This Game is Unusual

Chapter 757 This is a lunatic

Looking at the door, Xiao Zhi suddenly felt that it was necessary to install a lock on it.

There are also windows that need to be strengthened. The aluminum alloy frame is not strong enough. It would be better to replace it with titanium alloy. It is best to replace the glass with a special bulletproof glass with extremely high hardness.

I can mention this to Liu Yi at that time. In terms of his current importance, the All Living Army should meet his small requirements.

Ever since he was attacked by the staff of the villa area, Xiao Zhi has no sense of security in the real world. Whenever he sees a stranger approaching him, he will feel that this person acts suspiciously and is here to assassinate him...

It's more or less a bit frightening.

The door of the bedroom of the villa was gently opened, and a staff member in the uniform of the villa area carefully pushed a dining car in. There were steaming hot meals on the dining car, among which was a braised meal. Meat.

Xiao Zhi glanced at the staff member and found that this person looked familiar. He was a staff member who had delivered meals to him before, so he couldn't help but relax a little.

"Let's put the food here." Xiao Zhi pointed to the coffee table in front of the sofa.

The staff member followed the instructions and brought the food and drinks to the tea table that Xiao Zhi pointed out, and then pushed the dining cart, and carefully exited Xiao Zhi's bedroom.

He had to be cautious, because in front of Xiao Zhi's room, there are now a dozen fully armed soldiers on duty, all of which are staring at him with piercing eyes.

After the staff member pushed the dining car away, the door of Xiao Zhi's room was gently closed again by a young man dressed as an officer.

Xiao Zhi, who had been lying on the bed for a whole day without a single grain of rice, was also very hungry at this time, picked up his chopsticks, and started eating with his rice bowl, wolfing it down.

When he was halfway through eating, a thought suddenly popped up in Xiao Zhixin, if someone poisoned his food, wouldn't he...

Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi widened his eyes slightly, seeing that there was only a small half of the food left in front of him, and his chewing movement slowly stopped.

But soon, he shook his head and smiled, and continued to eat and drink.

He had eaten so much, if someone had really poisoned the food, it would be too late for him to find out now.

Besides, this is the Dachangyuan villa area, which is one of the strongest defensive places in the entire Xia Kingdom. It is incredible that an assassin appears here. If the food here can be poisoned, That Brilliant Great Xia Kingdom is really a joke.

After eating and drinking enough, Xiao Zhi's mood was much better than before.

After resting on the soft sofa for a while, he picked up his mobile phone and began to write the report:

'Today, I am in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, taking Aliza to fight monsters. In the world of all living beings, the blue frost demon master's remnant thoughts began to call me...'

'I found a way to use Nascent Soul...'

"The ice disaster has passed, and I will go to its cave with Lanshuang Yaozun's remnants..."

'It turns out that its cave is actually a different space! This is a bit different from what I imagined, I sent a clone to explore this cave...'

'It turns out that the Yanyun Demon Venerable and the Centipede Demon Venerable are both hiding in that different space. My previous judgment was completely wrong. With Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thoughts, they evacuated together. '

'In this mountainous cold domain, I discovered another extreme area, which is called the ice domain, which is more terrifying than the extremely cold area. After I approached the extremely cold area, I can still see it with [King Kong Dazzling Eyes]. This kind of ice soul domain, even if it is close at hand, I can't see it, but I can see it with Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thought. Its strength is obviously so weak. It can see it, but it doesn't know how it sees it. '

'I dug a hole on an iceberg, and then hid in the mountain to rest. The ice disaster that just passed told me that the depth of the iceberg is a relatively safe place to rest. Resting here can avoid these things. For most of the dangers in the Mountain Cold Absolute Territory, the premise is that the hole dug must be well hidden and sufficiently concealed. '

"I have reached an agreement with Lanshuang Yaozun's Cannian. It will take me to find the spirit stones. As long as it helps me find enough spirit stones, I will help him deal with Yanyun Yaozun and Centipede Demon." Lord, Lanshuang Yaozun seems to be very anxious. As soon as the agreement was reached, it urged me to set off with him. It will take me to find the spirit stone now. It said that it saw it with its own eyes decades ago. A Nascent Soul cultivator was trapped in an extreme area. Some time ago, it passed by that area again and found that the Nascent Soul cultivator was dead. The body had already been frozen into an ice sculpture. , maybe there will be the spirit stone I want, I reasoned that I need to take a break, and then I took the time to return to the real world. In the next day or two, I may not be able to return to the real world, and I will not be able to enter the life. The boundary has been broken, but if this trip goes well, I will get the spirit stone, and the true energy in my body will become full again, which will be beneficial for the next "cutting the general" action..."

