This Game is Unusual

Chapter 758: Ice Lake

"Group Leader Liu, thank you for your concern, I'm fine." Xiao Zhi was silent for a while, then shook his head.

Liu Yi said solemnly: "Xiao Zhi, don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen again in the future!"

Xiao Zhi nodded, indicating that he understood.

After chatting for a few more words, Xiao Zhi asked: "This person assassinated me, really just to take revenge on the society. Behind him, is there really no mastermind?"

Wang Hong, who was standing beside Liu Yi, took a step forward and said: "The temporary investigation results are as follows. The time is short and we haven't had time to do a detailed investigation. Time to inform Mr. Xiao Zhi of you."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi nodded, indicating that he understood.

After chatting for a while, Liu Yi hurried away with someone.

Xiao Zhi lay on the sofa in the bedroom for a while, feeling a little depressed, pushed the door and walked out of the room.

It was already the early hours of October 4, 2021. Outside Xiao Zhi's room, the lights were still brightly lit, and soldiers on duty could be seen everywhere. Just outside Xiao Zhi's room door alone, there were more than a dozen armed soldiers Soldier.

Seeing Xiao Zhi walk out, the soldiers on duty all turned to look at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi also looked at them, and all he saw were unfamiliar faces, none of them familiar.

"Salute!" A young man dressed as a military officer put his legs together and saluted Xiao Zhi in a beautiful military salute. The soldiers also saluted Xiao Zhi in unison.

Xiao Zhi nodded calmly, then glanced around again, and said, "Wang Yong and the others? It's been so long, why haven't they come back yet?"

The young officer walked quickly to Xiao Zhi's side and said in a low voice, "Mr. Xiao Zhi, it was Wang Yong's dereliction of duty that put you in danger. They have been taken away for investigation, and I will replace Wang Yong in the future. Your security work."

Xiao Zhi frowned, and said: "Wang Yong and the others have been following me for a long time, this time I was in danger, it has nothing to do with them, let them come back."

Ever since he was assassinated by that strange staff member, Xiao Zhi always felt a little uneasy when facing strange faces, but the familiar faces before made him feel more at ease.

Although Wang Yong's team of national security soldiers didn't protect him well, they were relatively reliable after following him for so long, at least they wouldn't do him any harm.

If Wang Yong's team of national security soldiers had any ill intentions towards him, there were many opportunities to attack him before, and he would have died long ago.

The young officer hesitated for a moment when he heard the words, and said, "But, this is above..."

Xiao Zhi said with a strong tone: "You tell the higher-ups that this is my idea."

Seeing Xiao Zhi's tough attitude, the young officer had no choice but to say: "Okay, I will report your words, Mr. Xiao Zhi, to the higher-ups."

The young officer walked aside, picked up the walkie-talkie, and began to report.

Xiao Zhi took a look at him, then returned to the room, lay down on the sofa again, closed his eyes and meditated, and after finishing dealing with the affairs in the real world, he will consciously enter the world of sentient beings, and follow the instructions of Lanshuang Yaozun. That remnant, went to look for the spirit stone.

It has to be said that as a Nascent Soul player and the only Nascent Soul player in the world, what Xiao Zhi said still carries a lot of weight. After only 20 minutes, Major Wang Yong led his men Soldiers from the Ministry of National Security returned to Xiao Zhi's villa, and completed the garrison handover with Major Cao Yang, whom Xiao Zhi had just met.

Xiao Zhi's door was knocked lightly, and a voice sounded outside the door: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, it's me, Wang Yong."

"Come in." Xiao Zhi said.

The door was gently pushed open, and Wang Yong walked in with a few soldiers.

Wang Yong's expression looked haggard, he lowered his head slightly and said, "Mr. Xiao Zhi, I..."

The soldiers who walked in with him also lowered their heads, not daring to look at Xiao Zhi.

The assassination of that lunatic that Xiao Zhi encountered before was indeed their negligence. If they had been more careful and searched the lunatic with metal detectors and the like, the lunatic with a scalpel in his arms probably He had to be caught on the spot, so how could he have the chance to stab Xiao Zhi with a scalpel?

