This Game is Unusual

Chapter 750: Gods and demons are all ants!

One day passed quickly, and the time came to October 3, 2021.

On this day, Xiao Zhi was in charge of Aliza from the UAE.

Just like a few days ago, Xiao Zhi took Aliza out of the air wall, chose a new direction, and started a new round of exploration towards the world outside the air wall.

In the depths of the black mist, Xiao went down with a knife, chopping a Xingyasha into a dying state, and then Aliza rushed to make up the knife, and went down with his claws, grabbing the Xingyaksha into a black ball fog.

After several hours of cooperation, the cooperation between the two has already appeared to be very tacit.

"Mr. Xiao Zhi, you are so powerful now, and I want to become a strong man like you." Aliza withdrew his claws, turned his head and growled at Xiao Zhi.

Among the top players in Xiao Zhi's world, Aliza can be regarded as an unusual one.

He abandoned his human blood, turned into a demon, and became a legendary creature 'Golden Roar', possessing all kinds of incredible abilities.

The werewolf Ares is still a human being under normal circumstances, and only when fighting, will he turn into a werewolf.

Aliza is different, he is now a monster, and the form of Golden Retriever Roar is his normal form.

Xiao Zhi glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Aliza, when you break through and become a Yaozun in the future, you will be stronger than me."

Aliza slightly raised his huge and ferocious head, stared at the darkness ahead, and growled, "I am looking forward to that day!"

After a pause, he growled: "I understand it. In this world, only Nascent Soul cultivators and Yaozun are worthy of being called strong and can decide the outcome of a battle." Ants' is actually quite correct."

Xiao Zhi just smiled when he heard this.

He remembered that when he first entered the world of sentient beings, he had heard a saying: Dao realm monks are like gods, and those below the dao realm are all ants!

Later, after he practiced hard, successfully survived the catastrophe, and became a foundation cultivator who can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, he heard another sentence, which is the sentence that Aliza just said : Nascent Soul and below are all ants!

In front of the Nascent Soul cultivator, even a cultivator at the peak of the Golden Core is vulnerable to a single blow!

Now, he is already a Nascent Soul cultivator. Looking at the entire world of sentient beings, he can be regarded as a top powerhouse, and he is already qualified to look down on these sentient beings.

But ever since he met those two god-level players in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, a thought came to Xiao Zhi's mind: below gods and demons, they are all ants!

He has become a Nascent Soul Great Cultivator, and in the world of sentient beings, he is absolutely strong, and he is qualified to look down on these sentient beings, but in front of the gods and demons, he is still just a weak wretch crawling on the ground.

There is nothing wrong with saying 'all ants below the Taoist realm', 'all ants below the Nascent Soul', 'all ants below the gods and demons'.

The only difference lies in the difference in strength rank.

If you are just a mortal, then the Foundation Establishment cultivator is like a god to you.

If you are a foundation-building cultivator, then the Nascent Soul Daxiu is no different from the legendary gods and demons to you!

Perhaps, above the gods and demons, there are existences at the level of super gods. Those gods and demons that Xiao Zhi needs to look up to may be ants in the eyes of these super gods...

"The road to being strong is long, and the road I need to walk is still very long..." Xiao Zhi muttered with emotion in his heart.

He shook his head, didn't think about it any more, took Aliza, and continued to explore the depths of the Sumeru Realm of All Beings slowly.

In the depths of the black mist, Xiao Zhi took Aliza and killed another walking Shura. Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, was flying forward close to the ground with Aliza.

At this time, Xiao Zhi vaguely felt that someone was calling him.

This is not an illusion, someone is indeed calling him.

No, to be precise, there is a demon calling him.

What was calling him was the remnant thought of Demon Lord Lanshuang.

Then he heard a cold female voice ringing in his ears: "It's almost time, the ice disaster should have passed, Xiao Zhi, we should leave here."

Xiao Zhi, who was flying forward close to the ground, stopped and frowned slightly.

He calculated the time in his mind. The ice disaster started on September 27th. As of today, a total of 6 days have passed.