After finishing the report, Xiao Zhi clicked send and sent the report to Liu Yi of the All Living Army and his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji.

After sending the report, Xiao Zhi put the phone aside, lay down on the sofa, closed his eyes and meditated.

He was waiting, waiting for the results of the investigation.

If it hadn't happened before, after he finished his meal and finished his report, he probably wouldn't have stayed in the real world for too long. At this time, he might have followed Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant thoughts and set off to find the spirit stone. up.

How is it like now...

Before the results of the investigation came out, and before the absolute safety in the real world could not be confirmed, he would not dare to joke about his own life...

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the outside had gradually become quiet. Xiao Zhi picked up his phone and checked the time.

At 11:29 p.m. on October 3, 2021, half an hour later, it will be midnight.

Xiao Zhi picked up his phone and sent Liu Yi a message via WeChat: "How is the investigation going?"

no reply.

Xiao Zhi waited for a few more minutes, picked up his cell phone, and dialed Liu Yi's number.

After the phone rang a few times, it was connected. From the phone, Liu Yi's steady voice came out: "It's me, Liu Yi."

"Director Liu, how is the investigation going?" Xiao Zhi was not polite, and asked straight to the point.

"The investigation is still underway. In half an hour at most, the preliminary investigation results will come out. Xiao Zhi, please wait patiently." Liu Yi's voice.

"Okay. Then I'll wait." Xiao Zhi said.

For half an hour, he could still afford to wait.

Xiao Zhi picked up his mobile phone and started checking the news.

In the news reports, there is still nothing good. The turmoil around the world is intensifying, various extremist religions are prevalent, and all kinds of remarks about destroying the world are rampant. The government of some small countries has been overthrown, and the social order has completely collapsed. Burning, killing, looting, etc. Things like this are happening everywhere. In the whole world, only big countries such as Xia and Jia can maintain the operation of the country, so that the domestic order will not be chaotic and collapsed.

Among them, the social order of Xia Kingdom was the best.

But even so, I was still assassinated... Thinking of this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but feel a little haze in his heart, and his face became ugly.

Soon, Xiao Zhi's expression returned to normal, and he continued to browse the news with his mobile phone.

During the period, the staff member who delivered the food came over and took away the tableware used by Xiao Zhi. During the period, he faintly heard a cold female voice calling him. sound.

After Xiao Zhi heard the voice, he didn't pay attention to it, because, before his consciousness returned to the real world, he had told his Nascent Soul that if Lanshuang Yaozun's remnant yelling was too loud, his Nascent Soul would temporarily lose consciousness. Take charge of his body in the world of sentient beings and settle this matter for him.

To his surprise, the cold female voice just called him a few times, but when there was no response, she fell silent and did not continue to 'harass' him.

Half an hour passed quickly.

Sitting on the sofa, Xiao Zhi, who had been waiting for a long time, was not waiting for a call from Liu Yi, but a visit from Liu Yi in person.

Liu Yi sat on the sofa beside Xiao Zhi. Xiao Zhi had seen Wang Hong and Du Sheng who came with him before.

"Sorry, the investigation will take some time, so I'm late." After sitting down, Liu Yi smiled apologetically at Xiao Zhi.

"It's okay." Xiao Zhi shook his head, expressing that it's okay.

Wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, Du Sheng took a few steps forward, walked up to Xiao Zhi, took out a tablet from his briefcase, and gently placed it on the coffee table in front of Xiao Zhi : "Mr. Xiao Zhi, this is information about the assassin."

Xiao Zhi looked at the tablet, and there was a photo displayed on the tablet, which was the half-length photo of the staff member who assassinated him. with a smile.

