This Game is Unusual

Chapter 751 How to use Nascent Soul

Xiao Zhi exhaled lightly, and the expression on his face turned relaxed.

The old monster finally stopped making trouble, which gave him a certain amount of buffer time.

In the following time, Xiao Zhi continued to take Aliza to spawn monsters in the Sumeru Realm.

While taking Aliza to fight monsters, Xiao Zhi was thinking about something.

It turns out that Nascent Soul can be used in this way.

When his consciousness is not in the world of sentient beings, he can let his Nascent Soul go up temporarily, which has many advantages.

From now on, no matter whether he is in the real world or in the Sumeru Realm of living beings, he no longer needs to worry about the safety of his body in the world of living beings.

In this way, he will be able to spare more time to fight the Sumeru Realm of all beings!

He thought of Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thoughts again, and thought of what Lanshuang Yaozun said before.

The reason why Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thoughts are so anxious is that he is eager to return to his cave...

If it weren't for this, for a monster like it with almost endless lifespan, hiding here for ten days and half a month would be a routine operation, and there was no need to be so anxious at all.

Xiao Zhi guessed that there should be something in the cave of Lanshuang Yaozun that can restore its strength, at least part of it, so that it would insist on returning to its cave, even if it had The road was very dangerous, even though the demon master Yanyun and Centipede might be waiting there, they still insisted on returning to their cave.

It should feel that at this time, the Yanyun Demon Lord and Centipede Demon Lord may still be hiding somewhere, avoiding the ice disaster.

If so, it can just take the opportunity to avoid the Yanyun Demon Venerable and Centipede Demon Venerable, and enter its cave without any danger.

Think about it carefully, this possibility is still there.

For Lanshuang Yaozun's cannian, he chose to go out in about 6 days, so he should have taken some risks.

The duration of the ice disaster can range from a few hours to three or four days. It is also possible to reach 5 or 6 days, or even 7 or 8 days.

When the Yanyun Demon Lord and the Centipede Demon Lord escaped from the ice disaster, they could hide for ten days and half a month. It was safer to do so. When they came out, the outside was 100% safe and there was no danger.

They are not the Blue Frost Demon Venerable, so there is no need for them to take this risk.

Blue Frost Demon Venerable is different...

Of course, these are just Xiao Zhi's personal guesses, and he is not sure whether the real situation is like this.

About an hour later, in the black mist, Xiao Zhi went down with a knife and chopped a Xingyak into a dying state. Aliza let out a low growl, and rushed over with his claws, killing the dying yaksha. Xingdi Yasha in the dead state was caught into a cloud of black mist.

Xiao Zhi took a look at himself.

True energy reserves: 18%.

"It's almost time, we should go back." Xiao Zhi said to Aliza, he had some worries in mind today and decided to return to the birth point earlier.

"Okay, Mr. Xiao Zhi." Aliza seemed a little unsatisfied, but still nodded, and had no objection to Xiao Zhi's decision.

The day's return journey was fairly smooth. After returning to the birth point, Xiao Zhi retreated from the Sumeru Realm with a thought.

In the world of sentient beings, in that cold and narrow mountain space, Xiao Zhi slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as his consciousness returned to the world of sentient beings, Xiao Zhi's thoughts successfully connected with his Nascent Soul.

When his consciousness was still in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings before, he could only establish a weak connection with his Nascent Soul. This connection was very weak and unstable, and Xiao Zhi could only vaguely understand it. Something happened.

It's different now. After the connection of consciousness was completed, Xiao Zhi instantly understood the whole story of the matter from Yuan Ying. It felt like he had experienced the matter all over again.

These days, Xiao Zhi’s Nascent Soul has actually been asleep all the time. The reason why it wakes up is that Li Kuo, the demon at that time, was irritated by the venomous tongue of Lanshuang Yaozun, and Li Kuo used his thoughts to , trying to contact Xiao Zhi.