What Xiao Zhi didn't know was that this small assassination that he experienced was unknown to the public outside, but it touched the hearts of many important people in this world! Many big figures have expressed concern about this.

Because his existence is so important to this world that there is no room for loss!

Including Mr. Yang, the commander of the All Living Army, the real big shots in Xia Kingdom met urgently. Their meeting caused a silent earthquake in the entire Dachangyuan villa area, and the lunatic Qian Xiaofei was recruited. The official in charge who entered the Dachangyuan villa area was dismissed for review. Under him, a large number of officials and staff were implicated. They all needed to be suspended for investigation, and then more personnel were implicated.

Even the minister of the Ministry of National Security was almost dismissed during this incident, and was severely reprimanded by those real big shots. As soon as this fiery minister returned to the headquarters office of the Ministry of National Security, The table was turned over on the spot, and amidst his roar, another large number of people from the Ministry of State Security system were suspended for investigation.

As the main person in charge of this incident, Wang Yong and other soldiers from the Ministry of National Security would naturally not be able to please him. If Xiao Zhi insisted on letting Wang Yong and the others come back to continue to protect his safety, Wang Yong and other soldiers from the Ministry of National Security would not be able to do so after being reviewed. , I guess I have to take off this uniform and be sent home...

Xiao Zhi stood up and said softly, "I'll have to enter the world of sentient beings later. My life is safe, so I'm counting on you."

Hearing this, Wang Yong suddenly raised his head, put his legs together with a slap, and saluted Xiao Zhi with a standard military salute. His eyes were reddish and he roared: "I promise to complete the task!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!" Several soldiers from the Ministry of State Security who walked in with Wang Yong also roared in unison.

Wang Yong said with red eyes: "Mr. Xiao Zhi, please rest assured that something like today will never happen again. If there is a second time, I, Wang Yong, will die here!"

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi couldn't help being a little moved.

This is the real world! Wang Yong actually said that he would kill himself here...

However, it can also be seen from this that Wang Yong is ready to go all out. This is a military order he made in front of Xiao Zhi!

Soon, Wang Yong retreated from Xiao Zhi's bedroom with several soldiers from the Ministry of State Security.

Staring at the backs of Wang Yong and the others when they left, Xiao Zhi finally felt a sense of peace of mind.

"Forget it, don't mention the 'anti-theft door' and 'anti-theft window' to Liu Yi for now, let's see Wang Yong and his performance first..." Xiao Zhi muttered in his heart.

Not long after Wang Yong and the others left, Xiao Zhi lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and entered the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, he slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, he was in a mountain space, the space was not big, only a few feet in radius, but compared to the mountain space he stayed in when he escaped from the ice disaster before, it was much more spacious, at least no longer. It looks crowded.

"Xiao Zhi, you finally woke up. You are a Nascent Soul cultivator after all, but you have to fall into a deep sleep from time to time. Could it be some kind of illness?" Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, and the cold female voice echoed in front of him. It rang in my ears.

'You have the disease! ’ Xiao Zhi glanced at it, thought to himself, he turned his head to look at the void beside him, and said, "Brother Li, it's been hard work for you, you should come."

"Okay." Li Kuo's figure emerged from the void and agreed.

Soon, Li Kuo rushed out of a huge iceberg with the remnants of Xiao Zhi and Lanshuang Yaozun, and then circled around this huge iceberg under the guidance of the aborigine Lanshuang Yaozun. After half a circle, it flew towards another iceberg.

Icebergs were crossed one after another. Xiao Zhi, who was lying on the ground, looked around, and all he saw were the same big blue icebergs. It’s all this kind of iceberg, how can you remember the way so clearly?”

The cold female voice said: "If you, like me, have lived in this cold mountain prison for so long, you can remember it so clearly."

Xiao Zhi seemed to be casually saying: "Isn't this far from the edge of the Mountain Cold Territory?"

The cold female voice said: "It's not very far, only a few thousand miles..."

Speaking of this, the cold female voice stopped abruptly, screaming: "Xiao Zhi! You are lying to me!"

Xiao Zhi said: "I'm just curious, why are you so nervous? So what if it's only a few thousand miles away? Without your guidance, even if it's only a few dozen miles away, I can't get out!"

The icy female voice snorted and said, "For you are self-aware!"