Xiao Zhi swiped the screen, and the file information about this man was presented in front of him.

Qian Xiaofei, male, Xia nationality, was born in Li'an City, Kunming Province in 1985, graduated from Nansong University in Shashi City in 2002, and joined the company in 2005...


Xiao Zhi quickly found the point, and his eyes fell on the word 'Kun Province'.

He remembered that Kun Province experienced a catastrophe a few months ago, and many people died. The person who caused this catastrophe was Lu Yi, a player from the Xuanming Kingdom who came to the real world, that is, Long San!

This Qian Xiaofei was born in Kunming, the 'Dragon San' Lu Yi, like Lu Zhong, is good at illusion.

It's mind control!

The word "mind control" suddenly appeared in Xiao Zhi's mind, and he thought, why were they so careless when selecting staff for the All Beings Army? The controlled 'inner ghost' didn't know how to take precautions, and even selected staff from Kunming to enter Dachang Garden. This Qian Xiaofei is probably a mind-controlled 'inner ghost'!

He continued to scroll down, and after flipping through a few pages, he realized that his thinking was wrong, and the situation was not what he thought.

Judging from Qian Xiaofei's itinerary in recent months, although he was only transferred to work in Dachang Garden in the past month, before he was transferred to Dachang Garden, he had been working in the urban area of ​​Kyoto and had never left the boundaries of Kyoto City. , and never returned to Queensland.

This ruled out the possibility that he was mind controlled.

He is a normal person, not the kind of inner ghost whose mind is controlled by the spirit.

Xiao Zhi swipe the screen with his hands and continue to scroll down. Soon, he finished reading the report.

This Qian Xiaofei is not an inner ghost whose mind has been controlled, he is an extremist.

Born in Kunming, he has not been working in Beijing for a long time, less than 2 years. The consumption level in Kyoto is very high. His parents, wife and children did not come to Beijing with him, but in Kunming, Kunming Just bought a house, and the whole family lives in Kunming.

In the catastrophe a few months ago, many people died in Kunming Province, and Kunming City was the hardest hit area, and the number of people who died was countless!

And Qian Xiaofei's parents, wife and children died in this catastrophe, and there was no survivor!

The death of his parents, wife and children dealt a great blow to Qian Xiaofei. Qian Xiaofei seemed normal, but in fact, his thoughts had gradually gone to extremes.

The Army of All Lives checked his mobile phone, computer, notepad, etc., and found a lot of extreme remarks. He missed his family very much, and then hated and loathed the current world. He felt that people in this world are all Damn it! Especially Xiao Zhi, the world's top players, should die!

Today's news and media promote top players like Xiao Zhi as saviors.

Savior? He can't even save his parents, wife and children, so he deserves to be called a savior? When his parents, wife and children died tragically, what about these so-called saviors? Where are they again?

Damn them all!

Especially Xiao Zhi, the so-called number one player, should die!

Because of the death of his parents, wife and children, Qian Xiaofei, whose thoughts became extreme, started his "revenge" plan.

He first tried every means to sneak into Dachangyuan and became an ordinary staff member in the villa area of ​​Dachangyuan. Then he began to approach Xiao Zhi in a planned way. Finally, today, he found an opportunity and brazenly launched a suicidal assassination on Xiao Zhi!

After reading the investigation report in front of him, Xiao Zhi fell silent for a long time.

This is a madman! A lunatic who is full of thoughts of revenge on society!

And he, Xiao Zhi, was shot while lying down, and was targeted by such a lunatic.

Although he was assassinated by this lunatic, for some reason, after reading this report, Xiao Zhi couldn't hate this lunatic.

This is also a poor man...

Liu Yi, who was sitting on the sofa next to Xiao Zhi, said at this time: "Xiao Zhi, there was such a big mistake this time that put you in danger. This is our negligence in work. I'm really sorry. To be honest, when the news of your assassination reached my ears, I was really frightened, and I broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, you are fine, otherwise, I don’t know what to do Just do it."

Thank you for the rewards from the big guys who are passing by me and the wind, the more you watch, the more addicted you become, Gone_fly, and the hard work in the world.

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