Before I knew it, 6 days had passed.

According to what Lanshuang Yaozun said at that time, the duration of this ice disaster can range from a few hours to three or four days.

It has been 6 days now, logically speaking, this ice disaster should be over...

"Why did you stop?" Aliza growled, with a puzzled expression on his big furry face.

Xiao Zhi said: "In the world of sentient beings, there is something calling me."

"What?" Aliza asked, he was not a player of the Xia Kingdom, so he was not very clear about what happened to Xiao Zhi after he fell into the cold mountains.

Xiao Zhi didn't say anything.

Aliza growled again: "Then what should we do?"

Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Don't pay attention to it for now, let's continue."

This is the wilderness of the Sumeru Realm, not the birth point, not the kind of place where you can go out if you want.

'Let's take a step and see...' Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

Things in the world of sentient beings are not particularly urgent, and he should be able to delay for a while in the face of Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thoughts.

I have already waited for 6 days, so it should be no problem to wait for a few more hours, right?

Xiao Zhi took Aliza to continue to spawn monsters. In the blink of an eye, another two hours passed.

The cold voice that belonged to Lanshuang Yaozun's remnants faintly rang in Xiao Zhi's ears again: "The ice disaster is over, Xiao Zhi, we should leave here."

Xiao Zhi just pretended he didn't hear it, took Aliza, flew close to the ground, and quickly approached a wandering Rakshasa dozens of miles away.

A few minutes later, that cold female voice faintly rang in Xiao Zhi's ear again: "Xiao Zhi, are you pretending to be dead?"

A few minutes later, the cold female voice screamed: "Xiao Zhi! I know you can hear my voice, don't play dead for me!"

"Do you still want to leave this cold mountain prison?"

"Xiao Zhi!!!" The cold female voice screamed angrily, and it started a sonic bombardment in Xiao Zhi's ear!

In the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, Xiao Zhi slowed down his flying speed close to the ground, and under the bombardment of Lanshuang Yaozun Cannian's voice, his brows frowned more and more tightly.

At this time, he really wanted to yell at Lanshuang Yaozun's damned remnants: "Shut up!"

But this is the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, and it is not the same world as the world of all living beings. No matter how loud he roars, Lanshuang Yaozun can't hear him at all.

"Mr. Xiao Zhi, is that thing calling you again?" Aliza looked at his words and saw that Xiao Zhi's face became more and more unsightly, so he asked again.

"Hmm." Xiao Zhi hummed, his brows furrowed even tighter.

"Then what should we do? Just let it go like this? If you let it go like this, will Mr. Xiao Zhi encounter any danger?" Aliza growled.

"There won't be any danger for the time being." Xiao Zhi shook his head and said, "Forget about that, let's continue."

After all, he took Aliza to continue killing monsters.

The cold female voice continued to scream in his ears, making Xiao Zhi a little upset.

'Where is Li Kuo! Where did this guy die, and he didn't know to come out and say a few words for me! ’ Xiao Zhi roared in his heart.

Just as he was thinking in this way, he heard a voice say: "Lan Shuang, it's all right, Xiao Zhi is resting, don't make any more noise!"

This is the voice of the demon Li Kuo.

Li Kuo was finally willing to come out. After hearing this voice, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

"Rest? Rest is not dead. I called him for so long, but he didn't move at all. He just didn't pay attention to me! He's just pretending to be dead!" The cold female voice screamed.

"Lan Shuang, calm down! Stop barking!" Li Kuo said.

"He's pretending to be dead! He doesn't pay attention to me at all! Do you think I'm easy to bully? Do you think I'm easy to bully now that I only have a sliver of thought left?" The cold female voice screamed .

"Calm down!" Li Kuo's voice.

"Li Kuo! Don't yell in front of me! What are you? A guy who doesn't even have a domain, is he worthy of being called a monster? Also worthy of talking to me?" The cold female voice screamed.

Li Kuo's voice didn't appear again, probably because he was very angry at Lanshuang Yaozun Cannian's poisonous tongue.