After chatting for a few words, Xiao Zhi continued to lie down and fly to watch the scenery. With Lanshuang Yaozun, the local snake in the cold mountain domain, leading the way, most of the dangers in the cold mountain domain can be avoided. When lying down and flying, I still feel very at ease, and I don't have that feeling of walking on thin ice and trembling with fear.

Before I knew it, several hours passed.

During the period, Xiao Zhi, who was lying on the ground, tried to return his consciousness to the real world, but failed. He tried to enter the Sumeru Realm of all living beings with his consciousness, but it still failed.

He tried to consciously enter the actual combat space of the sentient beings system, but it still failed.

However, this is also expected. Xiao Zhi only made these attempts when he was lying down and flying, unable to do anything and having a lot of free time.

Time passed, and a few more hours passed. After staring at the ice lotus next to him for a while, Xiao Zhi said, "Lan Shuang, I remember that your body is an iceberg, right?"

"You remember correctly." The cold female voice said: "What do you want to say?"

Xiao Zhi said: "I'm just a little curious, Bingshan, is there a male and female?"

The cold female voice said: "No."

Xiao Zhi said: "Since there is no distinction between male and female, why is the human form you manifested, Lan Shuang, a woman?"

The cold female voice said: "I think this image is more suitable for me, so I transformed into this."

Xiao Zhi: "That means, Lan Shuang, your human image can be changed?"

The cold female voice said: "Okay, do you want me to show you the changes?"

Xiao Zhi looked forward to it and said, "Okay, then you can change one for me."

"Okay." The ice and snow lotus floating beside Xiao Zhi, the delicate woman's face that appeared in the stamen, began to change drastically. A few seconds later, a handsome man's face appeared on Xiao Zhi's face. in front of him.

After changing his face, Lanshuang Yaozun even changed his voice, from the cold female voice before to a rather feminine male voice: "This human image is also my favorite human image. I used it before. It's been a long time, it's been in the last few hundred years, and it has changed a new face, do you like this?"

"Uh... Lan Shuang, you should change back to the previous image..." Xiao Zhi said.

Being next to a beautiful face, he could barely accept it, but being so close to a man's face, to be honest, he really couldn't accept it.

Under Xiao Zhi's strong request, that handsome man's face changed drastically again, and turned into that delicate woman's face again.

A few more hours passed in the blink of an eye.

At the foot of an iceberg, a deep hole was dug out. Xiao Zhi and his party took a rest in this deep hole.

Xiao Zhi took out the demon king-level dried fish from the storage ring, used [whale swallowing power], chewed it, and supplemented his physical strength.

When the demon Li Kuo acts, he also needs to consume a lot of energy, and the energy consumed by the demon Li Kuo comes from the energy of Xiao Zhi's physical body. Therefore, after pushing the demon Li Kuo to the front, Xiao Zhi eats The frequency has increased significantly compared to before.

After eating, Xiao Zhi took the time to return to the real world consciously.

In the real world, after opening his eyes, the first thing Xiao Zhi did was pick up his phone and check the time.

October 4, 2021 at 10:36 am.

Xiao Zhi got up from the bed, picked up his mobile phone, called Wang Yong to 'order food', and walked to the bathroom.

In the real world, he also has to find time to eat, to fill his stomach first, otherwise, if he does not return to the real world in two or three days, those few life-support equipment will probably have to be arranged for him again. up...

This time, Xiao Zhi didn't spend more than 10 minutes in the real world, including going to the bathroom and eating, which can be described as extremely fast.

After eating, Xiao Zhi lay back on the bed, closed his eyes, and re-entered the world of sentient beings.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

On the day of October 5, 2021, under the guidance of Lan Shuang Yao Zun Cannian, the demon Li Kuo, with Xiao Zhi, finally arrived at the destination of this trip - the extreme area mentioned by Lan Shuang Yao Zun .

It is a lake that exists between several icebergs.

The lake is not too big, only about a thousand feet long and wide. The water in the lake has now completely frozen into ice, showing a faint blue color.

Even without using the [Vajra Dazzling] supernatural power, Xiao Zhi looked at the icy lake from a distance, and through the thick layer of ice, he could still see that something was frozen in the icy lake.

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