In the end, he failed to contact Xiao Zhi, but he woke up Xiao Zhi's sleeping Nascent Soul, which led to the scene just now.

When Xiao Zhi's consciousness broke away from the Sumeru Realm of all beings and returned to his body in the world of all beings, Xiao Zhi's Nascent Soul gave up control of his body, returned to the inner space of the Nascent Soul, and fell into a deep sleep again.

Xiao Zhi was digesting the information that his Nascent Soul had just sent, the ice lotus floating beside his ear fluttered for a bit, and floated in front of his eyes.

A delicate woman's face emerged from the stamen of the ice lotus, staring at Xiao Zhi and asking, "You recovered?"

"Hmm." Xiao Zhi hummed with a cold expression.

"Then let's go quickly, the ice disaster is over, let's go quickly." The cold female voice urged.

Xiao Zhi didn't move. He stared at the woman's face in front of him, and said in a cold voice, "The ice disaster has passed? Are you 100% sure that the ice disaster has passed?"

The icy female voice was silent for a while, and said coldly: "I have lived in this mountainous cold region for countless years and experienced countless ice disasters. I know better than you whether the ice disaster has passed."

Xiao Zhi said coldly: "How did you determine that the ice disaster has passed?"

The cold female voice said coldly: "No one can be sure of this. I rely on experience. I have lived through countless ice disasters. The accumulated experience, the accumulated experience tells me that the ice disaster lasts for a long time. The time, calculated according to the time in your human world, can be as short as a few hours, as long as three or four days, and now 6 days have passed, and the outside is already very safe."

Xiao Zhi said coldly: "There should be exceptions. Among the ice disasters you have experienced, there must have been exceptions? For example, those that lasted for 6 or 7 days, or even 7 or 8 days. That kind of ice disaster must have happened before, right?"

The delicate woman's face emerging from the ice and snow lotus stamens did not say anything, but looked at Xiao Zhi coldly.

Xiao Zhi continued: "Don't tell me no, if there were no such exceptions, you wouldn't have said something like 'Be careful, stay for ten days, and then go out, you'll be safe.'"

Seeing that Lanshuang Yaozun Cannian was still looking at him coldly without speaking, Xiao Zhi continued to say coldly: "Lanshuang, you want to risk going out while Yanyun and Centipede are still avoiding the ice disaster. Take this opportunity to go to your cave to get something very important to you, right?"

"You have already guessed it, what else can I say?" The cold female voice said.

‘Sure’s exactly what I thought. ’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

Then I heard the icy female voice say: "I have also experienced the kind of ice disaster that lasted for 6 or 7 days that you mentioned, but the possibility of encountering this kind of ice disaster is very small."

"How unlikely is it?" Xiao Zhi asked.

"Out of a hundred times, you may not meet once." The cold female voice said.

"That's less than one percent probability..." Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

He asked again: "Lan Shuang, you insist on returning to your cave. There should be something very important to you in that cave, right? Can you tell me, that What is it?"

The cold female voice said: "You will know when the time comes."

"You mean you don't want to tell me?" Xiao Zhi said coldly, "I risked my life to take you back to your cave, but you refused to tell me anything. It's really chilling."

The delicate woman's face emerging from the ice and snow lotus stamens still looked at Xiao Zhi coldly, without speaking.

Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, and said: "I promised you before that I would take you to your cave, and what I promised will definitely come true. You have done me kindness, and this is repayment. After arriving at the place, I will leave, you and I owe nothing, and we will never see each other again."

"Let's go." After saying these words coldly, Xiao Zhi summoned his Beichun Dao, and began to break ground with the Beichun Dao in his hand.

His speed of digging the soil was very slow, he didn't use the real energy in his body, and he was digging the soil entirely with his powerful physical strength.

A few seconds later, a cold female voice sounded behind him: "You know nothing about the dangers in the Cold Mountain Prison, once you leave me, let alone leave the Cold Mountain Prison, you want to be in the Cold Mountain Prison." It’s very difficult to survive.”