Xiao Zhixin felt even more irritable inside, and his brows frowned even deeper.

In his mind, a word emerged: boudoir resentful woman!

This Lanshuang Demon Venerable is an old monster who has lived for countless years after all, why doesn't he have any city mansion? Just like a deep boudoir?

"Mr. Xiao Zhi..." Aliza growled again in a low voice.

Xiao Zhi shook his head, and when he was about to say a few words, he vaguely heard a voice saying: "Lan Shuang, please be quiet, something went wrong when I was practicing, and I almost got mad, I need a good rest Adjust it."

'This voice, why does it sound familiar...' Xiao Zhi frowned.

He who was flying forward with Aliza close to the ground, suddenly thought of something, stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, showing a horrified and inexplicable expression!

He stopped suddenly, and Aliza, who was huge, was almost thrown out.

"Mr. Xiao Zhi, what are you..." After Aliza stabilized his figure, he turned his head and asked Xiao Zhi with a low growl.

At this moment, Xiao Zhi didn't have the heart to pay attention to him, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

Just because the voice he heard just now was his own voice!

His current consciousness is in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings. In the world of all living beings, he should be unconscious, so how could he speak?

What exactly is going on? !

Xiao Zhi only felt that his mind was buzzing, and there was a momentary blankness.

Calm down, be calm!

Xiao Zhi forced himself to calm down, suppressed the mess of thoughts, and began to think calmly in his heart.

At this moment, he vaguely sensed something, and then, some enlightenment came to his mind.

It's Nascent Soul...

When his consciousness was separated from his body, it was his Nascent Soul who temporarily woke up from the inner space of his Nascent Soul, and then temporarily took control of his body.

This is his Nascent Soul, which has exactly the same memory as him, and has almost the same wisdom and self-awareness as him. In a sense, it can be regarded as a natural clone of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Normally, the Nascent Soul would sleep in the inner space of the Nascent Soul cultivator, and they would only wake up when needed.

Just now, Nascent Soul, who temporarily controlled his body, established a weak connection with his consciousness.

Through this weak connection, Xiao Zhi immediately understood what happened just now.

It turned out that it was just a false alarm... Xiao Zhi heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart.

At this time, he faintly heard the voice of Lanshuang Demon Venerable: "Demented? Xiaozhi, you, a Nascent Soul cultivator, are also insane? What kind of supernatural power are you practicing?"

After Xiao Zhi 'woke up', the cold female voice finally stopped screaming and began to speak properly.

Xiao Zhi faintly heard his own voice again: "It's not magical powers."

A cold female voice: "It's not magical powers, so what is it?"

Xiao Zhi's own voice: "It's a fairy art."

"Immortal Art? You actually practiced Immortal Art!" The cold female voice began to scream again.

"You actually know fairy art?" Xiao Zhi's own voice carried a hint of surprise.

"I don't know about fairy arts? Do you think I've lived for nothing?" The cold female voice said coldly.

‘You’ve lived for so long, and you’re still so irritable. You don’t have a city mansion at all. You’ve lived on a dog for so many years. ’ Xiao Zhi complained in his heart.

After a pause, the cold female voice asked again: "Xiaozhi, what kind of fairy art do you practice?"

Xiao Zhi's own voice: "Why should I tell you? You just made me almost lose my temper again, and I had to spend more time to calm down the karma in my heart. You have hurt me a lot, and I Why should I tell you?"

His voice was cold.

"I can make it up so well, it's fine if I go crazy, even the word 'karma' pops up..." Xiao Zhi couldn't help but praised his Nascent Soul in his heart: "Good! It's worthy of being I!"

"What is karma?" The cold female voice asked.

Xiao Zhi's own voice did not appear again.

After two minutes, the cold female voice said: "I was wrong this time, I shouldn't bother you, you should quickly quell your karma, and when you recover, we will set off immediately, to my place In the cave, we have to rush there as soon as possible, if we get there late, those two damned fellows, Yanyun and Centipede, might be guarding there again."

After saying this sentence, the cold female voice stopped speaking.

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