.

The next moment, Xiao Zhi felt an irresistible strong suction force acting on him, pulling him in a certain direction.

Xiao Zhi's vision suddenly blurred, and when his vision became clear again, he was already at the birth point.

Xiao Zhi glanced around, the birth point seemed very quiet at this time, only three Golden Core players were stationed here, Xiao Zhi's sudden appearance did not attract the attention of the three players who were in charge of stationing, because Xiao Zhi now Still in a hidden state.

Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, summoned his attribute panel with a thought.

Name: Xiao Zhi

Realm: Yuanying early stage

Affiliation: World 3091

Sentient points: 169530.

Xiao Zhi did a quick mental calculation in his heart, and a satisfied expression appeared on his face.

Today he gained a total of 74150 sentient beings points, which is not bad.

If you count the 10,000 National War Merit Points consumed by using the 'Return to City' function, then he has gained a total of 84,150 sentient beings points today.

'Enough for today, continue to work hard tomorrow! Xiao Zhi, come on, you are the best! ’ Xiao Zhi waved away the attribute panel floating in front of him with his thoughts, and after cheering himself up in his heart, he withdrew from the Sumeru Realm of All Lives.

In the world of sentient beings, it was as quiet as ever.

After Xiao Zhi stayed in the world of sentient beings for a while, with a thought, his consciousness withdrew from the world of sentient beings and returned to the real world.

In the real world, after Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, the first thing he did was to find his mobile phone, turn on the screen and check the time.

September 28, 2021 at 3:23 pm.

Time flies so fast, before you know it, more than ten hours have passed, and you haven't eaten breakfast or lunch. Thinking about it, Xiao Zhi touched his stomach and felt a little hungry up.

He eats when he is hungry. In his current state, he can eat a lot without gaining weight. Even if he lies on the bed every day, his figure will not lose shape, but his figure will become better and better. Therefore, Xiao Zhi never shy away from being greasy. , never shy away from overeating, eat as much as you can, and usually eat until your stomach becomes chubby before giving up.

In this way, his body in the real world, even if he does not eat for a day or even two days, he will not starve to death.

This time is no exception.

After Xiao Zhi opened the door and greeted him, not long after, a large table of his favorite food was prepared for him, and the aroma was overflowing!

After eating and drinking enough, Xiao Zhi lay on the sofa, hiccupping, picking his teeth with a toothpick, and thinking about something.

After sitting and digesting food for more than ten minutes, Xiao Zhi lay back on the bed, closed his eyes, and re-entered the world of sentient beings.

When he is free, Xiao Zhi generally likes to stay in the world of sentient beings, which makes him feel more secure.

After closing his eyes and thinking for a while in the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi slowly opened his eyes and summoned the actual combat space of the sentient beings system with his thoughts.

He was about to start a new round of actual combat exercises.

What kind of enemies should we set up this time?

God level!

Xiao Zhi intends to set up an opponent at the level of gods and demons to play in the actual combat space. Well, let’s choose the early stage of gods and demons. Let’s see if the enemies at the early stage of gods and demons can be like the one named Ji in Zhusheng Xumi Realm. Just like the brave players, with only one avatar, he can be suppressed so hard that he can't move.

The incident that he encountered in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives before would resurface in Xiao Zhi's mind from time to time, which meant that subconsciously, he was very concerned about this incident.

He wanted to learn more about opponents at the level of gods and demons through the actual combat space of the sentient beings system.

The current him is definitely not the opponent of those gods and demons, but it is good to know more about the gods and demons so that they don't know nothing about them.

With this in mind, Xiao Zhi began to set the enemy's cultivation realm in the actual combat space of the sentient beings system.

As soon as he started setting, Xiao Zhi frowned.

System prompt: The enemy cannot be set to the level of gods and demons. The system cannot simulate opponents of the level of gods and demons. Players, please reset the opponent's cultivation level.

It can't be simulated!

In his opinion, the system of sentient beings, which is almost omnipotent, can't simulate an opponent at the level of gods and demons for him!

Xiao Zhixin couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

It seems that the sentient beings system is not omnipotent, it also has certain limitations.

And this also reflects from the side, the horror and power of those gods and demons!

Forget it, you can't, you can't...

Xiao Zhi began to reset the opponent's strength, this time, he set the opponent's strength to the peak Yuanying level!

Supernatural powers, spiritual treasures, etc., were all fully loaded by him, and they were set as the highest match.

In fact, he didn't dare to be 100% sure. The two players he met in Zhusheng Xumi Realm today must be god-level players, and he needs to confirm it again.

After setting, the battle begins!

After the battle started, only a few seconds passed, the world in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes turned into black and white, and a line of text appeared in front of him: "Player, you are dead, do you want to start again? Resurrect and start again!" , need 100 national war meritorious service points."

"Start again." Xiao Zhi said after lying on the ground for a few seconds.

After a few seconds, the screen was 'black' again.

"Start again." After lying on the cold ground for a few seconds, Xiao Zhi said again.

do it again... do it again...

A game ended in a few seconds, and a game ended in a few seconds. After playing more than a dozen games like this, Xiao Zhi finally stopped doing it again.

At this time, he was 100% sure that the two players he met in the Sumeru World of All Lives were, without a doubt, god-level players!

He has met more than a dozen opponents at the peak level of Nascent Soul just now. With his full defense, it would take at least a few seconds, or even ten seconds, for these existences at the peak level of Nascent Soul to kill him. In a few seconds, it was impossible to kill him instantly.

But in front of that player named Ji Yong, he had no power to resist at all, and he hadn't even made a move yet. He was deprived of everything and was suppressed to death.

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