Xiao Zhi just pretended he didn't hear it, and continued to wave the Beichun knife in his hand, breaking through the hard frozen ground in front of him.

He dug holes very slowly, almost at the same speed as a person walking. Every time he dug a distance of about 10 feet, he would stop and rest for a few seconds, and close his eyes for a while.

Xiao Zhi stopped, of course he wasn't really resting. With his current Nascent Soul-level physical fitness, even if he could move his hands as fast as an electric fan for a few days, he would be fine.

The reason why he did this is naturally his reason.

Every time he stopped, he seemed to be resting with his eyes closed. In fact, his consciousness returned to reality, and then his consciousness re-entered the world of sentient beings.

He is using this method to confirm whether his current environment is considered safe.

If it is safe, his consciousness can go back and forth between the real world and the world of sentient beings smoothly.

If there is danger, his consciousness will not be able to return to the real world.

This way is simple and effective.

He is not strong enough to confirm whether the ice disaster has passed. Not to mention that there is only one remnant left now, even if it is a complete body, the Lanshuang Demon Venerable has no way to determine whether the ice disaster has passed. wait.

They can't confirm whether the ice disaster has passed, but the sentient beings system can!

As long as he was able to return to the real world smoothly during his digging, it meant that his current environment was relatively safe, and the ice disaster should have passed.

This was an idea that Xiao Zhi came up with when he brought Aliza to fight monsters in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings.

If it wasn't because of this idea, with Xiao Zhi's calm and cautious temperament, it would be impossible to take the risk to go out at this time.

After all, he is now the whole village, no, it should be said that he is the hope of the whole world. His life and death are of great importance, and he cannot take even the slightest risk.

Lanshuang Yaozun said that such a long-lasting ice disaster is a low-probability event, and it may not happen once in a hundred times, but what if he is unlucky and happens to happen this time?

You know, before the world of sentient beings appeared, when he used to play games, his luck was not very good.

As long as it has anything to do with probability, he is the unlucky one. Things like winning a lottery have never happened to him.

His previous experience made him very sensitive to that kind of probabilistic event, and he was not confident in his own luck, and then developed into a situation where he never easily tried that kind of probabilistic event.

What's more, he couldn't be sure that the less than 1% probability that Lanshuang Yaozun said was true.

Maybe there is water in it? The real probability may be within 1%, or even within one-tenth? It's hard to say, after all, he is not an aborigine in this cold mountain domain, and what he heard are all the one-sided words of Lanshuang Yaozun...

Xiao Zhi went out to dig the soil without saying a word, and Li Kuo, the demon, didn't make a sound. For a while, he could only hear the faint sound of Xiao Zhi wielding the sad spring knife to dig the soil.

The atmosphere suddenly became silent.

This situation lasted for about a few minutes. Behind Xiao Zhi, there was a breeze, and a snow lotus spun and floated to Xiao Zhi's side.

"The reason why I insist on going to my cave is because I stored a body I refined there. As long as I can find that body, I can recover some strength. In the cold prison, at least you can have some self-protection power." The cold female voice rang in Xiao Zhi's ear.

"As expected..." Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

He guessed right again.

While digging the ground with a knife, Xiao Zhi asked, "That lair of yours has probably been turned upside down by the two guys, Yanyun Demon Lord and Wusha Demon Lord. Are you sure that the body you refined Still there?"

The cold female voice said: "You also know that my body is an iceberg. The body that I spent thousands of years refining looks like an ordinary piece of ice. Even if they find it, they may not be able to recognize it. come out."

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and then said: "The body you refined, Yanyun and Centipede, do you know it exists?"

The cold female voice fell silent.

Xiao Zhi's heart sank, and he said, "They know about this?"

The cold female voice said: "They only know that I have refined a body. As for what the body I refined looks like and where I put it, they don't know."

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